So, any games won must be finished within a month, on top of at least one of the three selected from their existing library, to avoid paying? What about games that don't really have an end / what constitutes 'finishing' a game? And what are the rules about the kind/value of games to be given away (bundled / unbundled / historical lowest price)?
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Not within a month, the games will be added to the games to finish next month. So, if you win a game in December, it will be added to your games to finish in January. The payment giveaways will most likely be scheduled to end towards the start of each month, so that's almost two months in total from win to deadline.
For games without no real end, we'll have to set other limits, depending on the game. Number of hours or achievement percentage. Hopefully they won't be the most common games being given away, and we'll try to encourage giveaways for games with a proper ending.
No rules for value/pricing. The wishlist model would be the most interesting one, since it is an indication of games users want. It would be possible to find "expensive" games that have never been on sale/bundled that no one would be interested in playing, while someone might sit on a few bundle keys for games that a lot of the members missed the bundle for and would love a chance at playing. It would be better for the group with giveaways for the wanted bundle game than the unwanted expensive game.
We could also consider a rule about highly wishlisted games being worth more.
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Since the person above me already asked about "un-finishable" games (I was gonna ask about Multiplayer games) I'll instead ask this: Is there gonna be a rule when suggesting the 3 games to play that prevents people from picking the worst games they can find in the other person's library? Because I can think of at least a handful of games that I never ever wanna play or a bunch that I will probably not enjoy in the slightest. :P
Speaking of enjoyment, my second question is this- Doesn't this kinda reduce the enjoyment people would get from the games they are playing? Sure, in the perfect scenario people would only be entering for games that they wanna play, but what if someone gets super lucky and ends up winning a bunch of games in a single month. Then instead of enjoying them they'd be forced to rush them in order to finish in the 1-2 month period they'd be given. Once again, some games can be pretty time consuming.
All in all I'm not sure if I wanna join, partially because of cavities like that... While it would be nice to get a pointer on what games to play when I get too overwhelmed by my immediate backlog the other person wouldn't know what I want to play and getting stressed out in the unlikely case of me getting too many wins in a short period of time is... not cool. This is also technically a mandatory giveaways group so normally I wouldn't even consider it (I kind prefer to make giveaways when I feel like it rather than because a rule tells me I have to) if I didn't think I could pull off all the challenges. :D
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We'll do it the same way as in the events we had in the group I was a member of. The one who picks games for you is responsible for making decent choices. Three games should make at least one of them interesting enough for a playthrough. I don't believe we had anyone ever deliberately picking only really bad games, but sometimes there would perhaps be one of the three games considered not that good.
I often found it to be quite the opposite, people often picked games they had played themselves and would recommend.
There's always the possibility of doing giveaways instead of playing games if you win more than you could handle :) That's one of the things I like about the idea, it encourages everyone to be a bit picky about the giveaways they enter, and maybe even ask for a reroll if they are super lucky.
If you're able to finish at least one game per month out of the three ones picked for you, and you don't win any games, technically, you're only required to do one single giveaway, ever ;)
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If someone tells me to beat 3 dead Multiplayer games I'll come complain to you then. ;P
Yeah, since you changed (clarified?) it to only wins withing the group it's quite a lot better. I was mostly referring to wins outside of it since they can be quite unpredictable.
Well... I've never actually joined any of these "we do a thing" type of groups before.... but I'm bored right now. So I guess if I fit the requirements consider this as my application. :D
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The rules will require selecting at least 2 of the 3 games within a certain HLTB single player story median time (perhaps 5-20 hours), I'm thinking the option to select a third, longer game should be there, for anyone being up for the challenge of finishing all thee games one month, even if one of them is a longer one. But since multiplayer games won't have any HLTB single player/story time for those games, they won't come up for anyone :)
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This sounds like a lot of fun, and would be an extra added incentive to keep me plowing my way through my backlog.
That said, not sure if having me would be overly complicated for you. I'm currently playing on an oldish Mac computer. Only around half of my library is Mac compatible, and even among those games, there are sometimes games that just don't work right for one reason or another (though Mac gaming has come a LONG way). So, might be an extra challenge for someone to choose appropriate options for a challenge for me.
That said, I really am hoping to have built a new PC by January or February.
Also, my giveaway history is good, but a bit old. I was away from SteamGifts (and PC gaming in general) for around 18-24 months, and since coming back have not really had a ton of extra money to be throwing at public giveaways. However, I could definitely see my way to doing one or two group giveaways per month. Anyone that remembers me can vouch for me always staying in good standing in terms of ratio in any of the couple groups I once was a part of years ago.
Either way, great idea, and good luck with you group.
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In the group where we ran the event, some users would have information about what games they could not run because of technical limitations. Of course we could have it in this group as well. The best way to solve it would be to become a member of BLAEO (if you're not already), let it sync your games on Steam, and make a list of all the non-played games your computer could run, and leave that link in the group member list, so anyone who gets to pick games for you will do it from that list :)
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some questions: excuse me in advance for my english
-If I win a game in this group in January, in february I will have to play this win, plus at least another game of the 3 choices?
-The 3 choices, are selected through the steamgifts wins , right?
I admit my mistakes, in the past I went into most the games just to win something, now I have changed my mind ... so many of the games I've won in the past I never want to play, there is some way to prevent these games are selected for the list of 3 to play? For example, select only games won in the last year or some similar idea.
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No worries, your English is fine to me! I'm not a native speaker either :)
That's correct, won games in the group from previous month, plus at least one of the three games picked for you. If you don't have the time to play the games, you can always "pay" by doing a giveaway instead.
The three games are selected from your unplayed games in your Steam library, not only won games on Steamgifts. If you want to, you can put a note that you prefer the one who selects your games for you to select unplayed SG wins, but it's always up to the one who gets to pick your games which ones it's going to be.
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I love this kinds of challenges, so I would be interested to join as well, but I got 2 questions:
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Just games won within the group. You can win as much as you wish outside of the group, we can't have any rules about that :)
I know about the problems with the new Steam gifting system. Which region would that be? If the giveaway would be accessible for a large part of the group (let's say 60% of the group are in the EU region, and it's a giveaway with an EU region lock) it would probably be allowed. Still needs at least 5 wishlists and one entry to count.
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Yes, for me it would a an EU lock so it theoretically should be still available to quite a lot of people. I would still try to find keys for a game first, but just asking because you never know.
I just noticed now the 1:1 ratio requirement (I should not read and reply to posts right after waking up in the morning >.>) . If you indeed end up changing it to something I fit I would still like to join. I come with bonus experience of having successfully completed BLAEOs challenge me challenges in the past and being a Playing Appreciated member for quite a while :P
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I've only participated in two rounds I think, but I've enjoyed it a lot! Meaning - I definitely would like in ^_^ Hopefully I'll have more spare time by the time the whole would launch (that is if I even make it in of course).
A couple of questions though - playing wins implies group wins only or all SG wins? Will "pick additional game for yourself" make an appearance? Would the Beardtopia guidelines applies here too, such as pick different genres, no overly negative games, no previously picked games, respect individual requests (no scary games, no big downloads if problems with internet, no newest games if PC can't handle, no games already played off steam etc). If so - maybe mention it in the OP? As well as the fact that you won't be choosing games for someone you want, but pairs will be randomly generated (if it'll remain so).
Also, If someone can't participate in some month - could he just sit one down (maybe with penalty GA), without leaving group?
And my recruitment data:
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The wins required for playing next month would only be wins from within the group.
I don't think the "pick a game for yourself" will be a part of the rules, since that would mean the group for some members would be "finish one game of your choice per month, a game you would probably played anyway", and that takes away a bit of the excitement, not knowing what games you will play during next month.
Yes, the same things as in the old event would be encouraged, with user "limitations", different kind of games. As for previously picked games, that would be up to each member to decide. Sometimes you're maybe happy with all three games chosen, but not with enough time to play all three, and that would mean a happy surprise if one of them shows up again. So, each member would be free to say yes or no to any previously picked game, for future months.
Yes, who you pick games for will be chosen at random :)
Of course, if you're not able to join one month, and inform about that ahead of time, we will solve it.
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Very nice idea. Willing to join, if there is any space and my profile fits the requirements ;-)
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I'm in if you'd have me. I miss Pay or Play, and I think i fill all the requirements ;)
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Besides at least one of the three chosen games, the winner must finish every game won within the group previous month to avoid "payment".
So, that means one mandatory giveaway when entering the group, then no more mandatory ones unless you have to pay - either by not finishing one of the three selected games one month, or by not finishing a game won previous month.
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Well, the recruitment thread for the last PoP event was in early July, around 1/3 year ago, so I assumed they who arranged the events don't really have the time for a new one.
Yes, we'll have the same system, so it's possible to leave any wishes for the one who will pick your games :)
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Tso makes this onhis own, Erdbeertoertchen or me aren't related to the group ( besides me wanting to join :P)
Isa is pretty busy nowadays and had another event in mind that maybe (?) got canceled because of work, I'm not sure. I started a paet-time job and honestly completely forgot about PoP, partially because of the planned event. But I see no reason to be permanently end the series of events, and I think it can easily work for people who are in the group as well, if they have shorter games to be asked for, and picked :) I'll think about this during the day, and hopefully talk to E. in the afternoon.
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Sounds like fun! With how little time I have lately I guess I'll be a regular "payer" but I'd like the challenge :D
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Wow, it would be an honour to have one of the PoP "officials" in the group :) I'm up for doing the "dirty work" and would have the time for it from December and onwards, so you can concentrate on playing games and having fun instead of doing the google docs and keeping track :) Erd would be very welcome to join too!
Perhaps it's easier to manage with the giveaways being in a separate group as well? Oh, and maybe I'm evil, but I really like the idea of winning one of the payment giveaways means having to play that game too next month, or having to pay for it. Adds an extra layer of "meta game" to it, and doesn't encourage being in the event and doing the bare minimum to be able to access all the giveaways.
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I don'tk now if another group would be necessary, or useful - if the winners are required to play the won game, that would mean they have to join the next round as well, so I don't know how much of a rotation of the users you should calculate with. I guess this will turn out after a month or two.
I really don't mind the won game has to be played as well, it's just you being you, mixing in the Actually Playing Games rules and your stance on won games. With the option of asking for shorter games of the 3 if someone won something previous month, I see no problem with it - I've always seen such great games picked with such a good will from everyone (with a funny "why you own dis?" bad game every now and then) that I'm just really looking forward to start it . (and maybe rekindling the PoP event in the groups, on Narayan's comment you can find a short explanation why the silent period :) )
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It would of course be possible to only play the won game(s) and not participate in the "someone chooses 3 games" a certain month. If someone wants out of the group completely, they could leave in good standing, "paying" for anything unplayed.
Yeah, I guessed you didn't have much time, and I've been missing these events quite a lot, that's why I wanted to start it again, without pressuring you into having to do it :)
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I am interested to join.
But I have a question regarding the selection of the game. What if someone chooses a game that can't be played without playing its earlier series? Like if someone chooses Deponia Doomsday, but the member hasn't played Goodbye Deponia. Can that member ask the selector to chose another game?
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This group is inspired by an event held in the Beard-topia group (among others). The idea there was simple: Each entrant in the event chooses three unplayed games from the Steam library of another (randomly selected) entrant, and everyone is challenged to finish at least one of the three games during a month. If a member fails to finish any of the games chosen for them, they must "pay" at the end of the month by doing a giveaway.
I always found these events a lot of fun, but there hasn't been any for a while, and I miss them, so I wanted to create a group for everyone who thinks this would be fun.
The group would be based on a monthly, slightly overlapping cycle of game selection/time to play games/giveaways, with roughly four weeks to finish at least one of the chosen games. There will be rules about game length to avoid anyone being stuck with three games requiring 100+ hours each to finish, or a game they can't run.
There will be an additional rule to make things more interesting:
Any games won within the group are added to the games to finish next month for the winner. Besides at least one of the three chosen games, the winner must finish every game won within the group previous month to avoid "payment". Every unfinished won game equals one payment next month. So, three won games and none of them finished means three "payment" giveaways (in addition to any payment for not finishing one of the selected games).
Giveaways should be only for games that are on the wishlist of at least five group members (this number could be changed further on), and giveaways would only count if they get at least one entry. This way, members don't have to think about bundled/unbundled status, and can instead focus on games that others do want (and hopefully also want to/will play).
Since the group would take some effort to manage each month, I will set a membership limit of 50 members initially.
The group focus is challenging each other to play games. The giveaways will be more of a "spice" than the main focus of the group. In theory, there might be hardly no giveaways at all, in case each member beats at least one of their chosen games each month. Of course, members would be welcome to do additional giveaways if they feel like it, even if they don't have to "pay" according to the rules.
More information on group rules will be added within the next two weeks. The group will start accepting members from the 20th this month, and the first event will start in December.
To start things off, each new member will do one giveaway, so January will be a very interesting month, with 50 extra games (if we get 50 members) going to new homes, required to be played to avoid extra payment.
To be a member of the group, you would need to be a Steamgifts member who has done enough giveaways so we can assume payment giveaways won't be any problems. Since the group has the 5 member wishlist minimum, this means anyone applying should have done at least a few unbundled giveaways. The group is about playing games, so anyone looking to become a member must also have played some of their won games, at least a bit. You can check your stats for won games with this script.
Membership requirements (tl;dr)
So, that means one mandatory giveaway when entering the group, then no more mandatory ones unless you have to pay - either by not finishing one of the three selected games one month, or by not finishing a game won previous month. If you don't win any games from the group, you only do the one giveaway, then no more if you manage to finish at least one of the selected games every month, unless you want to do any extra giveaways.
Since there is a 50 membership limit to begin with, there will be no guarantee that all who apply and fit the requirements will be in the group. If we have more than 50 potential members then solid giveaway history and high percentage of won games played will mean a higher chance of getting in, but maybe it won't come to that, it all depends on the interest for the group :)
I might not be too active in this thread until the 20th, but if you want to join the group and meet the requirements above, leave a comment telling that you want to join.
edit: Made it a bit clearer that the won games to play are the ones won within the group, it does not apply to other SG wins, only group exclusive giveaways.
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