Well, more sensible than Putt-Putt suing Mojang and Don Mattrick
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I swear people in large companies are stupider then some American rednecks.
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I don't get this. Can someone explain? I haven't played Minecraft in a while.
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A bunch of people made Putt Putt stuff in minecraft, and Putt Putt's lawyers went bonkers.
This is why you should keep your lawyers on a leash. Taking them for walkies now and then wouldn't hurt either, but keep them away from other lawyers since they can get yappy.
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Well, Mattrick's CEO for Zynga now, so that makes sense. They saw "Putt Putt Craft" on the Internet and naturally assumed that "Putt Putt Ville" would be made before the C&D letter arrived at its destination. Frankly, I'm surprised that this hasn't happened.
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Quote: "I'm not sure why everyone is taking this so negatively.
Sega DID honour all those pre-orders, of which they got zero revenue out of.
I don't see the big deal out of them filing to get that money... "
You have to understand one thing.
many people bought preorders and the money from them went to THQ.
Then the game and the IP was bought from SEGA.
SEGA honoured all preorders from the time before they had the game, but they didnt get any money for those.
This money is legitimate the money from SEGA since they have delivered the games to buyers and got nothing.
Now they are just trying to get at least a small amount of that money in court so the loss isnt as big as now.
Its not the best thing to do for the image of the company but they are right since they are entitled to that money.
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if their right to that money is real (apparently it is), hopefully their claim will succeed and they'll get something from thq asset sale
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I'm lost. How is SEGA going to sue a bankrupt and dead conpany?
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like said before after selling the assetts of THQ there will be money.
Not much but at least some.
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what "assets"? they were all auctioned off when they went bankrupt and any which weren't bought were lost and are now open-use (one of their IP's weren't sold off and its still under their name but anyone can use it)
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man, this is like triying to put 5 charges of c4 on the body of someone who got shoot in the head 20 times with high caliber snipers, shot 900 times in the chest with a vulcan full of hiv+ and cancer bullets, got his memebers cut with chainsaws then shoot with bazookas and was buried in a highly radioactive site near a lava pool, 10 years ago
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did you read why SEGA is legit to try to get some money from them.
THQ get a lot of money from steam for preorders, yet SEGA were the ones who delivered later to those people.
They never saw any cent for that preoders which they handed out to those people.
They just want to minimize their loss on that with the money which will be split after the selling of the THQ assets.
I agree its not the best move but they are totally right in doing so.
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I disagree. They knew those pre-orders existed when they purchased the intellectual property. Sega made a conscious decision at that point to accept responsibility to meet those pre-orders. They are now essentially going back and saying "We didn't like the terms we agreed to when we bought this IP, give us money as the IP didn't earn us enough."
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So sega bought something they knew had been pre-sold already. Bought it knowing X number of copies had been sold that they would then assume liability for. Now they want to go back and essentially re-negotiate their purchase of the IP and the existing commitments because they realize they didn't make as much as expected. Poor form Sega.
They willingly and knowingly assumed and took over the responsibility and debt of ensuring to meet those pre-orders.
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So Sega's suing THQ because of "the amount Sega claim Valve paid to THQ between its [Company of Heroes 2] pre-order launch and January 24th, 2013, when Relic and their RTS IP were bought by their new owner".
They're suing for $940K from the bankrupt company...
"To date, the pool of potential creditors are collectively owed around $200 million."
So $201M now? :D
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