They are still here/there :) Me personally i just grew out of them + they are huge time suckers i just dont it as much as i used to .
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Oh you mean all those sites that always put WoW or Final Fantasy on top?
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Have you tried older MMORPGs then? Some of them are still alive (and hopefully not badly revamped), might have an more adult community and those game mechanics as you described. Haven't played any since my last trial to get used to SWTOR a few years ago, so I can't recommend you anything.
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From what I can tell, Path of Exile, SWTOR and Mabinogi (all F2P btw) seem to have active communities depending on what server you're on. I play entirely solo; however, I suggest that you try whichever MMO interests you and get involved with the games' guiilds/clans if you like the social co-op aspect. They are always recruiting.
EDIT: I suggested these... not because I play them, but they have been around for a considerable amount of time and have decent end-game content. Additionally, they have a good content balance for solo players (like me) and for playing with large groups.
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I cannot recommend Mabinogi. They've never revamped the controls or interface so it fails completely in that aspect. The game also suffers from a massive amount of bots as well as client crashing bugs.
Path of Exile also doesn't really qualify for an MMO.
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Funny you should mention that as I thought the very same thing about the controls and GUI the first time I tried playing Mabinogi. Then having tried some console games with even worse controls, I decided to give it another go a year later and been hooked ever since... because the versatility is pretty unique, IMO. Unlike a friend who tried playing with me, however, I have not had any crashing issues (just getting kicked off the server on random occasions).
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Any example of such MMOs? I've never really had the chance to play anything like this (and I guess that's a good thing since I'm a MMO soloist in most cases).
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I remember Star Wars Galaxies and Tabula Rasa being like that.
Also vanilla WoW
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When mentioning SWG you'd have to state whether pre or post NGE. PreNGE had neither storyline nor dungeons..
There are still emulators out there, but I don't know how active these communities are.
Many former SWG players had high hopes for the Kickstarter project The Repopulation, but that project failed.
Don't know if EQ or LotRO still have many players. EVE is also old and continued growing over years, but well.. you have to like the space theme.
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If i remember correctly. To play the SWG emulator you still need the original CD's.
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Those games are dead. Under my experience, people who keep playing like that are very into it... very very very into it and has a strict schedule for raids. Apparently only some guilds on wow and (maybe?) FF14 is like that.
Some MMOs (including wow) took the casual way, more players means more revenue, more easy content means more feeling of acomplish or pride (not EA style), that means happy kids and a kid happy with the game is a kid playing it.
Some other games took a sandbox spin, more relaxed but super grindy, or at least is what I read about black desert and GW2 in high levels is stupidly grindy too.
MMO formula is dead and now is not that appealing anymore.
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Dungeons and Dragons Online is very team oriented, and many of the puzzles and fights require cooperation to finish. It's been a while since I played, but I remember the quests being pretty fun and not just the generic grind that's common in many MMO's. The graphics are a bit dated now. It's free to play, but many of the quests are DLC.
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Recently I steped on Secret World. I couldn't play it before because it was locked for my region. MMO where you can start and don't look for overpowered items at least for full (HUGE) main quest line and standart dungeons. Lots of humor, proper accents in dialogs, lots of detective missions - i.e. there are tons of quest that does not include "kill/bring X mobs/items"
And devs still update it very often.
As for gear, you buy green stuff on auction and just level it to legendary rarity.
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even though i think it is a good game, i don't think it is what the OP is asking for, on tsw you can come, take whatever you want and solo all game except donjon. I am not saying it is a bad thing, but i don't think the game have the kind of harshness the OP is lookig for :p
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Mobas took over. And now Battle Royale games are infringing on their turf.
As a genre they aren't dead though. Once invented, gaming genres in general go niche, but they don't go extinct.
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What you are looking for is available here:
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You are right. That is exactly what i needed. Thank's fam :D
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Name a single MMORPG that actually has ever fit in with the ideal you've presented.
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Perhaps Project Gorgon might be up your alley.
It's a huge time/gold sink to learn everything, so players specialize and work together. It's in an open testing phase, but will be B2P on Steam eventually.
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I remember how Dark Age of Camelot has been shut down by the publisher who wanted to push his new MMO. I don't even remember what it was, just that it failed totally. Part of the community I was in went to WoW, others like me stopped playing MMOs :) I don't regret it, but I would be happy to get back to DAoC for a few hours.
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There's Dream of Mirror, if you don't mind the slightly goofy looking cel shaded graphics.
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For real, Puzzle Pirates: Dark Seas is fun as hell. I'm back in babyyyyyy.
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38 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by MouseWithBeer
I remember MMO's starting off as these games where you go on an adventure and battle monsters that you get loot from and get gear and all that. Now they all feel like free for all singleplayer (maybe very shallow coop).
Remember dungeons and raids? Those ones where you had to go in town, talk to players with different roles? Go together to repair all armor and weapons? Buying potions or have the mage party member brew some for the whole team? Everyone having their role in the dungeon to get resource to make the better gear themselves? Remember NPC shops not being a total waste of code and actualy sell stuff you need?
Where are those games? I don't wanna play another MMO"go do the main missions then queue dungeons with overpowered gear hoping to get something a bit better than what you currently have"G.
If theres any game like that i really want to know.
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