Hey guys!

A friend of mine needs some participants for her study on the topic 'Gambling in Video Games' as part of her master's thesis.
If you have like 20 min to spare, feel free to complete the following survey:

As a small thank you here's a GA for The Entropy Centre

Thank you so much in advance!

2 weeks ago*

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Interesting to review oneself regarding the topic by the questions in the questionnaire.
Fairly good experience. Just do it!

2 weeks ago

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Thank you <3

2 weeks ago

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Bump for done

2 weeks ago

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Thanks, greatly appreciated!

2 weeks ago

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Happy to help. ^^

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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I don't gamble like at all so not sure how much me doing the survey helped but bump cause um bumpin is good sometimes :)

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, same with me. I've only spent 80€ on csgo and that's it ^^''
Thank you!

2 weeks ago

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ur most welcome, hope ur friend's thesis to be quite enlightening. also agreeeed my only gambling was in cs2 in that one time I opened a case lol (which sadly and ofc obvsly didn't get da knife I wanted) :p

2 weeks ago

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done but several feedback

  • income should include currency and country in, A currency in B country can be different for A currency in C country or A currency income and Z currency income should not be considered as same.
  • it mentions loot boxes had - it should have been divided into three- paid, promotional and FOMO/progression lootboxes
  • days and hours section should be in circle selections instead of text box to avoid people writing 8 days a week or 50 hours a day (yeah I tried)
2 weeks ago

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Yep i have same feedback

2 weeks ago

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Thank you so much for comleting the survey and for the feedback!
I'll forward it to my friend, but I'm afraid she can't change it anymore as her professors already accepted this version...

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Gambling in actual video games is one thing but online casinos and such are very different. Anything that takes real money either directly or through some kind of conversion I avoid but if the only cost is time I can sit there all day trying to win the prize. After all pretty much anything you do in a video game is gambling. Trying to get that infamous 1% drop item from a boss? Gambling. Trying to get crits? Gambling. Trying to avoid attacks? Gambling. Any hidden dice roll is a gamble even if it is technically 100%.

2 weeks ago

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You can definitely see it like that hahaha.
I played way too much of this gamling sim called 'Borderlands' :D

2 weeks ago

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It's not gambling. It's playing with chance with no stakes.
Gambling is wagering money or something of value on an event that has a random outcome with the intent of winning something of bigger value.

2 weeks ago

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take risky action in the hope of a desired result.
Believe me when I say unlike most people I don't talk out my backside and only talk about things I understand. You personally might have your own definition of gambling but I go by the dictionary. To that end there is also "gambling" by your definition in video games that does not require real money but gold or zeni or whatever currency the game uses. One classic example that comes to mind is in Suikoden where you throw dice in a bowl and try to beat the computer opponents score. But yes, going by the dictionary, killing something 1000 times in the hopes of getting a rare drop is still considered gambling. But to be fair I am sure a lot of people would agree with you that gambling involves betting money. Either way I just wanted to explain my stance, not meaning to argue.

2 weeks ago

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Heh I chuckled because I also use dictionaries frequently. I guess the difference between "to gamble" and "gambling" is where dictionaries trip us.

2 weeks ago

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There are a lot of interesting caveats in the English language and I am sure others. As I said you are not wrong as one accepted definition is all about using currency to wager on games of chance. Then there is bear or to carry something, bear which is an animal and bare which is to be naked or empty. And many others.

2 weeks ago

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Just wanted to say - the income part may lead to some weird results if you don't ask where people are from. My income is okay but I would be completely destitute in the US or Europe.

Also the survey doesn't take in consideration the idea of free in-game currency and free pulls and etc. I have played some gacha games, but I had the policy of never spending real money. To me, that meant the game became more and more unrewarding and grindy, until I had to stop playing.

2 weeks ago

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Thank you for completing the survey and your feedback, much appreciated!

2 weeks ago

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never once paid for any in game coins, cosmetics, or keys.
never purchased a membership for anything. it only costs as much as a cup of coffee a day, bitch i drink WATER, from the tap!!!
also never bet money on a single thing
it helps to be poor 👍
im frugal as fuck BOI!!!!

2 weeks ago*

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also helps being a miser!

2 weeks ago

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wait, hold up. you guys have saved money. im 1 hospital visit away from being in huge debt for the rest of my life

View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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Man, I sure hope you guys get free public healthcare someday :(

2 weeks ago

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or train for the Olympics and wait 4 years. nooo wait.. its going to be here. athletes are going to fucking PISSED when they find out how much our shit costs if anything goes wrong..... reason we hive the highest infant mortality rate out of the developed world. ahh yes one ticket to get the fuck out of here please. lots of places worse off... but still...DAMN!!!

View attached image.
2 weeks ago*

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(They still haven't caught that damn toddler?? :P)

2 weeks ago

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I also don't spend any extra money on ingame items except for liek 80€ in csgo back in the days :D
I miss the times where you get complete games for your purchase...

2 weeks ago

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frugal as fuck


2 weeks ago

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Damn a bit lengthy for me, but might try later. Best wishes for your thesis process tho.

2 weeks ago

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Nah, opened the very page and realised that my money figures from Russia would be entirely useless to your friend, maybe it would make sense to limit participants to EU/UK/USA/Canada, although for actually valid results the survey would preferably be held in Germany only, financial situations in different countries are way too different - just like lootboxes consumption, I'd wager.

Edit: actually, scratch that, European countries are also too different in this aspect, this would be useless as well.

2 weeks ago*

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Yeah, you may be right...
But thank you anyways for your help!

2 weeks ago

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also for me, lootboxes and microtransactions in game should be considered the same as gambling and in my eyes should be automatically raised to the age of 18 if it contains anything like this!

2 weeks ago*

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I completely agree with you!

2 weeks ago

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Interesting survey, thanks for posting

2 weeks ago

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Thank YOU for taking part!

2 weeks ago

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I answered the questionnaire but it took a while, most of which was adding up all the transactions where I bought TF2 keys.
Also kinda weird that you could include currency in "income" but not in "spent", so I assume spent should use same currency as income?

2 weeks ago

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Yes, thanks for the feedback!

2 weeks ago

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I over think doing purchases too much to ever really gamble. Was going through survey, and only ever played cs:go, but always just sold the boxes on steam marketplace. I never buy mystery keys in places like Fanatical because don't want to deal with the probable disappointment.

I guess using this site is the closest, but the points here have no monetary value, so I don't really feel any sense of loss from not winning a GA. It does feel nice to win though, especially when there are lots of entries.

2 weeks ago

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I wish I could say the same, but I really like doing small bets with my friends once in a while.
But it's completely different in video games though!
I hate to lose but like to win even more, that's why I don't open lootboxes because I'll only stop if I get what I want hahah.

2 weeks ago

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I'd say in ANY game with drops, people learn to gamble by spending time to get the thing they want.

Whenever that amount of time is drastically reduced due to luck, we get an endorphin response the same as winning money. As we all generally understand time = money.

So the best thing to do is admit this reality, and just like how Japanese media has strict rules about reminding people not to commit s*xual crimes, and cigarettes have a warning on them, there should also be some kind of PSA moment in every game, reminding you of the fact these kind of electro drugs are likely to inspire gambling addiction if allowed to continue without anything to stop the "need to feed.".

2 weeks ago

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I completely agree!
In Germany, the USK takes in-game purchases, gambling and loot boxes into account when determining the age rating for games.
PEGI has warning about gambling and microtransactions on physical video games in Europe, but it's not enough to just say it on the packaging.

2 weeks ago

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I'd want it to go a step farther and have a requirement for there being some kind of parable or lesson in the game, that teaches the dangers of addiction, and specifically gambling addiction.

Just ANYTHING that shows the intent to communicate the dangers of e-drug addiction, and it being a gateway to other addictions.

Could even make the game better in some ways, and add a greater level of struggle, as gambling actions get you seriously penalized, instead of just rewarded with a garbage item.

2 weeks ago

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I can totally understand your point and to prevent gambling addiction I'm totally for this change!
But as a gamer I'd hate it if there's a notice about dangers of gambling as I'm personally not into gamblign anyway ^^''
I'd like it more if every game with gambling mechanics can't be purchased by minors.

2 weeks ago

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But the problem is there isnt a hard line between what is gambling, and what is not, when you have things like P2W involved, and those that literally grind games, to gain equipment and trade for IRL money in order to survive.

As soon as you add random drops to a game, you've included gambling on the level of slots. Costs you very little time, and you could win nothing, but EVERY time you win just about ANYTHING, you get the endorphin rush.

I'm not sure how to smoothly slip the theme into games, but i do see it often slid in right after an anime drops some kind of underage sxual suggestive scenes. They point out that it is an honest human feeling, but not something that should be acted upon, and morally reprehensible. It's done in almost overt way, like there's a law requiring them to do so. Like we have with what has to be rated more adult due to sxual content(but for some reason not for violence?)

In the end it's fantasy thinking, because involving governmental oversite and it's corruption is just likely to make things worse.

2 weeks ago

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Bump :)

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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But the questionnaire had many mistakes and oversights. My university professors wouldn't have accepted it in that way. So I am afraid the results will be not as meaningful as they could have been. Which is a pity, because I am sure your friend has good intentions and is invested in the subject.

2 weeks ago

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Could you maybe point some of the flaws out?
That would definitely help!

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Thank you <3

2 weeks ago

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Bump, GA has ended!

1 week ago

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A little tip, steamgifts is a global community. I tried to input my data in USD, or else you would have someone who makes tons of money and also spend tons of money. However, for my country, I have a really decent income, but for USD countries, I don't. This might lead to inconclusive data. There should be a place to input your currency data.
Ps: If it was possible to add your currency, I didn't saw.

1 week ago*

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Closed 6 days ago by DeadKanekiNote.