Matter of your own opinion isn't it? What kinda of money do you have and want to spend?
It has certainly got exclusives, but if you already played Mario Kart/Super Smash dozens of times on previous Nintendo consoles, i would say it's really just more of the same, and gets boring fast, are they even games you are interested in? If you are new to them, it might be worth it more. You buy a nintendo for the Mario's, Kirby's, Yoshi's and Zelda's, most other games you could get on any console or pc.
Also not a populair opinion maybe, but if you could have had your hands on a modded one, it's really solid and golden, but due Nintendo's lawsuits it's really hard to impossible to get one. Then again a good pc can also do emulation.
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Do you have played Nintendo exclusive games already? The Switch isn't really worth it if you just play games that you can also play on other systems, but for exclusive games (Zelda, Mario, Kirby) it is worth it and then you get the added bonus of being able to play other games mobile.
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Personally I love my switch, and I feel like it was well worth the price. However I have hundreds of hours in Animal Crossing, Zelda, Fire Emblem and other Nintendo exclusive franchises. Would I buy one again here now in 2022? I don't know. The system is nearing it's EOL and the asking price hasn't come down since launch. There's a really large library of existing games though.
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It depends.
If you have time to play games on the go, you can grab your console, play while you're away, and then return home and continue playing the game on your TV. (You can also use Steam Deck for this - it's similarly priced)
Or you love Nintendo games, and wish to play the latest of them.
Then you should probably get it (pending your financials allow it).
But if you don't really play on the go, and don't really mind not playing the latest Nintendo games - I'd say skip it.
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I like the portability of the Switch even just around the house; being able to recline/relax, pick-up and play more readily. I liked this about the Wii U too (yes, I'm one of those PC + Nintendo types). Being able to take it on long trips has been nice too. This makes it a lot more convenient to play if life is busy (i.e. work, kids).
I find the "more of the same" opinion in this thread a bit disingenuous, because it can be said about most things (especially entertainment) and depends on your perspective. I'd rather have changes to gameplay elements / gimmicks to enjoy (i.e. fun, what I personally like in a game) than visual fidelity/paint (I appreciate these, but it's also not like Nintendo ignores these aspects either).
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I'd say look at the games. We seem to be in a time when Nintendo and PC is even more so the best way to game, with so many xbox and ps exclusives heading to PC, so if you are only going to own one console and already have a PC, then nintendo is going to be a great way to have different experiences. I know the family friendly output can be a downside for any 'hardcore' gamer, but the actual gameplay on games like mario odyssey, breath of the wild and metroid is the best of the best, and if you have friends or kids, so many of the games are great to play gathered around a TV. Then there are quirky games like Pikmin and Splatoon, which don't have equivalents anywhere else.
I have kids, and the switch gets played every day. We have about 30 catridges, mostly exclusives, and then like 100 digital games, mostly indies, and for me, I enjoy sitting in bed playing something, often with my wife joining in. So yeah even though I mostly play on PC, the switch definitely fits into it's own unique space, and I'd say if some of the games interest you then check it out, but buy the games in physical format. Then if you find you don't enjoy it you can at least sell the games and get some money back, so it's much lower risk than wasting a lot of money on a digital game.
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Depend on ur preferences. ONLY on ur opinion. We cant decide instead of you.
I can tell you my short story with Steam Deck. I wanted it as hell, i preordered (higest version), i got it as one of first. I was excited first hour. I tried 3 games, threw in into shelf and never used it agin. In week i sold it to someone (and also profited on it like 80€). End.
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well ... my nintendo switch died right after the warranty period ... was happy for a while and after this just annoyed, got two pairs with joycon drifts that was send to nintendo and the second pair i only bought it because i got it with a discount for 20€ for a pair of joycons and after a while it wouldnt load on the dock and also not on the original cable, took a weaker charger and it loads but it won't hold the charge for very long
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You have to think:
I love mine but I'm a huge Pokémon fan (I buy the games secondhand for half the retail price) and I have commute every day of the week.
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if you like exclusive games like super mario and pokemon, yes. if not it is a waste of time. i love these games and i got myself the oled model recently. i have to admit that i dont play it that often but i enjoy the games. the negative aspects are the pricey games. even at discount the games cost around 35€. the build quality is also lacking. the joy cons dont sit properly and wiggle a little bit and then everyone is complaining of drift issues which is apparently unavoidable at some point.
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own the Switch.
My answer is no, don't waiste the money.
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As others have mentioned, if you want the exclusives to Nintendo, then yeah it's worth it.
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I bought one a couple of years ago and aside from Animal Crossing I've been pretty disappointed with it. How much my experience is like what yours would be depends on personal taste and budget. The main draw for it is definitely the first party games. They're quite expensive. I mainly focused my attention on the downloadable titles, which cost less. There are some nice indie games there, but nearly all of them are also available on Steam. I've found it's invariably a better experience to play those on a PC than on the Switch.
If I had to give general advice on buying a Switch, or any console at all, it's to look at the games available, see what interests you then total up the price of those plus the console itself. If you're happy to pay that price for what you're getting, go for it. If not, it's best to look elsewhere. As someone who primarily plays games on the PC, I found that the DS and 3DS were much better investments of time and money than the Switch. Both of those have a number of interesting games that aren't available on the PC. The games were all designed to be played with the DS/3DS hardware in mind. Plus they weren't as expensive to buy.
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