Instructions for getting keys from List 1
If you're just curious to see if you pass the filter but don't intend to get any of the keys do the following:
Explanation of the SGTool filter:
To pass List 1 filter (old filter), you need to have sent more than 80 games, and your overall giveways real value should consist of up to 55% group, at least 10% public, and at least 20% region unlocked (ROW). Your Real CV Ratio should be 1.25 or better. In addition, you must have activated all games won, must not have multiple wins in the last 2 years, and must never have been trade banned by Steam. Note that the filter is for an L10 giveaway of a 1P bundled game. I fully expect it to end without entries, and will likely recreate it again next month.
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Instructions for getting keys from List 2
Note: This is practically identical to the List 1 instructions, except for the links and explanation about the filter.
If you're just curious to see if you pass the filter but don't intend to get any of the keys do the following:
Explanation of the SGTool filter:
To pass List 2 filter (new filter), you need to have sent more than 130 games, and your overall giveways real value should consist of up to 45% group, at least 15% public, at least 40% region unlocked (ROW), and at least 20% invite only (forum GAs). Your Real CV Ratio should be 1.45 or better. In addition, you must have activated all games won, must not have multiple wins in the last 2 years, and must never have been trade banned by Steam. Note that the filter is for an L10 giveaway of a 1P bundled game. I fully expect it to end without entries, and will likely recreate it again next month.
Note: I may hand out some wild card invite to List 2 occasionally (e.g. num_sent in 170..172 && num_won in 144..146 && level>=6.93 && level<=6.97), the user needs to have number of sent, won and level that fall between the specified ranges. When I create such invites I tell the intended user about it, so no need to ask or check if you pass this filter.
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Instructions for getting keys from List 3
To apply for an invite, do the following:
For example, searching for "yirg site:
" (without the quotes) returns a page where I posted in one of Tzell's key drops threads.
Note that the post must be unmodified and its date must be earlier than today (i.e. 31/7/2016 or earlier).
If you pass I'll send you an invite to a Steam Group and a group GA where the keys are listed.
Important: Make sure to add a comment in this thread if you take a key (or try to, and it is already used). Getting the link and not leaving any comment will get you blacklisted and kicked from the group.
Good luck!
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Instructions for getting keys from List 4
Note: One game per user. To ask for another game, play the first game and write a short review of it. Repeat for additional games.
If you pass I'll temporarily add you to a Steam Group (named "Plan B") where I'll post the key. You'll need to activate it, after which I'll remove you from the group. The reason I'm adding to a group and not as a friend is because it provides better tracking, and we've already established that I'm a sucker for archiving ;-)
Good luck!
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Instructions for getting keys from List 5
If you pass I'll temporarily add you to a temporary Steam Group where I'll post the key. You'll need to activate it, after which I'll remove you from the group. For the reason why I'm using a temporary group and not a friend invite, see above post.
Note: One game per user; first-come, first-served. To ask for another game, play the first game and write a short review of it. Repeat for additional games.
Good luck!
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Instructions for getting keys from List 6
Go over lists 1-3 and 5 and look for a game that you want and that you know you've entered many giveaways for in the past. You can request a key if you meet the following criteria:
To check how many entries you have for a game, go to your Giveaways Entered page and search for the game. You'll see the number of entries at the bottom (e.g. "of 120 results"). If you request a key you will need to submit this page as an HTML file (more below)
To check your total number of entries, go to the Users page and search for your user.
If you pass, do the following to request the key:
If you pass I'll temporarily add you to a Steam Group (named "Plan B") where I'll post the key. You'll need to activate it, then remove yourself from the group.
Good luck!
Note: At this stage this list is limited for the first 10 requests. I'll probably fine tune the criteria before removing this limit.
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Nicely done yirg
couldnt pass the wild card one
I tested the rest and I could pass
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Thanks for checking.
The wild card link only leads to List 2, which you already have access to (I forgot to add a link for the regular filter for this list, but it's there now). Anyway, I just deactivated the wild card link, since the last invitee already passed. It's now set to "level==0&&real_sent_cv>10". Good luck anyone trying to pass this one ;-)
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Rebooted List 1 with a slightly modified rule and new keys.
In other words, slightly easier on real cv ratio, slightly tougher on minimum number of games given and percentage of group giveaways.
As always, don't forget to add a comment or risk being blacklisted (and thereby missing on the keys that will be added to this list later on). 22 users from previous iterations received the link, stayed silent and will sadly have no access to this one...
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I tried Iron Madness from List 1, but it seems that it was taken already. Then I tried Base Squad 49, and I was the first, so I got it. :)
Is it okay to take multiple keys as long as we report them as taken? Or is that frowned upon?
Also, I've found that I'm in the strange situation where I pass level 3 but fail level 2, because I haven't made enough invite only giveaways, I suspect. :)
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As I answered to a similar question in the previous thread, there are no hard rules about the number of games to take. It's nice to not be too greedy. But here's a fun challenge that would for sure make it ok to take more: Play enough of a game you took so that you can write a mini-review about it (e.g. at least a paragraph), then take a key for another game.
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I helped myself to Dogfight in list 3, Thank you very much :)
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Got Candy Blast and Chip from List 1. Thankyou to all who donate to this thread - we love you!
<3 <3 <3
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Here's some mooarrr;
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And if anyone ever wondered why do I bother with archiving used keys, here's a very good reason.
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Any preference as to what list to add the keys to?
I'm actually thinking of adding yet another list (seriously), where everyone who is not a rule breaker can ask for a single key and the key will be provided on a first-asked-first-served basis. Thoughts?
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The other 4 lists are for contributors only. I think it would be nice to have a list that's open to all, assuming we're dealing with actual people here who can write a comment and have no history of rule breaking.
Maybe add a limit related to minimum number of comments or date registered to reduce the chance of requests from alt accounts?
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yeah the alternate accounts is what I was worried about...I think minimum number of comments would be nice
It shows some appreceation for forum activity even if you dont or cant give anything
and I dont think anyone would spam bumps to get a key for woodle tree adventures xD
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22 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Georgeous
16,714 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by steveywonder75
10 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Akylen
56 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by TheRealDG
47,320 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Cyppher
86 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Cromwell
116 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Bohemius
1,235 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by Ringenburger
4 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by AiKirika
4 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by gus09
2 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Lugum
992 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Codric
454 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by gus09
8,489 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Mayanaise
I'd rather not start this thread with a warning, but some otherwise-good users managed to miss it when it was further below, so let's get it over with first...
I DON'T WANT TO BLACKLIST ANYONE, so please, please read this note:
The most important requirement in this thread: Do not forget to say which key you took (or tried to, and it was already used). Getting the link to a list of keys and not leaving any comment WILL get you blacklisted.
This thread is a revamped and extended successor of a previous thread with a similar concept. It inherits the same keys, adds many more, and also adds a couple of new ways to get games. I'm also moving the detailed instructions for each option into a separate comment, to make the OP a little bit more manageable. Just click the instructions link to get to the relevant comment with the details you need.
Bypass option: If you gave more than you won (in Real CV), activated all your wins, and aren't on my blacklist, just ask for any game below (from any list) and I'll send it to you via a temporary group on Steam. One game per user; first-come, first-served.
For proper record keeping, already used keys are listed in the archive :-)
If you don't pass the filters don't be too disappointed. There are additional threads for free keys - the ninja thread, and the old wishlisted games thread.
Many of the keys below are contributions from awesome SG users: yoshirules, Wolfedood (aka KonOkami), WallaceSuka, hazelmeade, mahermen, cbones109, PeteOzzy, knaunko, KTS, Baxinger, Espoah, TheRealRws, DeltaBladeX, Veigascia, Samusx, Tynon1221 and Reforced. Thank you! [Update: No more contributions needed at this stage]
Special thank you to Sighery for helping to RaChart the lists! This is a highly recommended solution to see which games you already own.
Good luck!
List 1 keys (instructions)
List 2 keys (instructions)
List 3 keys
Adorables - NLLTI-?????-?????
Avencast: Rise of the Mage - H5A5W-?????-?????
Big Space Mess - DY80Y-?????-?????
CortexGear: AngryDroids - Y3AV0-?????-?????
Crazy Cars - GHAV4-?????-?????
Deadbreed - 407KB-?????-?????
Egypt the Prophecy - 2MIVG-?????-?????
Fort Defense - 0R6I5-?????-?????
Grave Prosperity - 2NY8M-?????-?????
Guardians of Victoria - PGLLA-?????-?????
Heaven Island Life - BCD67-?????-?????
Heaven Island VR MMO - PRW4I-?????-?????
Hit Tank PRO - 5XLWF-?????-?????
Iron Storm - L9BCV-?????-?????
Jdm Tuner Racing - 2Y66H-?????-?????
Journey To The Center Of The Earth - ADXXQ-?????-?????
Masked Shooter 2 - YNV2L-?????-?????
Merchants of Kaidan - A7D9H-?????-?????
Nostradamus - AI3BK-?????-?????
Overcast - BEG6Q-?????-?????
Particula - 53CEW-?????-?????
Phoenix Force - GI3PB-?????-?????
Racer 8 - MDJ8I-?????-?????
Royal Defense - 0V52F-?????-?????
Rubber and Lead - KCLEK-?????-?????
SAMOLIOTIK - BH6D4-?????-?????
Spooky Heroes - 2VR8V-?????-?????
Squarelands - 8K2K4-?????-?????
Stop Online - JEGV7-?????-?????
Supraball - 4B2P6-?????-?????
The Deer - 5MQQN-?????-?????
The Next Door - DBCFQ-?????-?????
The Orb Chamber - ZY5XK-?????-?????
Timore Inferno - 28WCN-?????-?????
Unknown Battle - MPZZL-?????-?????
Weapons Genius - 45AEL-?????-?????
Wishmaster - ZQ5FB-?????-?????
Woodle Tree Adventure - 3VXIF-?????-?????
X-Blades - 64WAZ-?????-?????
Zeus Quest Remastered - 2N488-?????-?????
List 4 keys
Just read the instructions :-)
List 5 keys
Beast Blaster - IQ6W0-?????-?????
Crystal Of Time - H79KK-?????-?????
Deadbreed - 3932J-?????-?????
Endorlight - NGTKM-?????-?????
Galactic Hitman - XG0JL-?????-?????
Gorky 17 - DITB6-?????-?????
Grave Prosperity Redux - 9CCKC-?????-?????
Heaven Island Life - QEFPE-?????-?????
Heaven Island VR MMO - 8ZXDJ-?????-?????
Hot Lead - D58F4-?????-?????
Initia: Elemental Arena - 7AR9X-?????-?????
Jdm Tuner Racing - KZB8W-?????-?????
Journey To The Center Of The Earth - PZW8P-?????-?????
Knightshift: - Y6DND-?????-?????
Masked Shooter 2 - XRBIR-?????-?????
Masked Shooters 2 - LR0LA-?????-?????
Outdrive - XGMLB-?????-?????
Overcast Walden And The Werewolf - L6C4C-?????-?????
Particula - XVN7K-?????-?????
The Deer - Q4PZM-?????-?????
The Next Door - KTX49-?????-?????
Unknown Battle - 9NKT2-?????-?????
Weapons Genuis - PDPJ0-?????-?????
Wishmaster - VM29Z-?????-?????
Woodle Tree Adventures - KVDKE-?????-?????
Yellow Artifact - 0C067-?????-?????
List 6 keys
Just like List 4, you need to read some instructions :-)
Old thread name: "Another approach for giving ungiftable games "
Previous title: 6 ways to get ungiftable games [144 games, 251 free keys left]
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