8 years ago*

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am I on tumblr?

8 years ago

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This isn't 4chan, don't be edgy.

8 years ago

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I am not being edgy, and I am all for giving anyone emotional support. But I fucking hate vaguebooking sorry.

For respect to the OP I won't state my opinion in this whole thread and their profile.

8 years ago

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that's sg™ for you :3

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Hmm don't know if your words are for real or just an excuse for the gib. Hope you are allright Yunie.
Keep strong. Keep on rocking.

8 years ago*

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If you check her Steam profile, it looks like she's actually depressed.

8 years ago

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Oh I see :(

8 years ago

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Try to stay positive, Yunie. You're not alone.

8 years ago

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It all pass... with time, in other countries , in other places,it all goes away, eventually it comes and embraces you , but you have to keep going... It's easy to be seduced by depression , you only need time for yourself to find what really makes you stronger...

8 years ago

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Sorry you feel so sad. Here's a cute kitty to cheer you up:)

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sometimes life really hurts and it's hard to get back up after you fall down, but it's not impossible. Whatever is going on, you're NEVER alone. I can promise you that. It may feel like you are, but you aren't. Look past the bad and try to see the good. Tons of people care about you, even people who have never really talked to you (like me). You seem like such a sweetheart, and good hearts don't deserve bad things. Keep your head up, try to ignore any bad thoughts, and just try to move past whatever is getting you down. Whatever it is, it is not worth the hurt. I've had two separate instances of depression that I had to get past. Sadly.. neither of them went away without something major changing.. But that's just MY experience. It can go away if you just banish it from your thoughts. Maybe you CAN try to change something? Even if it's just little, like playing a certain happy game you wanted to try? The littlest things can help majorly. You got this <3

8 years ago

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Perfectly said!

8 years ago

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+1 I never know how to put my thoughts into words, but you did it perfectly.

8 years ago

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Meow, your words actually got to me, well said. Thank you.

8 years ago

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Very well said :) Ive struggled with depression for around 10 years now. Knowing that Im not as alone as I feel, and trying to always look for the good in every situation always helped me. Also want to second the change part. Any time I get in a bad spot, picking something small to change always helps me feel a little better.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+1 perfectly reflected thoughts

8 years ago

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This is the Meow that we all need and deserved :')

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+1 for Snoopy :)

8 years ago

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It's not going to help much, but..
friendly pat

8 years ago

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Don't know what's got you down, but hope you feel better soon.

8 years ago

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I can understand how you feel. I'm also wading through the hell of depression. If you need someone to talk to I'll always be available.

8 years ago

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Not meant to be a joke but i thought oh noes ,who's posting Kanye west lyrics :)
Thought it was some new offering from him ,not that i have the slightest interest in his "music".

8 years ago

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Yunie I hope you are ok. As Meow said, you are not alone. I may not know you very well but for what I can tell you are a great person, never forget that. We are here for you.

8 years ago

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You’re not alone in this.You are a loved and important member of our community and we care for you Yunie! I can’t really fully understand what it is you are feeling or going through right now, but know there are a number of us that truly want to support you and give you a shoulder to lean on! Sending virtual hugs and much love your way my friend!

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8 years ago

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We don't know each other personally, Yunie, but you seem like a genuine person - you will bounce back from this!

We're behind ya

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I know for which situation your are passing by. Yes, probably, some different reasons and other things an facts, but the feeling is very similar. People tend to leave you behind when you have the minimum problem (even your own family in some cases), mock on you, betray you, that's why most people act with a "mask" in their real life and hide all their problems and dirty secrets close doors. Worst thing is in those cases they tend also to have the exact attitude when they see another fellow being in pain, ignoring their own suffering. That's why the ones like you, me, and many more suffer the things you posted since the majority prefer to being comfortable in their secure positions instead just lending a hand...I can only recommend you to read the other comments, I saw many nice ones, and try to look for new friends and people around you which are not hurtful and can understand and accept your personal situation, I know very well from personal experience that it's hard since all this whole "YOLO"/individualism philosophy which is currently sinking the world, but there are still good ones out there, just....give it a try, if you can please. My best wishes for you. Kiyana

PD: Sorry for my English, it's really late here and my currently situation also doesn't allow me to rest too much

8 years ago

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I hope you'll be okay, Yunie. :(

8 years ago

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I admit most of time it's true.
I guess that is why Internet can never replace your real life connection but real life have the same issue too;_;
On Internet we can do less help than real life because what i can do is listening.
We need a friend who truly spend his/her time with us. Hope you have one.
The most treasure thing is time. A man share his/her time with you that means he/she uses his/her life as a gift to you.
I hope it helps you.

8 years ago

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I hope you feel better depression sux big time

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm not sure what exactly you are talking about (did I miss something?), but I think often it is also very hard to make the person in question realize that you are here and you are willing to help, specially if you don't know how. A lot of people simply lack experience dealing with depression and might be even afraid to talk to don't make things worse. There is difference between being unwilling and being simply unable. I guess what I'm trying to say that there are always more people that care about you than those that you notice.

8 years ago*

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"Amore mio,
non sempre tutto volge per il verso giusto:
ma non è soltanto a causa del maltempo
se il raccolto è andato perso.
È forse una remota speranza la felicità?
Godersi il sole in dicembre,
non molto lontano da qui nevica..."

It's funny to see how the song that's the very theme for the last time I really got deeply depressed now sounds so beautiful... by that time, I firmly believed I'd never be able to feel any kind of joy again, and that idea lasted for so many months... and yeah, people weren't much of a help...


"Anche quando mangi per dolore
E nel silenzio senti il cuore, come un rumore insopportabile
E non vuoi più alzarti e il mondo è irraggiungibile
E anche quando la speranza oramai non basterà.
C'è una volontà che questa morte sfida
È la nostra dignità
La forza della vita!"

(Ci sono tante canzoni bellissime in italiano ^___^)

I somehow managed to find some lights in the middle of all that darkness. And if it's all I can do, I really hope you'll find your path as well. One thing is for sure: it may be very hard, but not impossible :)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Deleted-8110450.