steamgifts has been slow for the last 4 months but exceptionally slow today
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You aren't alone. It might be because of all the bundles lately. I can't tell how bad it is since I own a bunch already, but I wouldn't be surprised if the main pages are filled with them.
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One day, people will understand the link between Steamgift, and new bundle release. And this day, we will stop having those thread.
Site is always slower when a bundle is released, or new game added. Can't you see all the new game popping in SG ? are you THAT dumb ? or am i too intelligent maybe.
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Filters can prevent users from seeing them. They are smart enough to use those, how about you?
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Ignoring the problem will solve it? Site will still be slower.
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No, I was informing the above user that not all people see the bundle spam. Considering he believes himself smarter for seeing it, a entirely incorrect assumption.
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While I know about the bundle news today, likely not everyone does. And if I didn't, I still have all those games filtered out through my addon. So, not everyone sees all the games being dropped on SG either.
So we can assume that if someone doesn't follow or care about bundles, and if someone has a Steamgifts filter, that maybe they aren't able to so quickly put 2 and 2 together, as they may not see or know of the source of the problem.
Or are you not intelligent enough, maybe? Get off your high horse and think for a moment before acting like such a douchebag.
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yeah yeah, when it's about "how can i gift Metro 2033/Dota 2 or My contribution value has dropped/is 30$ only" threads, every one seems to pretty much understand how annoying it is, well these topic here is kinda the same for me. It's always and everytime now the same.
And ignoring the bundle is pretty much hard, with the forum advertising often when something new is coming, and most of the users giving the bundles anyways.
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And many of us can't see those bundles because of filters.
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You're not intelligent much since the site is slow for like two weeks at least.
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Oh yes, just as one day, someone will understand the link between sales on Steam games and Steamgifts, and all the bog on the servers from all these cheap games being given away.
Oh wait, bundles and game sales have been happening for over a year now, at least since I've been around, and not one bundle release or sale has bogged down the site to the snail-pace it's been at the last week or so.
Trying to attribute yourself as intelligent while making yourself look like a complete tool, very good way to get your point across. Seriously, go crawl back under your rock.
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Yeah, I know... Then there are those little twats who waste even more bandwidth just to make some lame reply! Can you believe those suckers? Just imagine the look on their face when the OP wastes EVEN MORE bandwidth just to reply to them! And if they're stupid enough they'll do the same.... Starting some horrible singularity of senseless replies that only harm the site even further... It will cause the downfall of society! People will go mad and start looting and pillaging! Thousands will die! And all because some stupid little twat who had to be a smart ass... :/
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It has been very slow for me over the past two weeks. Sometimes my browser times out while waiting for the server to respond. Most of the time, however, the server will respond within 30-45 seconds.
[Edit: This posting took about 10 seconds to post.]
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It's slow for me too, but not always.. sometimes it works okay then drags to a crawl.. mostly it's at a crawl though.. patience seems to help .. although I have, at a few times, just closed it, because I was multitasking stuff and had no time left to wait for it.. it seems faster at late night/early morning. I also notice it's the same way whether I use IE 9 or Firefox.
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Fairy reporting in with slowpoke troubles too. Sometimes my 2+ paragraph replies won't even get sent thanks to this, and most of the time I just don't post them because the site doesn't save it when pressing "back" (like 4chan does for example). If there's a fix to it, I'd really like to hear it too.
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It is horrible for me O_o
Hope they fix it soon!
If there is something to fix :P
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Its been pretty slow for me too lately,like you said I can hardly enter give ways too
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I know the site has been a bit slow lately but today I can barely enter giveaways... Is this site being hosted on EAs servers? hahahaha just kidding! But seriously, is it just me (IE: my ISP or something) or is anyone also having these issues?
Cheers! =D
EDIT: Due to the large amount of smart asses I should probably extend what I mean with "lately". When I say lately I mean the last couple of weeks. Although I can't give a precise date it doesn't seem to relate with new bundles as I've been experiencing some degree of slow connections before the new bundles. While I admit these symptoms are more aggravated today the symptoms as a whole don't seem to correlate with any bundle launch.
EDIT 2: Since some people don't seem to have any problem it doesn't seem to be a server issue and much less related to bundles! Take that smart asses!
Thanks to everyone who bother to make constructive replies! ^_^
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