Why must you publicly ridicule my get-rich-quick strategy???
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Implying Steam wont have some major wipeout that will erase all of their data anytime in the future
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yes. and be ready to access them by the wayback machine
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Ahaha, I remember this. Tried arguing logic, but they were pretty convinced that buying a bunch of cards and sitting on them for two years was somehow going to magically balloon out profit. The problem is, these people were applying a trading theorem to something it wasn't intended for-- you know, digital specks that derive their value entirely from speculation.
The only people who profited from this were those who sold to the speculators.
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That in itself isn't a bad idea, the issue is the volumes. With summer cards being limited only by the number of free accounts you have, there was nothing preventing you mass farming them.
They'll go up eventually, they're one of the cheaper badges for those boosting XP, but it'll take number of years.
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Not every single account could farm them though...only accounts that were at least lvl5+. I seriously think that most of the cards circulating the market is from all the trades russian traders get around the sales....XD
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I did buy them back then and I still feel it was a good idea. It just takes time, a lot of time. And I knew that when I bought them. You got one card per day if you voted 3x per day. Plus one card for each 10$ spent. Plus one card for each badge you crafted shortly before the sale started. There are 50 million Steam users, even if only a small part of them actually spent more than 10$ during the sale or voted 3x or more that still means millions of cards were given out. People who wanted that badge who were already active Steam users during the sale already have it, so that means new Steam users or the few people who missed it will have to reduce the remaining cards. That takes time, a lot of time. Not weeks, not months - years. I'm sure in a few years the cards will be worth significantly more than they were worth when I bought them, eventually they may even be worth a lot more.
I don't care much about them right now and I didn't spend a fortune on them. I just let them sit in my inventory and check their price every few months. It's a fun little 'game', maybe I'll make a few dollars with it eventually. Nothing to write home about, but it's fun and I still believe it will happen.
EDIT: Also keep in mind that the amount of cards doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the price you pay. It all depends on the price people are willing to sell them for (similar to Dota or TF2 keys - there are lots of them, but they're still worth a lot). Right now there are tons of people who just want to get rid of these cards. Once all those 'desperate' people have sold their cards the price will go up, even if there are still ten thousands of cards out there.
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The past few months have shown that trading cards will sell for just about any price if it's the lowest price they're sold for. The Getaway cards are limited and that means there will always be a demand for them, even cards from crap games sell for a decent price after all. People love to be special and if there was only one card left (which will never happen) I bet some Steam users would pay hundreds of dollars for it. It will only take a long time before the demand will be greater than the supply.
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I'd say, wait until next year's Summer Sale and see if they re-use the same set, or if they release '2nd Edition' cards (more likely). If there will be a higher demand for these ones at that time than there is now.
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That's why you should ALWAYS use FRAPS while trading... Be sure to have proof that the giver gave you the game with his own will, then steam will DO care, if the game is a gift.
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I was going to do this too.
The price went up very briefly right at the end of and just after the end of the Summer Sale IIRC (I'm talking 2-3 US cents tops). Think the number of cards on the market dipped at that time from around 45-50k for each card to 38-45k. Now we're sitting at well over 50k for all of them with most over 55k and a couple over 60k. So many cards and not enough demand.
Made badges out of mine a while back.
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Except, that price spike was artificially created by card speculators buying them up for this "hoarding" initiative.
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Assuming they won't ever drop again, then yes, they will eventually rise in value. But you'd probably get a better rate of return just putting your money in a savings account.
The real money was made by buying tons of cards early and then selling them once everybody and their mother had bots buying them for inflated prices.
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i was bored yesterday so i completed 2 sets of summer getaway XD
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I regard the Steam Trading Cards as some sort of funny metagame, just like with the achievements. I like to collect the badges without charging my steam wallet with any money (just what I earned selling boosters and doubles) and recently got the last level of the Summer Getaway badge due to the constantly low prices. I also thought about hoarding cards back then, but now I am thankful I just crafted one badge then and sold the rest when they still were expensive.
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It looks like you'd need to wait years for price of common summer cards rise to 20 cents. And if you want to get some dollars for common card - then you'll have to write wills for your grandkids, where you force them to give those cards to their grandkids :P
Unless Valve remake badges a little, where every badge/XP would really matter.
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Next time there is a limited set, sell all your cards as you get them, then buy all the ones you need on the last day. Or if you can wait, buy them all in 2-3 months. On the first 4-5 days there is a limited number of the cards, and collectors are scrambling to complete their badges first, so they will pay top dollar. After 5 days, the market is flooded, and the price plummets.
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I don't know anyone who thought that Steam's little metagame would achieve the acclaim of rare baseball or Pokemon cards. Cards are used to craft badges. Once people get the usage out that any remaining is pretty useless. The value is only what people are willing to pay to get the badge. Anyone thinking they're going to make $500 off these cards is a bit delusional about how supply and demand works.
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134 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by erom96
Some months ago, everyone was buying/saving these cards to sell them later. This was the first limited set (stopped dropping after the Summer Sale 2013), and people saw it as an easy profit. Now when you look at the market, it's obvious that this theory has failed - not only because the price is very low, but there is no enough demand for these cards. People simply don't need them anymore, so even if it's a limited set, you have to live for 100 years or longer to see any significant change in the price (not the mention the inflation).
I'm just curious, is there anyone who still thinks it's a good idea to hold on to these cards? Because I have a lot of them in my inventory, about to sell them for the current market price, but I'm afraid I'll regret it later. Of course it's not serious money, I just don't want to feel like Walter White (if you know what I mean). So everyone who thought it was a smart thing to hoard these cards, please share your thoughts! Thanks! ^^
P.S. I remember a guy from SG who invested ~500€ into this. Can't tell how I would feel now in his place.
UPDATE: Maybe it wasn't clear enough, but I don't want to trade these cards, so please stop adding me/writing me with trade offers.
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