It was on sale on steam for less than a dollar. Like 80 cents. 12 copies of that would thus be max 12 dollars. Getting 120$ contrib value back for that? Exploiting the system.
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They would have to add every game thats 90% off if they did that...
Also,its not spam.
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Unfortunately not too lazy to create this whiny thread though...
The vast majority of the games being gifted here have been bought at a reduced price and most probably at 75% off. So this games is 90% off, who cares?
As long as the site has a contributor system, (most) users will be more concerned about raising their contributor value than to give away games that are the most desired by the userbase. On the positive side the amount of giveaways is higher this way.
I bought the game myself, it's decent.
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My giveaway page was flooded with Indie Game: The Movie.
Is that to spam, bundle games aren't spam also...
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I do not share the idea of giving away tons of them (Or Perimeter, or Hauling USA or Rome, or whatever game happens to be at 90% off) but it's still an effort people have to make to give those away (even if it's with the intention of contribution whoring)
Secondly bundle games do not work that way.
And third you complain too much for having only gifted free games and bundle games. Just saying.
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Actually SG is a democracy (all should have equal chance) and I can show my opinion after all...
Also, you cannot blame me for not being able to donate AAA games or anything... After all, I have not even bought anything for myself on the Winter Sale, too (up to this point)
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Uh I don't think democracy works that way. SG is nowhere near a democracy. I'd say it's more an absolute monarchy (Where we all serve cg. All hail our lord cg!)
And I do not blame you for not having given anything away and I wouldn't ever do that. What I blame you for is complaining for something you are also doing, hypocrisy they call it.
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That would work if I had given away Ignite... I am talking about diminishing value of repeating games that are 90% off, for example, because people get around 150$ from several copies... Read it carefully first.
Why do you always have to hate on people before reading their thread?
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Actually I've been talking about even bigger "abuse" of the system. Check this out:
So basically for 1$ you can get 20$ contributor value.
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Uh? I do not hate on everybody. And I read every thread carefully before commenting.
Do I really sound like hating?
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You just seemed like you were blaming me for not giving away Skyrim, Hitman:Absolution, or Borderlands 2 (examples for AAA games of course), but it's OK... There is no need to continue this dispute because it is CHRISTMAS! Merry Christmas to you, sir.
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I was not complaining at all.
I only stated that I do not share the idea of giving multiple copies of a 90% off game only to boost contributors value.
And yeah, I must admit Rome is a MARVELLOUS game, it's the one I've enjoyed the most of the TW series.
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i agree, abusing the sale like that is a bit immoral, but well within the confines of the rules - i even bought it myself just for the x-mas achievement :P and i got to say i enjoy it, hooked up my old logitech gamepad and just blasted down the streets
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From another thread:](
It is flawed but it's the best system we can get now. Try to make a system that is good enough but that also isn't flawed without making crazy rules that nobody would understand.
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This is just absolute nonsense. Sales happen, get over it, there are more games to enter and if you think it's "spam" then just get a browser addon and ignore the games. Don't come on steamgift forum complaining people are being terrible by giving away games they have paid for.
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No, it is actually not a retard request because people try to boost their contributor value with Ignite rather than give it away to the community... The thing that incited me to make the thread was a person who had only ignite giveaways (about 30 copies if I am correct), which made his contributor value around 300
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Why are you so jealous? Buy 30 copies yourself and give it away or simply buy the game from Steam Store for cheap price and filter your games and you won't see the spam again. It's easy as 1 2 3.
"rather than give it away to the community"
Well where do you think they're giving to?
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If you don't want to see it get the SteamGifts addon and filter it out...also, not spam and its not even a bad game...
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K, I can understand your frustrations but people are getting a game out of this and supporting an indie developer which I also highly approve of...
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You think 10 for 1 deserves the bundle list cause 50 for 1 is on the list,too?
But yeah there are some ppl out there that really spam the site with those giveaways to get their contributor max and we wont see a giveaway from them after the 2k mark probably,still they had to pay at least a little bit.
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... FFS. Close the damn thread now then if you want to end the topic! It's the big red button in the top right.
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With pricing errors like Gamersgate's Bethesda collection for $28 then those games should get added, because it was more than 90% off. People bought multiple copies.... Oh wait people actually want those games? That is OK then. Why keep people from games they want? Seriously this topics only seem to pop up when crappy or so-so games are on sell. If triple A titles were on sell 90% off most of the same people wouldn't complain.
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You're being a bit hypocritical.
Ignite costs 0.99€ and it's a great game, I've joined all the giveaways and I had no luck yet so I'm looking forward to more Ignite giveaways.
You gave away Dota 2 (free), Ravaged (free) and Bundle Games (considering that those cost 1€ all together let's value each of them at 0.20€). Ignite costs more than the games you gave away.
I mean , are you really complaining about people giving away a great game because it costs 1€? You gave away free games from Alienware Arena... Are you serious?
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And this is why I wish that contributor value was never implemented. Now instead of making giveaways "just because", people try to "play the system" to pad their contributions, and everyone else goes on five witch hunts a day in the forums. You all sound like a bunch of whiny kids. So few of you are grateful that people are creating giveaways, no matter what they are.
And then people like me get caught in the crossfire. Look at my profile, its mostly bundle games. But you will notice that I do not give away all the games from each bundle. It's because I give away the extra keys in bundles I buy, because I already own those games. But now people use that to accuse me of somehow being lesser than everyone else, because I give away so many bundle games. I'm not doing it to pad a silly contributor value, I'm doing it because I have games I don't want to play, and I want other people to enjoy them. But I am always accused of the former.
And you know what, the people who win my bundle games seem pretty damn happy about it, so why the hell do you all care so much? Let people give them away, and let the people who enter be happy about it.
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Who cares about other people's contributor value? Just be happy that they want to give you the chance to win a game. For free.
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42 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Kyog
I think that Ignite should be added to the list of bundle games, so that only the first giveaway counts towards your contributor value... I see a lot of exploiting around this game. For example, one person had increased his value by an amount of ~120$ with 12 copies of Ignite, which is kind of...absurd?
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