Does GTA V worth it?
Oh you are one of those who jumps on the hacker/cheater bandwagon.They are not hackers they are cheaters.
Hackers force their way in and steal data.Cheaters use codes or program's to enable cheats.I have logged many hours into the game and I do not find what you call "hackers" everywhere.The game has cheaters hell even CS-GO has them despite having one of the better anti-cheat systems.
I guess because people in reviews say they exist everywhere they must really exist.I actually run into random idiots then cheaters.I can not count how many times I have been trolled during a mission or while in free roam.At least when i spotted cheaters most of the time they left me alone.
Also you can play the game in a solo session or invite only and that is what I suggest anyhow.Playing with random people regardless of cheaters is a crap shoot on its own and most of the time not worth the trouble when doing missions.Sadly though more and more are focused on free roam.Where everyone on the map can attack you so you get a group of 4 but if there are 15 other people on that server if they so wish they can attack you and make you loose everything.15-4 is not good odds.
So your best bet for missions in free roam is to get your group to kick whoever joins the server to keep the idiots and trolls out.
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I thought about it but I figured you would just read two lines and come to a conclusion.
I also added to it hoping that the OP would also read it and get a better idea of the game.
At least I made an effort other than just posting oh cheaters and no real ways of backing up such claims with like i do not know actually experience playing the game.
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If you want it to be on Steam, then you'll have to buy it on Steam. Otherwise, you'll need to activate it in Social Club. I think Greenmangaming has a pretty good deal on GTA V right now.
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Maybe I misunderstood but even on steam it requires 3rd-Party Account: Rockstar Games Social Club.
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That's right. But if you buy a key for GTA 5, then you'll only require Social Club, because the game can't be activated on Steam. There are no keys for GTA 5 on Steam.
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Never played it.. but "Is it worth" is the correct way of asking.
San Andreas was fun though, next in line, not so much..
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I know it isn't, I can tell.. But I should think (s)he would like to know how it's properly spoken/written. Learn a something new everyday and all..
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Vice City was the best. GTA V has some nice missions and memorable protagonists, so, in general, the single player is cool. The multiplayer is pathetic, so avoid it. :P
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Tried adjusting the properties of the exe file a bit?
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As others have said, single player, sure, MP? Not unless you bring the squad. I've spent 418 hours in game according to steam and I'm guessing about 400 of those have been in a private lobby with my sister because of hackers and jackasses. Beware the hackers dropping money on you, it can and will get you banned, you'll be auto flagged for picking up way more money than should be possible from the ground and no amount of screenshot proof or fighting will get that strike off of your account /slightlysalty
Yarrr Matey if ye just be wanting single player - Coming from a former pirate who now has money and a steam addiction. >.>
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Beware the hackers dropping money on you, it can and will get you banned
That won't get you banned. If somebody else gives you a lot of money, Rockstar will simply take away the money and you won't get banned (source: Rockstars website and my brothers experience).
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Then your brother had a different experience than I did as my post states. I'm still rather salty about it more than a year later. Public lobby, money suddenly dropped on me and then a black screen with "You have been banned from GTA Online." This matches up with the reports of the system auto flagging you for the amount of money racked up far too quickly and from street pickups rather than missions.
Considering the amount of angry people in the forums/subreddits/steam reviews so on and so on, that have had the same experience over the years, it's probably pretty safe to say that not all of them are just angry that they were caught cheating. Hell one guy went so far as to post to the BBB (Better Business Bureau) screenshots and all and still couldn't get the strike removed.
But I digress, I don't want to turn the OP's thread into one of the millions of threads going back and forth about hacking in the game. IMO the game's not worth the full $60 for a lot of reasons. Shady business practices, shallow gameplay, grinding to rival the likes of any Korean MMO (I swore when got my yacht during the last sale I'd never ever grind again...) I could go on. I reviewed it on Steam if you'd like my full opinion. The $30 price tag right now is more attractive if the OP wants to give it a go. Might be worth the $30 just to drive around Los Santos and Blaine County, for all the shit I give it is a beautifully designed game world.
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IMO the game's not worth the full $60 for a lot of reasons
I totally agree with that. The singleplayer is decent, but the online just requires way too much grinding. It's not too difficult to get a nice car and a lot of weapons, but if you want to play with any of the DLC stuff or just want an awesome car, you need to grind for so long...
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single player is good enough, the gta online is the shiet, has tons of free dlc and content, some special stuff that you dont totally need is expensive, but like i said, nothing of that is required to play game modes or access content
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Green Man Gaming have it for $25.71 for VIP (you just need to register) and after the extra 10% discount with the code SALE10.
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Depends, single player is rather bland and online is a piece of shit
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Yes both Singleplayer and Multiplpayer are good, ppl don't recommend MP because they get crushed like pathetic noobs. But MP is nice af, they already added lots of extra content since release and there probably is more to come and it's all free.
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MP is a cashgrabbing grindfest that barely has any activities other than the heists that you'll play once. The matchmaking is awful and Rockstar's shady business practices and random bans for no reason are not a good reason to get the MP.
Well, hopefully they fixed the massive hacking problem that plagued the game for months without Rockstar caring about the fans and just letting it be?
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... Are you actually considering races and car collection missions as activities?
I mean, you're easier to please than a 4-month old baby. Yeesh. Well, if your standards are so low then it's easier for you to just find so much excitement. I heard that you can get a cab and let the driver drive you. Maybe you'll get 10-15 hours of enjoyment out of that.
Maybe go swim in the small pond for 4 hours straight. Once you learn to dive, maybe go for another 8 hours looking at the floor texture.
My point is, there's a difference between quality and quantity. Heists are quality, races are quantity. Deathmatch is the same. Easy to make and repetitive as all hell...
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Wow didn't know races are for babies.
Look I get it haters gonna hate.
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No, I didn't mean it like that :D
I just meant that races are not quality content. That's like saying that GTA 4 has a bunch of more content because of the collectible pigeon killing.
There's content to fill time with, sure. But there's no quality content.
Assassin's Creed games have the same issues. Just a bunch of random things that take no effort to make and thanks to that, the game is littered with them.
In the end, you can enjoy them. It's great if you can and do. It's just an issue if you boast the game's abundance of content without clarifying that most of it is pointless drivel. With that logic, people should play Minecraft forever, since there's infinite amount of content in it thanks to the randomized world and maps and mods and so on.
Not to mention the grinding
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I bought GTA 5 before few months just for single player and modding the single player. But then I joined MP with a friend and it was sooo cool. Sure there are hackers and ppl who drops money on you that u should get away from them but I really enjoyed it and never played Single Player again XD. I loved going on to missions and playing death match games to collect money to buy houses and cars.
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You plan on playing online?
If no, don't buy it, a 3 years old game is not worth 30$/€ in 2017.
If yes, then additional content might be worth it if you plan on pouring lots of hours into this game, but then the problem is that it's filled with hackers and you can get permaban for no reasons.
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I agree. An old game with a full price tag is a slap in the face. Got it for $30 on PS3 years ago.
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I bought it at release, well I pre-ordered it for 20% off (GMG I think). The single player is fun, it's GTA after all. MP is fun if you have friends to play with. I played with a crew of people I knew and people they knew, but I haven't seen any of them online in a while. The free roam in MP is where the cheaters hang out. I last played GTA online a few months ago and most of the time when doing heists or jobs with randoms I didn't have any problem. If the price is right and you just want single player, go for it. If you mainly want to play online, unless you have friends to play with, it's a gamble if you'll get matched up with good players.
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It is worth the price still now (30€ on Steam right now).
I'm playing for the first time on PS3 (got the copy for free with a second hand console).
The single player is awesome. I have no interest in the MP but if you're into it, then you have even more reasons to take the dive.
I decided to buy the PC version to install the Redux mod.
----------> Buy it on Steam, not Rockstar Social Club ! <-------------
The download time is awful on RSC. I just bought it on Humble Bundle and didn't see that the key was for Social Club. I won 2€ and lost 5 days of awkward download (and corrupted files, md5 checks etc.)
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i had it on console before joining the pcmr. The open world driving in that game is top notch
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How can you hate GTA IV when it's better than GTA V? Better stories, better characters, better pyshics, existing parkour, crouching, excellent cop AI, better multiplayer with more options such as turning cops off and weather choices and more, better pedestrian behaviour , melee weapon disarming, better melee fights and more counter attacks, better driving, longer game, nothing being Max Payneified (weapon wheel, radio wheel, etc.), Bigger city, more animations , better gun sounds, more interiors you can enter, story character executions, also 3 playable protagonists but more individual albeit separate story segments, better car damage, better pyshics concerning pushing shots diving out, water splashes, being able to push, Russian radio station with actual good songs, wait, why am I saying this when you can just watch a video called GTA IV is better than GTA V lol, I always was my time like this I'm such a idiot...
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It is worth it, even if it is one of the worst GTAs ever. Watch the Grand theft Smosh series, it's a realy fun game, esspecialy the multiplayer which offers alot, just be Carefull of modders\hackers, leave a lobby if there are any of them where you are and join a safe one preferably with Alot of people so it's more fun.
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It is good, game is good, multiplayer is good.. | single player is good but may get boring some time..
keep in mind, only do play multiplayer WITH your friends IN PRIVATE session |
or if you would go on Public Server, better take caution and maybe always go on passive mode
"Go to Online at your own risk"
I may not have enough progress but still Rockstar screwed it up, level 39~ in game.. few cars..some expensive clothes..some guns and a nice apartment but rockstar screwed up, and then i got banned + got a reset | gg they just wasted my ban ( 2 counts ), 2nd count and you get permanent. :(
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I wanna buy GTA V for myself as a gift for the New Year.
I decided not to buy it. Ty all.
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