Not sure if these hints are useful but here goes...
Try to get through battles without Frederick so that you can level the other characters up. This will make them a lot stronger more quickly but use Fred if you need him to prevent another character's death. It all depends on who you prefer to use but I prefer trying to give MC if it's female Galeforce or the other Pegasus knights Galeforce as it's gamebreaking at the end.
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Thanks a lot. Could you explain a little more the bit about grinding on the world map? I thought the only way you could really grind was DLC.
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I haven't played Awakening, but I've played other Fire Emblem games (the two on GBA and the two on GC/Wii). It's isually a good idea to avoid training characters who ar egiven to you already at high levels, as they tend to have much lower cap stats. You usually gain a lot by training the über-rookies though, those who are unbelievably weak in level and un-evolved.
Other than that support is always good between characters which you use. I tend to have aggressive mages who support each other, an archer who supports a defender, and usually a couple of swordsmen who do the same. I don't know how it works in Awakening, but it has never been a super important aspect of the game but for those always fielding the same units, so go as you wish. Of course I never really optimized anything, but I've never had trouble either...
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My advices would be:
-Use support conversations, they are much more useful that in previous games of the franchise. If you pair up characters with a good support level between each other, they become stronger and can make double attacks more often. If you get to level S, they marry.
-Use second seals to change classes. Change everyone who can to Pegasus Knight, when they become Dark Flier they can learn galeforce to move again after killing an enemy.
-Marry Cordelia and Lon'qu, saying why would be a spoiler. They are both great characters. Make sure that Cordelia becomes a Dark Flier and learns Galeforce.
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Frederick is what is known in the fire emblem series as the "crutch" character. He comes as an advanced class already, so using him early on is just stealing exp from characters who need it more. Also he starts to suck real hard later on. Also, take this advice before its to late. Get the character Donnel from a side quest early on, he hits like a kitten when you get him, but he can carry you through the game easily if you level him. Another tip was already stated below I think, get your pegasus knights like Sumia to become darkfliers, and level them until they learn galeforce at level 15, then switch them to the other advanced pegasus class, falcon knight. As for relationships, you don't need to worry to much about pairings on normal, even if it is classic. Just pair up whomever you feel are "meant" for each other, the game is way more enjoyable that way. Have fun!
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Abuse second seals, you can keep leveling a guy over and over again to give him huge max stats in every branch and all the passives. Don't worry about characters falling behind because you can summon weak parties via the bonus box to level them up whenever you want and you'll make more money than you spend on equipment. Just enjoy the game and don't let any units die that's all you gotta worry about.
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I'm playing normal classic mode. I'm not too far in and I'm doing fine right now, but I don't want to royally screw myself over. Most of my characters are around level 5.
Ricken and Maribelle are still at 3- I've heard they suck, so I haven't bothered with them. Should I?
Also, if I can make it through battles without Frederick should I do so? I've heard levelling him up at the beginning is sort of a waste?
What characters should I try to foster relationships between?
And any general tips would be appreciated.
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