Aww "poor diddums".
You already said you've been gifting quite a bit lately.
Are you trying to gift the same game multiple times? Are you gifting a game with a ridiculous discount? Are you gifting to lots of people you've only just added on Steam?
There are so many reasons for being suspended from gifting stuff. Without more information it's pretty silly to just have a pity party.
At the end of the day, Steam is the only one who can lift that ban, you need to be contacting them.
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Jesus why are you hostile to the guy? We can't help him with his steam problem that's true but his thread is still useful as a warning at least, to the people around here who gift directly from the steam store. I myself never knew they could ban you for that.
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A lot of people here on steamgifts send a lot of gifts to random people. SAYJELOU was banned from gifting on Steam and was wondering if users here know what would cause that ban and if there is anything that can be done to remove the ban. I never knew Steam banned people like that and I think this is a perfectly logical place to ask about it.
I don't know if you are just having a bad day, but your response is ridiculous. Nobody is forcing you to help.
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I don't have a problem continuing the conversation, but your response sounds like you don't want to help and were upset that they asked for help. They were asking anyone here who wanted to help for help, but you basically told them, you have a Steam problem and not a steamgifts problem and told them to leave. If you don't want to help, they don't have to leave, there are other users here who may want to help.
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This is the STEAMGIFTS Help section, not the STEAM Help section.
Just cos you have problems buying gifts on Steam is not SteamGifts problem.
Take the advice I've given and get going.
That is the problem. You told the person to leave because you clearly don't want to spend anymore of your precious time helping. Nobody is forcing you to help, but other users may want to. Why do you think the user should leave and not get help from other users that want to help?
Also, I think this question is very relevant to steamgifts and there is no reason why they shouldn't ask for help here. There are plenty of people that may have gone through this and may be able to help.
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Yes, you said "see ya", but you said it in a rude way.
You've just answered your own damn question then. See ya!
Then after the user called you a prick, which I agree with them, you told them to leave because they are asking a question which shouldn't be asked here, and I think you are wrong about that. They have done nothing wrong and there is no reason for you to get upset and tell them to leave.
They asked a simple question and you started a confrontation. Maybe you didn't intend for your response to sound rude, but it did.
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You are the one who doesn't get it. Actually, I think you do get it, but don't want to admit it.
You don't think anyone should ever stand up for another person? If someone is being violently attacked in the street and is overpowered, you think a crowd of people should just stand around and watch because that person should fight their own battles?
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Too far? So, you think people should be left to fight on their own with some battles, but not all? What about bullying? Do you think a group of people should stand around and watch someone being bullied and not do anything about it?
Also, you can't claim that you just helped and didn't start the confrontation because you started out in your first comment with "Aww poor diddums" and "pity party". You were talking down to the user right from the beginning.
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OK then. Why are you acting like a prick? Being blunt has nothing at all to do with being hostile. It's the people who want every fact sugarcoated til diabetes who are rudely trying to force their own inferior ways of communicating on the people who can just say what they mean without any extra frosting.
So how about you stop the bullying and rudely requiring people to talk the way you want and focus more on what was said than how it was said?
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Because how it was said is important. There is no reason to attack the OP, make them feel like they did something wrong, and tell them to leave for asking a question.
A reasonable question was asked by the OP and the first response was someone calling them names for no reason. Then they responded by telling them that this isn't the place to ask that question and they should leave. I simply said that I think that question is relevant here and the way they responded was ridiculous.
Then the user pretends like nothing happened and says that they answered the OP's question and it wondering why is everyone is getting upset with them, so I explained it.
The user was clearly rude and doesn't want to admit it, so they just pretend like it didn't happen and tell me to not get involved because I need to let them fight their own battles. That is horrible. They are saying that because this is their battle, nobody else should be allowed to voice their opinion or get involved and that is why I kept commenting, because I don't agree with that.
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Nobody was attacking OP, so there is hardly any reason to attack those that didn't is there? You seem to be the one here trying to make others feel like they are doing something wrong by helping.
They told what causes the problem and the only solution to it. Didn't see any name calling or telling them they should leave.
Nothing happened except in your imagination, so trying to force that on others is the real problem here. Stop getting upset over nothing and your problem is solved.
Blunt is still not rude, hostile or anything else your imagination projects on it based on your own actions. Just because you said people need others to fight their "battles", I'm here to bring actual reality into the discussion. Below is a problem and 3 different answers. Are you really saying that you can't make any difference between the bottom 2 and think the only reasonable answer is the top one?
"I have a problem with Steam"
Diabetes: "Oh kind Sir, let me roll this red carpet in front of you while I ask if I may humbly direct you to ask guidance from the marvelous support team of Steam."
Blunt: "Go ask Steam support, only they can help."
Hostile: "Fuck off, you're the problem here, go away."
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I guess the line between blunt and rude is quite thin. From my point of view it was rude so I can get behind what 'AllTracTurbo' is doing here. From your point of view it was just being blunt so you stick with 'Mayanaise', nothing wrong with that, as long as we can keep the conversation polite, correct?
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I'm not sticking with anyone really, just the facts. If people see something neutral as negative, the negative is in the eye of the reader, not in the text. The way to keep conversations polite is to respect that other people might say things in different ways than you without there being anything negative about it. The way to make discussions hostile is to attack others just because you imagine they said something negative.
Also it was implied that people need others to fight their "fights" so as a helpful person I jumped in.
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I have looked through the thread and I'm pretty sure every person that has commented about this said that the user was rude. You are the only person I have seen that thinks they didn't do anything wrong.
"Didn't see any name calling or telling them they should leave."
"Nothing happened except in your imagination"
You need to go back and read the comments again because you are arguing with everyone here and you didn't even read what what written.
The very first thing written was "Aww "poor diddums". They are calling the OP a cry baby. Then in the same comment they said the OP was starting a pity party. These are not part of a normal response. The user did not just answer the question, they started a confrontation.
Then the user didn't like the OP's responses, so they got upset and wrote, "You've just answered your own damn question then. See ya!". This definitely seems like they are upset and don't want to respond anymore because they feel like their time is being wasted.
Then the OP rightfully said there is no need to be a prick and the user responded with:
This is the STEAMGIFTS Help section, not the STEAM Help section.
Just cos you have problems buying gifts on Steam is not SteamGifts problem.
Take the advice I've given and get going.
So how did they not call names? How did they not tell them to leave? How is this in my imagination? The user even acted like their opinion is the only one that matters and told them to leave. Maybe other users have experienced this in the past and have better advice, maybe the OP would like to hear from them.
And as for your question, I think the response here was closest to the hostile example that you gave. That is almost exactly how I read his response. Name calling, swearing, and telling them to leave. I really don't understand how you don't see this, everyone else that read it and commented seemed to.
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I have no problems with being right even if everyone else is wrong. Especially if a group attacks a single person trying to enforce their own ways on others.
You seem to see a lot that I don't, like reading sinister motivations to everything said. I still don't see any of that and don't get why you can't even imagine it being neutral either. Maybe try reading it without the sinister motivation at least?
The user gave the only helpful advice of contacting Steam and then said they will leave after everything that was necessary was said. Then they got attacked by the ungrateful person with the problem and several others for no reason. Nothing at all was preventing anyone else from answering, except maybe some people starting a flamewar in the thread for still no reason.
So you can't see the difference between blunt and hostile, OK. You are doing far worse than this imagined name calling and telling to leave, but are blinded by this misguided sense of justice to think it's perfectly fine. I really don't understand either why you people can't use your brain to think instead of your heart to have strong feelings about this.
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You are the odd one here. Why you do think everyone is wrong any you are right? You seem to be the only one that doesn't understand what was written.
Also, I didn't resort to name calling or attacking anyone. I just simply stated that the OP didn't do anything wrong and there was no reason to attack them. Maybe other users said more harsh things, but that has nothing to do with me. I can't control what other people say and I wouldn't want to.
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Because I don't outsource my thinking to feelings of angry mobs, just using logic. What was written is still a different thing to what people read in it. People read everything based on their own experiences, but to really understand what was meant they should base it on the experiences of the writer. This they can only do by asking what was meant and if they get an explanation that is in conflict with their own imagination, they should accept the explanation as a replacement because it's more based on reality. Is this really a hard concept to grasp?
You were also explained why there was no sinister motivation and yet you ignored this explanation and went on with your own imagined one making everything worst possible. I'd say that classifies as an attack much more than just giving blunt advice. I wasn't blaming you for other people's actions.
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You said more in one sentence than all the discussion has said the last 24hrs.
I appreciate it. On reflection over the last 24hrs, I know what I said ended up being more than a dig, but it wasn't meant to be hurtful. I used snark cos that's what I do (whether intentionally or not, I never know most times). Many of these discussions from people are usually them whining and lashing out randomly, but clearly the OP was genuinely asking, and I don't think it was their intent to assume this site was actually Steam Help, which is the assumption I made.
I like the avatar - did you make it?
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I don't see any reason to file a report. It was just a case of being a bit rude and I don't think there should be any rules against that.
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I didn't think that it needs much imagination when someone use words like asshole, fuck you and such stuff. Not one time and not two times.
I don't think that it is a waste of supports time to send then to such "sentences" a ticket and i don't see what should be a fake with such a ticket.
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I don't said that something like that is here.
But if your sentence want to know if i think it was a unneeded rude answer to the OP, then yes.
"..own damn question.."
Sure no broken leg and his reaction wasn't great too but it were, without a problem, possible to write it in a way that none would feel "offended/attacked" because of the questions.
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Sure it would be possible to sugar coat it to make it cause diabetes. But why isn't it possible to stop feeling random things because someone didn't do that? What if someone feels they are ridiculed and treated like an infant when they only get sugary sweetness instead of a blunt answer? Is it OK for them to take that as hostility as well?
People are different, just respect that and stop reading too much into what is said online.
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It's impossible to be always "neutral" with feelings.
And surely other sentences and behaviors influence how you will read sentences, from the same person, in the future.
That is how our brain work.
You learn at each contact. If it is a good or a bad one.
Surely the, most, ones will see a aggressive touch in answers when they read a lot of aggressive answers from the same person.
Take me as example. I split "the community". The most like me, a smaller part think i am rude/evil.
After a few ones said i am rude and i wasn't able to explain me why they thinked that from, for me, normal direct sentences, i looked at it and seen partly words that i can exchange to avoid that feeling that wasn't embedded in what i wanted to say and how. Partly it were because of the translation (i am not a native english speaker and my english isn't perfect) and partly because i not expected that someone seen my sentence(s) in the way they did.
I am very direct and i am not always nice -i hope only to the ones that deserve it (from my point of view and that is very subjective)-, both are parts of me that will not change BUT if someone say "hey i don't liked your reaction to/at XYZ" i am able to look at it and say "ok, not great solved/i would be able to change XYZ in the future/hm it looks as i done nothing wrong" or to say "fuck you assholes thats all me, not my problem how you get my sentences and how you feel with/from it/them".
Each can pick what fits to them and i avoid the last one.
I try to be friendly, direct and honest. Thats hard enough :o)
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Well said.
Why is it the blunt ones that have to adjust the way they say things instead of others learning to respect their way? If people stopped imagining everything they hear is an insult there would be far fewer problems in the world.
Inspired by a current meme going around asking why is it the introverts who should talk more and be more social, why isn't it the extroverts that need to just shut up once in a while.
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You are the one confusing them. The OP did not sugar coat anything and nobody is telling them to do that, but they were definitely rude. Just because someone doesn't sugar coat their response doesn't mean that they have to be rude.
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Is attacking random people on the internet kinda a passtime for you? The OP has done absolutely nothing to provoke such a behavior.
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I'm sorry to ask, but is this a mental condition, or are you just such a nice person?
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You randomly attack people and get heavily offended when others try to point out that you behavior is not exactly appropriate. So yeah, I'm curious if you've got some valid reasons for that or not. Sorry for not just assuming that you're a common internet jerk by default. But you're right, this communication won't get us anywhere.
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Probably because you answered him as if his thread was an item slipped into your "in" box at the office (on the same day that the blasted annual reports are due, and with you're damn supervisor breathing down your neck about that whole Blackwell mess...).
If it had been, I don't think anybody would be surprised you're being so crusty. But, since SG tends to be a reasonably friendly internet community with matching norms, seems folks are put out that you're responding that way to a polite post on an open forum.
Are you actually having trouble grasping that, or just pretending to as a rhetorical device to express how thoroughly you disagree with people's objections?
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Are you really having trouble grasping the difference between blunt and rude or hostile? Just because some people act like they are ponies all the time doesn't mean that is some kind of standard that has to be enforced on everyone. Just accept that people are different and let them talk in their own way without imagining hostility or rudeness because it's different from yours.
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Did I say anything about me or how I behave? Did I say he shouldn't act this way? Whatever I think about all this, I didn't offer it. If you actually look at my post you'll find I just answered his repeated question.
(And, after all, isn't that what this kerfuffle is all about--answering questions in ways people don't like? Do you not approve of the way I answered this question, Starwhite? :) )
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You offered your opinion of comparing the answer to work, the most horrible thing people know and even added to the insult to the injury with seasonal reports. You compared them to the SG community as a whole thus discriminating against them because they don't act or look normal.
I neither approve or disapprove your way since it's your way and it doesn't affect me in any way. It makes me feel absolutely nothing which is the correct way to handle all responses online. Or then I could read the mild symptoms of a regular flu I'm having into your response and blame you for making my head hurt and nose run, whichever makes more sense.
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Friend, no offense, but it seems you've badly misunderstood my post. Perhaps it's the language barrier. I did not, for example, compare SG to work, in part or in whole.
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Perhaps or perhaps you are taking mine far too seriously no matter how silly I try to make it. Not that it changes that fact that people should stop bluntshaming others, let people talk the way that is natural to them and respect their right to do so. No offense either.
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Fair enough. :)
At any rate, I really didn't tell Mayanaise how to behave, or that he was in the wrong. I really did directly answer a question he had asked at least twice. I may be making a point, but not quite in the way you seem to imagine.
And, well, isn't it a little odd for him to answer a question in a way that bluntly displays his attitudes and be defensive when people criticize, but when I answer a question in a way that only suggests my attitudes you and he are clearly bothered? As I suggested to him below, there's irony in that.
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I find it perfectly normal to be defensive when people attack you over some attack they imagine but you never meant or actually did.
How am I clearly bothered by any of this? Or does bothered mean happy and eager to help on the other side of the barrier? You should first learn what something is about before trying to iron it out. This is just another perfect example of people projecting their own emotions to what others are saying.
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I guess I'm puzzled then, if you don't object to anything I'm saying, why are you posting? You've spoken in defense of M. ostensibly because you take me to be criticizing him and you don't think I ought to be. That's literally all I mean by 'bothered'--you take issue with some of what I've said.
If you actually don't object to anything I'm saying, that's great--we agree! If you do, then I'm not projecting, I'm just making reference to the obvious.
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Because it makes me happy and I'm eager to help, exactly like I said? Why do you assume objecting to something to the level of being bothered by it is the only reason anyone can post anything? I've spoken in defense of reason and fairness, explaining how things actually are to people who seem to imagine otherwise. You seem to take this to some personal level of having feelings involved for no reason.
Let me quote myself again:
I neither approve or disapprove your way since it's your way and it doesn't affect me in any way. It makes me feel absolutely nothing which is the correct way to handle all responses online.
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I really do think there's a language barrier issue here. I told you above that I'm just using "bothered by" as synonymous with "objects to" here. That's not too unusual. But you're reading a lot more into the word 'bothered'.
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So you still assume I'm objecting to something after I clearly explained that I'm not? You can use any word for it you like, it doesn't change anything.
Why does reality bother you so much that you start being bothered by it being explained?
Why would I object to things that make me happier?
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No. You're just really not reading carefully.
I'll quote myself again from two posts back: "If you actually don't object to anything I'm saying, that's great--we agree! If you do, then I'm not projecting, I'm just making reference to the obvious."
That doesn't assume your stance either way. I do think it looks distinctly as if you're doing one of those two things, but I don't assume I'm in any place to know.
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Well OK then, the only thing you're saying that I'm objecting to are the clearly false statements. Like trying to tell me there is irony in something where there is none. Or comparing just saying an unfrosted thing to annual office reports. Both examples I have already told you but you still seem to imagine there is something more.
You are just wrong and I object to things that are wrong and it makes me happy to provide people with the right thing instead. I have already explained this to you but instead of agreeing like you yourself suggested you're just going on and on.
We can go around more silly circles of just asking questions instead of actually saying something if you prefer that as well. Or you can start reading what I write carefully like was your suggestion.
Also you should use words right before saying they can be exchanged freely..
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This has gotten absurd. You've just made me repeat myself twice just to defend the contention that you object to something, only to follow it up by telling me just what you object to at length (reiterating claims you earlier indicated to be jokes). I'm not sure if this is you again trying to make things so very silly that I couldn't possibly miss it. Performance or not, it does not feel like a great use of my time.
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No, like I explained in the added content you are just using words wrong and then getting bothered when people don't understand you.
No, this is me trying to make you get how silly you sound by providing actual facts. You're the one wasting your time with that, not me.
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Those of the aforementioned "guys trying to rip me a new one", of course.
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You asked a question. I answered it. Surely you're not going to say, at this point in THIS conversation, that I should follow some strict etiquette in answering questions. That would be a bit...ironic.
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I was quite blunt: I answered your question, bluntly, and then suggested that you actually understood already and were asking rhetorical questions. That part was pretty blunt too. Using big words isn't incompatible with being blunt--at least not if you know how to use them.
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Well, when you openly act like that, do you seriously expect zero backlash? You can't just go full nutter, and then hit the Stop switch. It's a public forum.
OP asks a simple, legitimate question. Likely unaware of Steam's gifting-ban-hammer.
Imagine how he/she feels when faced with:
People now react.. and all you do is belittle the incoming concern, and file it under "Everyone else is crazy".
You are a very active user, and you do this quite often. It's very visible.
Maybe, just maybe... You are not always in the clear?
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Yeah, you are fucking crazy. I’ve already had the burden of proof thrown at me and you join in thinking you can add more clarity. Dream on. If everyone else is right then you’re the guy pissing on the pyre claiming you quelled the argument. You can’t make things better by adding your 2 cents.
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how dare you call OP the d-word
how do you sleep at night
good job keeping your cool
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Best you can do is open a support ticket with Steam. Whether justified or no, their automation has tagged you for re-selling.
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steam now thinks if you gift much games from your wallet it goes for your commercial purposes.
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A lot sites only allow the purchase of so many copies of a single game (or bundle). Fanatical, HB, Groupees I know all have limits to the amount you can purchase. And a lot of online retail (non-gaming) stores that I've dealt with in general limit the purchase of more than 3-5 of the same item. So it's not uncommon.
Gifts can be refunded, so this also limits fraud, in the case where people actually got money for these gifts (this is illegal sale, of course). I've been burned by someone who did a refund without my knowledge as part of a trade, and that is one of the many reasons I never buy gifts directly through Steam to do as giveaways.
Regarding wallet money - a lot of that is from market sales in a lot of people's cases - i.e. not real money. The last thing Steam wants is you to make more profit on the profit you made selling cards/keys/items.
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Yes. TY for the thread to previous discussions about the same thing.
This does not bode well for Steam, whether through legal backlash or through social destruction of Steam's reputation.
Steam: "Please go ahead and trade fake trading cards for fake money (steam wallet) that we created. Please trade, and we will ban you for it. Please gift, and we will ban you for it. We will ban you if you ever try to use the steam wallet."
This has the makings for a class-action lawsuit of fraud.
I need to make my first ever Steam Inventory Gift today; how will this go for me? Makam was banned (from gifting) for his first two attempts to give gifts bought with real Paypal purchases.
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You can still send gifts, but have to use paypal or credit card instead of steam wallet. Enjoy
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Any idea what the rational for that is? I'm having trouble imagining how this addresses any of their worries.
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Ah. I guess I never thought about it much, as I rarely use Steam Wallet. But it seemed like that would be safest for Valve because wallet money is already in their system, thus not liable to fraud (charge backs and etc).
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There have been threads on here where Steam wallet gifting has also gotten users banned, so I wouldn't put too much faith in that solution.
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As long as user will be using legitimate methods of payment, i am 100% sure valve will have 0 complaints, since he will make their pocket bigger.
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In the link above you, Makam was banned for gifting, using a legitimate payment method (Paypal)
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You're taking one person's word for it. If we have proof of this happening to anyone else, I'm all ears. Until then, i suspect there was more activity going on for which he was banned. I'm not saying it was illegal activity, I just believe in Makam's case he's not providing all the facts for us to assess the situation properly.
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Perhaps. I see there was some drama today on this thread. I also see that you are a generous giver on steamgifts. Overall, I think you should be recognized as a net positive contributor on the site--TY.
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If you want to gift games you need to do it using keys from 3rd party stores like Fanatical, Indigala, GreenManGaming, etc.
The Steam store itself is heavily rigged against gifters these days.
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As usual, the discussion derailed, so let me summarize the whole situation.
This is the translation of that support message from legalese to standard English:
Our high-tech algorithms detected suspicious activity that is typically associated with traders and resellers, so you must be one.
Using your Steam account to make profits behind our back violates the Steam Subscriber Agreement, but most importantly, it violates our profits.
Please don't bother trying to appeal, as no living human being will ever be willing to talk with you about this matter again.
And that's it.
Based on data from their shitty algorithms, they single-sidedly decided that you're a trader or reseller, locked your used payment method (Steam wallet, I suppose), and will never, ever, be willing to help you on the matter, regardless if their suspicions are true or not.
Becase investigating would require effort best spent elsewhere, like coding useless shit nobody asked for (so that they can reap the monetary benefits).
Any support ticket you send will be answered with a copypasted response that basically translates to "fuck off greedy trader".
Maybe, if you're extremely lucky, you'll get an actual human being who didn't wake up with the wrong foot that morning, who will then review your account, and possibly lift the ban... however, in your case, I doubt even a real person would be able to help - sending lots of gifts to lots of strangers, especially if they're extremely cheap, and especially if you "befriend" them just for that gift then unfriend them soon after, is, undeniably, suspicious.
But guess what?
As long as it doesn't involve Steam wallet, you're free to spend REAL money through other methods, and they won't care (actually, they'd appreciate it).
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i cant gift to friend either, but not so excessive that i get banned myself
still it's really annoying since i only buy when there's a deal and then time is running out (steam support takes 1 day to solve)
fortunately my cart is saved for 3 days
really weird since i definitely gift for the same region and yet it's always error
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Make another support ticket. Don't go into details, just describe what kind of error you get when trying to purchase a game as a gift. Hopefully another support member will have a different opinion on this.
There is some automated system that blocks users for gifting a lot, the support usually removes this block without further questions.
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i don't understand why Valve cares if someone buys and gives a lot, Valve profits. Many companies are on steam promoting and givings games. WTH!
This is a similar response I got from Humble Bundle.
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Why ?
Because people exploit the gifting system to have lower prices = steam loose a part of their wins
Exchange as example a game against items (cards, keys, skins and so on) = Steam loose/not earn the market fee and such stuff
And not forget the wallet gift buys and get real money for it in exchange from someone (partly 10% win each time).
They don't like that other ones earn something with using their infrastructure without to give them their "fair" cut.
I can understand that from the company view.
At the other side that they don't look closer into the false positive banned users are weak/wrong.
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how would a person profit? Valve already stopped people buying games when onsale and then reselling after sale is over. You can only gift now, no inventory. Valve gets their profit when you buy the game, full price or when onsale.
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You can gift with a price difference. Some people pay someone from that zone to buy the game for them and give them stuff (wallet, skins, keys). Thats not more extremly much but 10%. And all that they get without to use the market let steam loose the transaction fee.
And i think it is a big thing if the people add someone directly before the gift sending to the friend list and kick them after they accepted the gift "instantly".
I had never problems with gifting to people that are since "forever" on my friendlist.
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I believe it's a legal thing companies have to deal with to at least look like they're combatting or discouraging possible scamming or reselling/profiteering. We may hate it, but these big companies have obligations. They might not be consistent with how this autoban works (yes, I believe it's not just some random guy manually doing it, it'a an automated system), and in our eyes we may see logical reasons not to enforce this (they still profit!) It's just not as simple an issue as we want to think it is.
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Valve banning people for gifting concerns me, makes me not want to buy gifts.
SAYJELOU, could you tell us how many gifts you gave and what time period?
Also did you trade any of the people you gave gifts?
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108 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by Kingsajz
147 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by shandyseggs
914 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by rufioh
1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
I dont know whats wrong, i've been gifting quite a bit lately and i got banned from gifting on steam due to 'commercial purposes', i have never done this in my entire life, what could i do to unban my account though
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