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Pay early and get "Total War: WARHAMMER"

Total War: WARHAMMER 70% of 27,998 Reviews 0 $59.99
Poly Bridge 90% of 1,479 Reviews 0 $11.99
Space Run Galaxy 73% of 380 Reviews 0 $19.99
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 84% of 3,532 Reviews 0 $39.99
RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry! 96% of 176 Reviews 0 $14.99
Flat Heroes 100% of 48 Reviews - 0 $7.99
Morphblade - - 0 $4.99

Humble Monthly Original: Uurnog

Retail: $159.93

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8 years ago*

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Opening your wallet for this Humble Monthly?

View Results
Yesss! That early unlock! Nom nom! ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞
Yes because.. I cannot resist these! (≧◡≦)
I'm an annual subscriber, so yes! (︶▽︶)
Shall consider it.. *counts the money* ◔̯◔
No, because these games get in HB's normal bundles anyways...! ಠ╭╮ಠ
Nah, not interested this time! ( ̄へ ̄)
I would if I had enough money, damnit! ಥ﹏ಥ

To get into Warhammer... But all the DLC...

8 years ago

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This is why I'm hesitant.

8 years ago

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Trust me it's fine, there's a lot that the base game offers, and with the amazing workshop community, you won't ever feel like you're "missing out".

Plus all the factions are there, they're just not all playable.

8 years ago

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Play it not because of the Publisher, but because you want to support the Developer.

8 years ago

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You really don't need the DLC. The base game is totally worth it (even worth full price to me) and you can later just get whatever DLC you would like to play. But only the base game could possibly already give you hundreds of hours of fun.

8 years ago

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Damnnnnnnnnn TW:Warhammer!!!

8 years ago

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instabuy, too sad that i did not managed to buy february bundle.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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lol, you are so wrong

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Why is it "disgusting"?

8 years ago

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It isn't Devil Daggers, duh.

Search for "devil daggers" in the discussions for context.

8 years ago*

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I understand, and almost made a similar remark:P

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Uh huh....care to elaborate on why it's disgusting?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for that insightful remark. /s

8 years ago

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more like AA

the third A is available as DLC

8 years ago

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Chaos Heresies are always disgusting! :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Pausing again ._.

8 years ago

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X-com 2 was in my wish list, Warhammer is as well (no DLC but don't care).

I'm so happy my full year subscription is completely worth it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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same as with XCOM2 - for me ity's worth enough for early unlock alone, so gonna get it ;)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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"The game that led sales for almost two weeks! The milestone entry in one of the longest-running grand strategy franchises that managed to alienate pretty much its entire old fanbase. The largest attempt at bringing you the chaotic world of WarHammer with the most obnoxious, aggressive, and borderline illegal DLC marketing scheme the world has ever seen! Now bundled 10 months after release because literally nobody buys it any more! (But hey, the player base at least sticks to it, so you'll have plenty of people to play against… assuming you buy our DLCs, otherwise you are stuck with the handful of starting nations… did we mention that nations used to unlock just by playing the game instead of asking 8 bucks for it… we didn't…? Okay, cool, now pay up!)"

Good news is that I guess I can at least sell this one for a pretty penny as well. Let some other gullible fool waste their money on DLCs.

8 years ago

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Yeah, SEGA realizes you'll want to buy the DLC. Get the base game and hook the people so they'll buy everything else. Saddest thing is you might as well get it this way because they don't sell Ultimate Editions anymore.

8 years ago

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The milestone entry in one of the longest-running grand strategy franchises that managed to alienate pretty much its entire old fanbase.

It isn't the first time, though: Empire, Rome II, arguably Attila.. all had their fair share of detractors. For what it's worth, this also happens to be the best selling title in the franchise by far, as stated by Sega.

As for the rest of your comment, holy frijoles, slow down Captain Hyperbole or you'll pop an artery! Sure, their DLC policy is pretty awful (as it has been since Rome II), but hardly "the most obnoxious, aggressive, and borderline illegal the world has ever seen", to put it mildly. It's like, what, 2 big ones for $19 and 4 smaller pieces for 7 to 3 bucks each (also 2 free ones)? Both Rome II and Attila are currently worse in that regard. So yeah, a pain for completists and a far cry from the glory days of old, but it's not exactly Total War: Train Simulator now. At least the upcoming Bretonia race will be released for free. I won't be buying any DLC until the stuff I would want gets a massive discount anyway.

8 years ago

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Thank you for your cogent and entirely logical reply. I'm tired of people who don't even play these games treating the rest of us who do as if we're morons for paying for things we like. I don't go around insulting people who play nothing but Rocket League, Borderlands, and Portal-type games.

8 years ago

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So true..

I got Warhammer free with my video card so I am not sure I will get the monthly.Though from what you have posted since I have not played it I can gather this games has strayed far from its past games?

I mean I know Steam reviews paint a mixed picture but they can be hard to judge at times because a lot of reviews are made out of hate more than how the actually game plays.Like GTA V got a lot of stupid hate just on the bundle sale issue.I get it a lot hated the sale but does a game really deserve that much hate for that?

8 years ago

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Though from what you have posted since I have not played it I can gather this games has strayed far from its past games?

Well depending on the TW game, then yes? The last TW game that had things set up the way I loved was Medieval, with roving diplomats, merchants, agents, etc as well as being able to run each settlement independently. Combat was the standard "hammer and anvil" tactics of cavalry+infantry with ranged support.
Stuff began to change in Empire and Napoleon when they got rid of some of the smaller complexities and focused much more on the War aspect of Total War.

Warhammer's best aspect is the vast difference in tactics per army. A lot of the factions in other TW games played exactly the same, you just had different colors and maybe someone was better at archery and someone else was better at the charge.

8 years ago

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Ahh so it seems like one of those either like it or hate it kind of deals.People new to it may like it a lot but people from the old days most likely will not.I am not a huge fan of micro-management but mostly due to most games making it a chore rather than a game.So I can see why the push to more war as gamers change over time and those who do not want change will suffer the most.

I got it as I said with my video card so I guess if I do not like it much not a lot lost other then if more games go that route I will most likely not play it.Thanks for the feedback I think I will wait to give it a go then since it seems to have changed a lot and I do like the older stuff a lot.Just mostly curious if it was really good or so so and could wait till i played other games.

8 years ago

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It's not the amount or the price. Deus Ex 4 is far worse than that. It is about how it pushes the DLCs at every corner. Dragon Age Origins was terrible with an NPC spawning in the game telling you to buy a DLC (fourth wall broken, shattered, ground to dust and danced upon, but hey, pay us money!), but at least he was confined to one area.

8 years ago

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How does it push the DLCs at every corner? Genuinely curious.

8 years ago

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So, you say the top-voted reviews are lying and the DLCs are not plastered all over the menus?

8 years ago

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Where did I say that? I said I was genuinely curious about how aggressive it was with promoting the DLCs in-game and I meant it, as I don't know. I thought you would care to explain.

8 years ago

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Apparently aggressively enough to make it a point in its forums and to drag its ratings down to "Mixed".

8 years ago

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If I were to say, if you listen to the majority of reviews, you'd be a fool. A vast amount of steam reviews are biased and cannot be looked at as a review. You can look at this as defense of the game as you will, however, nowhere on any DLC is it plastered "MUST BE REQUIRED TO PLAY THE GAME". You could just as easily play the entire game just fine, it was released in advance, with the population that plays the game(which does not include you), with what would be the factions. These factions alone(mostly), have more then enough content than any single faction in any strategy game that precedes it of the Total War franchise and, if I dare add, of other strategy games as well.

The main point in here being, you do not have a reliable opinion of this game for others purchasing it, if you have not tried it yourself, in addition, you should not look at a game and buy all the DLC just because you can or feel like you have to. Hardly is this the case. If there is a faction that was released after the game was, which added to production cost after the game was released, then you buy that faction or other cosmetic/race related DLC. I will also mention that the player base has had more than enough free updates and free content, including the fact that you can encounter factions that you do not own on the map and fight against them as if you did own them. You can also use these factions' units, through co-operative play, if your partner owns that faction.

What you need to do, is figure out if that $12 is worth this game, possibly some content for it and other games. Or if you'd rather spend it on some early access game, or game you'll never touch but leave to collect. Or even if you'll spend that cash on something that you don't need at all or which will be gone in an instant, leaving nothing or a very small memory.

8 years ago

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What you need to do, is figure out if that $12 is worth this game, possibly some content for it and other games.

True enough, and a pretty valid point. (Well, not for me, since I pretty much buy the Monthly to give away, apparently, with 2 games in the past year I kept for myself and 1 played.) Consider that an outcry in general for the entire industry and their DLC craze. I'm still not sure if I want to buy that 25-Euro Deus Ex 4 pack right now because of the DLC (the entire "buy this DLC… and use the bonus item only in one play through and never again!" approach is stomach-churning).

8 years ago

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Thanks for that levelheaded explanation. That doesn't make it sound nearly as offensive as has been suggested, especially in light of notoriously fickle Steam reviews and the pitchfork wielding masses.

Heck, the variety of the different factions sounds very appealing actually. If this can even somewhat reach the varied and asymmetrical gameplay of Endless Legend, I suspect I will be quite happy.

8 years ago*

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I've got more than few "all time favourite strategy games" under my belt.

They are:

  • Total War : Warhammer, Rome II, Rome I, Medievel II(and of course its expansions)
  • The entire XCOM franchise
  • Command and Conquer : Generals & Zero Hour
  • Stellaris
  • Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion(the entire series preceding as well)
  • Most of the LotR strategy games(Battle for Middle Earth 1 & 2)
  • Warhammer 40k : Dawn of War 1 & 2(3 will be released sometime this year I believe)
  • R.U.S.E
  • World in Conflict & Soviet Assault
  • Heroes of Might and Magic, especially III, still have the CD for it
  • Space Pirates and Zombies

If you have enjoyed any or like any of the above ^, this would be a great game for you. I will not guarantee it will be a 100/100 for you however. Just an above 50-60/100 for you.

Add in co-op campaign play and that can potentially increase the score. This is one of those products where you go ahead and do it anyway, then look at the reviews and wonder..."How in the flaming ___ does it have that score?", much like movies as well. It's heavily opinionated. You'll even find most reviews are also just people not recommending the game just because they can or because of the DLC pattern(not like anyone forced them too anyway). I'm willing to bet as well, that a fair amount of these folks that don't recommend this game, play it anyway. Now those who still went ahead and bought the games, including those previous and their respective DLCs, should bring about a pattern, name "I don't like what I feel is this DLC scheme or this company now, any content of this universe and future content must be free, regardless if you need to pay people to keep designing. I'm still going to buy all these games and their DLC however, then rate them poorly".

8 years ago*

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I liked what I've played out of your list, so that's certainly a good sign. I'm a Warhammer (40K though) fan and I like the Total War games anyway, so it was just a matter of time (and importantly, price) before I would get this one. I didn't know that the faction variety had such concrete manifestations in the actual gameplay to the extent you suggested though, so that got me quite excited.

And as I mentioned above, I do heartily recommend Endless Legend if you haven't tried that yet, it's currently my benchmark game when it comes to strategy/4X.

8 years ago

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I have and do play it, forgot to mention that in the list. Play it with a few friends already. The best thing about that game is the aesthetics and the lore, still very fun to play. Stellaris is similar in nature when you compare the best things about it. I also forgot to mention Homeworld and lately, the remastered edition.

8 years ago

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They really need to bring the BFME games to Steam, but they won't because of EA.Along with Conquest, etc.

8 years ago

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That would be lovely, however, I'm also secretly hoping for a TW: LotR on a grand scale. If they can manage warhammer(even though games workshop was probably eager to let them), they can possibly manage LotR. My life would be near complete after that. I'm aware there is the Third Age mod for Medieval 2, which is tons of fun, but it's the only thing remotely close. An official engine and so forth would be heavenly.

8 years ago

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Have you been keeping up with this mod for Attila?[Total War:Rise of Mordor([http://www.moddb.com/mods/total-war-rise-of-mordor).

I know it's not an official LOTR game, but bringing The Third Age into the modern TW era is great.

8 years ago

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I have noticed it before, but I didn't quite like Attila. I need to revisit it sometime, it ran poorly on my machine, not to mention I didn't like starting off with too much chaos. xD

Playing as one of the roman empires for example, is like loading up someone else's save that they've played for a long time, then being lost.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Well at least that mod would be a different experience since you're starting off as a ME faction.

I need to actually play Attila more, since I bought it with the Age of Charlemagne DLC for the express purpose of playing as Sir Christopher Lee I mean that guy.

8 years ago

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Not sure why I'm replying since you didn't reply to my earlier point but...

One of their main bones of contention is that the "Blood DLC" pack is a "disgrace" and rip-off. The reason it's not automatically included is to get the game a lower ESRB rating. To play devil's advocate, they could have included an option for Blood and Gore as some games do, but chose not to do that, perhaps because it would still have gotten the Mature rating they were trying to avoid.

As for the rest of their complaints, I bought the game late last year which means there's several DLC packs but I never felt like they were agressive. When you first start the game there's a Total War franchise mini-menu allowing you to add workshop mods that also shows the various TW games at the top, with the ones you own being lit up. There's a small screen that shows the latest DLCs for your current TW game, letting you know they're released.

Once in-game, the main menu page shows options for campaign, settings,etc. There's a sub-heading for DLC content, which shows what you do and do not have, with a link to the Steam Store Page. Under campaigns it shows the different factions available to you with an icon showing the ones you can buy, once more with the link.

Once in-game though, there's nothing like that, no reminders about DLC, etc.

Maybe it is a cultural thing; in the states we're constantly surrounded by marketing and exhortations to buy crap we don't need.I guess I just expect it everywhere.

8 years ago

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Could be. I'm even annoyed by how newer Artifex Mundi games display a full-screen "buy this other stuff" screen between the main story and the bonus story, and also putting a rather large button for this on the main menus (although this latter one seems to be starting to be dropped). Marketing here is still rather traditional, with even digital marketing barely reaching 2002 standards.

8 years ago

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It doesn't say where Sminky_Get who is likely the person who wrote the review in question, is from but that's one possibility.

8 years ago

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About the Blood DLC, I suspect this is may be a Sega thing, as the existence of a separate gore package for the Total Wars dates way back to Shogun 2. They also released a Blood DLC for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution years after the original release, after acquiring developers Relic from THQ. (That latter game already featured blood and gore and was rated M before this though, the pack just adds ridiculous amounts of it). Either way, we can't know for sure, maybe someone at Sega just really, really likes their strategy... sanguine.

Also thanks for the detailed rundown of the DLC situation. As I already replied to Athena22 above, that doesn't really sound offensive at all.

8 years ago

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Trust me it's fine, there's a lot that the base game offers, and with the amazing workshop community, you won't ever feel like you're "missing out".

Plus all the factions are there, they're just not all playable.Unlike other Total War games all the way back to ROME, instead of the other factions basically being the same "cavalry+footmen" just with different colors and vaguely different tactics, each army in TWW plays entirely differently. Much like the tabletop game it's based upon.

8 years ago*

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I spent $60 on TW Warhammer over Christmas and put in about 40 hours since then. I wish I knew about this Monthly when I bought the game. At least I made the right decision considering my options at the time.

Get the game/bundle, it's amazing.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I've got over 100 hrs in Total War:hammer but I don't regret it since it's the game I've been waiting to play for the last 10 years, roughly.

8 years ago

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Kinda the way I feel. I love the Beastmen army and played some TT. If there was ever a video game version of TT, this is it. It's the Warhammer game I've always wanted but didn't know could exist.

8 years ago

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I can see you're also a Black Templars fan in 40k:) How would theyfeel about your love of Beastmen, heretic!:P

And, yeah,besides a fairly good mod for Medieval 2 Total War and the long-departed Warhammer: Dark Omen and Shadow of the Horned Rat there's not been a WHF title that really did it justice.Battle March&Mark of Chaos were lackluster.

Unfortunately gog still hasn't fixed their version of SotHR either and it's rather unplayable right now.

8 years ago

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You know, you are are the first person to get the avatar connection?

But yeah, I played the hell out of Battle March ( i think for the 360) and loved it. It wasn't the greatest game and it controlled like shit, but it was the best Warhammer game I could get since I didn't have a computer at the time.

8 years ago

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I'm probably just the first to comment on it, there are definitely plenty of fellow 'heads around here who recognize it for what it is, like Heavenhair and Strayed, just two that come to mind immediately.

I got into the hobby in the '90s and was fortunate to have a computer that could handle the earlier games. Loved them and if you can find copies that run on dosbox or something, highly recommend them.

For the Emprah!:)

8 years ago

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well ill make this into a GA i guess
im not even mad. last month was awesome

8 years ago

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Happy cake say

8 years ago

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Happy cake/factory day!

8 years ago

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That mixed rating on steam though...

8 years ago

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A lot of that comes from people who seem to feel entitled to owning Every.Single.Army without paying for them which is frankly ridiculous.It's rather simple:If you want a particular DLC, buy it.If you do not, save your money. I have not bought any DLC, but plan to buy a couple as soon as they go on sale because they add to my playing experience.

Edit:By no means am I a CA "fanboy"; I still refuse to pay full-price for any of their games and don't own dlc for any of them besides 1 for Attila because it was necessary for a mod.I think CA and a certain other company whose initials are PI have shown poor judgement in the past about DLC policies.

8 years ago*

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I don't want to express a strong opinion about this since I don't own the game but...

A lot of that comes from people who seem to feel entitled to owning Every.Single.Army without paying for them which is frankly ridiculous.

I don't think that's ridiculous at all. I own the original TW Rome and Medieval 2 and I can play any faction I want without having to pay extra for them. They're all available right away for quick battles and you can unlock them for the campaign by actually playing the game, which I thought was an awesome, rewarding model and I really dislike its being replaced by DLC. And while Medieval 2's factions are all mostly reskins of each other playing a Roman faction in the original Rome is very different from playing Carthage, or the greeks, or a barbarian nation, or the Parthians...

8 years ago

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If you read most of the negative reviews, almost every single one of them say it's a great game but then they complain about the DLCs or need to purchase them.

8 years ago

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"Need" to purchase which is false. If people want to play Chaos,Beastmen, other factions of Dwarfs and Greenskins and (for reasons unfathomable to me) Wood elves, then the options are there. Plenty of time to spend in the vanilla game with the four main factions.Plus freeLC which grants an entirely new greenskin lord, a new epic dwarf lord and several Wizard characters for the Empire. Since every lord choice changes how you will play that faction, with new campaign and quest goals, it provides replayability without forcing people to spend money.

8 years ago

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and (for reasons unfathomable to me) Wood elves

Spoken like a true dwarf ;D. Still waiting for Skaven and Lizardmen, although I heard the former are in the making.

8 years ago

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We kill-murder elf-things for Horned Rat-god! Yeah I love the skaven, so much personality and they're really funny in a way.

With 2 sequels coming it's speculated that we will even see armies that haven't had a codex in ages, like Araby and Cathay.

8 years ago*

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What's going on with Humble Bundle lately? Their monthly early unlocks are insane!

8 years ago

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They most likely lost a staggering amount of customers during last year when they released disappointing monthly after another. It pretty much culminated when in September (or maybe October) they went as far as trying to say that one demo of a demo was a full-fledged game in the pack (looks like this time that demo really was thrown on top). You could see people stating here, on Twitter, and on reddit that they will unsubscribe. HB quickly released the "buy months in advance" model for quick easy money, then they added the "buy it for your friend" option recently. Everything points to massive damage control and trying to win customers back however they can. Considering that the last 2-4 (depending on who you ask) monthlies had favourable to at least "meh, at least not terrible" reactions, I guess it is working.

8 years ago

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I don't think they're trying to retain customers, I think they have enough subscribers now that they can negotiate with the publishers who wouldn't otherwise bundle their games.

8 years ago

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Well this was unexpected. Good thing I had been holding out on Total Warhammer, I'll just get it here, I guess. Or try to win it! :D

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I hoped for rome 2 D:

8 years ago

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NOOO too bad for me

8 years ago

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Is there any region lock on Warhammer?

8 years ago

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Same question

7 years ago

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I'll just let it auto-charge later, dont wanna unlock it that early, still got much to play cause previous monthlies are just toogood :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I had totally forgotten that today was the day for these...nice surprise. :)

Not particularly thrilled, but whatever...I'm an annual subscriber, and I don't own TW:W, so it's fine. I was pleased with Feb's games, so hopefully the rest of March's games are more interesting to me personally.

8 years ago

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Someone pinch me pls

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Oh... sorry... wrong button XD

8 years ago

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