Meh... Superheroes.
If I could do anything, I'd go with teleporting and telekinesis.
Yes, I'm just that lazy.
[EDIT] Being able to move my own conscious self around by leaving my body where it is would be pretty neat as well...
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I'd love to have an evil alien symbiote.
I'm not quite sure what exactly would I do with it and the strenghts it would give me, but I think I could come up with something... there's plenty of people that I hate, after all >:)
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I would like to have the power to stop time :D
Just think on the possibilities...
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A Green Lantern ring would be cool, make anything as long as it comes out green.
And flight. - sounds good to me.
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Let's end this thread...
Dr. Manhattan have best superpower ever, nothing can win that superpower and he can't die. End.
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I'm very partial to Nightcrawler too. Even just his crazy agility is wonderful, but being able to teleport like that would be brilliant.
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meh...just the superman bird thing is bull**
...if he managed to get hit by iron pipes, bullets, trains and even meteors, I doubt that a seagull or a pigeon even at 500 Km/h would do something to him....hell I thing they would just get squished and S-man would have to clean his face.
Just sayn'....
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Teleportation would be cool but I might clip into stuff/people. Flight would be cool but there's airplanes and crashing to consider. Super Speed is great but without durability or invulnerability to kinetic force I'd burn up like a scrap of paper... not to mention crashing into things and going squish. Regeneration? When does the body know when to stop to prevent tumors?
Psychic powers are all well and good but mind-reading is not only an invasion of privacy (whether passive or active) but people think all the time. How to sort through all the random thoughts and memories flashing at you like a flood would require training or exposure. Neither of which I'd enjoy particularly when thoughts veer towards the raunchy and morbid. Odds are high that I'd go crazy and what if I can't distinguish someone else's thoughts from my own?
Ultimately I can't pick a power. Too many what-ifs and expressions of the ability exist to make a definite decision. Between DC/Marvel, independent super hero comics, and the web-fiction Worm... Well, you get the idea. Not to mention that if I had some particular power and if people knew of it, I might get forced into things or be regarded as a scapegoat for problems I 'could' had fixed (regardless of being aware of them or not).
I know this is all for fun but my mind often goes towards the negative aspects of having powers as well as the good.
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A game is only as fun as the rules that restrict the players, after all.
The best choice would be to find a superpower with side-effects or drawbacks that you could find a way of managing.
Flight is a common wish, and yet people gravely underestimate the power of vertigo, especially considering the unsupported nature of their flight (and the eventual paranoia of the power randomly 'hiccuping')
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I'd be the Pumaman!
As a Pumaman, I would have:
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This is a topic that has come up multiple times in conversation with friends, so I've put a lot of thought into this one.
In order of importance (basically a matter of "if I can't pick 1, I'll pick 2," etc.):
Omnipotence -- Basically the "I wish for a thousand wishes" of super powers. :P
Immortality -- With time, anything is possible. Even in the most hopeless of situations (buried alive, lost in space, etc.) there is always potential for things to get better. Being completely immune to pain and damage would be nice too, but not necessary.
Time Travel -- Assuming there's no crazy catch to this one (meaning no scenarios of, "You travel to X time, but because the earth has moved in space, you now travel to the space where the earth USED to be" or "You travel forward, but you can't travel back" or "You travel back and create a time paradox that ends the universe."), I'd travel forward to the height of human technology and hopefully become immortal, or at least mostly so.
Controlled Phasing -- The ability to move through solid objects at will. I could save lives, learn secrets... and go many many places I'm not supposed to go, returning with many many things I'm not supposed to have. >.>
Targeted Mind Reading -- Lots of people would say they don't want to know what people really think about them... I am not one of them. I hate secrets.
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I would want to be Nightcrawler or atleast have it's power because teleporting almost evreywere is just awesome
What superhero would you like to be or atleast what superpower would you like to have?
Edit: Realise that the most awesome power would be to have the power of a genie
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