I do not think it is going on sale any time soon...but regardless of that fact it is well worth the purchase. I have put more than 80 hours into the game in just a few weeks and it is a lot of fun. There is already a ton of content to enjoy and there is a bunch more to come.
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If you can find 3 people to buy it with you, it costs $11.24 per copy instead of $14.99. A nice 25% discount for you that you won't see anywhere having for that game soon.
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Also, if you get it from their site which uses the Humble Store, the soundtrack is included for the same price. And the soundtrack is amazing.
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You can also open a 4pack for some trader for around 3-4 keys.(you need a high ammount of rep though)
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It already is on a (poorly-advertised) sale. The price will go up when it goes out of beta.
Also buying it on Steam is really stupid. Getting it directly from their site gives you a Steam key plus the soundtrack for free (which for some reason is paid DLC on Steam), PLUS you pay $15. The GBP/Euro prices work out to $20.
Only region where it makes sense to buy from Steam is Russia.
Your Steam profile says that you're a yurop so I just saved you 25%. You're welcome.
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Actually, it's cheaper to buy in the Brazilian Steam Store than to buy it by paying either the dollar or key price. People tend to forget about it.
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For russian users it costs 9.16$ and for ukrainina 9.99$. Just find good trader :)
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OP probably doesn't have any rep. Most traders probably won't do it.
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It seems like a lot of fun, but understand that right now you're paying to help a beta. They wipe worlds. They wipe characters. Most of my friends enjoy it, but one is extremely frustrated over how unstable it is.
That's Early Access for you.
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First up... if you're really interested in the game, buy it directly from the developers (at playstarbound.com/store ). While you're paying $15 for it, you'll get a Steam Key (Beta + Final) AND a DRM-free (mostly Final) copy in addition the game's soundtrack... & if you can find 3 others to join you, you can get 25% off (in short, buy 3, get one FREE).
Granted Steam is offering the same prices, you DON'T get the DRM-free version NOR the soundtrack... but that's your choice on HOW to buy it.
Second, the "elevator pitch" for Starbound is Terraria in Space!!! This is mostly in look & feel as the game is being made a different developer (separate from the makers of Terraria). You have MULTIPLE Worlds in multiple quadrants (Alpha, Beta & Gamma Quadrants known... Possible Delta Quadrant in the works), so there's a crapload of worlds for you to explore & exploit... each with their own look, feel & dangers (as planets are rated on a 10-point difficulty scale). Additionally, you'll likely find local inhabitants that MAY (or MAY NOT) be friendly that you might be able to trade with (assuming they aren't slitting your throat or pumping you full of lead).
If you enjoy Terraria, you'll have no problems getting into Starbound. Just be aware that the more epic boss battles will be more spaced out (amongst the quadrants, not just a group of planets) than you may like. I'll give it a definitive thumbs up for this game.
The one caveat is that the game is currently Beta versions, so expect bugs, gameplay rebalances & the unfortunate character / world wipe as a result of changes / additions. As we get closer to the final version, such issues will be greatly reduced in the process... so don't get too attached to your characters, stuff or your version of the game's universe.
Hope this helps!
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Steam is NOT offering the same prices. It offers same prices only for Americans. In Europe Steam wants 14 EUR for Starbound, and on the Humble Store it's only 15$ + it gives a Steam key + a Soundtrack, which is 5 EUR more. So yeah support the devs buy it on their website or Humble Store.
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In my parts buying the game on Steam with soundtrack is cheaper than on developers' site.
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I got it and it's pretty fun. Terraria with phasers.
There will be a character wipe on January, but then, and at least until beta ends, there won't be more wipes. There are literally millions of planets to explore, find settlemnts, secret bases and much more.
If you liked Terraria, and unless Re-Logic comes with something in the next weeks, it's a must have.
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That game caught my interest and I'm thinking about buying it, but the price is rather high and purchasing it would take nearly all of funds from my steam wallet. So, is there anyone who played it? I'd like to read some opinions before I make a decision. Also, do you think it's going on sale any time soon?
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