Not making this one an official giveaway but if you are interested in playing both of these games, comment here then add me on steam and I will gift them to you. My main condition that I want is that I want you to play Before the Storm first, then the original. Almost everyone that I know played the original first (myself included) and I'm just really, really curious how things would seem from the opposite perspective. Obviously this also means I would highly appreciate it if you would at some point get back to me and tell me what your thoughts on the games were, or maybe just post them somewhere, but that isn't a condition. You can play the games whenever you want/have the time to, and you can feel free to talk to me about them or not, and honestly I can't even do anything about which one you play first so you might as well start with the original if you really want, but that would be kinda rude :p

Oh and by the way, steam is weird and I hate how it does its gifting system, but I am ROW and the games for me cost 4.99$ (original) and 6.79$(bts), so if they cost more for you I will unfortunately not be able to send you them :(

TL;DR add me on steam to get LiS+BtS if you promise to play the prequel first. Posting opinions of the games either here or in a review or sending them to me is really appreciated but by no means necessary. I will edit and close this thread once someone has added me and met the conditions :)

6 years ago

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Should you play the original Life is Strange first, or start with the prequel?

View Results
I have played both games and think you should start with the original
I have played both games and think you should start with the prequel
I have not played both games but think you should start with the original
I have not played both games but think you should start with the prequel

Me :)

6 years ago

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Add me on steam!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Just a tiny bit late, sorry :(

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Assemblers.