Nothing wrong with that. It's too many members that don't read that's the problem.
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for the love of god, link to the rules on the home page.
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There are times when you have cross-promotions of a game that's in a bundle but being promoted elsewhere. Like, all those Hacker Evolution Duality giveaways from a while back were from IGN Prime trials while the game was still in the Indie Gala 2 bundle. That said, I can understand why you'd be hesitant to allow that either.
However, I still think that people should be allowed to gift Steam inventory instances of bundle-included games. There are just SO MANY bundles these days that I am concerned that mere inclusion in a bundle is enough to make people who actually want to gift a game unable to do so.
For example, I'd been hoping that Carpe Fulgur's works would show up in bundles, but since I really like Recettear and am thinking about buying up a bunch of copies during a daily deal sale and gifting them out, now I am concerned about it showing up in a bundle because that limits my ability to gift them.
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This new policy seems to imply otherwise. However, I'm totally okay with a "proof of inventory" rule.
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We previously allowed this when IGN Prime and a Bundle have the same game available. We were usually okay if you update your description that it's an IGN Prime key instead of a Bundle key. Or giftable copy. If there is no description, we usually resorted to removing if it ends soon instead of waiting for OP to reply. Though, this resorted in too many witch-hunts of people demanding proof, so I don't think it's longer viable.
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What about forcing people gifting bundle games during a bundle to provide a description of their source, and enforcing this by removing those that are bundle keys and those without descriptions?
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I don't mean asking the submitters whether they are submitting inv items or keys. I mean just simply shutting down those that don't specify items.
Though that might result in a lot of work for mods, both finding/removing giveaways and dealing with people's complaining about it in support tickets.
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You could always make some sort of a proof description a required thing...(and maybe make the word proof a link to a page containting some info about it, perhaps a forum topic)
This would weed out most folks that misunderstand normally, and only leave the mods/admins with the ones who just plain don't read or have a terrible english vocabulary...
Another option would be making the type of delivery a radiobutton requirement and specify this, which would allow you to not grant points for keys as well, though its implementation might be a bit of a bitch, considering everything that must be going on behind the scenes...
Perhaps I should have posted this as a separate comment to discuss, but whatever :)
Note that I mean for gifts in general, so not just the bundle ones.
Reading on, I have no desire to imply perfect proof, just a basic insinuation that there will be a specified type of delivery. ("gift in inventory" even when hidden, tells enough, same for "will purchase when winner is picked")
On a side-note; I'd love to get a notification if someone replies on a post of mine XD (but that's not the dealio right now)
Why does barely any site have WYSIWYG formatting textbox --> eventual comment? XP
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Come to think of it, I think that givers should be forced to say whether their copy is a key or an inventory item.
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I think we need a stronger way of encouraging this.
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Maybe it's due to that but I made a IG Carebear giveaway and it has been closed midway (already contacted support).
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I didn't, it was a common description of the included Steam activated keys, the android game + DRM free game as well as the music.
Might be possible that I worded it badly but I don't think I did.
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Basically, submitting individual keys from a bundle instead of the entire bundle gives you free points, which is unfair.
Of course, it's equally unfair that we're forbidden from making giveaways for bundled games that we already purchased elsewhere, or for entire bundles that we received as bonuses for buying OTHER bundles that we can't use due to having bought both bundles earlier, but there isn't really a good solution for this.
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Yes, especially to me. No, but serioussly - it's allowed since it's not generating any extra points for public giveaways, there are many people doing it already. You can also do it on chat.
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Technically, that depends on the rules for your bundle.
I've seen the Humble Bundle downloads page say that the keys are "for your personal use only". On the other hand, the Indie Gala 1 e-mail with the keys and other downloads did not say this.
As far as whether it's allowed on this site, it seems the answer is yes.
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Copied from response to get some bounceback on this here:
You could always make some sort of a proof description a required thing...(and maybe make the word proof a link to a page containting some info about it, perhaps a forum topic) This would weed out most folks that misunderstand normally, and only leave the mods/admins with the ones who just plain don't read or have a terrible english vocabulary...
Another option would be making the type of delivery a radiobutton requirement and specify this, which would allow you to not grant points for keys as well, though its implementation might be a bit of a bitch, considering everything that must be going on behind the scenes...
Perhaps I should have posted this as a separate comment to discuss, but whatever :)
Note that I mean for gifts in general, so not just the bundle ones.
Note also, that I have no desire to imply perfect proof, just a basic insinuation that there will be a specified type of delivery. ("gift in inventory" even when hidden, tells enough, same for "will purchase when winner is picked")
Why does barely any site have WYSIWYG [formatting textbox --> eventual comment]? XP
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Greetings community,
Due to the rapidly rising amount of bundles (too late), we are updating this policy so that it is easier to understand. If we continue to list each unique bundle in the FAQ, there is a chance users might think it's okay when a certain bundle hasn't been listed yet.
-best regards
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