I really wish they'd port the first Darkness onto pc...
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What 5 games do you feel more people should play?
For me is:
Skyrim (or any other from TES series)
and Space Station 13
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SS13 is great and all, but it's too heavily dependent on how much the individual knows of the system. Unless you devote time to trawling through the details of various jobs (and have the layout of the current ship memorised) then it's just no fun. That's disregarding the tendency for other peoples shenanigans to involve heavily disabling you in some manner, such as locking you up, welding you in, gagging or blinding you, or just plain clubbing your head in with a toolkit.
People keep saying "Oh no, it got better and the mods do more about the griefers!", and then I go in and get turned into burgers or thrown down a trash compactor within 3 minutes by a regular. Or I survive for a while and the round ends by somebody making and dropping bombs and calling the evac shuttle. The only thing I learned to be good at was a med-tec due to the piles of corpses and near-dead you always get...
A more accessible version of SS13 would be great. Like maybe that one game concept somebody from 4chan's /v/ cooked up once (I believe it was called "Pressure", though I can't find the concept video. Was themed about an underwater station).
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Spore : Because while the gameplay is far from the most compelling, the degree of freedom in the easy creation tools has rekindled the creative drive of a lot of people. Childish? Maybe. Lacking? Sure. Bad? I wouldn't say so!
Strike Vector : Because the game is damn good. The only thing it lacks is players. Instead of buying just yourself a copy and then complaining there are no games, try synchronising with a few close buddies, all get a copy, and then play together. Totally worth it. In fact, I'm going to make a thread about this when the christmas sales hit to try spur people on to reigniting the Strike Vector playerbase.
Space Engineers : It has an initially steep-seeming learning curve, but once you understand the basics it gets addictive quickly.
Mount Your Friends : Dumb fun, great for local, good for online. Just lacks players for multi online. All you need is one friend and you'll have a riot. Grab a few friends and voicechat and you're golden.
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet : Awesome, lighthearted yet moodily twisted singleplayer metroidvania-like that also has multiplayer co-op modes!
(runner up) :
Contagion / Damned : Both games suffer a lack of players, but both have a nice theme. Contagion is a zombie game that excels in it's "Hunted" game mode, where the human players must track down and kill one another, while also surviving the roaming zombies. Damned is good just for it's Monster vs Survivors pvp, but lacks players and perhaps polish.
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+1s all around. While I've never gotten a chance to play Space Engineers or Damned, they both look like loads of fun and I'll have to be sure to pick them up.
Basically every game on your list is something I've been wanting to get (aside from spore because I already own it).
I played the beta of Strike Vector and I remember having a great time but being turned off from the release price (I want to say it was about 20 or 25 buck). It's definitely worth the 6 bucks it's at right now so I'm going to see if I can rummage up some cash.
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Wait for it to go on a flash sale either on this current sale or just before christmas. It's a great game still, but frequently there are zero populated servers. It's why I think in the christmas sale it would be worth putting up a thread and trying to synchronise a bunch of SteamGifters to play on it, and maybe even gift a few copies.
Damned can be fun but it's quite hit-or-miss depending on the company you're with, and last time I checked there were only a few people playing regularly. Space Engineers still has a good number of players and I had a blast just going solo. Both definitely games that are better with friends.
Also, thanks for being so generous as to make giveaways for your whole "Needs more love" list!
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1.Mount and Blade:Warband-So many things to do with dozens of mods and that's just in single-player.The ultimate sandbox rpg-empire building-mounted combat simulator. As well, the MP community is stronk.
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+1 for the old bioware/black isle, i will add to those, jade empire, AWESOME game from bioware
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i really feel like people should give a chance to the many old and new point and click adventures, the lucasarts ones, wadjet eye one (being this my favorite, the other day bought the last game of the blackwell series i cant wait to play it when i get back home), dedalic, and many others, the only ones that people talk now are the telltale ones and dont get me wrong they are really awesome!
Also i would add The world ends with you! really great game for the ds, the story, the graphics, the music, the fun, its my favorite game alongside fallout 3
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Before my comment was deleted, here is what I wrote:
I want people to play more Portal 2. I need some co-op fun badly. Also, SpeedRunners, Gun Monkeys and Nuclear Dawn servers are severely lacking in people to play with. That's four, so my fifth would have to be Hotline Miami. Man that game is deep, we need some of the gun crazies to play it so they understand what it is to kill.
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Tough question. I think I'll go with:
Long Live the Queen - Guide young Elodie through the 40 weeks until her coronation. You will die. A lot. Cute style, lots of ruthless politics and assassination attempts! Really fun visual novel that's more interactive than a lot of other entries in the genre.
Valkyria Chronicles - I played this on the PS3 but it just got a Steam release and I've heard it's super well-optimized. Play as a Belgium/Netherlands analogue and solve anime World War II with your ragtag group of misfits and your tank. It's a fun turn-base/real-time strategy combo. I bought it on a whim way back when and had a blast with it.
Rogue Legacy - Metroidvania-ish semi-Roguelike, send generation after generation into a castle to beat up bosses and try not to die (you will die). The castle randomizes with each new character you play. You pick from three randomized descendants each time, who can have a variety of classes and helpful, harmful, or goofy traits.
Half-Minute Hero - It was just in a bundle but I saw a bunch being given away. Goofy game that's the distilled essence of an RPG - you have 30 seconds to save the world, so get to it! I watched an LP of it a while ago and just picked it up for myself.
Analogue: A Hate Story/Hate Plus - Not very "game"y visual novels, but very deeply thought out. You've been charged with extracting the logs of the Mugunghwa, a Korean generational ship found floating out in the middle of nowhere with no life signs aboard. You read through the logs with the aid of a pair of AIs. Pretty heavy subject matter, but very emotional games.
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I'm not really into strategy games but Valkyria Chronicles sounds cool, I'll have to check it out.
LLtQ gets a +1 from me, despite being quite linear it is also pretty in-depth with lots of hidden micro-branches.
I could never get into the demo of Analogue though. All I got was walls of text that really didn't engage me, as they seemed to be historical records rather than anything of immediate engagement, which is a shame given the 'docking process' thing really pulled me in, initially.
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Yeah, Analogue is definitely not for everyone. The majority of it is reading logs, getting the AIs' response to the logs, and piecing together just what happened and why everyone died. It's satisfying if you're into that, but if you're not, or you're not in the right mood for it I can totally understand not wanting to bother.
Valkyria Chronicles is anime as all hell, so expect the plot to be pretty ridiculous, but it's very fun.
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I watched a Let's Play of Rogue Legacy a while back, which is what made me want to play it, so I bought it when it was on sale yesterday. 6 hours in I haven't even beaten the first boss, but I'm having fun! I love roguelikes and their ilk, though, so I enjoy throwing myself facefirst into a brick wall over and over!
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DragonAge... playing others now so will let you know later.
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Always number 1: Psychonauts!!!!!! I'm gonna shout it in every threads on every corner, until enough people will play it to make a second game! Come on people, play it already! It's fun, it's unique, it's beautiful and imaginative, what else do you need??
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Well, thanks for the giveaways. I can even sub to your channel, but don't expect me to watch, I'm not into watching gameplays, I prefer to play myself.
About the games... There are few, check up what Khazadson posted, I agree with everything he said. I'd just add Fallout 2.
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of course. also these are in no particular order.
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I'll put in my 2 cents.
1.) Natural Selection 2. This game is so fuckin' awesome. There's a very steep learning curve, but once you get past that you can have an absolute blast. (Though it's kinda sad when you get a bad commander.)
2.) Insurgency. It just got boosted with that Humble Bundle, but man is it a blast. It scratches my fps and tactical itch at the same time, and does it wonderfully.
3.) Spec Ops: The Line. No spoilers, it made me feel like a terrible person. What a great story.
4.) To The Moon. I just have to put it in there because I feel whoever hasn't played it really should.
5.) Infested Planet. Pretty unknown game, got it for cheap with a coupon, and had a blast with it.
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1: Tribes: Ascend
2: Section 8: Prejudice - (Deserved to be really popular but nobody played it)
3: Robocraft - (It has a really decent player base as it is, but I think it's something more people really need to get into)
4: Arena: Cyber Evolution - (Seriously, why is nobody playing this?! This game really deserves to be the next big esports game)
5: Eternal Silence - (An awesome Source mod that combines dog fighting in space, as well as FPS combat and was a lot of fun to play)
Something else that I just want to throw in here is Tanarus. It doesn't exist anymore, it was killed off by SOE years ago, but to this day, it remains one of the best freaking games ever made, and I miss it terribly. Phoenix Wars and Force Wars were amazing.
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Hey everybody my name is Brendan Weave, "Matt" being my middle name (I wish I could change my username but what's done is done.)
I got a question for the Steam Gifts community:
What 5 games do you feel more people should play?
Here are mine:
(Shameless Promo Time) Check out and/or Subscribe to my Youtube Channel
It's just a bunch of edited gameplay with my friends right now, but I got some cool stuff planned in the coming weeks. If you like it, tell your friends and subscribe! If you don't, tell your friends anyway because they might.
And now for the Giveaway Links!
Legend of Grimrock
The Darkness 2
Kingdoms of Amalur
Enjoy and thanks in advance for participating!
(EDIT) I realized someone already used my "Risk of Rain" code, so I swapped that giveaway out with "Legend of Grimrock." Sorry about that.
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