I never heard of any of those games. Sad excuse for a bundle this month IMHO.

8 years ago

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****ing awesome stuff in there. Just because you don't know them doesn't make them bad.

Nuclear Throne and Nova-111 are both games I bought before bundles, and I'd recommend both.

8 years ago

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I've been trying Nova-111 and Magic Circle and they are preeeeeeeeeeeety good.

8 years ago

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Don't have The Magic Circle myself (I don't get those bundles), but it does look good.

8 years ago

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It's the 1st one I got, mostly because I wanted This War of Mine and felt like gambling a wee bit. But yeah, I'd consider this bundle a rather nice one.

8 years ago

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Best reply here.

8 years ago

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Some games of April Monthly Bundle are in my wishlist, and others look good, too.
I like the monthly bundle of this month. :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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South Park, This War of Mine and Nuclear Throne alone are worth $12 IMO, but yeah, no clue about the rest of the games.

8 years ago

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Renowned Explorers is also a game I heard it's awesome - while the retro platformer and the dodgeball games are weird a little for me, it's still 6 awesome games. :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, such a bummer I couldn't buy it, I really want to try Nucler Throne, but at least there's a shit ton of giveaways for it rn :D

8 years ago

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Renowned Explorers is an interesting one (had it a while now). Not your average turn-based-combat-strategy-type-thing. Definitely worth a look, but if you're not sure, look for Totalbiscuit's WTF is vid - it's what got me interested in it :)

8 years ago

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:P He's the main reason I was delighted to see Explorers in the bundle :3

8 years ago

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Seriously. Two quiet titles from my wishlist, even apart from the known games. Haven't checked the ones I don't know yet, either.

8 years ago

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Sad excuse? If you bought it with a coupon, the entire bundle's price matches the best price of Nuclear Throne alone. I was stunned that its dev actually went through and put it in a bundle, even if it was the highest-tier bundle he could go for.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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sure if one actually is interested in such games, then it's very worth it. But for I personally, most bundle games are far from interesting, thus making most of the Humble Monthly just worthless.

edit: "bundle games" means literally games that have been bundled... not sure why you'd think I think of them all as a type of games lol

8 years ago*

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Most bundle games are far from interesting.

u wot m8?

Bastion, Saints Row, Total War, W40k rts, Dustforce, Supermeatboy, aquaria. To name a few.

8 years ago

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To me, of those you mentioned only 1 is very interesting, 1 is somewhat interesting, 1 or 2 are meh, and the rest... meh.

8 years ago

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If you disliked bundles and games in them why did you even bother making a post?

It is like you felt the need to let the world know you dislike bundles and figure they must be trash or not so good if they are in a bundle.

Then anyone who says they like the games you feel the need to point out why you still think they are bad.Look i do not like a lot of things but i do not make random threads about it.

Seems to me you look at most if not all games in a bundle and ones you never heard of as bad,you to me seem like games based on hype and if you have not heard of it it must not be that great. it.If you never played the game you have no way of judging if it is bad or not just based on what you may or may not know.

So you seem to judge based on what you know or even you ever heard of it and not by actually playing it

It's like telling someone how bad a car is without ever driving it.

8 years ago*

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you sure like to speculate when you don't have info to do so accurately, no wonder it's so wrong lol

and btw

8 years ago

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Well you got me i did speculate but was it that hard to figure out?I never said i knew for a fact or stated it as fact.

It was just me assuming the same way you assume a bundle is crap just because you have no interest in the bundle.I do not understand the just "i do not have interest in the games" so it either a crap bundle or meh.Then if someone else shares what they think...

Sad excuse? If you bought it with a coupon, the entire bundle's price matches the best price of Nuclear Throne alone. I was stunned that its dev actually went through and put it in a bundle, even if it was the highest-tier bundle he could go for.

This is your reply..

sure if one actually is interested in such games, then it's very worth it. But for I personally, most bundle games are far from interesting, thus making most of the Humble Monthly just worthless

Why bother making a thread if you most bundles worthless if they do not have games that interest you?Since you seem to dislike most bundles and then reply to people post why.I am not saying you have to like everyone one but to call them all worthless just because they do not grab your interest.I suppose you can think that what.

There are plenty of bundles that i thought had okay games i did not have much interest in them and i still found the bundle to be great if you like those games.There are plenty of games that are good that i do not like or have o interest in.I do not call stuff crap just because i do not approve of everything 100% if you do more power to you.

In the end we both have are views and opinions and i was just sharing mine maybe i speculated a bit to much but i sometimes read into things to much that just me.

Still we both are guilty of speculating on stuff would you not agree?You speculate how good a bundle is based on interest.I speculated on things just based off what you posted here.

8 years ago*

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"Bundle games" isn't really a type of game at all. All sorts of things, in all sorts of genres, indie and AAA, get bundled these days. So it puzzles me a bit how you could have a general distaste for bundle games, unless, of course, you dislike most-everything.

8 years ago

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yes, I do not like more stuff than I do like, when it comes to games. And I think games that seem to have been developed as chealply and quickly as possible just to then be sold en-masse on Steam by exploiting greenlight by promissing keys... yes, I'd categorise these games.

and "bundle games" means literally games that have been bundled... not sure why you'd think I think of them all as a type of games lol

8 years ago

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What I mean by saying it isn't a type is that, as a category, it lacks common features. "Bundle games" don't share a genre, style, degree of polish, style of play, or etc.. They don't even have a general family resemblance. They aren't all cheep cash grabs either--as you must know since you play so many bundled games so much! (See my next post.)

This isn't criticism. I'm just puzzled by your comments. To my ear saying "I don't like bundle games" is like saying "I don't like items that are on sale".

8 years ago*

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The game you've spent the second most hours playing, 'Empire: Total War', has been bundled twice.
'Total War: SHOGUN 2', was bundled once.
'Company of Heroes 2' was bundled twice.
'Crusader Kings II' has been bundled nine times.
'Europa Universalis IV' was bundled once.
'Civilization V' was bundled three times.
'Napoleon: Total War' bundled twice.

That's seven of your top ten most played games. And that's not a fluke, 'Garry's Mod', 'Total War: ROME II', 'Space Engineers', 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat', and 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl' were all bundled too. It looks like you may have played bundled games more than non-bundled ones.

8 years ago*

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So you categorize games by whether they are on a bundle or not? That's kinda lame and if you really don't like bundle games why would you be bothered by HB anyway?

8 years ago

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"bundle games" means literally games that have been bundled... not sure why you'd think I think of them all as a type of games lol

8 years ago

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You need to understand the real question here. Every replies to your comment understand what bundle games is, it's "But for I personally, most bundle games are far from interesting" that need explaining and your other comment "Wasteland 2 was a big surprise for me and I might have been close to subscribing if it had been the early unlock game" both of those statements are contradictory since now a game you are interested in (Wasteland 2) considered a bundle game which you deem far from interesting.

8 years ago

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Look at his Steam profile. Out of his top-10 most played games seven of them have been bundled. (And many more from his top-20.) I think there's some sort of miscommunication going on here, but I haven't figured out what it is yet.

8 years ago*

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I don't really know whether it's a miscommunication or does he really put bundle game in one big same bowl (cheap and not worthy) which is weird as I said before and also the fact of his top 20 games

8 years ago

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I don't think bundle status has to do with anything. I mean… Wasteland 2 and South Park: SoT are both one of the most sought-out cRPGs from the past two years, along with Pillars of Eternity (which sadly doesn't deserve this much hype), Divinity: Original Sin, and maybe a few others.
Also, May has Mad Max. It was one of the hottest things on SG too for a while, before the marketing of GTAV and Fallout 4 washed it away.

8 years ago

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"bundle games" means literally games that have been bundled... not sure why you'd think I think of them all as a type of games lol

from what I've seen I'm not interested enough in Mad Max for it to be worth it by itself though, and Wasteland 2 was a big surprise for me and I might have been close to subscribing if it had been the early unlock game

8 years ago

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I wouldn't play that for free...

8 years ago

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yeah, same here :D

8 years ago

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Yeah, but it was wishlisted by a lot of us. It' a question of taste, no dout. But a lot of people were happy to get that game.

8 years ago

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Maybe, but the reason it never went over 20% sale ever was because it is one of the most hot-selling indie games since the Binding of Isaac. There are some A-level games on Steam that can't show a similar 200k user base and 1k daily users Nuclear Throne has.

8 years ago

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Yeah i have never heard of those games either. Looks like a joke bundle.

8 years ago

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Next one is having DOOM, Fallout VI, Skyrim III HD and Battlefront 2.0

8 years ago

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Then you'll have people complaining because Battlefront drags it down ...

8 years ago

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Fallout VI and Skyrim III... it would probably have the RPG depth of a glass of water :D

8 years ago

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I am not interested in any of those games :(

8 years ago

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I have the feeling that in most of them, the early-unlock is where almost all of the bundles' worth goes...
So far I think Wasteland 2, Banished and Besiege are the only games I'm interested in otherwise.

8 years ago

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Yeah, but the early unlocks are getting better though (Mad Max for next month). I'm not sure why people would expect otherwise though, since those early unlocks are obviously great games with a good value, so it would be weird to see a couple of similar / better games in the rest.

8 years ago

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Considering South Park and This War of Mine were on this bundle, it was a great bundle just for these. FYI: 4 of the other games were on my wishlist.

8 years ago

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just look at the user review scores. not a single bad game in there, according to those.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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No no no.. if he doesn't know the game beforehand then it's bad.. don't you get it.
Sad excuse? That bundle is a steal IMHO.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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good bundle imo, and next month is awesome already imo. mad max in the next one, ive clocked 52 hours on it already that game is worth it alone

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I look for you know the games I like...so I would think I would have heard of a game if it was something I consider good. I did not say they were not good, I said they were obscure and the initial feeling of seeing those games revealed was WTF

8 years ago

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So you are only interested in AAA or why do you think you'd have heard about all games you like? I am very interested in new indie titles and have many gems wishlisted that "no one really heard of" BUT there's still so many games I do not know yet that could still turn out to be amazing in my eyes.. I don't think your argument is valid here.

If you don't want games you don't know, you should unsubscribe and buy the games you want.

8 years ago

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"Sad excuse" is imho a judgment about those games.

I consider the content to be fantastic btw. I got 4 games from my wishlist and I'm certainly not someone who wishlists everything.
And they received praise from critics and customers as well. Magic Circle appeared on several individual GOTY lists and Nuclear Throne is without a doubt a blast. Renowned Explorers is one game I didn't know about, but after watching a video from TB I'm totally excited to give it a try.

Add that all games, besides one, have Steam ratings of 89% and higher and you really have to wonder how anyone could complain. It's not a game's fault if the customer isn't the expert about games, he/she might have considered him-/herself to be. ;-)

8 years ago

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Honestly, I have played great games which few have ever heard of. And I share your opinion on bundles.

8 years ago

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That's not even logical. I'm sure there are plenty of games that you haven't heard of that you might enjoy a lot. And how do you get to know the games you might like, if you don't explore a bit?

8 years ago

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i got this monthly hoping i would get something at least as good as the South Park, This War of Mine (both of which i already had),is this what they are doing now showing the best game you will get in the package before hand then filling the rest of the bundle with little known games?

im not upset over the deal or anything but was kind of hoping for more as i already had the two games they gave early,kinda makes me worried about this month with Mad Max if thats the best game they are going to offer then i might just cancel this month as i already have that game and its awful imo.

8 years ago

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I actually like Mad Max, but I already have it as well.

8 years ago

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the game looks like it could have been fun but i like to play single player games with a controller relaxed on my couch,this game has the worst controller scheme i have ever seen and only offers two layouts bad and worst and no way to manually edit them without something like xpadder or something like that that i cant be bothered with.

8 years ago

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I haven't heard of most of them but I'll get around to reading up on them and decide whether to use them for myself or give them away. I mostly bought the bundle for South Park and This War anyway

8 years ago

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Them games are fantastic! What I love about humble monthly is they often include some lesser known titles that are fantastic in their own right and still deserve the attention.

8 years ago

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Exactly. I didn't know any of the games, but I already activated 2, since they look so interesting. And looking at the user reviews, this can hardly be called a bad bundle...

8 years ago

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IMO generally the humble monthlies are only worthwhile if you want the early reveal. The rest isn't exactly bundle junk, but usually are games most people wouldn't buy otherwise

8 years ago

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yea im starting to see this as there way to sell off games that are just no longer selling for them and they have over stock on or something,i might just start to do what you suggest and only buy that month if i want the early reveal.

8 years ago

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It's not that the bundles are necessarily bad, but the reveal games are what would be in the BTA tier of a regular bundle.

8 years ago

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oh i agree they are worth the money, its just a bummer if you already own the best games in that months bundle.

8 years ago

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If you are out for triple A titles, the early unlock is usually the only title in the bundle (except Wasteland 2 if that is considered triple A).
But the indies are awesome and they do not deserve to be bundled on IndieGala for example..

I don't understand why people are always out for the big titles if the small games are the ones that are truly beautiful (too) and deserve the same kind of attention. cough, To The Moon, cough

8 years ago

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On, don't get me wrong, indies can be good, and as a regular bundle, id probably get a bunch of 'em, but as a mystery, it's a bit pricy

8 years ago

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The only times I wasn't satisfied with the unlocks was when I owned most of the games already. But the quality in Monthly bundles is still a lot higher than "regular bundles".
I'd say they are not for collectors and more for "lovers of great games, whether or not they are known"?

It's not like they randomly put a lot of trash in it, the games are very well-picked and the 2$ bundles for 12 games just screwed us all over, we don't see what games are worth anymore and that indie developers spend all their time, heart, soul and possibly money on making a good game rather than buying assetts, mixing them together and selling it for dirt cheap..

Sure the mystery is another factor, but if someone wants to take the risk is up to oneself.

8 years ago

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Don't get me wrong, I think plenty of games are worth real money, and that $2 for 12 means you're probably getting pure garbage. But, I'd rather buy a game I really want for $5 or $10 than to throw that kind of money into a pot-luck and hope for the best.

Ignoring the early reveals, from the last few 4 monthlies, there was 1 game I wanted, and maybe another 4 or 5 that I'd probably leave in my backlog forever and a day, maybe give them a shot at some point, but, meh.

The first two bundles were admittedly more promising, but, the games that I am somewhat interested in had been bundled before or were bundled not long after. So, why take the risk of the unknown? I'd rather see the regular humble bundles and make up my mind as to whether I want it. (note: I've gotten top tier several times this year already)

8 years ago

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Note: I'm sure I'd like some of the other games, if I ever had a chance to play them. But my backlog keeps growing, and my time is fairly limited. At least with a regular bundle, I can research the games beforehand.

I also think it's kind of unfair for the developers, who are getting paid a pittance for the games to be featured, only for a whole lot of those games to be traded or given away because the recipient doesn't have an interest.

8 years ago

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I love those smaller games as well, but as dingbat said, it's hit or miss and not everyone can afford to "gamble" $12 per month. As long as there is something in the early review I'm interested in though, I'll just stay subscribed.

8 years ago

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I wouldnt ever have tried to the moon if it wasnt in a bundle. I guess you are coughing because it got dusty thinking of the game :)

8 years ago

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They aren't the kind of games I'd play either, although I did keep Renowned Explorers. I already had SP and TWoM.

That doesn't make it a bad bundle, but in comparison to last month where I gave away ARK and then was thrilled to get Wasteland 2 and GRAV, I was hoping one of the reveals would be something from my wishlist.

8 years ago

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South Park alone is worth the bundle price. Comedic gold! (for a videogame)

8 years ago

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i agree, tho i already had it i was hopping for at least one other major title to be revealed in this bundle to make it worth me keeping my sub for the month,but i guess ill just trade off the left overs in a couple months when everyone else with the same idea has already gotten rid of there keys lol.

8 years ago

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This week's monthly was one of the best (if not THE best) ones to date, IMO. I subscribed this time because I had a coupon and don't regret it. I'll probably unsub for next month though.

8 years ago

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if you've never heard of them, look them up, if you still dislike them, give them away and enjoy the extra CV, or trade them for something else

8 years ago

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Rather unheard but good games. Humble going to make unknown studios to have better exposure. So far great.

The games were just not my beer this time.

8 years ago

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I thought it was the best one yet. 4 games from my WL + 2 games that I already had and that were very good.

8 years ago

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Best bundle so far for me too. I already owned South Park, but I was really delighted with the reveals. Nuclear Throne and Magic Circle has been in my wishlist (of 160 items) for a while now. So two wishlisted items, Renowned Explorers and three other games that I can try? Count me in. Honestly, I can't see how they could have given us a better monthly bundle if we're realistic. We are not going to get GTA V and Doom in a single bundle.
I respect everyone's opinion, but I've been subscribed from the first monthly bundle and I really only felt disappointed with the Rust and Payday monthly bundle. Even so, those made fantastic giveaways, and isn't that why we're here? I'm not unsubbing soon and I've been wanting Mad Max. :)

8 years ago

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I wanted Nuclear Throne, Renowned Explorers, Nova-111 and The Magic Circle. The only game in the bundle that I think looks a bit iffy is Stikbold!, which has 76% positive reviews, and many of the positive reviews have gripes with the game. It does not look like a trash game, just not a "premium" game, unlike most of the other ones (well, Nova-111 might not be "premium" either, but were it in a non-humble bundle, that would be the main selling point of that bundle). And I was a bit surprised to see Nuclear Throne in there. That game still seem to be selling well without the aid of bundles.

8 years ago

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^This all the way. This was for me as well the best Monthly thus far.
I wanted Nuclear Throne and Nova-111 and was pleasantly surprised by Renowned Explorers and Magic Circle, so kept all 4.
And the only reason it wasn't even better was because i already owned the early unlocks, TWOM and SP, which is not HB's fault.
And imho, those 2 alone were worth the $10,80 / $12, even if just going by their lowest historical prices. And if you add in the rest... :)

Could just be me, but i think some people will complain no matter what HB puts up.

8 years ago

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^this all the way. It's sad people only want AAA titles that are popular everywhere, and don't even bother trying to investigate those awesome games that are maybe not so popular (in some circles i guess?). When I read this thread it just saddens me when I see how some people are..

8 years ago

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I'm more happy with Nuclear Throne than next month's Mad Max. Tastes are different :)

8 years ago

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+1 The rest of the games were just a bonus for me.

8 years ago

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+1 for both of you.

8 years ago

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That bundle is amazing; 4 games from my wishlist, the best so far IMO. And really the whole point of the humble monthly is to discover great games that you might not have known about so if it was only known titles then most people would probably owned most of them anyway...

8 years ago

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Agreed, still no Fallout 4. What a scam.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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To support that:
Magic Circle is the only more niche one of the lot; all the others have been pretty well discussed, at least among my friends, contacts, and sites I browse- including several mentions on SG that I've seen.

8 years ago

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That's the thing. That's how you get attracted to games. By, lets call them, "gaming" circles. Those who dislike this bundle, really, have no idea about those circles, and prolly don't really follow gaming community and games on a daily basis. In that logic, only good games they hear about are COD, AC games, and games with similar popularity and that are products of big companies and for them it's only normal that a good game, has to come from some big studio. On the side note, I wounder how many of those people even heard of, lets say, Rocket League. It's pretty popular game, but I'm sure some of them never heard of it.

8 years ago

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