Is it basically the third one but with Superpowers?
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I loved the third one and played it 83 hours - with Saints Row 4 i just finished the story and then let it be (29 hours) - Well I need to add, that i got problems with my gamekey and a bad keystore.
I would recommend you to play the third part if you didn't already ;)
And yes - it's like the third but with superpowers (and as a result - if you played SR3 a lot then you will get tired of the IV soon) That's because they used the same city for it - Nothing/Few new to explore for me :/
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Yeah, I've played the first - it is one of my favourite games. I was wondering about how different SR4 was because I have the Sandbox+ mod on SR3 so I can get Superpowers on there...
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In the end, SR4 is pretty much an extended DLC of SR3.
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Totally agree.
I loved Saints Row: The Third to bits and was soooo excited for the new one, I got it as a gift to myself on my birthday. D:
First couple of hours were fun, especially with the super powers. Then it got boring quite fast after that...
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If you liked SR3, you'll most likely like SR4 as well. It's for the most part the same game, only now you have kick-ass super powers. I had a blast with it. 90 something hours logged so far, and probably going to start another playthrough soon.
Also, Kieth Motherfucking David.
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I liked how SRTT was so polished and perfect.
SR IV was good, and very polished, '2013' graphics and presentation style.
Having 80hours spent in Steelport, can't say for sure that I like IV more, since I'd rather fight rival gangs than aliens...
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Cant stand all these people who say its like a dlc for sr:tt
Yes, maybe superpowers is too much for a saints row game but if you look back every next saints row sequel is wackier than the one before it. The game is nothing like a dlc for sr:tt. Its a different experience. The only con is that they used the same city for both games but i wonder why people dont complain about sr2 since it also used the same city from sr1. Tbh i never saw a dlc that can last more than 20 hours before and its funny to see how people still keep complaining and just dont move on. Also its fun to mess around with superpowers with a friend! Its a sandbox game after all.
Edit: i sense incoming "you are an idiot" comments
Excuse my english ;)
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Nope, SRIV is no DLC. But, if the multiplayer worked, I would consider SR2 the best one.
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If anyone is interested, I have a key for it that came with my new card that I'm looking to trade. Add me to talk more.
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I think I shall. Once I can. The Zero Punctuation review of it was very.. insightful.
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If you haven't played SR:TT then I would recommend to play from it first. SR:IV has lots of references to previous games, mainly SR:TT.
Also calling this a "DLC" for SR:TT is just ignorant...the length of game makes it enough as a full-fledged game. Although it seems shorter than SR:TT. If you are completionist then you maybe can clock more hours completing all activities in Gold rank.
Personally I still find SR:IV is lacking in some part, I do miss driving in this game but collecting all data caches and missions always forced me to jump across the city. The story also kind of weak comparing to previous games. It's still fun experience nonetheless.
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Frankly, I hate this fucking game. While I get what they were going for with it, they took a good over-the-top "gangsta" style series and turned it (with 4) into this annoying, collect all this shit, Crackdown/Prototype clone. The story has its share of laughs in the 3 hours I put into it before saying screw this, but turning this into a science fiction clusterfuck was a mistake. I'm so glad I got it on the cheap. Once your character gets built up, cars become useless, (I dont want to spoil it), and the world itself is a waste of time because of the story.
Ugh. A total disappointment in virtually every respect.
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Personally I love the game and would happily preorder it at full price again right now, but it'd largely depend on what you're looking for. It has the same city and type of gameplay as SR3, but the atmosphere and super powers make it markedly different, so it doesn't just feel like SR3 all over again. If you're invested in the SR history/characters more than the open world gang warfare/driving criteria then you'll likely enjoy it a lot more than most of the naysayers, since the game is basically a giant nostalgia trip that has no designs on being anything other than a parody of itself (and many other things). Overall it's an incredibly fun game to play, but might not be if you're going into it with fixed expectations.
The only thing I'd point out as a potential issue is that some people have had issues with running the game smoothly, so you should be forewarned.
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Yeah it's great game. Just finished it fully today.
It's great that they incorporated radio even when you're not in a car, because throughout my campaign I rarely used a car since I got all these superpowers to travel quickly.
I do like the humour in some of the cutscenes and that you can make love to any of your homies when they're on the ship.
However since it start as a gang related game, I feel like there has been a lack of that in Saints Row 4.
But overall you should get it!
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