i haz given awayz 5 humble bunldez now i haz 40 gamez contributed.
That would make the bundle problem even worse
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if u completely ignore how i said to counter (which seems popular) it then yes.
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I think they meant 5 different bundles, which wouldn't be countered by your solution.
I see what you're trying to offer up, and although your heart is in the right place, not all acts of generosity are equal. Allowing people to giveaway more valuable games plays to a key psychological trigger. Often times, its not enough to merely be generous or do the right thing. A lot of times, people need to know that someone will see them do such things.
Its not simply an internet phenomenon either. People joke about comparing your e-peens, but its really a basic part of living in a society. Its the same reason hybrids that look like normal versions of cars don't sell as well as hybrids that look like hybrids.
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I honestly think the CV system works incredibly well. There's more incentive to give away expensive AAA games or at least non-bundled games that are worth more than $1. Sure, there are people only giving away to earn more CV, but that's just it. They're giving games away.
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Even if they changed the system to reward number of giveaways, or number of unique giveaways, there would be people who would do it only for rewards, and there would be people protesting that all giveaways, and not only unique, should be rewarded, and so on...
... and we already voted, and vast majority decided CV should stay. So yeah, I agree. It works as it is.
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Yes i think you hit the nail on the head. The younger generations growing up on the internet seem to alsothinkthat generousness should be rewarded when in reality being generous/doing something good for someone means not expecting anything in return.
I imagine Christmas in some peoples houses to be like this. there is a mystery Gift under the tree with no ones name on it. after all presents are opened and everyone has had their turn then everyone takes a turn giving a list of how much money they spent and the total of amount of their generosity. The winner then receives the mystery gift as a reward. the next year this process is done away with and no one gets any good gifts since their is no incentive to do so.
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That's a good way to say it. Thank God I'm not one of them. xD
Really, giving things is like a hobby to me. I usually forget I have CV because with what I have, the only things I can't enter are ones with a high req of 1k or something. I just give to give. Plus, it's fun to make excuse to make giveaways :D
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There isn't really such a thing as being truly selfless. Everyone gets something out of it, even if its just a warm, fuzzy feeling. Humans are inherently and fundamentally selfish creatures, but sometimes we cooperate to ensure our own success.
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No. I giveaway games because I am generous, and I honestly don't care about CV. But what some people do is that they create giveaways just for CV, so they will have higher chances of winning items. But if this system is put into place a lot of people will stop contributing. It's a pretty good system, but Steam Gifts has had CV for a long time and many people including me, are very used to CV. But this system might create confusion.
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No. I giveaway games because I am generous, and I honestly don't care about CV. But what some people do is that they create giveaways just for CV, so they will have higher chances of winning items. But if this system is put into place a lot of people will stop contributing. It's a pretty good system, but Steam Gifts has had CV for a long time and many people including me, are very used to CV. But this system might create confusion. But even is this system goes into place, I won't get Angry. I have better stuff to get Angry abour.
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57 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ratz0
Why not just remove CV and replace it with # OF giveaways. so instead of saying someone has to of contributed XXX in CV it would be someone has contributed XXX number of GA.
This way there would be no difference in what an item is worth, only the fact that you are being generous enough to give something away. After all this site is about giving not about seeing who can give the most in potential worth, which i think skews things quite a bit.
another example would be instead of making the lowest CV required 0.01cents it would simply be 1GA contributed. cause if you do one GA it is going to be at least 1 cent worth since free items are labeled as abused/exploited would still be just that.
It just seems less complicated and would cause less complaining about CV and give people credit for items that they paid something for but for whatever reason they are on bundle list or whatever. all items would be on a level playing field and no one item would be "better" than another.
i know i know no one is gonna want to do this and everyone is gonna disagree but i just wanted to try.
EDIT. in response to a few things
people would just spam cheap items to raise GA #. this can be prevented by only counting 1 of these items per cettain amount of time or forever. which is the same as right now where if you give an item once it counts and after that it isnt as valauble to CV
people wouldnt be as generous. this raises the question of why people are even here to begin with, if you are here to be genuinly generous then why should you care about having it tabulated and tracked. if thats what you are here for then you arent being generous at all your being selfish and only giving stuff away to raise you CV and feel good about it and brag. thats the samething as donating to charity only to brag about it and not really caring what the actual point of it is.
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