My Inventory

The Portal 2 75% off coupon is valid through August 30th, 2012 (my bad for waiting so long).

The Saints Row 3 DLC 50% off coupon is valid through September 10th, 2012.

I am giving both away on a first come, first serve basis - BUT there are some guidelines.


1) You must have at least $0.01(USD) contribution value to steamgifts.

2) Do not preemptively add me to friends or anything of that sort.

3) You must actually use the coupon, not trade it.

4) Say thank you.

5) Follow the above guidelines and reply to this thread saying which coupon you want.

First come, first serve.

12 years ago*

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Nice thread! I don't want anything but good luck!

12 years ago

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I also have the same Portal 2 and Saints Row 3 DLC coupons should anyone else want them.

12 years ago

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Bump. Lax'd on the guidelines a bit. Anyone want?

12 years ago

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Can I get the Saints Row coupon please? Thank you :)

12 years ago

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Sent; enjoy.

12 years ago

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Ok, does -anyone- want the Portal 2 coupon? IDGAF what you want to do with it, but it expires today.
i.e. You can ignore guidelines #1 and #3.

Who want?

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by TimeBomb.