I've encountered this type of anger before in Rust. I usually sing to them. Nothing quite settles them down like a good ole' country song.
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That is true. I keep forgetting CS:GO has the vote a player off thing. ^.^
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thats great song, can you suggest some more in this genre? I love this kind music but seems like you live in this source^^
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Oh, absolutely! You are indeed correct. I live directly in the middle of the source! ^.^
Im a huge fan of Alan Jackson. Some of my favorite song's include Sissy's Song, Remember When and Drive (For Daddy Gene
Kenney Chesney is great too. Some good songs of his are There Goes My Life, The Good Stuff and I Go Back. There are a ton of great ones, those are just some of my favorites! ^.^
Cant go wrong with Zac Brown either! ^.^
My personal favorite Blackberry Smoke. They are a little more Southern Rock than Country, but still absolutely amazing. Many heartfelt songs. I've seen them in concert 4 times ^.^
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Hi Fyantastic, thx for your answer fantastic :) Mostly listen Neil young, Bruce Springsteen, Johnny Cash etc. but these are more soft and more country indeed.
I really liked listening Alan Jackson^^ thx mate
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I'm really noob in CS:GO and whenever someone in the team decide to vote kick me i respect it and just let the other members to decide about the situation.
As you mentioned, in most of cases these people who run a vote kick for others or start trolling, mocking other members of the team are those who have medium plays or a bad one.
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If you ignore them or don't give them a reaction then they usually stop. It's not fun for them to do those things if nobody is laughing/getting angry
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People are just idiots sometimes :p If it's casual, deathmatch, arms race or demolition, I'll just disable the voice so i don't have to deal with listening to them :p Or if it's just one person, then I'll just block communication with them. But in competitive.. well, if they get bad enough then I'll block communication with them, but I HATE doing that, because what if they quit raging and starting using call-outs or something. So I try to avoid doing that.
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Yeaahh. When I play comp, I try to just deal with them. But, if they just won't stop spamming their mic, then I HAVE to mute them, because I need to concentrate. And I just hating muting in comp, but sometimes you just have to. And it suuucksss.
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Protip about csgo: mute everybody that stands in your way to play the game relaxed. When I play, if there's someone that will annoy me coz he's raging all the time, yelling, or even complaining, I just mute them. If I notice it in the first round, I mute him instantly, no need to wait, it wont get better. You mute them and continue playing your game, with calling stuff and giving ideas.
If you're playing alone don't rely on teamwork too much, it always gets you in trouble. Try to find some weird and non usual spots where you can get a kill or two and instantly fall back. Or try to be behind your teammates so when they peak you're there to at least get the trade frag. If you have any questions feel free to ask, have over 1300 hours in the game and much more in watching it so I have some general knowledge how this game looks like when the players who know what they're doing are playing it :)
/edit what kyle said 2 posts up is also true, but it works only on specific people, so be careful with that one
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Basicaly any popular game has some form of ragers best to ignore them but thats just my opinion :)
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i geuss i should try playing with voicechat open and listen to the ragers ¨havent played it with voicechat open when i started ;p but i get your point. but in general people rage and could go feed /go afk/ or spam chat from what i have seen ;p
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After sinking 500 hours into this game, I can tell you that most of those ragers are either russian, or 10-17 years old self entitled kids. Having grown up on CoD they go for the kill, and of course, when they fail, they find someone to blame (usually not themselves). I know this struggle, because before playing CS:GO I have played CoD 4, MW 2 BO and MW 3 multi a lot, and I do mean a lot, because I have 200+ hours in MW 2 multiplayer. I had to learn calmness, how to make every bullet count, how to spray, how to one tap (I'm still learning the last 2), but there are people, who can't do it.
BTW I feel like the problem is with boosters and smurfs instead. Boosters are those, who have let's say 100-200 hours in the game, and they bring in their (in worst case) 0 hours friend. I just hate those. Their friend will quickly derank after they got their assigned rank, because they won't be able to kill anyone in their skill group, while they are ruining 3 (or 8) other people's games.
Oh, and I love smurfs too. Can't get out of Gold Nova ever since the rank adjustment, because on my rank-up match, I get matched against at least one smurf, with an idiot in my team. Oh, but in those rare cases, when I get a smurf in MY team, they of course have to be assholes. My most memorable match was on Mirage. The smurf was flaming and insulting everyone in the team, bragging about his score, but when he died, and had no money, he had the face to ask for a drop. I refused to give him anything, because of his behavior. He then proceeded to kill me and got my AK. I asked him ,why did he do that. He said, because I didn't drop him anything. A few rounds later, I took my revenge on him. Only the 2 of us were left,. The bomb was planted on B, and one terrorist was hiding behind the van. I killed him, then rushed to the bomb, praying that the smurf can't defuse it, before I reach him, and killed him with Galil. He was furious, he wanted to kick me, but he had to face 4 "no" votes. Fast forward to the last round, the score was 14-15 for the enemy, so we had our chance to make it a tie. Our smurf was the last alive versus the bottom fragger in the enemy team. The bomb was planted on A, he was approaching it from Connector. Somebody told him over voice chat, that the T is at ninja, but I could hear footsteps from CT spawn, and I was sure that he could hear them too, so I didn't tell him. He turned left, ventured into the open, and when he tried to fake defuse, the T popped up from CT spawn, and killed him thus winning the match. The smurf was in fact the first according to the scoreboard, but it doesn't freaking matter, since we lost.
So yeah, you just have to deal with them, because overwatchers can't hear voice chat, and can't read messages. The only one, who can do it is Valve, and those, who use a guide to download the full match, but it makes giving a verdict really hard. The only option is to find a good team of 4 other people, who are always ready, when you are, and play the game with them. Solo queue and premades are the worst you can imagine. I usually play CS:GO with my friend, but we can see that you need a minimum of 3 other people you know to make a match enjoyable at your side. Why only 3? Because you can votekick the unknown guy, if they decide to fck up your game.
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Well I have to agree that I see a lot of Russians raging. I don't play with them most of the time anyways because I use Matchmaking Server Picker to get into EU West servers, but EU West has tons of ragers too. I can't agree about 10-17 years old kids because most ragers sound... old... unfortunetaly. Mostly in their 20s or 30s. I have way more hours played in CoD (playing since classic CoD) and CS:GO than you.
I don't like boosters because they usually bring that guy on a way lower rank and he is kinda useless most of the time but I don't get them often, only from time to time.
I don't mind smurfs and I have no idea why people care about them. Smurfs happen in every game and it is a normal thing to have more accounts for game you really enjoy playing. Gotta get used to it.
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This is why Arms Race is the best. There is no friendly fire and everyone has to use the same weapons. You have no one to blame but yourself.
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Most multiplayers games have a very toxic community. CS:GO too. I usually mute people that annoy me with their mic. If they start swearing at me, I swear at them back. If they vote to kick me, I try to make them angry, resulting in th/tk me, in order to have a reason to report them for griefing. xD
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Yeah I agree, every multiplayer game has ragers, but CS:GO is like unique in my opinion. It has way too many of them, I meet them in almost every game. I've never experienced anything like that in any other game and I've played a lot of them. The thing is ragers in CS:GO run around unpunished most probably, while in other games they have some good reporting system which actually punishes people for flaming others.
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Every time I play cs:go, I meet at least one of them: cheaters, smurfs, trolls, ragers, ragequitters, people with lag, stupid people, etc. :P I know about them. That's why I avoid playing competitive.
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True that. I only play CS:GO for the drops, believe it or not. ;)
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CS:GO has indeed many ragers... but it's certainly not even close to the number of ragers you will meet in LoL (which is the reason why i abandoned that game).
Personally, i always choose to play the game with all mics muted and try to troll the ragers (make them grief me so that i can report them later). I end up laughing so, it's fine.
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I had played LoL for quite some time and it doesn't have as many ragers as CS:GO has. In LoL they get banned for that, even permanently so people watch out for their language. CS:GO on the other hand doesn't do anything against ragers, you can also get kicked out in CS:GO while in LoL you can't.
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Because most of CS:go players are teenager or kidz, what you expect?
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I block teammates immediately if they start talking s***t or if they even talk too much because I must have silence to hear opponents or to be concentrated. But I feel you, I love the game but I think that community is so disgusting that it destroys the fun.
I'm currently DMG (used to be LE before the rank updates) but I don't even play csgo anymore because online multiplayer games demand too much time and I think that it's not worth the suffering so I play rocket league with my friends.
But on the other side I met so many nice people in the game and it feels very good when you solo queue with nice, mature people that can aim and actually use their brain to play.
EDIT: Check out banana gaming mute script if you need to clutch but your annoying teammates can't keep their mouth shut
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8_X5_3iHg4 I use it and find it essential to play the game
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Mate, a lot of times they're raging because it's "funny". If you don't like to play with people that "rages" you should try to create a a team with your friends and play with them.
It's really normal people raging even in casual/deathmatch modes on CS:GO.
I already saw a lot of videos from people from EU raging, NA raging and as a SA player I can say that here it's not different, people from Argentina, Chile, Peru, Brazil and others loves rages.
But I suggest you to start doing the same. Keep raging the people, you'll think it's funny, and you'll see that in the most of times the ragers are nice persons. Or you can just mute them and play your game ;D
(Sorry for bad englando hahaha)
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I agree about no difference between ragers in other countries, I don't generalize any because every country has ragers (and a lot of them! :P), but I can't agree about ragers being nice people. They aren't nice, at least at that moment. They curse, flame and blame others, they make their time hell and it isn't supposed to work like that, it is supposed to be relaxing. I understand that sometimes you have to motivate people, but not by that kind of behaviour.
Ragers are just immature people with problems and instead of seeking help or fixing their problems they decide to throw their frustration at random strangers. That is not right.
Of course it isn't always like that and there are people raging because of funny reasons, but you can hear it in their tone and reactions. They don't destroy your games... at least that much ;)
oh I forgot about creating a team or playing with friends - can't do that, I don't have enough time for that, I play CS:GO twice a week
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So I suggest you to start playing with your friends, so you won't get a rager on your team. Or if you want to play solo, just mute them and do your game. Or you can just play and don't give a f*** about what they're saying and sometimes laugh at them :D
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I edited my previous answer with this:
oh I forgot about creating a team or playing with friends - can't do that, I don't have enough time for that, I play CS:GO twice a week
I don't really give a damn about ragers as I laugh at them most of the time and remind them about flaming and being last or at least worse than me at the end :p if I can't do that I simply mute them, but they really work on others and destroy morales of my other team mates
it just bothers me why CS:GO has so many of them
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i dont see the problem, i never use voicechat and mostly ignore typing.. so i just play and enjoy :)
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true considering you play Pick up Group,
i host my own teamspeak with some people, so in MP games we team up over there :)
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yep, I have Insurgency, you actually reminded me to play it sometimes, really good game ;)
every multiplayer game has people like this, but there is a problem with CS:GO because it has a voice chat, vote kick, team killing, griefing and they can really make your game a bad time unfortunetaly
in other games they would get punished (even perma bans), but I don't see that in CS:GO, maybe I'm wrong
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It's obvious you're gonna find ragers in csgo, it has over 10 million players and it's a competitive game,meaning that if you lose the pistol round and you were 3 vs 1 or 2 vs 1 than it is kind of upsetting,however you can just mute the guy if he just starts blaming the team and if you have what it takes you will win rounds anyways... it's not like ragers don't play well,they mostly play well and have a shit team.
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ragers don't play well mostly in my experience, they end up blaming and flaming others for their own mistakes or they just flame someone for bad aiming and when it comes to spectating them they end up doing same mistake, but they wont say a word about it
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It depends,ragers usually shut up if you don't feed them with other rage and mute them and unmute them some rounds after.... anyways,sometimes they underperform because they realize they have a shit team,sometimes they overperform... also,if someone says " why the fuck you go b from mid and not through tunnels? idiot " there is a reason for it,and he's blaming you but it's something true and you can get a lesson out of it.
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This, I agree and I usually end up with this experience, of course I have some well playing ragers sometimes, but I wouldn't call them ragers, becasue they flame only sometimes and they are not that loud. Good players usually don't rage that much and when they do, it is usually at the end of the match, because they know that match isn't over until enemy team has 16 rounds won, you can always win it even if it is 14-0 for the enemy team (that had happened to me plenty of times). I love ragers starting to cry in first 3 pistol rounds and already surrendering and I really get those kind of people often, sad cry babies.
I am also getting black listed thanks to this thread :p Looks like we have a lot of CS:GO emotionally unstable people here, boohoo.
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I get mad when I have to kill 3-4 people each round because the people I play with are lucky to get a kill or two before halftime. It just usually seems like I get stuck with bad people or against bad people. I haven't had a game where it was a mix or we were all equally skilled. I don't know if it was the rank shift, but I've carried most of the games that I have recently played. I.E. Going 42-12 in a game of updated Nuke
It's just the extremely stupid people that piss me off, especially when you try to offer advice or help them and they just tell you to "fuck off, faggot".
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in europe i don't usually get many rage from community servers or matchmaking and when i do get ragers it's only one (two sometimes and very rare), I don't play csgo for a while now so i might be outdated but i doubt that it would change so fast :V
what i did noticed however was that some youtube videos for game such as cod and csgo that often get ragers and flamers are from people that live on the usa, is it local thing? o.O because i seriously have never found such rage+flaming in csgo
for those people i hope this happens to them, the creator of the video is a prankster that caughts these shameful people and make them go through the same they did as long with some racist, bullies and pedophiles (i didnt even knew that pedophiles used games to target people >.>) with help of their repective family/friends
cod should have some kind of moderator bot to do that 24/7 :D
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That's exagerated.. " Oh how dare these guys rage at this game because the opponent team has 3 good players out of 5 and their team is full of derankers/bad player that don't practice before every game? let's go prank them... IT'S JUST A PRANK Xddd Y U MAD I JUST PLAYED WITH YOUR HEAD MAKING YOU FULLY PARANOID ABOUT ANYTHING RELATED TO SPEAKING IN YOUR GAMES.
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I think you misunderstood me, i was talking about the offensive ragers that disrepect everyone for no reason but their own entertainment which (as i said) i have only found on some youtube videos, so obviously people that are like "FUCK! that shot was perfect freaking 64 tick servers" are understandable but not "FUCK! you suck, get a freaking gaming chair noob!" and i dont even know if these people are as common as they seem to be but if so, yes, there should be people teaching them how to not be "that guy" that ruined the fun, because yes, some people still play for fun and not to "be the very best" (which happens a lot in csgo)
but i see your point now, if someone was pranking ragers in his free time this could end up with a lot of inocent people that got a "one time snap" unfairly punished
it's all a matter of who cares to listen to those people or who cares to mute
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Yeah I agree, every multiplayer game has ragers, but CS:GO is like unique in my opinion. It has way too many of them, I meet them in almost every game. I've never experienced anything like that in any other game and I've played a lot of them. The thing is ragers in CS:GO run around unpunished most probably, while in other games they have some good reporting system which actually punishes people for flaming others. CS:GO ragers can also vote kick, team kill, grief, make you team kill them, tell your position to the enemy. Overall make your game really painful.
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Yeah I agree, every multiplayer game has ragers, but CS:GO is like unique in my opinion. It has way too many of them, I meet them in almost every game. I've never experienced anything like that in any other game and I've played a lot of them. The thing is ragers in CS:GO run around unpunished most probably, while in other games they have some good reporting system which actually punishes people for flaming others. CS:GO ragers can also vote kick, team kill, grief, make you team kill them, tell your position to the enemy. Overall make your game really painful.
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I find it funny that those who talk trash the most are the ones who play the worst. Probably hiding their own insecurities behind rudness. But I really dislike that valve does absolutely nothing to battle rudness. I guess money comes first to them. I always say - if you want to experience worst of humanity, go play cs:go.
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First sorry If i have mistakes in my english :D
I have almost 2k hrs play time and saw too much raging! however,I myself don't raging even in real life so all the times simply mute them! solo play is actually bad idea (if rank for you is important).however, there are nice people from all the countries even Russia,and I myself before game starts (warm up) play a music like Hello It's dmitry,sometimes it makes them laugh and we have almost friendly conversations,on the other hand if you play well your teamamtes respect you even if you do a mistake in a simple round or sth, specially when your rank is on top ranks and people actually know you did ur best.however i think the best choice is just mute them also countinue your way like giving good information and Spray N Play xD
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CS:GO is a great game, but it has a huge problem with ragers, I get them in every game. I mean it, every game. Well, nice people happen too, but that is kinda rare. What's wrong with this game? Does Valve even ban people for raging, cursing, flaming, blaming? I know other games that ban for it like LoL and HoTS, but I have never heard of anyone getting banned for these reasons in CS:GO.
The funny thing is that ragers / flamers usually end up at bottom of leaderboards, but it's still not fun to play with them. This game has way too many people like that and by the sound of their voices I can say they are close to their 20s, mid 20s and 30s which is a shame. So many immature people that can't deal with others being better at... a video game.
Also premades - usually groups of 2 or 3, usually at least 1 plays well and 1 plays medium or really bad. Do they flame and blame each other? No, they find a black sheep in team and curse him together for their own mistakes. When you tell them to check leaderboards who's at the bottom of leaderboards they decide to vote kick you. The fuck is wrong with people, seriously.
Don't get me wrong, I get angry too, I sometimes happen to flame others too, but I never use my mic nor team chat to do that. I don't want to upset people. Why would I do that? There is no point in flaming others for playing badly. I usually try to calm them down and tell them that it is fine, sometimes it helps and they get ahead of me. We all have worse games, worse days. We are not machines.
How do you deal with ragers? Do you simply mute them or rage back? Do you have other ways to deal with them?
I find it easier to deal with ragers playing solo, ragers in groups are the worst unfortunetaly.
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