Good bundle..
Thanks for complete info,, let me bump this one
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Instant tier 1. And not interested in buying the DLC's for tier 2.
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Yep, how can a game be bundled at the highest tier for the third time, didn't get success as the predecessor games, and still insist on bundling only the base game :/
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Last time on GameOn bundle,,
Tier 3, with $10 got BL pre-sequel and Day of the Tentacle Remastered
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Seriously ? For about 4 bucks I get much more better deal then monthly...
If I wouoldt have 30 hours on Tomb Rider already Id be furious at monthly.. They usually give different styles of games, so everyone can enjoy. This time for me at least was horrible.
But I have nothing from this bundle so getting it definitely
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Only missing Wurm and Guild of Dungeoneering. The latter being on my wishlist, the BTA is worth it for that one alone.
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BL addict here, still didn't complete 100% Pre-Sequel because they don't bundle the season pass :/ Here it was a great oportunity, but I think that the 4th time is the charm?
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I heard that Claptastic Voyage is one of the best DLCs on the series, but the other one is one of the worst.. I'll wait though, one day i'll be bundled, one day
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Tiny Tina's assault on dragon keep was the best in my opinion. Having got most of the achievements as well, the season pass should have been bundled but 2K hoping people getting this bundle will splurge out on the season pass to complete the game I suspect.
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only for people who already have all 3 games. Van Helsing 1 & 2 were bundled in HB. the 3 was in an expensive tier in Bundlestars. most people only own the first 2 so they don't have the final cut. i think it's very reasonnable to pay 1$ for it + 2 other good games
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No rush at all. I just wouldn't want it sitting in your library forever since it's one of my favourite games, well deserving checking out at least. Keep in mind that my taste is rather peculiar at times though, I wouldn't want you to come in with too high expectations :)
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Is borderlands 2 1 key?
or seperate ones for the DLCs?
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... Anyone else got this?
EDIT(contacted support):
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to us! I've looked over your account and it appears that you were mistakenly caught in our fraud filters, which is what has caused the suspension. I went ahead and removed the suspension and made a change on your account so you shouldn't encounter this again. If you do have any further trouble purchasing, please let me know right away so I can take another look. I am very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and hope you have a great day!
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Wow, what did you do to them?
Please also consider promoting the Humble Endless RPG Lands Bundle
Yeah, I'm sure you'll be getting right on it.
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Not sure how can they know that, unless someone is redeeming a lot of games to a single e-mail, and therefore has multiple copies of multiple games
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Saw this thread at Reddit, more people having the same problem there.
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Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to us! I've looked over your account and it appears that you were mistakenly caught in our fraud filters, which is what has caused the suspension. I went ahead and removed the suspension and made a change on your account so you shouldn't encounter this again. If you do have any further trouble purchasing, please let me know right away so I can take another look. I am very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and hope you have a great day!
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Is Borderlands good for single player? It's the only game in the $1 tier I'm interested in, but most of what I've heard about it is about co-op.
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I've played mostly solo and have a lot of fun with it (69 hours and completed 100%)
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It's so much fun both SP and Co-op. ;-)
210 hours of pleasure.
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I hate other people, and never play games online, but I love Borderlands 1 and 2. Blasted through them solo on Xbox, and then bought them again on PC.
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For some reason, games universally want to make it really hard for all players to read / hear NPC interactions together. In Saints Row, one player can just run off and do everything alone. In Divinity, you need to wait and have the people you play with 'tune in' to NPC conversations, and even then it's slightly hard to follow them. in EYE: Divine Cybermancy, only one player can do each NPC convo and then pretty much has to summarise the contents to the other(s).
Think Neverwinter Nights (the first) might have had the party leader handling dialogues and everybody else kinda forced to watch, but at least being able to properly follow? Been a decade since I last played that though. Not entirely sure.
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I can't really remember when I played a co-op last time, except for MMO's. It's generally the same there though, most NPC dialouge or other interactions are not handled exceptionally well, for my taste at least. I guess they don't want to force anyone waiting for the slowpokes that might enjoy actually reading the dialouge or quest descriptions :P
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For me, borderlands 2 is the superior game in all aspects so if I was going to play 1 game, then play the sequel. If you're a completionist, obviously start from 1. Borderlands 1 is less refined but still very enjoyable having played it single player.
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Thanks everyone who answered but after thinking about it I think I'll just skip this bundle, it will probably just sit in my backlog and I already have lots of games like that already.
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This still works.
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Thank you for posting thread and chart, GodFeelling! ^^
A good bundle and I'm only missing one game but I hear that the new point system gives (much) better odds. ;-)
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It's a good game, but it lacks end-game content, and without the DLC, you will put half or 1/3 of the hours comparing the the other borderland games, even though I reccomend borderlands 2 goty also, instead of some dlc, just get all :) (Usually $8-10~ on winter sales, but still you put 50-70 hours easy)
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It is the only standard Borderlands game with an actually competent writing instead of being a collection of dated memes and pop-culture references. It is also the only one with an actual plot where you even understand what you are doing and why. It is great for single-player story mode, bad for endless farming.
It has probably the best DLC though, with the best theme song and weapon in the franchise. Too bad it is not in the bundle though.
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The Humble Endless RPG Lands Bundle
3 tiers, 7 games total!
Bundle ends in 14 days!
Lowest BTA... ?
Notice: ⚠️ Region locks!! ⚠️
Endless Legend™ is region locked in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea
BOTH Borderlands Games are locked to AM, AZ, BR, BY, GE, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ if bought on RU/CIS, It's locked to RU/CIS. ROW for the rest of the purchases! Example - You're from Europe, you get ROW, NA = ROW, Russian = RU/CIS Lock
Tier 1: $1.00
Tier 2: $BTA
Tier 3: $10.00
Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!
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