How do you deal with know-it-alls?
I would not say i am a know it all,but i do on occasion insert my foot into my mouth,but i can agree i tend to get involved in things that i should not,but not as much as i use to.Like if i have a bad day i might get into a crazy debate just so i can use that to vent my frustration so to speak.
But odd thing is i hate confrontations yet i get involved in random things lol
I also think everyone has something that annoys someone,so i also find it silly to bring up something like this,like the person starting the discussion has never been annoying or annoyed someone for some reason.
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Well cocky i suppose is not to bad..
Though trying to be a know it all is a whole different thing,as i find that annoying as hell,and the same with trying to show you are smarter then someone..
So i think trying to show someone you a smarter then them is not being helpful it just raises the level of being cocky and throws in another level of annoying.
Talking down to someone to prove you are smarter is not being helpful...but i am not here to say how you should be or act,just sharing what i think of what you said :)
I just think it better to help them reach there goal instead of trying to reach it by showing you are smarter and you know what is best and how it should be done.
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The problem is, it isn't intended from me to show I'm smarter or something. It's just the nature of a human to think someone else is tending to look smarter than him once he gives him an advise, constructions or knowledge. Simply put, some people don't deserve to be helped because they will always find a way to break you down.
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I know i am sorry if what i said come of as i was saying you do it on purpose.I was just sharing what i thought of it,and i know how it feels when something is not intended.
I also shared it as i have dealt with people that try and show they are smarter not intending to offend anyone or so on but end up doing so in the end.
As a lot of the times it makes the person you doing it to feel like your trying to show you are smarter then them,and well how each person takes it and reacts is very subjective.
I do know for me it does frustrate me and can make me angry,i rather have someone just help me,instead trying to show me why there way is better or that i am doing it wrong because they know a better way.As i tend to feel if they are smarter then me,then they should figure out that helping me is better then pointing out i am wrong.What i mean by helping is just help me do it my way,and if turns out i did it wrong,continue to help me until i get it right that is a true friend who helps someone till the end.You can offer suggestions and so on,but it is how you approach it that makes the difference.
In short even if the way i am doing it is wrong but in the end the out come turns out the same as if i would have done it the smarter way then i see little reason to point out what someone is doing wrong.It would just be better to say,if you want i can show you a quicker way to do this,just do not use the word better as that may imply they are doing it wrong and may not know what they are doing.If how they are doing it is not going to harm them or anyone else then just be a friend and help them get it done :)
Again these are just my thoughts and opinion of when dealt with people who tend to push the i am smarter thing and how i tend to view it.You are not a bad person nor am i trying to imply it and it is good you try and help,we all have our faults and bad habits that is what makes us human.In the end a real friend will see you are just trying to be helpful but does not mean they will always like it when you play the "smarter" card.
I find most people want help and not advice,i find if they want advice they will ask for it,which is why i said it best to offer a quicker way to do it,but also include that if not you will continue to do it there way,as i said it how you approach with such advice and so on that can make the difference.
Sorry if this was to much text,i have a bad habit of rambling or going on a bit more then is needed as i get caught up in things to much at times lol Again this is just my opinions and i am okay if you do not agree with any of it :)
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I get that i deal with someone who no matter what you say or do they find a way to pick it apart and so on and blame you or it always someone fault but never there own.
Nothing like someone asking what do you think and share it,then they decide to do it there way,turns out that it still did not work,then you say well maybe we should have tried my idea then.
Then it happens again and there way turns out to be wrong again and i say maybe we should have tried my way.
Then the same thing happens again they ask what i think we should do and i again give my thoughts,but this time my idea is wrong.Then they say i should have never listened to ya.
Then next time something comes up they ask for your advice and you say nothing,And it all goes wrong and you later share what you might have done,and they get mad and say why did you not say something or if they they do follow what i say and it all goes wrong,they say its my fault because if they do not do what i suggest i always point out i should have done it my way lol.
So i a damned if say something damned if i do not lol.
So yes i know how that feels....and there are some people that do not deserve your help,now when they ask i just say i do not care whatever you choose,Though i still get blame once awhile for not saying nothing so i can never fully win.
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Prepare a bunker for dooms day or a zombie break out....or just keep going until you find someone that knows more then you...then you can spend the rest of your life trying to out wit them.
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I've thought about that... not because of zombies, but because of the stuff going on between countries with nukes. The main reason why I haven't started yet is because of no suitable basement available. And because I'm lazy. D:
Trying to outwit someone for the rest of my life seems like a dull thing to do, though. I'd be better off befriending them to outwit other people together.
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Well you have to have something to pass the time lol.
Also i seriously doubt anyone will launch nukes it just a big show of power,as anyone who has them has had plenty of time and reasons to launch them.None of them want to because they know it will just end badly and destroy the planet at the same time so what would be the purpose unless they are prepared to die along with it.
Though if you do like that kind of stuff hit up netflix if you have it for Doomsday Prepers or watch it on tv,might get some ideas how to get started.Not all of them use bunkers,some are preparing for anarchy of sorts,which i would bet on more then nukes.
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I try to hear everything the person has to say and maybe find something useful. Even obnoxious people may have a few things to teach.
P.S: The link on the left arrow is wrong.
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Remember what is annoying and obnoxious is very subjective.We all can do things that will annoy someone at some point so in the end we all are annoying obnoxious fools at times.
Also i have seen some say they will do things to annoy back,which in turns makes you just annoying as them and in short not any better then the person being annoying.So in the end you end up also being a annoying obnoxious idiot and hypocrite to boot.
In the end everyone can choose how to deal with such issues as they see fit,but i think there is constructive ways to deal with it and destructive ways.Also if someone gets you that angry,it might also be time to deal with it and get help for your anger management.
Also a quick edit to say thanks for sharing and here is a bump for you thread.
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I'll have to come back to this. I have no time, at the moment.
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Being Casual #3 Being Casual #1
You all must know at least one person that's the most obnoxious know-it-all. One who just can't stay out of stuff without offering his own expertise and advice (and practically hijacking your job), who thinks he is helping, but is only making you angrier as you fail to understand him, and who is completely oblivious regarding what others think/feel. It kinda is a pain in the ass to deal with such a person on a daily basis, while also being a tad bit infuriating if you and said person are competitors.
So yeah, if you have encountered such a person, what do you do to deal with them?
I'm actually too tired, and lazy, to write something longer, so hey... this is all you get.
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