Im thinking about getting windows 8,it looks really nice,the only problem is that im not sure if my games will still run on it

12 years ago*

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some yea, but why 8?

12 years ago

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I bet he wants to enjoy the performance upgrade. No really, anyone who actually uses windows 8 will see it feels faster doing general tasks. There are some bits that are clunky still, and the start screen isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be once you get over the change. I use pin steam and I have all my steam games on the start screen and its looks pretty nice.
I still remember people ranting over Windows 95's Start menu and task bar. People raged and reverted back to program manager.. then all the people who refused to use windows XP because of the kid's colors, yet that's become one of Microsoft's longest and best selling OS.

12 years ago

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get out microsoft marketer

12 years ago

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Windows 8 is like an ugly baby, only its parents love it.

12 years ago

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Win 8 is based on Win 7, all games should run on it. But I heard that there are some problems with GFWL games.

12 years ago

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Actually there are problems with XNA based games too.

12 years ago

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The problem with GFWL is steam will give you an older version of GFWL that doesnt work on Win8. You need to install it yourself from the gfwl site

12 years ago

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The vast majority of games will work fine on Windows 8. Out of all my games there's only one (Poker Night at the Inventory) that I can't get to work.

12 years ago

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but that game kicks ass D:

12 years ago

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Heh, and I just found the solution to get it working :D

Just unplug your Xbox 360 controller (if you have one) and it will work fine.

12 years ago

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are windows vista games compatible with windows 7

12 years ago

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nope. just stick to vista

12 years ago

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I've never encountered a game that doesn't work on Vista/7/8, and most of those are still compatible with XP.

OS compatibility issues is really only a Mac thing.

12 years ago

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+1 XD

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Doom series don't work on Windows 8 because the DosBox is not up to date

12 years ago

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I'd upgrade the DosBox setup steam uses to something like ZDoom, so much better then even a working emulated dos box. Same applies to the win Quake bundled on steam, its useless but there are alternatives that still work.

12 years ago

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i got windows 8,because i wanted to format my pc,and checked out windows 8,it looked really nice,although the start(Win key) is kinda tacky,other than that it is really nice,thanks for the help anyways

12 years ago

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Yeah you can use Classic Shell (Free) or Start8 (paid) to get rid of that and use a classic start menu if you want.

12 years ago

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pro tip, press start + T to bring up the taskbar.

12 years ago

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i have win8
everything i tried, worked.
it also have the ability to run on compatibility mode, so no worries

12 years ago

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Haven't had any problems with games in Windows 8 so far :)

12 years ago

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i think buying multiple OSs are a waste of money unless you get xp pro. Id partition your hd and add xp as a second OS, you need a decent size hd though

12 years ago

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i dont think i can do that,but if i can,ill do that for sure

12 years ago

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If you have Win7 ultimate or Win8, I'd really consider using a VHD rather then partition for an additional OS. It makes no sense anymore to use an entire partition for an OS you don't boot into mainly.

12 years ago

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Protip: games do not work in a VM as they don't have access to a graphics card. Learned that the hard way by buying Windows 7 Professional for XP Mode and then discovered games wouldn't work -_-

That said, the only games I've come across that don't work natively in win7 are some from the 90's like Motorhead.

12 years ago

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I thought something was fishy about that windows 7 virtual xp mode. Anyways have you tried old applications other than games. And you have a processor with virtual technology right

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Dat wink

12 years ago

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anyways all windows 7 games should run just as good on windows 8 except borderlands 2, windows 7 is better by 7 percent for nvidia graphics. Also windows 8 supports DX 11.1. And i think but i am not sure, windows 8 conserves batery life better,3331-5.html

12 years ago

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BL 2 works fine for me on Win 8.

12 years ago

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Many (but not all) Steam games should work under Windows 8, either officially or un-officially. All of the games that I have on Steam work in my Windows 8 laptop.

12 years ago

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i RUn WIndows 8,and all games that i have Run without trouble on Windows 8

12 years ago

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Don't listen to the people that hate on Win 8, the majority are jumping on the bandwagon. All my games work fine on Win 8 (although I know others have had problems with select games). I never use the metro UI, that thing is useless to me. People complain about the fact there is no Start button, well to be honest I never knew how little I used it until now. If you really want to upgrade, get it. There are a ton of improvements, mainly with Windows Defender, boot times, task manager, etc. I think you missed out on getting it for $40 and if you are using Win 7, I don't think it is worth upgrading it simply because it is a slight improvement but isn't worth the usual price of operating systems as it doesn't improve upon 7 enough for it to be worth around $120.

12 years ago

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its $40 till the 31st of January. $15 if you have windows 7

12 years ago

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People seem to be under the impression that Windows 8 is Windows RT
which just isnt true. Windows 8 is just Windows 7

12 years ago

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All my games are runningly fine with win 8 ;)

12 years ago

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well,thank you all for helping me ;)

12 years ago

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Every game I played after installing Windows 8 works. Please do not comment in Windows 8 before you tried it.

12 years ago

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do not comment in win 8? i dont understand

12 years ago

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There are a few older games that don't work on windows 8 but did on windows 7... but then there are a lot of older games that didn't work on XP or Windows 7 either. Most of them can be fixed by running them in compatibility mode. For the rest, things like DoxBox or using Windows 8's Hyper-V or VHD function will sort the problems out.

12 years ago

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I wouldn't normally bother correcting such a small typo, but there may be people who don't know already what you meant. Such a program was unheard of ten years ago, and today is still pretty unknown outside of the oldschool gaming fans on Steam.

12 years ago

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lets cut all the crap, windows 8 is just windows 7 with an added home screen

12 years ago

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lets cut all the crap, windows 8 is just windows 7 with an unnecessary tablet home screen.

Thanks god there's Start8, StartW8, StartIsBack and alike.

12 years ago

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you are wrong its 7 with less features and made for a smart phone

12 years ago

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windos 8?

12 years ago

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yes compatible!

12 years ago

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Was already answered here dont know why didnt you use search in forum. Yes they are.

12 years ago

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Yes. Windows 8 is based on Windows 7. And you will be able to run older games too that didn't even have Win 7 compatibility using compatibility mode and "Run as administrator".

12 years ago

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windows 8 is windows 7 optimized, with less driver support, couple of quirks, no start button and a glued startscreen/metro interface.

Most of the games works just like win7, there may be some with problems to start, that will get better in time, if not, you should look for a fix eg: fallout 3

personally, i tried last weekend to upgrade to win8 (2nd try) but i'm still getting some hard lockups due to probably flash's 'activate hardware acceleration'. I'll try to use it again in a couple of months to se e if updates fix it. Meanwhile i'm back on seven.

12 years ago

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There is no noticeable difference in game performance from windows 7 to 8. there is a tiny spike is graphic performance, that most people wont notice unless they test and compare graphic cards.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by xXSAFOXx.