TL;DR: See images. For chrome if you don't set age on steam, games that need it will receive a "No ratings available".

~(May 14, 2017) Added a new way to see features/tags on GAs pages (Must be enabled via the greasemonkey/tampermonkey menu) [beta]

(April 04, 2017) I finally added compatibility with ESGST endless scroll. I'm sorry it took so long, my depression hit me hard on these past weeks. I'll try to fix the other incompatibilities with ESGST (like grid view and some other bugs) as quickly as my depression allow me to do so. :/

(March 05, 2017) Todo: Add compatibility with rhSGST endless scroll.

1.6.1 (May 13, 2016): It also shows metascore now on individual GA page when Steam provides it. To show it on GAS pages you have to enable it on the Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey menu.~

I made this script some time ago. A user who was using it tried to convince me to post here, but I was kinda reluctant to do that.

It shows the % of the positive reviews of the game, the total number of reviews and a thumbs up/down visual aid.

Meaning of the colors of the icons:

  • Darkblue = 85%+ rating with at least 100 reviews.
  • Lightblue = 70%-84% rating or 85%+ with less than 100 reviews.
  • Yellow = 40%-69% rating.
  • Lightred = 25%-39% rating or less than that but with no more than 100 reviews.
  • Darkred = 0%-24% rating with at least 100 reviews.

If you leave the mouse on top of a giveaway it also show some details of the game. Ex: Cloud, Achievements, Cards, DRM. It can show genre/popular tags if you enable it manually in the variable in the greasemonkey/tampermonkey menu.

Oh, and it works with autoscroll (from Extended Steamgifts and SG++).

It doesn't scan bundles/packages (games with steam store link /sub/ instead of /app/).
After 24 hours it was scanned, an entry in the cache is considered outdated and is going to be scanned again when tried to be used.


To run scripts you will need:

I haven't made a config page (yet), but there's some configuration variables in the start of the script:, but you can configure some thing using your extension (Under "User scripts commands" on Greasemonkey menu, or on Tampermonkey menu)

Variable name:default value, [Option that change it in extension menu] Description
expiretime:86400, Time in seconds after which an entry in the cache is considered outdated (24h).
expiretimeenabled:true, If false, entries will never expire. Once in cache, it stays there forever. (Or until you clear your browser cache, of course)
GAratings:true, [GA page: Show ratings] Add ratings to a individual GA page (/giveaway/)
GASratings:true, [GAS page: Show ratings] Same, but for /giveaways/ page.
GAfeatures:2, [GA page: Show features (disabled/1:onmouseover/2:onpage)] Show features below the ratings on a individual GA page (/giveaway/) if 2. If 1, it show when the mouse is on top.
GASfeatures:true, [GAS page: Show features] Same, but for /giveaways/ page.
GAtags:1, [GA page: Show tags (disabled/1:onmouseover/2:onpage)] Show game genre and popular tag on mouseover on a individual GA page (/giveaway/). If set to 2 show belows the rating.
GAStags:true, [GAS page: Show tags] Same, but for /giveaways/ page.
timer:false, Debug purpuses. It will show in the console how much time the script takes to run and to load pages when it isn't available on cache.
iconsid:-1 [Icons (auto/0/1/2)] 0 = Thumbs up/down; 1 = ▲ ▼; 2 = Thumbs up/down as image (for compatibility purpuses). Any value other than that makes the script use 0 if you have the required font or 2 if you don't have.
[Clear storage] Clear the ratings cache.
[Restore default settings]

Any problem let me know. You could try this:

  • See if the problem persist with only my script enabled (only to test).
  • If no, then try to make it run before some others script and see if it works fine.
  • If no, check the developer console for error or anything unusual: CTRL + SHIFT + (K on firefox, J on chrome) and let me know.

Bump maybe?

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8 years ago*

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The endless scrolling for ESGST doesn't seem to work well with the Steamgifts Rating script. It only loads for the first page, not the subsequent ones. Any fix is appreciated :) Thanks!

7 years ago

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Update and see if it works. :)

7 years ago

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Yes, it works now. Thank you!

7 years ago

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Latest update of ESGST seems to have made SteamGifts Rating unable to load the rating in the Giveaway page. Not urgent, as this could be resolved in the next ESGST update. However, if you have the time and wouldn't mind taking a look at it, I would be grateful for it. :)

No errors in the console as well.

Edit: I think it's the same endless scrolling issue I had in the previous post where only the first page has Steamgifts Ratings, subsequent ones are not being loaded. :)


7 years ago*

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See if it works now.

7 years ago*

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It is working. Thank you :D

7 years ago

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The script stopped working for me a few days ago on Chrome... it doesn't run even when I turn off all the other scripts... on the console I get a long list of these messages (when I turn this script off they don't show so I guess they are related):

(index):1 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.

7 years ago

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Steam doesn't provide it's images over HTTPS. But my script shouldn't be loading any images at all. I'll take a look into it.

7 years ago

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Fixed. Steam changed the links to the tags from /tag/ to /tags/. That was causing the issue.
As for these error messages in the console, they are from Steamgifts itself, because the images it loads from steam aren't HTTPs.

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot, everything shows properly again!

7 years ago

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Would it be possible that we can chose between Steam ratings and SteamDB's ratings?
I have no idea if they offer an API, but considering that Enhanced Steam uses theirs too, that's probably the case.

7 years ago

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I did some search and SteamDB apply a formula to get their ratings.
So I implemented this formula in my script. Now it also shows the ratings using this formula on the GA page, and I added an option (Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey menu) to use it in the GAs page too.

However, there is a problem.
While testing this, I noticed that the rating never matched the one in the SteamDB page. After some investigation, I noticed that Steam by default only uses the reviews by customers that purchased the game directly from Steam when making the rating, and my script use that. And SteamDB gets the total number of reviews, and not that. This causes a discrepancy between the two.
I tried to make my script get the total number too (in the same HTTP request), but with no success.
I'll search more on how I can do this, but can't guarantee that I'll succeed. And I'll only add this if the "fix" doesn't involve making another HTTP request.

I'll keep this formula in the script since it still have some value, the problem is that the ratings my script get aren't the actual total.

7 years ago

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I wouldn't mind if you just offer the Wilson score with the available Steam purchase reviews only. It still would be an improvement.
If you should manage to access all reviews that would be great too of course. So thank you anyway. :)

7 years ago

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It shows like this (first image) in the giveaway page. To make it use it in the giveaways page (list) you have to enable it in the GM/Tampermonkey menu (second image).

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7 years ago

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Hello Alpe,

I noticed the script wasn't working on the GA pages, but was working fine on the homepage. I tried disabling other scripts, changed to tampermonkey. Nothing was fixing it, so I started messing with the options that had always been on default. Changing GAratings:true to false seems to fix the problem.

Please take a look when you can. Thanks for the script.

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7 years ago

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Anything unusual (error, warning) in the console CTRL + SHIFT + (K on firefox, J on chrome) with it enabled?

7 years ago

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Wasn't sure how to use the console, but the errors were easy enough to indentify.

Used one of your giveaways to test, same as before:

First error happens without ESG enabled, but I put both just in case it's relevant.

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7 years ago*

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Stupid me forgot to add a piece of the code in the last update. 😆
Update. It should work now. Thanks.

7 years ago

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Working fine now. Thank you very much.

7 years ago

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Added compatibility with Greasemonkey 4+ for Firefox 57+ (webextensions).

7 years ago

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Was there another change on Steam's behalf, that messed up your script?
The ratings disappear for more and more games on SG. I guess the currently remaining ratings are buffered and will disappear with their next update too, just like it did some months ago.

Edit: Seems it's the tags once again. Steamspy just reported them causing troubles for them too.

7 years ago*

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Yes. I'm taking a look now.

Edit: Fixed.

7 years ago*

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Is there a way for Giveaway Settings Filter to be supported by this script? :)

6 years ago

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Something changed in my firefox. Some scripts dont work. I think this script also dont work partialy. It workas before on GAs pages but on indywidual GA page I dont see score. also dont see "SG Add IsThereAnyDeal Data" (other scrips). GA page looks like oryginal one without additional informations... Not sure what caused it...

6 years ago

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Ok after second restart it returned:)... Not sure what was a problem.

6 years ago

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No, not everything works fine after all. It looks like it still works on GA lists, but if I will enter to individual GA page I dont see any information from script. Do anyone has same problem or everything works fine?

5 years ago*

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I still see it on GA pages.

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5 years ago

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Thank you for information. I planned to test it on other web browser. But strange enough it started working today again (nothing changed) = it was probably temporary problem. Or maybe you made some magic... ;)

5 years ago

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Weird. Happy it's working again.

5 years ago

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Yea it is weird. Not sure what caused (had different problem some time ago and it also repaired by itself). I have theory that it can be problem with waterfox or extension for scripts combined with many open tabs.

Btw great extension.

5 years ago

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Hey Alpe,
First of all, wanted to say kudos.
Amazing script you got there - I use it all the time!

The only thing I'm struggling with, is that games sometimes get the "Not enough ratings available" message because they niche and don't have enough ratings, and other times because they weren't released yet so people can't review them. Which is very frustrating for me, because I need to check them manually.

Is there a possibility you would be able to add the game release date to the game features shown?
(even if it's just on the mouseover of the rating)

This would really help me a lot.


4 years ago

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Happy you like it. :)

Added it on the mouseover and on the GA page.
But it will only show for newly scanned games. So, you need to either wait for all the cached entries to expire or clear the cached storage.
"Clear Storage" option on the Tampermonkey (or other) menu.

I will probably refine this part of the code later.

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4 years ago

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That was fast...

4 years ago

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Script is broken and hasn't functioned for a couple weeks.

4 years ago

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It's still working here.
What other scripts do you use?
Can you check the developer console for error or anything unusual: CTRL + SHIFT + (K on firefox, J on chrome)?
Already tried the "Clear storage" option? And maybe "Restore default settings"?
What userscript extension do you use? (Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey...)

Btw, thanks for sending a message on steam. I haven't been very active here in a while. And greasyfork don't send e-mail notifications about messages.

4 years ago*

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Aha. It is working alone I see if I disable ESGST. With it enabled also, any page never completes loading.

4 years ago

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Can you please save your ESGST settings and send it to me, so that I can try to replicate the issue and fix it? Or tell me which options are enabled.
This is going to generate a txt file that should be very small. You can ctrl-c ctrl-v the contents here.

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4 years ago

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SG forum won't post my message containing that data.Here it is here:

4 years ago

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Here, it freezes the first time I open the page after loading the settings. But if I close the page and open again, it opens normally and keeps working from that point on. For you it never starts working again?

4 years ago*

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It used to be like that, now it doesn't work at all.

4 years ago

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I'm out of ideas for now.
Maybe the ESGST developer can shed more light into this.

4 years ago

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Thanks for this great tool! :)

4 years ago

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It still works even in my native. Thanks a lot!

Сan it work with already hidden games?

2 years ago*

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You're welcome.
Yes, it should.

2 years ago

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But it doesn't. It works in any category except hidden games. Latest script i'm runs with Tampermonkey in Opera.

2 years ago

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I think I misunderstood you.
Is this what you are talking about?:
It isn't supported, sorry. :/
I may look into it.

2 years ago

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It would be great! Sorry for my eng.

2 years ago

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Added basic support for it.

2 years ago

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You're awesome. Thank You!

2 years ago

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Hello Alpe!!! :)

This thread bubbled to the top and with great excitement, I installed your script! (Chrome 102.0.5005.63)

But I am not seeing game ratings on either on the main page or the individual giveaway pages. Now, I am "blind" sometimes... so hopefully that is what is at play here and you will be so kind as to open my eyes. :)

2 years ago

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Hi. :)

Just downloaded chrome + tampermonkey to test and it worked.
You can try changing the order of your scripts in tampermonkey and see if it works.
You can also press CTRL + SHIFT + J, reload the page and see if any errors related to the script appear on the console window that the hotkey opened.

Also, maybe it's the same problem as this:
If so, I can try looking into it again.

2 years ago

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Aww man.

After disabling all other scripts except for SG - Steam Ratings, the page still has trouble loading and then times out. Although the ratings are showing on the non-responsive page. Here is a screen shot of script errors.

I was a database programmer in a past life, but in the internet world, I am at best a "hacker" of existing code or I'd try to isolate the problem myself. If there is something VERY obvious here, great. If not (and I am guessing this will not be obvious), don't worry about it right now because I know you have better things to do than this.

Let me just say that this script is wonderful and I won't give up until it is working! :)

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2 years ago*

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There is no errors in the picture about this script. :/

Maybe it's non-responsive because it is making queries to the steam store faster than the internet or pc can handle.
Try increasing the delay between queries in the script tampermonkey menu.
By default it is 300ms. Try 1000+.

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2 years ago

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Good news. Bad news. I am new to using browser scripts. It turns out that I had ESGST installed directly in Chrome extensions. I then later installed it via Tampermonkey as well. So even though I had disabled it earlier via Tampermonkey, when I later checked Chrome's extensions, there it was still active. After disabling it there as well, SGSR (SG Steam Ratings) functioned as expected.

The bad news is that when I re-activated ESGST, the main page once again becomes non-responsive and times out. While I like some of the other additions of ESGST, being able to see the Steam ratings etc. win the contest! I will have your script enabled regardless of the benefits of the other(s). :)

Edited to add for me in Chrome using SGSR:
ESGST: Page becomes unresponsive.
SG20: Page loads fine showing tiles instead of a list for the giveaways, but the rating do NOT show.
Extended Steamgifts: Page loads without problems.

2 years ago*

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I'm running some tests too.
I also posted an issue on ESGST github. Maybe its developer knows how to fix it on their end.

2 years ago

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Thank you for pursuing this. I left a comment for your open ESGST issue at github. I doubt it will get the issue to a higher priority level, but it can't hurt. :)

2 years ago

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WOW! This is awesome! Makes going through the community train so much easier looking for high rated games

2 years ago

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It works! Thank you so very much! It's so much easier to participate in giveaways now, much appreciated! I used to click on so many games to see their reviews or go on Metacritic to see reviews. To see reviews on Steamgifts without going on Steam saves me a ton of clicks! <3

2 years ago

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This is a must for SteamGifts.
I entered in so many garbage games in Steam only to check if it was even Rated, now i won't even need to check them on Steam.

1 year ago

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Hi. Can you add AutoJoin scrolling support?

1 year ago

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I have been a little sick for a few days.
Once I get better I'll probably look into it.

1 year ago

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Don't rush. Health is more important.

1 year ago

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Sorry for the delay. I had one problem after another.

I added a way for my script to work with the endless scroll function of this extension.
You have to click on the Tampermonkey menu, and click on the new option of my script: "Force endless scroll observer to run". Only need to do this one time (and again if you reset my mod's config, of course).
I wanted to make the detection of this extension automatic like it is from others extensions like ESGST. But I don't think it is possible.

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1 year ago*

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Thanks for the update. This will save me a lot of time for choosing games.

1 year ago

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What exactly do you mean by autojoin? Automatically entering giveaways or something else?

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Scrolling the page does not show the rating on new pages.
AutoJoin is a permission that makes it much easier to interact with SG without the need for configuration.

1 year ago*

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Super useful, thanks a lot!

1 year ago

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