what should i do
buy a new bundle and give him a new key, bl him for eternity and report him if you are 100% sure he is a cheater -__-
It wont insta ban him but i think if many people report him for this behaviour he might get banned one day ;)
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Screen proves nothing ;) IF he's lying (not judging, as you said you may have made mistake yourself) he'd activate the key on alt account or traded/sold it already and show you screen it says dupe, because as it got activated elsewhere it is dupe indeed ;)
As you bought the key from legitemate source I'd advise you to contact BundleStars Support saying that the key you purchases does not work. They may request revoke of the used key (whoever used it will lose the game from their account) and povide you with new working one. So no matter if guy is lying or not - he will receive working key, and if he tried to steal the game from you the account it got activated on will lose it :>
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keys bought from official sources like official bundle sites or official gamestores can ;) keys bought from resellers (G2A, Kinguin, HRK etc, some games from GMG are resold as well) or traders cannot. Only publishers/devs can revoke the key, but when you buy in official store it can and most often do contact them to revoke and noone loses anything this way ;) One key gets revoked another is given to you ;)
I didn't request revoke/new key from BS so far as never had problem with them, but I knew I did this on Humble several times, on IndieGala once (on IG there's 60 day limit) and in 2 official polish key stores and each time had zero problems with them revoking the key and handing me new one :)
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If you do go this route don't mention this site at all or public giveaways in general. I don't know about Bundlestars specifically but several other sites won't provide any support if you admit the key want for personal use.
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Do what zelgh said above. Shoulda had that as an option in the poll :P
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Well, It would be quite unfortunate if his car brakes suddenly stopped working on his way to work tomorrow....
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contact the site support and revoke the key. give him a new one.
you can also send a ticket here if you are sure the key was valid, just to keep track of this guy, so if someone else reports him because he got an invalid key, it will look suspicious.
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I say send a ticket to support, that way you can't do anything wrong
If they say you have to buy a new bundle, buy the new bundle
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Steam's key redeeming server acted up (along with the community). I had the same problem.
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You're everywhere zelghadis, you should become a supporter tbh ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Generally, I wouldn't assume a malicious intent in this kind of situation. It's not all that uncommon for bundles to screw up with keys sometimes, plus as mentioned above Steam was having some problems earlier today which could also lead to keys not working (in which case the key should work if he tries it now).
However, also as mentioned above, the winner in question (assuming we're looking at the right GA) also has a recent win marked as received but not activated. No problems previously, so either he's deciding to break the rules and cash out, or something else weird is going on. Ideally, talk to him and see if there's an explanation/way to resolve it - failing that, report and let support figure out how to proceed from here.
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To all those automatically assuming the winner is a cheat: shit happens
It could be a faulty key, steam having a hiccup or anything. Don't jump to conclusions.
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You can ask him, to show you, the activation process via TeamViewer
Pd: The winner of my ga, redeem the key but im still waiting for check received....
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If he was a scammer he would trade/sold or activate the key on alt account qalready ;) Screenshot or Team Viewer proves nothing, because he may have simply used key, it will say duplicate and he may be trying to get another one now ;)
If your GA Winner does not provide Feedback in 7 days you may contact Suport requesting feedbak. Support will mark GA for him and he will get suspended and that should teach him not to do so to other users in the future.
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I would say just buy the bundle and get them a new key.
Contact support and you can ask to revoke said key just in case you feel they may be trying to get one over on ya.
I am not sure about adding them to the black list i would usually say yes to something like this,but seeing how it is a key that is not working,it may be true and you may black list someone who is telling the truth,but only you can decide that.
Also you could ignore them and take a mark on your account,but the way people like to use SG tools that might not be such a wise choice now.
If it was me i would and you can get another bundle just get another key and send it and make more GA's.The good news is i am pretty sure they will not say this one does not work and even if they do i think support would take your side as twice in a row 2 different bundles is damn low odds of 2 bad keys.
Also screen shots would be kinda pointless if you ask me,and i mean you can ask to maybe have them live feed you them trying to activate the key,but i would suggest against that i would hate to see that turn into a way for someone to prove they are telling the truth and used to witch hunt liars.
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I had this issue yesterday. They won a game, and after about a week they told me the key was a duplicate. Since it wasn't really that impressive a game I just assumed he just wanted to win "something", so I asked if he'd be fine with another (slightly more expensive) key instead. He agreed and we resolved the issue. Ofcourse he marked the game as received even though he got another one.
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That's wrong thing to do. You cannot decide to give another game by yourself, it's something Support must agree on (if they agree they change GA to the game you gave to him). Now the guy will be blacklisted for not activation, will get suspended and he may never again enter SGT protected GAs.
And there's a reason users cannot agree "among themselves" for changing game - it would be extremelly easy to exploit. Let's say I make GameMaker: Studio Master Collection on SG and invite only 5 of my friends. Then the one who wins "agrees" to receive some worthless bundle key instead. Voila - I just earned 800$ of CV spending just few cents on a bundle game.
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When someone say's to me the key is not working i contact the place where i got the key, usually humble, gala, stars or some place that is not G2A or GMG.
And they replace it for me pretty quick... 2-3 days no more than that.
The old keys they know who activated it and they ask steam to disable it them they refund it.
Just on some weird cases i had to contact the publisher to get a new key because the place dint wanted to give a new one because the bundle ended like 4~5 months ago.
But in the end all i needed was to ensure i was the one that brought the bundle and the key was replaced in the end.
-Just dont buy a new bundle just because one key is not working-
In the end the guy may or may not be lying to you, since you brought the bundle you have the right to replace a not working key.
But you may need a screenshot to ensure the key was duplicated (used).
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I have the exact opposite problem--I finally won another key (after ~2000 entries), and it turns out the key I got is already used. There is nothing in the guidelines or FAQs about what to do in this situation. I sent email to support a couple days ago and have received no response. sigh
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Sorted. What I did was post a comment in the giveaway, and the creator responded and replaced the key.
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So I have a giveaway winner who claims that the key I sent him doesn't work. I'll admit I created a few giveaways within a short period of time, so i may have a made a mistake when copying the key, but i double checked the key on bundlestars and made sure i didn't accidentally redeem it myself as well. most of the other games from the same bundle have so far been mark received.
the bundle only cost $2.99 so i don't really mind buying a new one but any suggestions will be appreciated. is it too much to ask him to screen share (or some other way of confirming the key is dupe/fake) and show me the key doesn't work?
tl:dr; im implying he's lying but i cant be too sure
haha first thread i've made here
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