TL;DR: See images. For chrome if you don't set age on steam, games that need it will receive a "No ratings available".

~(May 14, 2017) Added a new way to see features/tags on GAs pages (Must be enabled via the greasemonkey/tampermonkey menu) [beta]

(April 04, 2017) I finally added compatibility with ESGST endless scroll. I'm sorry it took so long, my depression hit me hard on these past weeks. I'll try to fix the other incompatibilities with ESGST (like grid view and some other bugs) as quickly as my depression allow me to do so. :/

(March 05, 2017) Todo: Add compatibility with rhSGST endless scroll.

1.6.1 (May 13, 2016): It also shows metascore now on individual GA page when Steam provides it. To show it on GAS pages you have to enable it on the Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey menu.~

I made this script some time ago. A user who was using it tried to convince me to post here, but I was kinda reluctant to do that.

It shows the % of the positive reviews of the game, the total number of reviews and a thumbs up/down visual aid.

Meaning of the colors of the icons:

  • Darkblue = 85%+ rating with at least 100 reviews.
  • Lightblue = 70%-84% rating or 85%+ with less than 100 reviews.
  • Yellow = 40%-69% rating.
  • Lightred = 25%-39% rating or less than that but with no more than 100 reviews.
  • Darkred = 0%-24% rating with at least 100 reviews.

If you leave the mouse on top of a giveaway it also show some details of the game. Ex: Cloud, Achievements, Cards, DRM. It can show genre/popular tags if you enable it manually in the variable in the greasemonkey/tampermonkey menu.

Oh, and it works with autoscroll (from Extended Steamgifts and SG++).

It doesn't scan bundles/packages (games with steam store link /sub/ instead of /app/).
After 24 hours it was scanned, an entry in the cache is considered outdated and is going to be scanned again when tried to be used.


To run scripts you will need:

I haven't made a config page (yet), but there's some configuration variables in the start of the script:, but you can configure some thing using your extension (Under "User scripts commands" on Greasemonkey menu, or on Tampermonkey menu)

Variable name:default value, [Option that change it in extension menu] Description
expiretime:86400, Time in seconds after which an entry in the cache is considered outdated (24h).
expiretimeenabled:true, If false, entries will never expire. Once in cache, it stays there forever. (Or until you clear your browser cache, of course)
GAratings:true, [GA page: Show ratings] Add ratings to a individual GA page (/giveaway/)
GASratings:true, [GAS page: Show ratings] Same, but for /giveaways/ page.
GAfeatures:2, [GA page: Show features (disabled/1:onmouseover/2:onpage)] Show features below the ratings on a individual GA page (/giveaway/) if 2. If 1, it show when the mouse is on top.
GASfeatures:true, [GAS page: Show features] Same, but for /giveaways/ page.
GAtags:1, [GA page: Show tags (disabled/1:onmouseover/2:onpage)] Show game genre and popular tag on mouseover on a individual GA page (/giveaway/). If set to 2 show belows the rating.
GAStags:true, [GAS page: Show tags] Same, but for /giveaways/ page.
timer:false, Debug purpuses. It will show in the console how much time the script takes to run and to load pages when it isn't available on cache.
iconsid:-1 [Icons (auto/0/1/2)] 0 = Thumbs up/down; 1 = ▲ ▼; 2 = Thumbs up/down as image (for compatibility purpuses). Any value other than that makes the script use 0 if you have the required font or 2 if you don't have.
[Clear storage] Clear the ratings cache.
[Restore default settings]

Any problem let me know. You could try this:

  • See if the problem persist with only my script enabled (only to test).
  • If no, then try to make it run before some others script and see if it works fine.
  • If no, check the developer console for error or anything unusual: CTRL + SHIFT + (K on firefox, J on chrome) and let me know.

Bump maybe?

View attached image.
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View attached image.
View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Cool! But it doesn't work for me!

8 years ago

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Anything unusual on the console? CTRL + SHIFT + (K on firefox, J on chrome)

8 years ago

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And I have no idea what I am looking at..

[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Steamgifts++ plugin started. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:36 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Steamgifts++ plugin started. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 01:05:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[ 0.002s] [studio.sdk] Enabler.js:100:255
[ 0.007s] [studio.sdk] Enabler.js:100:255
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create index.html:12:9491
[ 0.438s] [studio.sdk] Asset properties have been set by host. Enabler.js:100:255
[ 0.439s] [Enabler] ad visible Enabler.js:100:255
[ 1.047s] [studio.sdk] Using default ad parameters in test environment. Simulating local events.

8 years ago

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I'm still trying to make it work correctly with Steamgifts++. Update and see if it changes anything.
The ratings on the first page load fine? Anything that you sended there is printed by my script.

8 years ago

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Oh! It started working as soon as I disabled SG++! With SG++ enabled, I get absolutely nothing.

8 years ago

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That's weird. It should show the ratings at least on the first page. Maybe try to make my script run before SG++.

8 years ago

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Works! Thanks!

8 years ago

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Thanks so much for posting this! Userscripts such as this are very useful.

8 years ago

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What line(s) can I add to the code so it shows a symbol if it has steam achievements?
This symbol can be ! or trophy or whatever, and I want to add the prior to the thumbs up/down or are the %rating.

8 years ago

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You could add this:

if(ratings[index].features.indexOf('Steam Achievements') !== -1){ rating += '\uD83C\uDFC6'; }

Between this:

rating = cleanrating(rating);

And this:

image = geticon(rating);

To show a trophy if you have the required font. (Otherwise change \uD83C\uDFC6 to whatever you like).
Maybe I add something like this natively to the script in future updates.

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot mate!

This is awesome :D

8 years ago

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Hey mate,
I'm still using the script and loving it.
However, the code haven't worked for a while due to updates and it was one of my favorite features.
Is there any way I can add this feature to my script again?

8 years ago

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if (saved.features.indexOf('22::') !== -1){ rating += '\uD83C\uDFC6'; }

Between this

rating = cleanrating(rating);

And this

image = geticon(rating);

8 years ago

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Once again, thanks :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I think I can make it. But will take some time. Later today I'll look into it. I will reply back again when/if I add this.

8 years ago

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Update and see if it worked. It should appear before the time when the mouse is over the giveaway (unfortunately I think that this is the best place I can put it, without modifying SG++).
Maybe I can try to put it where the level requirement shows up, so it would be visible all time.

You have to manually edit var compatgrid = false; on line 26 to true.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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So I used this for a day and if you don't mind here are some suggestions
1) Thumbs up and thumbs down can be blue and red respectively
2) Clicking on the ratings opens the steam store page in a new tab instead of the same one

This is just so helpful and amazing! Thanks!

Also, is it possible for the app to show user defined tags or genre when I scroll over it? Is there a line I can add to make it do that? Thanks!

8 years ago

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They should be blue/red already (look at the pictures). They are black for you?
I can make it open on a new tab easily. I just tough to leave it that way because people can alway click with the middle mouse button to open on new tab. But I'll consider changing it.

I would have to make the script scrape that data to make it possible. But that would be easy. Where would you want that? Below the other features? (Single player, DRM, Cards).

Edit: And I don't mind at all to receive suggestions or feedback of any kind. :)

8 years ago*

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Yeah, all the thumbs are grey. I do see yellow squares but that's it.

If you have the time than sure, below the the other feature would be amazing!

8 years ago

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What OS and browser do you use? It's weird that the color works for the square and not for the thumbs up/down. Maybe the font that is providing it for you doesn't support it fully. I'll look into it.

Now I'm trying to make it compatible with SG++ gridview, after that I'll add these values.

8 years ago

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I am using Windows 10, Firefox 45.0.1


8 years ago

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The tags stuff is done. But it have to be enabled manually by changing this to true:

var mouseovergatags = true;
var mouseovergastags = true;

The game genre appears between [] and below it the most popular tags.
I'll try to figure out why the colors aren't working for you, or try to work around it.

8 years ago

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Update. I added images that can be used for compatibility.
If the script still shows the icons grey, manually edit this:

var iconsid = -1;


var iconsid = 2;

8 years ago

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Thank! Both the things worked! You are amazing!

8 years ago

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I installed this last night and I only tried it briefly on one page, but today when I visited SteamGifts, the browser froze and after a while I get the error about an unresponsive script and asks if you want to wait or stop the script.. I'm guessing Steam was a bit slow and the script was waiting for a response because I could see a few items on the first page had the thumbs up/down and some didn't and a more were slowly popping in. I had to go through the stop script box a few more times before I could get control of the browser.

I disabled this script and refreshed and it was fine. This is Firefox 45.0.1 with Grease Monkey. I have Extended Steam Gifts and SGLinkies scripts installed with the auto scroll disabled.

8 years ago

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After 1.5.1 it should update way faster since it doesn't connect directly to steam store (unless there's an age check on the game). You probably used some version before that. Try to update and see if it gets better.

8 years ago*

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Thank you for this.

8 years ago

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Nice, I'm having a hard time to get steam user reviews, but you're able to pull this out.
Someone also told me that steam age confirmation will be a problem here.

Here have a bump :D

8 years ago

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I just updated fixing some issues with endless scrolling.
True, for now if the game requires age confirmation and your steam store isn't configured it will not scan that game. I'll try to workaround it later.
Thanks. :)

8 years ago

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Btw, somehow "mixed" icon is not showing, only orange box.
Positive and Negative reviews both showing icons correctly.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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That icon is a bit buggy in chrome.
Change this in the script:

var iconsid = -1;


var iconsid = 2;

And the script will use image instead of text. This will fix it.

8 years ago

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Still orange boxes, but with different fill

EDIT: Well, this is not really important anyway lol.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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But that's actually the icon that i'm using for mixed. ^^
I didn't have a better idea on what to use for it. Any suggestions?

You can edit what to use in:

var icons = [[" "," ","◼"," "," "],["▲","▲","▬ ","▼","▼"],['','','','','']];

To use the first set the iconsid should be 0. To use the second it should be 1. The third one is blank because it is the images.

8 years ago*

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Oh, is that so?? lol
That's fine...

Can I maybe copy some of your codes?? I'm wondering how do you support endless scroll, and maybe I can implement it with my script..

8 years ago

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Sure. Maybe I can help with something.
I added an observer to watch for changes on the script and act when that happens. How to do that would deppend.
What is your script?

8 years ago

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This is my script. It adds "Trading Cards", "Achievement", and "Bundled" below giveaway title.

Is it line 356-385 in your code which handles endless scroll??

8 years ago

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Yep. 358-379. I had to put this inside a Timeout so it can detect when an endless scroll script is active, and only then add the observer.
I'll take a look at your code in a moment. Probably you can do something close to what I did.
But if you don't have it already, it would be nice to create a function(element) that scans the data of a given element kinda like I did with scangas() so you don't have to repeat the code.

8 years ago

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I suggest you start using YahooQL for linkCard, linkAchievement, linkBundle, linkHidden (I can try to help you with that). So that it would only load the part of the page that it needs. It's WAY faster. But you would have to use GM_xmlhttpRequest for these calls.

I made it compatible with endless scrolling here. Take a look. This will get removed from pastebin in 24 hours.

Edit: I couldn't make the YQL stuff work. And about my script: now you don't have to set the age on steam.
Is that ok if I copy part of your code too? I have been thinking for some time on how to make a settings page.

8 years ago*

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linkCard, linkAchievement is just ordinary href. :D

I use SteamAPI with GM_xmlhttprequest to get trading cards and achievement.
So maybe bundle & hidden data which needs to be optimized. I even just know there is YahooQL.

Sure, it is open source anyway :D
And btw, my setting page checkbox is not from original SG classes. I change it to my class because SG seems to adds a click listener to "form__checkbox" and makes them behave like a radio button.

OK, I'll check your code right away...

8 years ago

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I have read and tried your code. It works perfectly with SG++ and Ext SG endless scroll, but it doesn't work with Easy SG endless scroll.

CMIIW, you use setTimeout to check if user use SG++ or Ext SG every 20ms?
That means it won't work with another endless scroll script.

Thanks for the code.
I've saved it locally, so it's okay if it gets removed from pastebin.

Hmmm... This is so hard...
I'm looking for more dynamic way, like an event listener which triggered when next page is loaded. So it won't matter which script triggers that.

8 years ago

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Its a setTimeout not setInterval. It simply delays that part of script for 20ms, so the others scripts can run, and then be detected.

I haven't tested with Easy SG.. Never tried that script. But I will test later then, to try to make it compatible.

But that is what the observer does. The problem is that every script messes with the page in different ways so we have to adjust accordingly. :/

8 years ago

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Oh I see, setTimeout x setInterval...
Silly me.

But that is what the observer does. The problem is that every script messes with the page in different ways so we have to adjust accordingly.

Ehh, it is?? @_@

8 years ago

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Searched Easy SG now.. It's for Chrome.. That's why I never heard of it, haha. ^^
Anyway, I tested it here, and I had to delay the script about 300ms instead of 20 to make it detect it.That's too much IMO, so I don't even tried to write the modifications needed to make the observer detect the elements needed correctly. Later I'll look into this again. Maybe adding a button to toggle EasySG compatibily on/off would be better to workaround this high delay.

8 years ago

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Is it because Easy SG is an addons??
It doesn't really needed anyway.
Thanks for your works :D

8 years ago

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Hey there, thanks for the useful script.

If I may ask for a change: do you think it would be possible to make it so that the sidebar on the individual GA page stays a fixed width, instead of expanding whenever the ratings appear ?

8 years ago

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Done, I think.

8 years ago

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Great job :) One thing missing is perhaps the metacritic rating.

8 years ago

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Well, I know it took some time, but I added it now. But only for games that steam provides the metacritic. It always appear on individual GA pages. But to show on /giveaways/ pages you have to enable it on the Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey menu.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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You are the best! <3

8 years ago

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Wow thank you I really wanted this function for ages!

8 years ago

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Any ideas why it stopped working today? I'm using Extended SG, Game tags, AD block, Adsbypasser and this script.

8 years ago

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Try cleaning the storage (may take a minute or so).

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thanks but I'm using Tampermonkey...

8 years ago

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It has a similar option clicking on the tampermonkey icon.

8 years ago

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It doesn't worked. I even made factory reset and reinstalled it with only your script. Did you tested it with Tampermonkey after updating your script yesterday?

8 years ago

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Actually no, this time I didn't. Will do that now.

8 years ago

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Ok, thanks. Will wait for any fixes.

8 years ago

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Tested now and it worked. Anything unusual on the console? (CTRL + SHIFT + J)
What is the last thing that my script shows on console?

You can fallback to the version that worked until I figure this out.

8 years ago

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Thanks. Old version works fine. Btw I'm using Slimjet browser but I didn't updated it for a week or so. On new version of script I gets this errors: SG Ratings: Extended SteamGifts using endless scroll
VM867:72 SG Ratings: Starting observer (Endless scroll compatibility)
30VM867:224 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
VM867:224 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null(anonymous function) @ VM867:224(anonymous function) @ @ @ VM867:7processpage @ VM867:224GM_xmlhttpRequest.onload @ VM867:344(anonymous function) @ VM878:2(anonymous function) @ VM885:27.
I think that most problem string of code with 30 errors is: features = $(', div.DRM_notice div:first, div.DRM_notice:not(:has(*))', req.response).map(function() { return (this.href!==undefined?this.href.match(/=([0-9]+)\&/)[1]:'0') + '::' + this.textContent.match(/\b.+/)[0].replace(/\s{2,}/g,''); }).get().join('\n');

8 years ago

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Indeed that line seems to be causing the problem. Don't know why though.
Anyway. See if the last version fixed it.

8 years ago

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Thanks again. New version works fine!

8 years ago

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Very useful script man, thankies :)
Oh and i made a little edit for 5 rating color, from #0000ff to #83e32f
why no green color instead of ultra blueish.
and again many thanks c:

8 years ago

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You're welcome. :)
It looks good green. I will probably add an option for the people to choose that. ty.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Nice script!

I skimmed through this whole thread but can't find the difference between the shades of blue for the icons... what do the different shades mean? Light vs dark...

8 years ago

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Sorry. Should make that more clear.
Applied in that order:

  • Darkblue = 85%+ rating with at least 100 reviews.
  • Lightblue = 70%+ rating.
  • Yellow = 40%+ rating.
  • Lightred = 25%+ rating or less than that but with no more than 100 reviews.
  • Darkred = everything else.
8 years ago

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Can script get ratings from game pages that asks age without logging in to Steam.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Then why it doesn't works for me :)? It shows that no ranking available.

8 years ago

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What link?
Indeed it appears to be a problem with that now on chrome. I'll look into that.

8 years ago*

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Thanks. Will wait for fixes. And is 40%-69% rating shows white color not yellow also Chrome related problem?

8 years ago*

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How can I hide unneeded (for me) tags for example Mac and Linux?

8 years ago

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Right now you can't. I'll think in a way of doing that.

8 years ago

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No rating for "gold" editions (with dlc) and etc. Can you make at least to show main game rating or to calculate average rating of main game + dlc's?

8 years ago

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I know. I say that on the post.

It doesn't scan bundles/packages (games with steam store link /sub/ instead of /app/).

Calculate the average is possible, but it's also impractical. :/
The problem is how to tell what is the main game. For example the Telltales Games Collection.

8 years ago*

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Ok, in that case you can filter collections and bundles (by keywords) and show main game (chosen by highest full price value) rating for game packages with dlc's.

8 years ago*

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Nice script but I don't like the mouseovers. Can you please elaborate what the variables are to be set to disable all of them?

I think those variables are concerned:


It is really hard to understand that comment:
and your choice on variables. Why use "0", "disabled", "false" at the same time?

Example with GAStags, checking /giveaways:
0, 1, 2, false = no change
disabled = script completely off

8 years ago

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You can use the menu of tampermonkey/greasemonkey to change that more easily without changing the defaults on the script itself (image in the end).

Yes, those are the correct variables.
On the GAS page (pages that show multiple giveaways on a list) the only possible options is true or false. You have to disable (set to false) GAS Features and GAS Tags if you don't want the 'mouseover' on GAS page. By default both are enabled. I haven't made an alternative way to show that info on GAS page yet. Maybe I'll add some icons to represent the features idk.

On GA page (Individual giveaway page. /giveaway/) you can choose between Disabled (everything that isn't 1 or 2, but normaly false), onmouseover (1), directly on page (2). By default the features are 2 on GA pages and the tags are 1. So you have to either disable GA Tags or use it on page (2).
And you probably put "disabled" without double quotes, so it isn't an options that scripts can understand. So it simply stops.

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for letting me know. I hadn't noticed the change on steam reviews.
Will fix it.

8 years ago

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Fixed it. Now it always use overall ratings (I may add an option to change it to recent), but shows both inside the individual GA page.

8 years ago

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It seems broke your script?
Currently it shows me neither ratings nor tags. That's the case for grid view and within a giveaway's profile.

Ah, seems it is something about Steamgifts++, as that got an update recently too.

8 years ago*

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What is the last thing my script shows on console? (CTRL + SHIFT + [K on firefox, J on chrome])

Edit: Apparently they updated the script to make it compatible with the changes that SG made (like I had done). SG reversed these changes, so they have to reverse it too (like I did). Could be it.

8 years ago*

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Sounds reasonable. With SG++ deactivated your script still works.

Here is my console report, I don't discover anything from your script though.

8 years ago

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Just the "font not found" message which is normal.
There is an error with SG v2 Giveaway Filter related to SG++. So it could really be something with SG++.
There's also a lot of errors in the end. But I'm not sure what script is causing it.
You could try an older version of my script to check if there's something wrong here too. Maybe v1.6.0.14.

8 years ago

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I tried and, the problem remained.
After I went back to the most recent version though, I registered that the rating is back within a GA's profile.
And for the grid view I get lots of errors from your script now (yay! ;-))

8 years ago

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Make my script run before SG++. That should solve this.
I'm trying to test here. But I can't get SG++ to work here now. Not in firefox, neither in chrome. (SG++ alone). An older version works though.

Edit: I think I might have found something. Just a minute...

8 years ago*

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I set your script on position 1, SG++ on the last, didn't fix grid view though.
No need to rush it from your side, I can survive for some days without it. ;)

8 years ago

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Update and see if it works.

8 years ago

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Works now. At least for me.

8 years ago

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Great. The problem was with the way my script detect SG++.
My script only checked if SG++ Gridview was active if it detected that SG++ itself was active.
The problem is that since SG++ is partially broken now my script couldn't detect it so it doesn't even tried to check for the gridview. Now I changed it so that it checks for Gridview even if it can't detect SG++.

8 years ago

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Correction: It partly works now. Endless scroll has still the same issue. Or in other words: It shows ratings only for the first page.

8 years ago

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Yep, noticed it now. It's because the same thing. I'll add another update in a minute.

8 years ago

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Should work now.

8 years ago

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It really does. Thanks again and welcome to my whitelist. :)

8 years ago

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You're welcome. Thanks. Any problem let me know.

8 years ago

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Yes, it does. Thank you! :)

8 years ago

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Great. The problem was with the way my script detect SG++.
My script only checked if SG++ Gridview was active if it detected that SG++ itself was active.
The problem is that since SG++ is partially broken now my script couldn't detect it so it doesn't even tried to check for the gridview. Now I changed it so that it checks for Gridview even if it can't detect SG++.
Thanks for informing me of the problem. ;)

8 years ago

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For some reason script doesn't showing cyrillic symbols on features, also showing english. But in tags it works well
Changing language on steam store to english doesn't work for me

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Fixed it. Update.
But since the script cache the data you'll have to clear the storage on the Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey menu (image at the end, the browser will probably freeze for some seconds) or wait until the games that are already in the cache expire (happens 24 hours after they were first scanned). Without any of those you'll only see the changes for games that aren't cached yet.
Thanks for posting an image, it helped me understand what was happening. :)

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Thank you! Now all works well :D
Btw, could you add icons for popup features on GAs page for better clarity?

8 years ago*

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Thanks, buddy! Awesome job! Just installed it with Ruphine's SG Game Tags and it works very, very well! Will report if something occurs... ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You're welcome.
Yes, in the Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey menu (image).
On individual GA page (/giveaway/) you can disable it or choose to show it on the page itself. On /giveaways/ pages you only can disable it or enable it. The options you are looking for is Features and Tags, more specifically:

  • GA Tags to "disabled" or "on page".
  • GAS Features (to toggle between disabled/enabled)
  • GAS Tags (to toggle between disabled/enabled)

That should do.

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yes. I already thinked of that, but couldn't think of a way to make it look cool.
I'll look into it again later, and maybe add it either way, but disabled by default.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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