New to steamfifts and already frustrated about it's community..
The big mayority of people (if not all) are just entering giveaways for any possible game they dont own yet.
Which drastically decreases the chances of people who REALLY NEED/WANT the game and/or have them in their wishlist and will actually play the game instead of letting it rot in their ever growing library of game they never ever installed or tried at least.
It's just stupid.

Had 3 giveaways and those people never even played the game when I check their profiles.
One guy even took 4 days to accept the key even though he was online here and on steam several times per day since he won it.

If I knew people were so greedy I would have given the keys to people who commented that would have really wanted to have the game instead.
Which is what I will ask for my upcoming giveaway as a restriction that only people will get the key that actually want the game and have it in their wishlist.

So I think all giveaways should be like that.


True about people who add every game to their wishlist but those people don't really wish for something since they want everything in my eyes.
I will restrict my wish list members to 50 games on it max. I may chance this but we'll see.
I just take myself as an example where I only have game in my wishlist that I really want and its 38 till now.
People who have added my giveaway to their wishlist the the same day as my giveaway are ignored also.
My giveaways should be in their wishlist the day before or earlier than I started the giveaway.

Packs and DLC's are only given away if the owner has the base game and has played a decent amount of hours.
Since I rather give those away to people that actually still play the main game and are really excited about winning those.

My goal is to make people really happy.
Especially those who do not have the budget to pay for games and such.

8 years ago*

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Another problem people havent mentioned is that Steam doesn't export your wishlist correctly a lot of the time. Sometimes it's missing games, a lot of times it's missing entirely.

8 years ago

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This, too!

8 years ago

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I disagree. I've discovered several interesting games through SG that were not on my wishlist.

8 years ago

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To many issues with the wishlist idea,some people dont care why someone wants the game whether it be for the trading cards, just to add another number to there library or they actually want to play the game,also probably a good 95% or more of the games people give away on here (from me included) are bundled junk that are likely on no ones wishlist, while i agree i would like it more if people who won my GA's actually wanted the game and played it,i care more that they give back to the community and dont just leach off of us or use bots to collect games.

8 years ago

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i kinda agree with you about the part that people enter anything and they will probably just idle cards. but... what did you expect from anonymous people offered free stuff?

just build a whitelist or steam group and invite people that you want, public GAs are usually a pain if you want rules.

8 years ago

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6 days is very fast to expect someone to play "your" giveaway game.

  • They may want to finish another game first or more likely
  • real life gets in the way (working a full-time job for example).
8 years ago

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Depending on the game and your connection it may take you longer than that to download it.

8 years ago

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I didn't read all the replies, so it has probably already been said, but:

  • if such a filter would exist, it could be easily circumvented by adding everything from Steam store to wishlist
  • you can filter on whatever criteria you want by creating a forum thread asking for candidates, and whitelist chosen people
    I've been told that there is a script to easily import/export/empty whitelists in case you need it :)
8 years ago

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I mean ... i only enter for games on my wishlist , so i would be fine if something like that came to pass.
But thats just me :)

I like winning , but i see no point winning something i have No intention to play ...ever.
I rather let someone who may actually play the game the chance to win it :)
Tho mostly its the Hoarders and the OMG Guys i got 10k games on steam type of people :)

I like your idea , but i dont really see it passing .

8 years ago

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This is my take on it.

If you cannot give away a game without being so vested in what the winner does with the game once won then maybe this is not for you. The definition of a gift is taking something that belongs to you and bestowing it upon someone else. Hence, it now belongs to them and you have no claim to it or its use or lack of use. There are already rules in place to curb abuse on steamgifts and GA creators can customize their GAs to specific entrants. There is no need for new "rules".

This is not charity. We are just giving way games here, not the cure for cancer.

8 years ago

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If this was a charity, there wouldn't be a random lottery system.

8 years ago

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Some of us wishlist stuff because it's a good way (and sometimes with how saturated Steam is getting with content, or because of poor memory or other challenges, the only way) to keep up with what we're interested in. I order my wishlist to top 10/20 is what I REALLY want, top 50 and to a lesser extent top 100 are ones I'm really interested in.

8 years ago

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EDIT: Plus, I don't enter in wishlist items if they're spammed with 2000+ entries from other people (unless MAYBE it's one I REALLY, REALLY want, but for me to ignore 2000+ other people in a giveaway, it takes a LOT). I think hard about entering one that has 1000+ entries even. This would be a problem for me if we were all forced to enter in games for what we have wishlisted only.

8 years ago

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Some people might not have played it because they have a backlog. I for one currently have a backlog of about 30 games (all of which I really want to play).

8 years ago

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Well, welcome to Steamgifts!
Spoiler: It tends to suck hard at times! So make yourself comfortable somehow with a whitelist or a group that covers your ideals. Otherwise don't do anything and spare yourself the frustration and loss of money that comes with shitty, ungrateful winners that just collect games and never play them! To be fair tho. I won 34 games here and I haven't played all of them yet. I actively work on that, but I throw in some self-bought games to mix it up, otherwise it becomes a chore. Trust me, I tried. Maybe it will take a lot of time for people to pick up their wins and play 'em, but unfortunately you can never be sure about that.

8 years ago*

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It's been a week. You really expect people to drop everything and play the game you gifted them the moment you sent it?

You're going to have a rough time here if something that trivial bothers you.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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why do you assume people actually maintain their wishlists?

you're more than welcome to make that a personal rule in private/group giveaways. but

So I think all giveaways should be like that.

no to forcing your rule on everybody else, thats just silly

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sincerly from one collector to another,

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I... read your name as "Welcome to Potato" x) I'm so sorry.
Here's a hug for you!

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I don't mean to be rude to you or to any other self-titled collector with this post, but bringing this argument in line with being entitled to enter every giveaway of a game you don't own, even if you don't want to play it, is like being a rich man going begging every day, because you are a "money collector". The point is, my giveaway is supposed to make people happy via playing it. They gave a few games away here, let's gift them something for a good time. Playing! it.
And if I spend 20 euros on a game and give it away, you better make sure to play it and not just farm it for cards - because that is what's really frustrating. Spending real money on a giveaway and then the receiver just adds it to it's library? Sorry, that's not something I can understand, nor am I comfortable with that. And that shouldn't happen, because somebody else would've been much happier with it and used it as intended (playing, instead of owning).
I get that there are collectors, and if you want it that way, I won't hinder you. Honestly I don't care what happens to bundle games I give away, I just give them away because I don't need the keys and I'm no trader. And sure, even I haven't played all games I own. Point is though, that some collectors feel entitled to take away "real" happiness from people who actually whould've gotten HOURS of fun out of a game. And somebody who doesn't even plan on playing a game, just owning it? The happiness you feel from winning a game is much shorter than the happiness achieved from playing a game hours and hours. Hell I've won my favorite game here on Steamgifts and played it 70 hours. If a collector would've taken the game, the creator would've spent 15 bucks on a "yay I won a game" instead of a "Dude this game is freakin' awesome and I've played 70 hours". I wonder which one feels more satisfying for the gifter.

On the other hand, I think the topic creator is overreacting a bit, the giveaways haven't even been given out for a week. I mean, people have other stuff to do in their lives and I can absolutely understand people taking a few months before starting a game. Hell, I'm waiting for a win to get out of early access, because I generally don't play EA games. I waited 7 months after I won Life is Strange because I wanted to play all episodes back 2 back. There's loads of valid reasons not to play a game rightaway. But the general intention should absolutely be playing a game you win, not owning it! And I can understand every single gifter who is frustrated with that.

Unfortunately, there's no certain way to ensure giveaways are played properly. Unless you only make whitelist/wishlist-giveaways for people who have played a certain % of wins for X hours of course, but that is very annoying.
What I definitely would like is the option to set a "max games owned" slider when creating a giveaway. For instance, when I would like to do a public giveaway for people with level 5+ owning less than 200 games. Just for an example. As steamgifts tracks the number of games owned anyway, it couldn't be that hard to implement.

Then again, this post isn't directed directly towards you (or posters below) in any way (and seing your amount of wins you're not even a bad example of a collector gone mad here on SG)

8 years ago

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(pats head and gives cookie) There are collectors for literally anything and everything. Collecting games is no better or worse than collecting figures, or Barbies, or those silly little souvenir spoons you get at tourist trap giftshops, or movies, or stamps, or memorabilia to do with a certain movie/game/book series, or ANYTHING. ALL collections cost money, so by OP's opinion, if we extend this logic outwards, all collectors are greedy, spoiled brats. Which is BS. People collect because they like something to do with that stuff and it makes them feel good. Doesn't make them spoiled or greedy. Makes them human. And seriously, compared to some users on steam, who have those insanely high steam levels and like half the stuff on steam, your collection is just child's play. I collect games to a degree. Just because I do not play them the second I get them doesn't mean that I won't ever play them. I have to be in the right mood to play a game. There are a few games on my list that I got in bundles and redeemed because it was just easier to redeem it than try to make a giveaway for it or come into the forum to find the orphan key thread to drop them (and I've dropped plenty of keys thru those sort of threads and my own in my year and half here). Some games, I redeem to eventually get the card drops, because I like emotes and badges; they're basically the digital equivalent to stickers, IMO. And I love stickers X3

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8 years ago

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You are a very terrible person. For being such a vile game collector I will be sending you a list of games in your collection that you should had to my collection. You'll be fine after that.

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8 years ago

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I tried to argue this back in the day. That it's quite possible some collector enjoys getting a crappy game s/he never plays more than a gamer who plays it. It's possible the straightening of a rug corner brings more joy to someone than finding the love of their life to someone else. Nothing is objectively better than something else.

8 years ago

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If you want to restrict those who enter your giveaways, make whitelist/private/group giveaways. It's your money so you should be able to decide on how you want to spend it. That said, I do not agree with what you are proposing due to the reasons stated by others in this this thread. Best of luck to you.

8 years ago

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Not really. There are some games that I didn't know that I'll like, but I eventually loved them. Also, I try to keep my wishlist small, but that doesn't mean that I don't like other games except of the wishlisted ones. ;)

8 years ago

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204 items on my wishlist currently. All but around 10 of those are games that I really want to play (the others are games that I am contemplating and may end up removed). Saying that an amount greater than 50 is unrealistic isn't going to match with everyone's criteria of the word.

8 years ago

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At the bigin on steamgifts i have entered the giveaway only for the games i wont to play and really wont them. The half year later i have won........ 0 of them. Was wasted time. Now i am entering the gaviaways also for the interesting games that i maybe would play, they seems very interesting and also for the games i mostwanted want to play them. From time to time i win something nice for me and have played some of the games i won, but until now i have never won a game i really wonted. Sorry, that what you say sounds good and fair, but it has nothing with reality together. At the end its your choice what to do. For my own i can say its frustrated if you try to be fair and "s*cks" all the time.

8 years ago

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No, best thing is to make a really hard puzzle. Only those who really want the game will have the courage to solve it. The rest will give up. :P

8 years ago

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+1 :P

8 years ago

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Welcome to Steam Gifts, what you propose is noble but...

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8 years ago

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Packs and DLC's are only given away if the owner has the base game and has played a decent amount of hours.

Allow me to say that I hardly start a game if I know that I'm missing a good part of the game. It's like knowing to play a demo

8 years ago

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why steamgifts need to change the rules? Make your own steamgroup with our rules and then only start giveaways for this group problem solved. Not needet to talk about something 1000 groups do allready

8 years ago

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it doesnt

its just the usual "I dont like something, therefore the whole system is broken" syndrome

8 years ago

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sorry but I dont like the idea

8 years ago

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My wishlist is kinda fluid. I put things on there that I am interested in. It's only when they go on sale that I take a hard look at the game and decide if I really want to buy it or not. Plus, I break down the games on my wishlist into 3 sections

  1. Games I want to play right now. - If I bought this game today, i would play it today
  2. Games i want but won't run well on my computer - Witcher 3/Fallout 4 are in this section
  3. Games that are sequels to games on my backlog. Why would I buy a sequel to a game that I haven't even finished yet? I may not even want to play any more of the series after playing the first game.

But here on SG, I only enter giveaways of games that I am going to play. Usually they are games that were on my wishlist at one point or on my list currently. I pretty much blacklist every other game that doesn't fit into those categories above.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Hanalyd.