It's getting a little slower here now that the novelty of V2 has worn off.
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(╯°□°)╯︵ sbnɥ
steam key ノ( º _ ºノ)
ヽ(´▽)/ RBFW3-2K8T5-55Y2L ヽ(´▽
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I don't remember you. It's likely I wasn't here when you were an active member. Welcome back all the same!
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The forum has grown more toxic/hostile in my opinion.
Some members will have no problem calling you an idiot for having a different opinion. Doesn't matter if you explained your opinion or not some members are just too immature to respect something even though they don't agree with it.
I've seen some members who have around and above $1,000 contribution value who will try to shame users for not being as "generous" as them calling them leeches for having of won more games than they given out or having a lot of giveaway entries. Just imagine two users having a debate over anything and one of the users saying "Well, you're a leech, it's a shame you don't contribute much to the community as much as you take" as some sort of counter-argument..
Tons of low quality posts.This is subjective I guess depending on when you first joined, the quality has definitely degraded over the years.
Don't expect to see about more than 10-15 old faces at most. A lot of the old forum regulars I've talked to pretty much agree that the forum took a direction they didn't like and just moved on, hell even the recent members moved to other forums. Although SGv2 hasn't had the problems I listed as frequently as SGv1 so that's a relief, hopefully when we get new moderators
Chat's okay, it's a little more in-active then it used to be but it's always been like a roller coaster ride. For quite some time it's mostly been Chronic moderating chat until one week his internet pooped and it was hell so cg promoted a few people so now Chronic can play games in peace, but he still does most of the work. Quality of the chat is the same as ever, if you ever ask someone to join you in a game you'll probably get 1-3 chatters who will say yes or at least try to make time if you're serious about looking for game buddies.
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Hey, I'm curious. Is the Steam Group chat no longer used? Is the website-integrated chat the go-to place now? I remember the Steam Group chat being very dead.
Other than that, all of what you said is pretty spot-on from my view, although I don't know what you think of me but that's irrelevant. This website just feels tainted with elitism and aggression. That's how I see it and sadly that opinion has the same result as calling out trolls... Lots of pointless replying and lots of headaches.
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Steam group chat is still active, although during this time it barely is since lots of users are usually sleeping at this time. Some times chat isn't very active at all Mondays specifically. Usually 7AM to 9PM -5 EST is when chat is most active. I stay up longer than the other chat mods just to make sure chat isn't spammed by ascii art, trades or referral links so I usually talk to the late night chatters.
Not sure if the website-integrated chat is still up, that got removed since it was pretty much a useless feature and caused more problems for the moderators.
I don't know what you think of me
I only remember a handful of people from old SG because once the forums started to change that's when I took a break, but from what I've read of your posts recently I've always agreed with what you said.
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Well, cheers. Reminds me that I was trying not to stay up after 12 tonight. Seems I failed.
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+1 This place has really gone downhill in the past year, I remember asking for help over what to do with a giveaway winner of mine who seemed to resell the games they won. I think I ended up with 9 smartass replies and 1 vaguely helpful one, plus one guy who kept demanding I close the thread because it was bothering him. XD
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In all honesty, I don't really feel that after have used the Internet for the past 20+ years that I need to make a word wall to tell someone they are an idiot or explain my position on a subject, or simply just post a gif or pic as a response. I am very much done wasting time with average humans with opinions, we all have them. Although where I live, in real life, if someone mouths off with their opinion of you. They get shot, robbed, raped, or murdered. That is my reality. This is my escape from it. I do respect your opinion of the community however. For what it is worth, you are correct.
*edit and also, no matter where you go online you will be faced with the same issues. I have dealt with using BBS 1-800 numbers to Myspace, to dark hidden forums, to bright vibrant forums with tons of users, to Facebook, Twitter, etc. No matter where you are, there you are. The same place.
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So the trolls have found their way in here :/
I joined SG summer 2012. I've never been a major contributor here but met some really generous people like MoneyHypeMike and I never saw them call anyone leech or brag with their contribution value... glad to hear about the chat at least :) thanks for the taking the time to answer, maybe coming back wasn't such a good idea after all :D
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Eh, I would say "trolls" make up for only 20% of that or so. I have met some good people over the years here and made a few friends even, but over the last few months I have noticed a lack of - how should i put it - a lack of involvement and positivity perhaps? Kinda hard to explain, but I feel like something sucked the joy out of some of the people I know and made them indifferent. Maybe some of that apathy transfered to SG over time.
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I remember your avatar,don't remember the name. Welcome back,anyhow.
I can't say why exactly,but I feel like now the overall forum quality went down. Back when I just discovered the forum,it was a fun,casual place. You'd find a well-balanced mix of threads from all kinds and there would probably be at least 3~4 discussions in the top 10 that you would enjoy. You'd find some puzzles hidden in threads(I miss mood music),some out of nowhere questions that make you want to voice your opinion/read others',from time to time there were events and even if you didn't participate in them,they were nice to look at. Nowadays I open the forum and nothing seems interesting enough to bother reading,moreso commenting on.
I think the most concrete evidence of this is Delta's latest fortixcember; It was never this weak. I'm guessing older forumgoers have left sg,secluded themselves in one of many groups(or made their own),or no longer feel as attached to this board. While this process in itself is normal,we should also have fresh blood taking those generous individual's place; and perhaps it's just me being grumpy,but very few of the newcomers have an aura that says "I will take my part in making this a better place". The amount of people who come here simply to get something they want done rather than to contribute to the community is overwhelming; And seeing that,even people who used to contribute no longer want to.
As for the cause for this? We can only speculate. Perhaps it was inevitable that as sg grows,it will change for the worse; I personally feel that the last year or so had an unnatural degradation. However,there was only one event significant enough in that timeframe to effect sg as a whole.
It's an incredibly selfish thing to ask for,but I still wish Jade would return.
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Quality drop in discussions (many actives leaving) was actually what drew me away from SG a year ago. Shame if it hasn't changed for better :(
Jade had his moments, I always liked him and the occasional "drama" that followed him :)
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I believe most of the oldies got tired of it, I usually find some of them scattered among few private group chats. After two years or so, novelty starts to wear off.
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nice to see you xarabas, I'm glad you're still here :) I guess you're right, maybe it's just natural turnover. Still a shame, SG community was (is?) one of the best I've seen.
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Yeah I'm still here, although I mostly lurk now. But I have this thing every year where I send a postcard around Christmas to some lucky participant from SG so that's nice.
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Well, most newcomers contribute something to the site: games. And it may not be quality content for the forums, but giveaways are what the site is really about, right?
EDIT: Also, who is Jade, if I may ask?
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"Most newcomers contribute something to the site: games."
Nope. Most keep leeching forever and ever.
"But giveaways are what the site is really about, right?"
Stay at the frontpage; There's no need for someone with that altitude to ever visit the forum.
Don't misinterpret me; I'm grateful to most of the people who create giveaways,be it on forum,public,private,level restricted or not; And I don't automatically hate anyone who never created a giveaway,despite winning more than a few. But this is about the state of the forum,who was normally only visited by people who felt a relation to the site - which corresponds to a high cv level,amiable personality,will to help,etc. As sg grew popular,more and more of the people who don't fit that description visited the forum - some of them were welcomed with open arms,because had they been in a better situation,they would probably be a regular contributor themselves. However,some of them were toxic. And with no one to stop them anymore,they began entering the forum,one by one.
Clicky. Jade Falcon,aka (true) Queen of SG. Once a support member known for her (technically his,don't mind my gender mistaking) rather unique altitude among support members,who are generally conservative in rule interpretation unless someone outright breaks them. Mercilessly delivered countless bans&suspensions without failure to whoever deserved them,much to the scorn of some parts of the community,who thought she overdid it and blamed her for using abusing her power(whatever she did or didn't is another discussion). Pretty much the most hated support member at the time due to her cynical&cold altitude,and no reservations when it comes to dealing with assholes/idiots,including using curse words. Retired a year+ ago.
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We can and should all agree that things are different. It's the way it tends to be. And at the same time we can argue if it's really worse or if the human nature is just playing its game on us. We – as a species – are not that good at facing changes. Sure, we've survived several ice ages, black death and 60s but in a short span we are terrible... I was a part of several internet communities during the last 10 years and I can't remember any not going downhill suck after several months/years. It's the same even with relationships – I bet we all had a best friend at one time who's not our best friend anymore. Can you distinguish what exactly went wrong and mark the date? Or is it just the good old "It's not as good as it used to be, no hard feelings but now I consider my best buddy someone else." Many books were written on the topic to help us understand how "we" works and yet it doesn't mean we would change the habit.
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honestly the forums are okay for the most part but then again thats a matter of perspective really
btw what a cute avatar you have ^^ fluffy ^-^
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For curiosity's sake, Can someone link me to one of those "Quality" discussions that the old SG was known for? I find the community here awesome for the record ^.^
Welcome back and thanks for the key drops! :)
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Hi everyone! :)
I've been away from SG for a year now, but decided to jump back in when I heard the V2 came online.
Best thing in SG for me was the community: discussions, puzzles, those trivia nights in SG chat and of course active groups where community members talked and played together.
The group that I liked the most was Tubberware's cherry poppers ( Maybe someone remembers that group? :)
Anyway, I guess I wanted to ask if there are any veterans still around and wanted to say hi to all new community members :)
Oh and few keys for ninjas: (edited: removed the links and keys, it's safe to assume all have been redeemed by now)
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