When I play TF2 it freezes when I move my mouse
So I got a new mouse and installed the drivers for it and everything went fine. Though when ever I play team fortress 2 I get sound and video stutter only when i move my mouse. I searched google a bit and it talked something about changing the polling rate to fix it but I don't know how. Anyways i'm using a R.A.T 3, some help would be appreciated. Can't play my fav game because when ever i move the mouse the game stutters and loops the sound and the video freezes along with it but when I stop moving it it goes back to normal and when I just walk around everything is fine.

12 years ago*

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I'd say it's something more with Team Fortress.. Did you try re-installing it? You probably have the specifications to run the game without the stutter you mention, right? Team Fortress 2 isn't too demanding as far as I remember.

Does it do this with any other game?

12 years ago

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Well I tried playing mass effect 2 and it does the same thing. I read somewhere because the polling rate is to high or something. On the box of the mouse it says it's set to 1000Hz

12 years ago

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but i'm unsure how to change it and I looked at a video on how to change it but it failed and i had to uninstall the driver with my spare mouse and then reinstall the driver for my new mouse and it started working again.

12 years ago

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This is probably more than something like that, have you changed video card settings? Update them if needed, if that doesn't work delete your TF2 file and reinstall. If you haven't done that in a while it'll fragment and who knows what so besure to do that

12 years ago

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yea everything is update already and i defragmented my hdd last week so it shouldn't be too bad.

12 years ago

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You know what, I get that "stuttering" too, wheres there's a slight freeze or pause with your mouse. Where 1/100 clicks don't register and turning is not smooth. I think it may have to do something with your mouse settings and mouse pad, try lowering the polling rate.

12 years ago

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How do i lower it though all i see is settings for changing the dpi with the software that came with the mouse.

12 years ago

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I tried doing this way like in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_507016&feature=iv&src_vid=10MdqHg_U_E&v=BIGLyNWEYds

But instead of increaseing i was lowering it but when i restarted the computer the mouse wouldn't move.

12 years ago

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Well i fixed the issue, was pissing me off. Anyways i set it to 250 and now there's no problems what so ever.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by RAIN7.