Good. You're in too.
Last part means that while you can give away games at any time, if you win anything, you have 14 days to make another giveaway.
And I'm not sure as sent/win ration matters much. If you're level 4, it means you've already given quite a bit.
Continue giving in the group and everything should be fine.
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I learnt English with RPGs :3 I remember I was playing Fallout 3 with a dictionary, after that found F2. Game was fantastic but game was so outdated for me and it was very hard :/
im intrested too!
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I understand but if you haven't found "a good one that you like to play", what are you going to give away?
There are phenomenal RPGs of all kinds on Steam. Filter the shop by review rate and you'll get (almost) the best.
If you're looking for recommendations, have a look at RPG Gamers Unite. It's a good public RPG group, though not very active.
I honestly don't this my new group is what you need.
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I enjoy RPGs :) While my steam doesn't really show this (I've played bits of all sorts), the first games I really enjoyed playing, were Mass Effect (1) and Borderlands on a borrowed XBox 360 :)
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I usually aren't interested in joining private giveaway groups, but since I love RPG's I'd actually like to join this one if there's still a free spot.
Can you elaborate, that is be a bit more specific on which games would be allowed. For example would roguelikes be cool? Would shooters with RPG elements such as Borderlands and Mercenary Kings be allowed?
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Well, that's true. I only bought Neptunia and FF8 recently but have really clocked most of my RPG time outside Steam. (Dragon Age on Origin, Guildwars 2 and BDO). Hope to change that soon though. I would understand if you still want to pass though.
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I'd be interested in joining too as a big fan of RPGs (currently 70 hours into Dragon Age Origins). Whilst I've got a reasonably large library with a fair amount of RPGs (and also a number in GOG too) I'm always interested in discovering more and quite happy to throw in some GAs as required.
Sent me an invite if you think I'd be an asset to the group
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Thanks, invite accepted. Will wait until the group fills up and post my first GA then (next Sunday evening at the latest)
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I would like to join :) Terraria is my most played game on steam 400+ hours. I've been busy lately so I haven't been able to continue dark souls 3 or hyper light drifter and since someone recently sold me a really cool expensive killing floor 2 skin for just a dollar, I've been taking advantage of that to play a bit of KF2.
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No worries, you're in too. Like I said, my definition of an RPG is pretty loose and have many RPGs in your library, even if you haven't played them yet is good enough for me.
Heck, I've got Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma, Pillars of Eternity and many others I haven't played yet.
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I am definitely interested, I love RPGs. Can I get an invite please? One of my favorite RPGs on Steam is Fallout 4 with 55 hrs on record, hoping to at least double that with all the DLC coming out.
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Since Lengray said you have 288 hours in Grim Down, I'd like to ask you a question. I assume that you have beaten the game several times during that playtime because there's no way a single playthrough would require that much. Is the game really that fun to replay, considering the world is always the same, that is it doesn't have randomly generated maps? Or maybe a better question would be, what exactly gives this game replayability?
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GD has lots of flexibility in character building, simple as that. The opponents and the world don't offer that much content, but you can experiment a lot. And you have to consider that I played during the Early Access stage too. So that added even more to the experimental part, beyond the fun of combining 2 classes.
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No, the reason why I barely touched PoE is that only 1 friend played it. And not very regularly.
I don't know why you'd want GD less then before, because of my comment. 288h obviously tells you that you can be entertained for a long time. And ARPGs never convince you to do multiple playthroughs because their world is so exciting. You experiment and you grind. And GD does both very well. :)
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Hi all,
Since RPGs is my favourite game genre, I thought it would be a good idea to set up a steam group where only RPGs would be given away. That way, there's a much higher chance those games will be actually played by the winners and not simply gather digital dust.
I don't want this group to get too large so I'll cap it at 50 members for now.
There's also a discussion section with plenty of active members.
Rules to join:
Once you're in the group:
Steam group link
Hope you'll help me make it happen!
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