As someone who has never played any RE games (not a huge horror fan) was 5 where they decided to jump the shark? I heard that was a very divisive game.
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In terms of gameplay, RE 5 is quite similar to RE 4, yes, but in terms of tone? RE 5 has a far more action movie tone to it. RE4 still feels like a campy horror movie, even if the horror is almost non-existing until the very late portions of the game (and even then, it's not much of a horror game):
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When I was new at collecting games/buying bundles/all the sale thing, it was given for free and I used to try out every game given for free (didn't know then that most of them are crap), and I really liked it too. It being old didn't even bother me since my pc at the time was a complete crap so I was just glad it was nice and ran smoothly (I don't give a shit about graphics)
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Wow a game about a aspiring graffiti artist, that's certainly an interesting premise :P
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Unturned. It's good fun (especially over LAN) but it's considered a... "shitty kids game". :P
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Totally agree with you there, I used to play with my brother all the time. And it being free is an awesome bonus!
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There's a way to play over LAN? How I never heard about it?
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Yep! You just gotta setup a server and set it to LAN. I can explain in details if you want.
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I would love that, if is not too much work for you.
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My pleasure. Don't hesitate to add me on Steam if you're stuck, although I doubt I could explain better than I did here. :P
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+1 It was the first Fallout game I played and it is actually my favorite. The writing isn't the best and the settlement system is kinda dumb, but I still find it very fun. Sure Fallout NV had better writing but in everything else Fallout 4 is better, and Fallout 3 just wan't as good. I enjoyed them all though.
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Eh, I don't have screenshot about it. Collecing berries make the bag of the character being bigger and bigger, and coupled with the camera positions it happened not once that it entirely covered the character, making platforming considerably harder
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you're not alone, I tend to do that campaign time by time even in UT 3.
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Xcom long war (Enemy within).Great game great mod BUT. i suck. at least once a month ill download it agien get my ass whooped and do like 3 mission overwatch style.delete the game and repeat..ah... cant wait for my new computre to play xcom 2 long war :)
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Counter Strike Global Offencive
I play it only for rewards to earn some money to buy games.
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"/mute all" at every match, or I would have never made it to ranked ^^
I also really enjoy the fact that you can chosse your position, I remember years ago when everyone was spamming roles in the chat >_< at least now you can report them if they don't respect their rolesbecause hey want to play something so badly.
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Yeah that new champion select was a breath of fresh air (copy-pasting "ADC" in every champ select ASAP since season 2 until those changes were implemented was pretty annoying and of course, didn't work most of the time). I noticed the new "trick" though from those having to support: "I don't have any support champs". Then you tell them that almost every champ can be a decent support, they continue begging to change the role and in the end pick an actual support champ like Soraka or Braum....gotta love this amazing community
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I main mid and support (but end up most of time supp since no one want to play it -_-) so I don't really know this problem, but I guess it must ba annoying as hell as people spamming adc or feed ! And clearly lying, because as you said, lots of things can be support now, it's not really a matter of champ but more of attitude to be a supp.
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Agreed. Thought that this would be among the first comments.
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Might be one reason, the other might be that LoL is too obvious to especially mention it. :-p
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Same for me. Paused for three months but recently played it again.
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How in the world is One Finger Death Punch a guilty pleasure game? I started that recently and it's really good IMO! XD
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Hm... I have a guilty pleasure in playing really bad games and making fun of them via blindstreaming. Does that count? My most recent one was Dark Years. Boy, that's a bad game. But the voice acting made it all worth it. ...Along with how I glitched through the stealth level to beat it when I had no right to. XD
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Agreed! I wouldn't even call it a guilty pleasure. I never played it on single player, but spent many entertaining hours playing through the co-op campaign with a friend online.
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Probably League of Legends....
otherwise it would have (been) Windforge. Half-finished concept of a game with broken grapling hook mechanics (you can jump with it like using a pogo stick :D ) and ship building. But for whatever reason since I last tried - despite having no updates in maybe years - it broke on the tutorial and couldn't play with it at all :(
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Win a game - "um, seems to work at the moment, guess it's a good idea to go on"
Lose a game - "um, can't end my day like that, need to continue playing until I win one"
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Currently there's an all-random-URF event going on. I got Katarina, yay! I got to lane against botlane's two ranged, the jungler was busy helping top for whatever reason, when anyone came around all they did that took farm then flamed me for being 1-4 so stfu. And this is why I don't play on summoner's rift normally... :(
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What really pains me is the usualy asshole attitude - they did absolutely nothing to help me, yet still kept joking about how bad I perform - without any help, against two. I don't often leave games, but after top fed in basically 3vs2 repeatedly I just had no will to stay in that shithole :( I like the game, but honestly despise most of players.
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I'm curious what kind of games everyone likes to play, even though they really weren't very good or just weren't well received by critics/ the majority of people. My personal guilty pleasure game is the new Star Wars Battlefront, pretty much because I'm a huge Star Wars nerd, and it's pretty fun to play your favorite Star Wars characters with friends :D
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