XP discounts are applied automatically... be sure you are logged into your account when browsing to see the prices.
For the additional 3% --> https://www.greenmangaming.com/xp-offers/gold-offers/ --> at the bottom of the page, there's a claim your XP pack, the one time code is issued out to your account.
and yes they stack with the XP discount, it's only a one time coupon so choose wisely :-)
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Other great prices, I picked these two up during the sale:
Dave the Diver - $13.59 USD XP price...
Powerwash Simulator - $15.99 USD XP price
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Square regional prices are really weird for me here in Mexico. Some things have a better price, but their newer games are actually MORE expensive to buy. (Live a Live is $13 more, for example.)
Also, I'm technically XP Gold, but they don't actually honor those discounts in Mexico. Some items are still cheaper without that discount.
I used to be able to buy games by using a wifi connection in the US while I was there (I live in the border) and get US prices that way but it looks like they don't allow that anymore.
Edit: What's the discount for Nier Replicant?
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Yep. Permanent. Once you are a gold member, it seems like you will stay there forever. I always double check GMG because most times the XP pricing is not reflected on the prices on ITAD and others when doing comparisons.
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Thanks for the heads up. Grabbed a game I'd been wanting for $2!
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The XP voucher itself is just 3 %. XP prices are barely tracked, so hard to prove. But let's take an example:
I switched ITAD to US to check if it's valid for your region as well.
$24 historical low on GMG, $23.99 on Steam and Humble. Current price on GMG according to ITAD: $30. Now if you login as Gold XP member it ends up at $24 again (without voucher).
Humble doesn't have a sale yet and because of their IP check I can't see US price logged in. Maybe with VPN, but I don't want them to check my account. However, it's 50,99 € instead of 59,99 € here (15 % choice subscriber discount, my aforementioned remembered 10% were wrong).
$23.99 -15% => Humble wins.
Another example which proves you right, is https://isthereanydeal.com/game/trialsofmana/history/.
Historical low at GMG, but only once 3 years ago. Right now it's at the $25, similar to Steam and Humble. Logged in as Gold XP member, it's down at $20. Humble's 15% won't get it down to that if it will be $23.99 again.
Add the XP voucher if not used and you have a nice bargain at GMG.
So you need to compare, but you can't right now, because Humble hasn't started its Christmas sale yet. However, it will surely launch before Christmas, while GMG's sale will still be active then.
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ITAD says $23.99 historical on Humble, too. I wasn't able to find that within history or log though.
According to gg.deals it was $23.99 on Humble between January 13th and 27th.
And I'm not saying "Buy on Humble store", just wait and compare all sales. I'm Gold XP at GMG myself, I don't hate them. :D
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I’m bronze level with GMG and am seeing the same prices. Not going to bite at anything since I’m still going through my Autumn Sale stuff, but some of these are pretty solid sales.
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Do you have a Green Man Gaming account with XP membership? Cause like I said in the topic you need an XP membership to get those special prices.
Only other thing I can think of is the price changed based on region? But yeah, it still shows $12.80 for me.
EDIT: Oh you mean out of sale like they no longer have it available. Yeah it appears to be out of stock if you try to add it to cart.
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Trying to buy Final Fantasy XV, but "Unfortunately, you are not allowed to purchase a specific game in your basket".
What's happening? Isn't showing as sold out for me.
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It's not exactly cheap, but I've had my eyes on Little Goody Two Shoes. It's basically an indie title but published by SE. It just released in November so it's a newish release and $12. I think it's a decent deal considering it came out last month. It's very well received
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Green Man Gaming has started their Winter Sale and there are already some all-time lows for some Square-Enix titles for Steam, assuming you have an XP membership (I have gold tier, but I've been told by someone with bronze tier they saw the same sale prices, so YMMV). Here's a handful of standouts:
NieR:Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition ($12.80 with XP membership)
DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition ($19.19 with XP membership)
OCTOPATH TRAVELER II ($33.59 with XP membership)
LIVE A LIVE ($23.99 with XP membership)
STRANGER OF PARADISE FINAL FANTASY ORIGIN Digital Deluxe Edition ($28.79 with XP membership)
Forspoken ($22.40 with XP membership)
I believe these are new all-time lows for Steam versions of these games. There's probably even more, but you get the picture. Like I said you NEED an XP membership to see these sale prices, but I don't know if the tier matters.
EDIT: Also, if you have an XP membership you might have a bonus 3% off coupon in your XP offers (one time use I believe). So I THINK that should stack with these as well.
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