i think the game looks great. ff15's combat made me worry what ff7's would be like. gladly it looks like ff7's combat will be more hands on.
i stopped falling for video game hype long ago but i told myself i would still go all in for the ff7 remake. ordering a ps4 now, probly gonna get the 1st class edition.
the cactuar and carbuncle dlc makes me sad but that kind of thing is to be expected from squeenix.
will not be coming out on xbox so that probably means not on pc ether, at least not for many years
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I'm usually not a fan of remakes, provided there wasn't some major problem with the original such as the interface. And I've played FF7 a number of times already so I have no interest in this,
My biggest concern is that Square won't get the game's tone right. There were a lot of silly moments in the original- the crossdressing, the slap fight between Tifa and Scarlet, goofy looking enemies like that thing with a pumpkin head, etc. I Square didn't take this too seriously.
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yep kids of this days only want graphics... but i never saw another game like legend of dragoon...
the history was nice
the cinematics was nice and even can compare with some of the actual PS3 titles cinematics
the combo system was .. WoW!!!!!
the dragon armor.... WoW!!!
just a perfect game!
anyone that love rpg should play it!! (also suikoden V and IV)
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Part 1 - 2020 - 80$ with DLC
Part 2 - 2024 - 100$ with DLC + 400$ for the PS5
Part 3 - 2028 - 120$ with DLC
Total - $700
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Basically why I cancelled my preorder. If it was the full FF7 remade I’d be all over that (and probably will be in 2030, by the looks of that schedule). I did hear that parts of the game are expanded/ fleshed out which is cool, but I want to be able to revisit the whole thing. Perhaps when it goes on sale.
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i totally feel you on that.
but years ago when i said no more to game hype i promised myself i would be a sheep for this game.
one can only hope it'll make its way to pc someday, but it probably wont seeing how much squeenix hates pc.
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Due to the scale of the project, the team decided to release Remake as multiple parts so no original content would be cut.
everyone knows they meant:
Due to the scale of the project, the team decided to release Remake as multiple parts so they could sell it in episodic trash format and add dlc to make idiot fanboys pay even more.
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It's the Hobbit trilogy all over again, except costing way more.
I mean, it's brilliant from a business perspective. Why sell a game for $60 when you can sell it as $240?
But from a consumer standpoint, F that. Particularly after the travesty of FF VIII Remastered. They're just milking the fans at this point.
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Yes, I guess they'll release all in one package. But it'll be a while, as in at least 3-4 years I would guess.
Eh, no hurry from my side. I don't have the time nor the PC for it for the moment so by the time it's available I should have at least a new PC.
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I'd be a lot more interested if they weren't changing the story so much (they've shown a lot of stuff now that never happened in the original) and were giving us a proper update to the turn based battle system instead of trying to make it FF15 v2.
At this point I consider it less a remake and more of an alternate-universe fanfiction.
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The big one is Cloud and Aerith/Aeris being attacked by shadow/smoke monsters the first time they meet (which some have speculated to be Sephiroth clones). I'm also not a fan of how they made President Shinra hide in a building somewhere while using a hologram to talk to the terrorists instead of having the guts to meet them face-to-face like in the original.
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Yea they completely scrapped the old combat system instead of improving on it, and replaced it with one based on FF15.
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Oh sure. Cant wait for it.
80$ for 1/3 of a game sounds like a fantastic deal.
You know, I've always felt that 60$ for a game is too little.
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I was really excited as FF7 is one of my favorites in the series. The videos I have seen so far look amazing. I am much less excited about their decision to split it into multiple parts... I mean, the original was an entire game and now they want us to buy multiple parts? No thanks.
I was also hoping for a PC release on launch, but guess that was too much to ask for. When they finally release the entire game, port it to PC and have a decent sale on the complete package, then I'll play it.
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Steam sales and bundles have spoiled me; I rarely buy any game at full price these days. The last game I preordered was Diablo III, which was a nightmare at launch. Learned my lesson on that one and now I wait for patches, GOTY edition and a nice discount ;)
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You have a point. To be fair, I only grab games at release if I can get a GMG pre-order version at ~20% off, and rarely at that, heh.
Agree with the D3 launch, it was pretty sad that playing a game by yourself could be crippled by remote servers being beat up ><
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i couldn't be more stoked for the ff7 remake. i plan on buying a ps4 this holiday just so i have one when it gets released. there are other ps4/console exclusives i wanna play too, but ff was the main factor that pushed me to wanna buy one. like i have to play this game. i was a kid when ff7 came out, and i can remember where i got the $50, who i was with, where i bought it.. all that. i played it so many times and can still remember how accomplished i felt the first time i beat emerald weapon. i've always been a fan of the final fantasy series as a whole too, dating back to the original game on nintendo. i've played them all except for the online-only games (11 and 14) and this won't be any different. i don't expect much of the younger crowd to hop on this though, it's pretty unlikely they played the original, and the newer games are much different than the older ones. i hope they stick more to their roots, though i haven't played a final fantasy game that i didn't like. ff13 kinda blew though, but i still have love for it.
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Fuck them for releasing them in an episodic format. But I guess that's Square Enix for you. Just take a look at Life is Strange. Seriously. Fuck them. They knew that FF7 has a MASSIVE fanbase and now they're milking them as much as they can. Wouldn't surprise me if they'll release every episode for more than $30 and also offer cosmetic DLCs.
(That's also why I'll wait for a full Steam release).
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that's it, ff7 and the like have huge fanbases, they can't do similar things for other chapter of the series for sure.. so they know what they can exploit and they'll use ff7 as much as they can obtain profit.. I won't be surprised of anything too, and they're gonna make loads of money thanks to the episodes and DLCs and whatever.. I was born in the '80s and ff7 has been so important to my generation, but they know it's loved also by younger players and older players so.. if square-enix can make money out of a title be sure that they'll do their best.. for sure I will never buy "episodic" final fantasy titles..
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They have announced that the length of the first part is already equal to a full fledged game. So it's not $60 for 1/3 of FF7, it's $180 for 3 times of FF 7
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ya. assuming squeenix is telling the truth about the amount of content in this game its understandable that its episodic.
in fact, for many years sqeenix always said they could not remake ff7 because of the amount of content.
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well ff7 remake has a release date
im just wondering what every one thinks of the trailers
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