I will never gonna play in origin. For me all the origin exclusive games doesnt exist.
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i can imagine origin being very useful for battlefield games, but yeah, why install it if you do not have a game there? :D sometimes it is good for demos, i installed it two times for ME3 demo and later for Crysis 3 demo, no reason to keep it after these games were uninstalled
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Depends on your machine, but Origin is just bad as fuck by design. You wanna play BF3? Update plugins and shit, start it - oh wait, Oricrap has to update as well. Then you're getting a nice "buy blunder city now" ad throwing you out of the game again. Plus it doesn't ask if it's allowed to scan your computer, it just does. There's no reason to have it besides a handful of EA games which are mostly crap and you're forced to, there's no real benefit by using Origin there.
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Honestly, the difference between Origin and Steam is pretty clear; EA is using forced marketing to make Origin a "success" and drew back its games from other platforms. (Other developers, such as Ubisoft still have their games on Steam)
However, what you mentioned is true; sometimes steam has ADS when you close games, or video game updates, but the issue is that Origin is more rude than Steam when it comes to advertisements or game updates.
The real difference is that Steam has a huge library of games, a broader community, pretty good and solid sales and it is a proved piece of software which people don't mind too much whenever it is required by a game.
If you still believe that EA isn't forcibly marketing Origin by retiring its games from many digital retailers only to offer them as an exclusive on Origin and still force their games to use Origin a la uPlay style then you are too blind to see the real picture ahead of you.
At least, Valve built a community on which many developers rely to and have their games available through the platform, even Microsoft's GFWL games are on Steam, or Ubisoft, Sega and even Square Enix.
The only reason and only that Origin sucks it's because of EA's forced marketing forcibly making people users of Origin when the alternatives would have still provided EA enough money to go on like it did before.
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The problem isn't in the software itself, but the company which owns and runs the software and the reason that Origin exists in the first place. If Origin was a digital distribution platform or simply DRM like Steam and EA didn't try to monopolize its market then it would be fine, however they aren't, they removed their games from other services and enclosed themselves around Origin.
The problem lies within EA, not Origin as a piece of software.
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The problem is that Origin is only about EA and it's EA's forced marketing which makes Origin bad, that doesn't mean that as a software it has to be bad.
Most of the arguments against Origin are ignorant rants, the only truth is what EA is using Origin for and it is what makes Origin bad by its actions. Needlessly to say, Origin is yet another victim of EA's ever unending thirst for money.
Oh and when most people complain about EA? They are all smoke, but no fire. The same people who would hate on EA next week will be circlejerking about Batttlefield 4, without any basis or proof to back up their own words.
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Well, Bad Company 2 just appeared after installing Origin.
Steam only asks if it's allowed to scan your registry hive. That's one huge ass difference. I don't get any ads on steam, there's one you can deactivate, noting else. Plus they don't beat you out of the game to annoy you. And steam has a lot of games and actual deals. Origin has next to nothing.
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Origin is honestly inferior to steam. Not only does it have far less games, but it has less deals as well. That, and the UI is horrible.
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I tried it for Crysis 3 Alpha. Presentation and appeareance is horrible. Clunky at many times. Got installed but never gave me a shortcut in any place had to look for it on the computer files. It is trying to sell me all the freaking games on Euros which is more than if i would pay in dollars.
Steam is no gem but for the most time goes without problems. Origin has no reason to exist more than force games beign bought directly from EA.
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I have used Origin for a couple of games for a good amount of time. I got tired by EA's shenanigans to forcibly pass Origin down my throat; keeping my games on different places, relying on too many different services and looking at the way EA games and development are headed I vowed not to buy or use Origin anymore.
Basically I am keeping my Mass Effect 2 without the requirement of Origin as a treasure. That is a great game that if I installed or activated it via Origin then it would be ruined. I have bought countless games on Steam and some other platforms, but Origin is the one which put me off. (More than what uPlay did)
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i like origin. works fine for me and the support has been better to me than steam. steam is better though simply because of gifts/trading. but they're both practically the same thing.
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Steam all the way, the only reason i have Origin at all is because of BF3 and ME3.
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I agree aswell. I mean, sure, Origin obviously doesn't have as many games as Steam and a lot of features are missing from the client (like trading, community, workshop etc.) but in my opinion it isn't bad at all. Just not as feature-rich. But that's okay, because I'm just using it to start my games and play with my friends, which works perfectly.
Besides, their Swedish support is pure awesome (as I've said many times before). Not because I've received free games but because I can call them and get help instantly. Steam's support, on the other hand, is worthless. I've yet to play Aliens: Colonial Marines because Steam doesn't want me to (still stuck on pre-load), it's been two weeks since I asked them to remove it fully (because it doesn't work and they won't help me - I don't want it popping up as "downloading" every two minutes and it's yellow in my library list) but they still haven't answered.
I'm enjoying the Steam platform because of my 370 licenses but I hate the support. If I could, I'd transfer all my games to Origin, at least there I know I'm appreciated as a customer.
(Note: I've only been talking to the Swedish EA support and they're awesome, can't speak for other countries)
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Exactly. I don't use the extra features on Steam (apart from trading, since that is the only useful thing). I just want to play games, and be able to play them with friends too. So long as Origin allows me to do this (which it does), I don't care about it not having as many features.
Live chat can be useful, but is mostly useless, but their phone support is awesome. When I finally decided to call them, they sorted my problem and gave me a bunch of simpoints for free. It doesn't really matter about the freebies (they obviously given out to keep customers), it's the fact you can solve a problem within 30 minutes. Whereas Steam support is outrageous. I contacted them because I couldn't activate something I had bought from the store. It took them around a week to send me an automated response. In the end I gave up, and gave the DLC away here. I hope I never have to deal with them again, lol.
My major problem with Steam is the client. Just the other day I was talking to someone about how buggy it is. It freezes all the time, and crashes quite a bit. I know you aren't promised a bug free client, but at least the Origin updates fix the bugs, lol. If I could, I get rid of clients completely. I miss the days of installing games via a disk and using Xfire.
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