I always wanted to be a hitman. But then my mom took my sniper and the contracts.
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well in skyrim i enjoy mucking around with mods and killing everyone i see, love killing people with the slow time mod!!:)
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I wouldn't fight or shoot anyone who isn't a threat, nor would I start a fight
on games however it's awesome to hit the civilians with The penetrator in saints row the third :D
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I have bipolar behavior and more often than not I subconsciously think about doing the meanest most terrible things to people I like, followed by a quick hangover of my upper feelings. More often than not my bad side is under control and treat people the way I like to be treated.
Mental tricks such as putting yourself in the place of somebody else before doing something that affects them eases out on the choosing a lot. So yes, it is bad to shoot somebody who is completely neutral to yourself. Though in videogames it is sort of hard to feel guilt over pixels, and don't really show how people actually are.
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I only do that when I was bored, for example massacre the whole whiterun in skyrim.
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I'm from Germany and nearly every politican says that playing violent video games turns you into a sick oerson with no feelings who would easily kill people facepalm If someone is running amok they say it's all the video games' fault. In fact there was only one time when it was sure that someone was running amok because of a game. But no one seems to understand it. IMO playing violent games will not affect you're behavior in real life, except if people have problems with seperating games/movies etc. from the reality.
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I love playing games like fallout and skyrim, and play the good guy. I never kill anyone who isn't an evil asshole who kills others.
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I love games for being like this, because I would never do that in RL and this gives me the opportunity to be a bad guy ^_^
I mean I can't even harm a fly or a spider and I never had a fight (which doesn't mean I can't fight) and sometimes I hit friends but in a friendly way and I only do that to those people knowing it's in a friendly way ;)
But in games like Mass Effect or Fable where you can be good or evil, I'm always good :)
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It depends a lot on the game.
First it's important to distinguish between a video game and reality. Just because someone plays a murdering psychopath in a game, doesn't really say anything about them as a person.
That said, depending on the game and how much of a choice I have, I usually play as 'the good guy' and try to help and save people. That definitely mirrors how I act in real life, or rather how I would act if I was ever in a situation where I needed to help people.
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When I play a game I try to be as immersed as possible, so I pick a side before I play (usually good.) I never pick fights in game, they pick me. However, accidents happen and I save often.
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If a game contains highly exaggerated features and is mostly silly, like, say, Just Cause 2 and Saints Row 3, I tend to play it like a spazzy idiot.
If it's a serious game, I immerse myself in. Then, after one play through, spazz out. Lol.
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I try not to harm innocent/non-combatant/NPCs wherever possible, for the most part. But for e.g. in Mafia II when some jerk cuts me off and I can't avoid crashing into him and then he gets out of his car and tries to start a ruckus??...weeeeell...dakka dakka dakka. Someone's daddy ain't comin' home no mo'. I realise you were asking about behaviour toward "innocent" people, but I felt that that response was sufficiently "Israel" and out-of-proportion that it counted.
In the Hitman games, I generally try and avoid killing even the evil, armed henchmen though sometimes its unavoidable. Fitting in with the mythos of the elite hitman for hire. Similarly in sniper games, I prefer to focus on my objectives than kill every single person on the map.
As for GTA, I grew up in an era when GTA meant getting bonus points for mowing down a line of Hare Krishnas. GOURANGA! Maybe that affects how I play those games now. I don't murder innocent people as a rule, but occasionally I'll be less careful while driving or go on a spree to let off steam. Weird, because I've just been playing Magicka, and accidentally killed an NPC and felt incredibly bad about it. Tried to revive her and everything.
tl;dr : it all depends on the game.
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"As for GTA, I grew up in an era when GTA meant getting bonus points for mowing down a line of Hare Krishnas. GOURANGA! Maybe that affects how I play those games now. I don't murder innocent people as a rule, but occasionally I'll be less careful while driving or go on a spree to let off steam. Weird, because I've just been playing Magicka, and accidentally killed an NPC and felt incredibly bad about it. Tried to revive her and everything."
wow - same happened to me
it's a shame revive doesn't work on NPCs ^^
yeah... depends on the game
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I think I usually try to stick to doing what's necessary in the game. If killing neutral AI won't advance things, I probably won't do it most of the time. But it is just a game, so I might do it once in a while and not really worry about it. Like you said, it's not like I'd do it in real life and doing it in a game doesn't mean I'll do it in real life (separate fantasy from reality and that's no real problem).
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The whole point in video games is that it lets you do anything you can't in the real world.
A good way to do that is to cause mayhem. :D
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i actually do things like that quite often lol.
number of innocent people that fall in my hands at GTA and prototype is uncountable :D
in GTA especially, i purposely do that so i can have a little high speed chase with police lol.
but of course i will never do that in real world. video games doesn't make people violent. lag does :p
credit to 9gag :D
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Many game has the option to kill innocent people, civilians or how do you want to put it. When I say people I don't mean other players, I mean AI which isn't a threat to you. For example in Half-Life, you got a gun and you can shoot a guard. In Grand Theft Auto you can drive over any person, shoot at them or just anything. Do you get the point?
How often do you think real life when you are playing, or do you think at all? For real I wouldn't point anyone with a gun and much less would I shoot at them. Often in games I come across a situation where I have the chance to kill a non-hostile civil and usually I avoid doing that.
My point is how much does your real life behaviour affect your gameplay. Of course it's hard to say, like you wouldn't know what you would do in a situation where you got a gun and your life is being threatened. Where as in a game that is the whole idea of it.
So all in all, do you actually consider it to be bad to blow one's head off when they are completely neutral to you?
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