New to steamfifts and already frustrated about it's community..
The big mayority of people (if not all) are just entering giveaways for any possible game they dont own yet.
Which drastically decreases the chances of people who REALLY NEED/WANT the game and/or have them in their wishlist and will actually play the game instead of letting it rot in their ever growing library of game they never ever installed or tried at least.
It's just stupid.

Had 3 giveaways and those people never even played the game when I check their profiles.
One guy even took 4 days to accept the key even though he was online here and on steam several times per day since he won it.

If I knew people were so greedy I would have given the keys to people who commented that would have really wanted to have the game instead.
Which is what I will ask for my upcoming giveaway as a restriction that only people will get the key that actually want the game and have it in their wishlist.

So I think all giveaways should be like that.


True about people who add every game to their wishlist but those people don't really wish for something since they want everything in my eyes.
I will restrict my wish list members to 50 games on it max. I may chance this but we'll see.
I just take myself as an example where I only have game in my wishlist that I really want and its 38 till now.
People who have added my giveaway to their wishlist the the same day as my giveaway are ignored also.
My giveaways should be in their wishlist the day before or earlier than I started the giveaway.

Packs and DLC's are only given away if the owner has the base game and has played a decent amount of hours.
Since I rather give those away to people that actually still play the main game and are really excited about winning those.

My goal is to make people really happy.
Especially those who do not have the budget to pay for games and such.

8 years ago*

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Idea sounds good at first, but that doesn't solve anything because people that want all the game can add all to wishlist, so it's doesn't matter to anyone. Only makes it harder for people selecting their entries to find games they didn't know yet, but get to like afterwards.

The only workaround for the problem is, as mentioned, groups and whitelists. Considered joining groups for reason like this, but never got to do so since i suck at finding great ones.

8 years ago

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Serious business.
You can blame Gabe for that! That terrible person turned gamers into collectors.

8 years ago*

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Well people already answered the biggest problem with the idea: People would clutter their wishlist with everything just to win it. But I share your opinion to 100 %. It is my biggest gripe as well. People only want to win any game not THIS game. Most of my giveaway have been for games I really liked and I wanted to give them away so other people can enjoy them but most of them didn't even look at them. They just collect or even worse idle for cards if there are any. It doesn't help that people run around on the site saying they "only" won "bundle shit" nobody wants to play anyway. Some people just have bad attitude.

What helps a tiny bit is doing forum giveaways and I had some pleasant experiences with an additional line added at the end asking them to refrain if they are only collecting. But still some games have gone to the wrong people. It is frustrating.

If I would manage this site I would brutally reduce the amount of points and/or the regeneration algorithm so that people have to be a lot more selective in what they enter. 100 points should be enough for anyone looking for certain games and it would raise they chance for people actually INTERESTED in the giveaway game ..... Also there might be a chance the point regneration algorithm is from a time where the site was a lot smaller and has never been adjusted for the amount of giveaways the site is seeing in these days.

8 years ago

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Indeed they should reduce the points generated.
That would solve it all

8 years ago

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Actually the 10% points were reduced to 5% as far as I know - it was really noticeable at the change :)

8 years ago

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You are indeed new to steamgift. If you had spent more time here, you would have seen a lot of fantastic people, and a lot of other who think like you that you should only join giveaway of game you would like to play...

Also for ther other :
"Had 3 giveaways and those people never even played the game when I check their profiles." : ... its been 5 days since you made those giveaways.. Come on, 5 day thats the lower number of day of the week that i am expecting to work and playing come generally after working and doing real life stuff to keep me alive, i am expecting this from other normal people too. If Hammerwatch is your favorite game, great for you, but you have to understand that people "may" prefer playing another game before (like, you know, this little game not much people around know call Fallout 4 wich came out not long ago) And you can add to that that not everyone have a great internet connection, if i were to won a game whatever i may take days just to download it...
Could you explain by the way why i don't see more than half of your games on steam with playtime ? :)

"One guy even took 4 days to accept the key" : yep, if there is a seven day limit its for impatient people like you, some people are slower or don't have as much time as the other :D One of the reason it is stated in the FAQ was also to avoid some complaints i suppose, its sad there is still some about it...

"If I knew people were so greedy I would have given the keys to people who commented that would have really wanted to have the game instead." If they had said that, that would have made them greedy too, you can't be sure that they really want to play it.
If you want more people who will join because they want the game, announce what game you are giving, and make a super hard puzzle to obtain the giveaway link, this way i am sure it will make a good filter :D

Also, i am for people who enter giveaway only of games they really want to play, but allowing only people who have game in wishlist to enter giveaway for said game is too harsh in my humble opinion... I didn't even had a game into my wishlist before coming on Steamgift, because i didn't saw the point of adding any into it. Now when i see a game wich i really want to play, i add it in WL because we have a "sort" system to only show WL game :D. Also, there is games wich i didn't even knew existed before randomly seeing it here on steamgift (and thus couldn't WL theù), if i can't see the giveaway of games i don't have in wishlist, i would have missed so many revelations like : Outlast / Dear Esther / tales of zestira and a whole lot in my WL.. And people who join everything, will also add everything...)

Well anyway, welcome on steamgift, hope youll find what you look for here, and i am pretty sure if you send more time in the discussion forum reading instead of writing, youll find some peopple who share some of your thoughts and other amazing ones :D we even have an official Queen and her unbearable pet :D

8 years ago

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Do you only read stuff without thinking about what you read and instead try to counter everything possible.
I clearly stated everything but I will make an exception for you.

I try to target people that really like and want the games I giveaway.
In a way that they cant wait to play and try it out.
Those 3 people had plenty of time since they spend the majority of the day on Steam playing several games.
I added them because I was wondering why they didn't accept the key yet.
Because when I want something and win it I will want to play it.
They had plenty of time so they are either spoiled or do not want the game but only entered because its not part of their library yet.
So the fact that they dont even take 1 minute of their time to accept the key at least tells me a lot of how things go around here.
Hence why I used a simple but nice coop /solo game like Hammerwatch to test it out instead of the AAA titles I have for giveaway.
A game doesn't take 2+ days to download on steam.
If your connection would be really that worse then you wouldn't even bother using steam in the first place and just get your guys from a retail store.
So that is just nonsense...
And yes I can explain because I always get free games from the company I work for and can't play all and some I don't even like but hence why I have a shitload of game to giveaway to people because I am just nice like that.

Yes someone already mentioned the Puzzle option and it is something that I will have to think about.
Since making those takes almost as much time as solving those and I have some AAA titles I have never played before to giveaway.
So making a puzzle out of a game I have personally no knowledge of is a bit of a time challenge.

Correct, the wishlist option seems not practical for this community.
Decreasing the amount of point generated would be a better option as many here mentioned.
So people be more precise at choosing what giveaway they enter.

Thank you very much.

8 years ago

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that first sentence describe you well :) if you thought much before writing i wouldn't had to counter anything since i don't see much logic in your complaints I just tried to explain (i may have been a bit harsh though :D) why some things would not work, especially when the only thing you knew about those people are their steam and steamgift profile^^ Lets be clear, you are not targetting anything with a level 1 public giveaway... especially not people who can't wait to play to try out games... (if they couldn't wait, they would have buy it,especially when this game was cheap enough to be bundled..)
And even if you could to, you could not predict if the winner had time or else to play or connect that much ,you are only basing on what you read, but personnaly steamgift is always open in the tab on my browser (and steam on my computer), so even if i am not looking at it, it can say that i was connected few min ago due to the refreshing each time i open the browser. Also thanks to idle master steam may show i am playing something while i didn't so that is not a reliable source of information too^^ (i also had the case of someone to whom i send the key via mail said thanks and all but couldn't checked if it work due to the fact he was using his phone to check his mail and couldn't add games in steam or check in steamgift, and checked "received" almost at the end of the time before the reroll asking, don't remember well though)

Yes, a game can take more than one day when you have other need for your internet connection than downloading them and have to pause it (and even without pausing it, i download around 750mb / hour at full speed and trust me i am far from being the worse, there is some thread on that here already) it is still more convenient for me to let the game download while doing other stuff than going to a store since im living in the countryside (and for a lot of other reason why people use steam instead of going to store...), especially because even if i am really interested in a game and it take days to download, i am not impatient enough to not be able to wait, especially since i have a lots of good game wich i love playing and make the waiting totally bearable.

For the puzzle thing, i agree, its as challenging to make them as to solve them, its something that need time and so if you think like looking deeper into it, then you gain my respect, not everyone have the will and possibility to do that :D

8 years ago

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And what happens if someone by some wonder won two wishlisted games in a few days, while having no time to play the first? Their head will explode because they want to play both of them, or the whole universe will disappear in a black hole? People can, and probably will get and own games outside from steamgifts. What sense would that make that if they win something, they have to play with that immediately? They can have no life? No previous favourite games they like to return to? No backlog? No games in progress? o.O If you really feel that people immediately need to play the games you give away, then make a group with that rule, and kick the rulebreakers. Otherwise you have neither means nor right according to the rules to force people to do so.

8 years ago

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sigh Really?

Look, I understand your frustration, but my wishlist hovers somewhere around 100-ish because 1/2 to 1/3 of it is made up of Rocksmith DLC, Flight Sim DLC, and Train Sim DLC. I only buy that stuff on sale (waiting for Xmas sale this year), and it helps me keep track of stuff.

Feel free to exclude me from whatever you're doing if that offends you. Hats off to you for helping your neighbor, however.

But, if you still want a mutual blacklist, let me know. :P

8 years ago

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You really gonna be that serious about that number?
I would of course check wishlists and exclude dlc/packs.
But I was more saying that 50 in a wishlist is more realistic that 500+.
Cause then you're just spoiled if you wish for that much lol.
Or just a lot of ambition haha

8 years ago

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Fair enough.

Personally, I give games away because I already have them or I do not want them or because I just hope someone gets the game that wouldn't otherwise be able to afford it... or just because. I mean, I can buy most of my own games, eventually. I am grateful for where I am in life right now. But, you know, it's kind of nice to enter a giveaway for a $1.00 bundle game that looks fun when I don't want to purchase the rest of the bundle, and to see the joy that is the "won gift" space kitty. It's an emotional thing.

And I do give back, so I figure it's more than fair in the end. And, honestly, I have DISCOVERED games I wouldn't otherwise know about just by looking through the SG giveaways.

I think I understand your feelings about "collectors" vs people who would actually play the games. If you're interested in any advice at all, I would recommend that you give freely as you wish (whitelist, level restriction, etc) and just give for giving's sake. What the person who receives it does is not on you. If you believe in karma or good energy or anything, you're sending good out there. What people do with that good is beyond your control.

This is how I look at it for myself, anyway. Your mileage may vary.

I give for giving's sake. I give, especially, when I'm feeling depressed or sad or upset emotionally about something. Giving a game cheers me up, so maybe I'm being selfish. I don't think too much about the recipient... but I do hope they play the game and enjoy it.

8 years ago

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as for me i try to avoid adding games to wishlist as its a reminder of how poor i actually am xD but here i dont go entering for all games i see i only enter for those i'm actually interested in play sure it may take me a while to get to then with my backlog but i will play all games on steam i own xD

8 years ago

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The problem is that some people keep extensive wish lists, some people keep short wishlists, and some people don't even wishlist at all. There are many games that are not on my wishlist that if I won I would drop everything else in my backlog immediately to play. I keep a short wishlist of games that interest me in particular, but it is by no means extensive. Setting a limit on the number isn't conducive either, because I could easily hit 100+ games that I would play if I won by simply spending a few hours browsing the store. Different people use the wishlist feature differently, and it would make it very difficult to implement.

8 years ago

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page1 & nobody mentions the fact that a couple months in 2015 had more steam releases than the whole year of 2014, it is impossible for people to spot games they want to be able to add them to wishlist, many times people hear of a game from a random giveaway

a better check would be hours of play time + achievements, i use my wishlist to handle holiday sales to arrange by price or search by % off

(also i used to manage my wishlist manually, with an accurate order at least for the first ~hundred, then it went out of control.. the initial reason years ago was one of the holiday events had the chance to win everything in wishlist)

8 years ago

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I only have 7 games on my wishlist. That does not mean Im not wishing for any other games. And yeah I'm too lazy to give a click to add to wishlist button.

8 years ago

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If that happened, I'll be discouraged. Some games I want to enter the giveaways of are unable to be added to my wishlist since they are region locked and I can't see them in steam store, but redeemable on my account.

8 years ago

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I personally started to use steam only a year or two ago and steam wishlist has only a fraction of my real wishlist.

8 years ago

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Requal, I think you need to reduce your expectations :)

If you expect people to play a game within 6 days of winning it (which is currently the time since your GAs ended) your expectations are too high. Hell, I have won GAs from a month ago I've not got around to. I don't know what your circumstances are but some of us have jobs, families, hobbies other than gaming ... I have Click & Point games I have won which you will never see me play .. I use family sharing and my wife will play those and so although her Steam account will show playtime mine never will and so you will never get to see the playtime. Try to think beyond what your own experiences are ...

You have been a member for just a week with only three GAs as far as I can tell? I suggest you try and see the best in people rather than the worst until you have a little more to go on ...

I am sorry if this seems a little harsh but you say you just want to make people happy but from the reaction here you are falling short of the mark :)

8 years ago

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If you want someone to have your game that is more likely to actually want it to play it, try the trade forum or Then you can vet any potential takers. I've actually traded a bunch of games lately and I've been so caught up in trade I haven't actually played my games as much. But now that my list has been whittled down to the same bunch of games nobody seems to want, I'll be making GAs for what I can, resign myself to adding the un-giftable ones to my library, maybe give them a try anyway, and playing my backlog little by little.

I'm also all on board what ShandyAndy said. Some people have an honest backlog and many other reason why they may not activate or start playing a game right away. And especially now with the winter holidays coming up. I have almost 200 games and (almost) all of them are there because I intend to play them eventually. The first game I won is actually a sequel to another game in my library and I don't want to play it until I'm done with the first part and the first part is a little lower on my "play" list priority.

8 years ago

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Most of the games beng given away on SG are games nobody ever wanted. You should just give it to somebody and forget. With games somebody really want try to find someone who want and just give it. But you must always remember - win could be much better than play. You can play whenever you want, but you couldn't just win something anytime.

8 years ago

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Why I have 100+ On my Wishlist = Keeping Track of the games I want to buy + sales + birthday gift reference

8 years ago

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Stopped reading at "...people who REALLY NEED..."

If your logic fails in the 3rd sentence I'm not reading the rest of them

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Hanalyd.