
1 year ago*

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What was the game?

1 year ago

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Unfortunately I can't find it anymore

1 year ago

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regional pricing most likely on the game key.

1 year ago

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What is the best way to calculate the price for a key in gems?
How do I know how many gems I can ask for a game?

1 year ago

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honestly I have no idea... I accept gem offers for my games on trading... and every single one has felt like a massive lowball(unknown if they actually were or are fair among those who truly peddle in gems).

I did pick up Deponia complete journey(value is roughly $1.60) for 1k gems some months ago, beyond that I haven't really looked at gem prices for things.

1 year ago

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Thank you for sharing your experience with an example. I would have rather thought that you would be guided by the price on Steam, for example, and accordingly get as many gems as the key is worth.

1 year ago

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What is the best way to calculate the price for a key in gems?

The most fair, would be to calculate its value based on where it comes from and how much it cost you. For example, if it's from a bundle, you can see how much people value it at on Group Buys. A second close option is to see it's average value on grey market sites, like Kinguin, G2A, etc.

How do I know how many gems I can ask for a game?

You can't, trading is usually a terrible experience, because most of the time, one of the parties is trying to take advantage of the other. For example, I had a key for The Last of Us from Alienware Arena, it took months of grinding and was super hard to get, but I already had the game on PS3, so, I traded it, and accepted what at the time looked like a good offer... TLOU was valued at $60 USD, never discounted or bundled, while Tales of Aries, the game I traded it for, usually went on sale for as low as $11.00 USD. But, I didn't know that at the time, so, I got basically scammed.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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The market is not looking for a fair trade. They are looking for a quick profit.

1 year ago

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50% agree, because in general, if you have a game that worth 2.5 €, you have to found someone that is ok to spend this amount of money for it, and depending of the game, that can be pretty hard ... - like some item in steam, this card is sell at 0.50 € on steam, and higher buyer offer 0.09 € ...

1 year ago

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  1. Can also be some high priced indiegala games (from free, from feudalife challenge), for example Supreme Commander is priced at 4.33 € on, but good luck fiding someone who can offer more than 3000 Gems for it (0.78 €), since almost no one want it ...

  2. Can also be some common games, that was really cheap before, and now priced high (but many people on steam have it), for example Brutal Legend that i have get for 1k Gems on 2020, now priced at 4€ on ...

  3. And in general, if you have a game that worth 2.5 €, you have to found someone that is ok to spend this amount of money for it, and depending of the game, that can be pretty hard ... - like some item in steam, this card is sell at 0.50 € on steam, and higher buyer offer 0.09 € ...

1 year ago*

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Was Magicka: Wizards of the Square Tablet very common to find? It seems strange to me that it is a removed game and that on ST it is available for 2000 gems and its price on is $20

EDIT: I'm glad this info was helpful to other game collectors (like reigifts) :)

1 year ago*

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somethings basically don't exist on the grey market selling sites because of how long its been since it was bundled.

like Yakuza 0 for example, your always going to see the lowest price from official resellers on market are selling for over retail...)

1 year ago

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Will say rare, but still was foundable before (on 2020-2021), for example, from indiegala feudalife challenge, get Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, removed game, and now worth 10$ on

I think it the same case for Magicka: Wizards of the Square Tablet (i don't have get this one), but will say his drop rate must be around 1/100 - 1/500, and since before you can easely get 2 keys each day, i think a few players have get them during this period.

1 year ago*

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That really is too much. XD

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Generally speaking, that seems like a bad deal. You generally want to be under the lowest current price, but that's quite the drop.

But yes, +/- $0.25 (USD) is the typical value for 1000 gems.

1 year ago

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I always take the minimum, it always depends on what's on offer. I tend to decide spontaneously at the moment XD

1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Shurraxxo.