No, but thanks for suggestion.
It was more singleplayer-oriented, or even single only.
Anyway, emphasis on PvE - definitely not PvP-only.
Hurtworld looks cartoonish in comparison. It was much darker by mood.
And world completely alternative - it's hard to say something about its timeline, but it not looks modern or realistic.
Kenshi looks very similar in that regard.
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No. But thanks too.
Rust even further from it than Hurtworld.
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I'll search there too. Though it won't be easy.
I'm not even sure it's delisted.
But it's useful link anyway - didn't knew about that site.
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No. But thanks.
Novus is lush and colorful as hell - exactly opposite to this - dark bleak and minimalistic.
It's a shame Novus seems abandoned, though.
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Not at all. "There are about a 1000" random irrelevant suggestions without thought or even reading the description, yes.
But that is not an option(s). I wish there was at least few games, which FULLY match description.
But it's quite opposite - game is unique and only Kenshi looks similar.
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No. It have almost nothing in common with description above, except "Open word survival craft" tag, which i fully explored at Steam already and did not found that game.
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The moment I read your description of the game, Pathologic came to mind:
EDIT: You could also check Pathologic 2
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Thanks, but no.
I do understand why it comes to mind.
I love Pathologic and all Ice-Pick Lodge games (and have them all).
Pathologic 2 even featured on my profile.
But obviously it's not what I'm searching for.
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Not a problem :)
I just checked your profile, nice taste in games!
Here's hoping you find it soon.
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Thank you.
There's not so much good games around, but far more than 4 featured and 1 favorite, which profile permits to post.
Even if consider badges are from games i like. Maybe i should add Achievement Showcase for that case too.
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The description reminded me a lot of ToXic: Last Breath on Steam Greenlight but I'm not sure if this has ever had a store page.
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No. Looks interesting, though - some Silent Hill vibes.
But It set not in our world. No real world cars, modern gear etc.
Even Pathologic is closer to our world than that game.
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Well, it was worth a try! ^^
Good luck with your search!
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The people here are wizards with this type of question:
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Guess i'll try my luck there.
And will update description according to guidelines both there and on reddit.
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No, thanks.
Art-direction slightly resembles that game, as well as DESOLATE and it's delisted variant "Beyond Despair".
But that game was more surreal, abstract and minimalistic - almost not our world at all.
No modern or even retro weapons, gear, even architecture.
Blight storms is not just weather there - not like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R., not like in Pathologic, not even like in Conan Exiles.
They are constant and major part of environment.
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No. Thanks.
I'm writing update\rewriting description now to make it more clear and according to /r/tipofmyjoystick guidelines.
Guess i need to be more clear, as Pathologic, for example, pretty close to current description, but very far from game i search.
By desert\wasteland i mean not have one, but literally whole game is barren lands with very few objects.
Same with storms - almost all environment is extremely low visibility storm in desert - like The Long Dark, but sand\ash.
World is highly alternative or deeply postapocalyptic - like ages beyond modern times. So, no cars, freaking automatic rifles, gas masks etc.
Postapocaliptic rusted junk and primitive craft, but with somewhat occult touch like cow skulls with runes.
Almost no plants and water (or at all).
Disease not only feature, but key mechanic too - whole progression based on it.
And yes, game does not looks impressive, but its not some typical asset flip which nowadays called games - it has unique touch to it, distinctive style. At least i perceived it like this.
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If you do find the name of the game pls let me know, it sounds really interesting.
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But guess i make it sound more interesting than it really is.
Or even imagine some things.
Its disappearance seems almost as surreal and unusual as game itself.
It drives me crazy.
I skipped it fist time i saw it.
It was in early stage of development and i'm fed with half-arsed abandonware.
But exactly for same reason i'm searching for it now - every freaking "open world survival craft' to date was disappointment.
That simply too ambitious for indie. Even Conan Exiles and No man's Sky are too shallow for what they're trying to be.
Maybe with such abstract and minimalistic constraints there more chances to have something meaningful and enjoyable.
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Oh cool you finally found it! This is the first time I hear of this game, it does seem like it has a nice concept but can't say anything else about it
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Yeah, as almost always - great concept and poor execution.
Seems like it was abandonned as well, despite "released".
I'm almost feeling sorry for bringing this up.
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No. Thanks.
They are all winter-themed. And that game was\is opposite - desert\wasteland with sand\ash.
Maybe not exactly sand, but surely not snow.
Fade to Silence looks interesting - it was in my wishlist some time, then i removed it and now consider to add it again :)
As i wrote above to StrawberryCrisis, all that games was a huge disappointment and i think Fade to Silence most likely will be too.
Savage Lands already is a huge disappointment.
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No. It's stereotypical "wild west" desert.
And in that game it was not even desert in the conventional sense.
Just barren dead and empty land - pretty grim.
And its no SO LowPoly. Look at Waking or Vane (links above).
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But that game is exactly NOT western-ish at all.
Maybe i spelled it wrong or not clear enough - sorry.
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stereotypical "wild west" was about your suggestion - Desert Skies
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I appreciate your effort.
But that's the whole point - i'm looking not for something similar by one feature, not something look-alike, not vaguely resembling. I'm searching for certain game with all features from description and comments at the same time. And without tings i'm already rejected.
As example, i can suggest Paper Beast - Folded Edition myself - it have some features from description, but not all. And it's not that game, despite looking gorgeous.
Fugl is in my wishlist for some time - its look interesting, but have literally nothing in common with what i'm looking for.
I don't even get why you suggest it.
Rime is closer, but not that game.
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Sky Break have only robots and generally high-tech sci-fi, which is completely irrelevant besides several other aspects.
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Yes! Thank you!
Seems like i was wrong about many aspects, but it is definely that game.
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It looked promising when it was still in development.
Now is too late. Its "released" - in fact abandoned half-way (in better case).
Pity and huge disappointment. But i'm glad i found it - thanks to you.
Guess it's better to know bitter truth, at least in this case.
Thought about some mysterious game was driving me crazy.
I'm even started to doubt if it was real or dream.
Not surprising i imagined it to be far better than it is.
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you somehow make me remember about one game I totally forget, and it was "devotion", the devs have problems about a president of china picture or something similar to that.
it never comes back to steam. just Google it and found the news from 2019.
edit. i see you find your game!
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Pretty strange that you wrote "i see you find your game!" before my comment about Burden and edits.
But yeah - i guess after seeing steam page of Burden there's little to no doubts.
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It's far worse than i remembered and imagined.
Can't really recommend it to anyone.
And looks like its abandoned long before actual release, despite being out of early access and "released".
Just slapped "1.0" tag on early alpha.
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183 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by Naviis
I saw it not so long ago at Steam - this or 2019 year.
Seems like its delisted from steam search now, but may be not.
It was indie early access game. Open word survival craft. Apparently, made with Unity by some little-known (presumable) Slavic or European developer(s).
First-person view if i remember correctly.
It has somewhat distinctive setting and appearance.
Desert\wasteland with sand or blight storms as major feature. Low visibility, mostly monochrome brownish gritty looks. Pretty much as Morrowind ash\blight -storms by look and feel.
Other major and unique feature is illness/disease as skills. You have to get sick to evolve or be healthy without advantages.
It has some surreal and occult visuals. Somewhat crude, especially UI - like hand-drawn symbols\pentagrams.
Graphically-wise it's somewhat bleak - tipical Unity, but kind of stylish lowpoly.
Set in alternative surreal apocalyptic world with emphasis on blight\plague ash\sand storms.
Style-wise it reminds me of Kenshi.
Thanks for comments and suggestions.
Here's updated description close to /r/tipofmyjoystick guidelines, partially based on comments here so far:
[PC-Steam][2017-2020] Blightstorm survival
Platform(s): PC Steam, probably delisted.
Genre: Survival
Estimated year of release: 2017-2020(maybe still early access)
Graphics/art style: 3D first person\3rd person.
Graphically-wise it's somewhat bleak - tipical Unity, but kind of stylish mid\low poly. Technically similar to DESOLATE. Extremely low visibility, mostly monochrome brownish gritty looks. Blight\sand\ash storms are constant and major part of environment. Visually wast (but probably with invisible walls) barren lands - wasteland, desert. Set in alternative surreal apocalyptic world. Dark, abstract and minimalistic. It's hard to determine timeline, but no modern or retro weapons, gear, or even architecture. Not medieval or fantasy either - postapocaliptic rusted junk and primitive craft, but with somewhat occult touch like cow skulls with runes. Not stereotypical "wild west" or real desert (like Badiya) in any way. Not S.T.A.L.K.E.R-ish. Not PvP or MMO. It has some surreal and occult visuals. Somewhat crude, especially UI - like hand-drawn symbols\pentagrams\glyphs\runes.
Style-wise it reminds me of Kenshi. Somewhat resembling Waking, Vane and Paper Beast.
Notable characters: none
Notable gameplay mechanics: Sand\ash\blight storms as main part of environment. Illness/disease as skills. You have to get sick to evolve or be healthy without advantages.
Other details: It was indie early access game. Open word survival craft. Apparently, made with Unity by some little-known (presumable) Slavic or European developer(s).
By desert\wasteland i mean not only have one, but literally whole game is barren lands with very few objects.
Same with storms - almost all environment is extremely low visibility storm in desert - like The Long Dark, but sand\ash.
World is highly alternative or deeply postapocalyptic - like ages beyond modern times. So, no cars, freaking automatic rifles, gas masks etc.
Postapocaliptic rusted junk and primitive craft, but with somewhat occult touch like cow skulls with runes.
Almost no plants and water (or at all).
Disease not only feature, but key mechanic too - whole progression based on it.
And yes, game does not looks impressive, but its not some typical asset flip which nowadays called games - it has unique touch to it, distinctive style. At least i perceived it like this.
kiseli found it - it's Burden
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