Hear me out, I love the Mass Effect series. Even that poor ugly baby, Mass Effect Andromeda. It's okay, it's all patched/grown up now. But the original trilogy was my gateway drug. It was the first PC game where I FELT that my choices mattered, that the characters in the game mattered! I've played the trilogy over and over, still loving it as much as ever (btw Citadel is the best DLC of all time). Bioware changed my entire gaming world and they'll always have a place in my heart for that, recent issues aside aka ugly baby and Anthem. BUT. I still have hope. There have been rumors going around for a while. Bioware may have been teasing a for a remaster in January and now the rumors are getting stronger. In their fiscal report, EA announced an unannounced "EA HD title". I believe I speak for the community when I say, "IT BETTER BE MASS EFFECT!" The series, while wonderful, is in need of a little TLC since it came out in 2007,13 years ago! I know it's still a rumor. I know Bioware/EA has let me down before. I know it may not even come out on Steam. But for the love of all that is good and holy...

Updated post for Mass Effect Legendary Edition here!
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4 years ago*

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Mass Effect?

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Mass Effect!
Mass Defect!

I really hope so, I liked all of the games, though the first is my favorite. And I really liked Andromeda.

4 years ago

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I'm partial to the second one since it was the first one I played, haha (I got it for free through Origin) and I loved it so much that I had to buy the first and eventually, third one, so good marketing move, lol. I love Andromeda's lore and characters, it started out really rough technically and graphically, but the patches have made it playable and it has SO much potential. I hope they'll come back to it!

4 years ago

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Yeah, they got a lot ironed out fairly quickly for the most part, but given pre-release the animations were known to be so...... problematic....... it started on a very bad note. I had been given a pre-order for the deluxe on PS4 as a "by request" xmas present. No regrets.

4 years ago

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1 had the cool car thing to drive on planets
really loved it

4 years ago

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The Mako is not well loved by most, but I didn't hate it as much as other people did. I had fun with it, honestly =)

4 years ago

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I really missed it in the other parts

4 years ago

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I think most people hate the controls for it, among other things.

4 years ago

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Can’t remember having problems with it.

4 years ago

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I didn't either, but I know it was a common complaint.

4 years ago

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Me too! I was so surprised when I played the first one and I was like 'why did they not have this in the rest of the games???' I'm glad the experience returned in ME Andromeda. XD
Heres a hilarious video involving a headcanon conversation about the mako: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dL5ctL7fFE

4 years ago

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That is the most perfect video ever. I actually laughed aloud. They nailed the voices!

4 years ago

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I know right! I could not stop laughing when I first saw it. It just captures their relationship and Shepard's attitude perfectly.

4 years ago

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I totally loved the 1st Mass Effect. Bioware at its top level, like the first Dragon Age Origins.
I'm less enthusiastic for ME2, and I have to confess I found ME3 really bad (like DA2).
I've been playing "the ugly baby" lately, not very inspired but it was nice to be back in the ME universe.
If they really do a remake of first trilogy, they have to add all the DLC side characters. In my opinion they are the most important / immersive parts of ME2 and 3.

4 years ago

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this is exactly how i feel. loved the 1st, the 2nd one was ok but i felt i was pushing myself to get through it. and 3rd one i ended up abandoning completely. which is rare for me to just stop playing a game.

4 years ago

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I agree that they need to chill on the DLC racket, just add it in an update instead of selling it like a separate game. But, ya know, money.
The characters are absolutely my favorite part, they literally make the game. The original ME was amazing, the graphics are a little dated now, but I still love it. I'll never forget how shiny femshep's head was in conversations with Kaiden lol. It's like call me the sun cause I can't hide my shine XD
I hated ME3's ending. I can't play it without having an end game mod. Ugh. They better fix that first.

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4 years ago

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Great! One more man (or woman), who like Mass Effect same as me (even MA3). Share your wishes about MA Remastered. =)

4 years ago

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I'll go one step further, all in all, MA3 is my favourite of the series.

4 years ago

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I love MA3! Up to the ending, throw that thing out the airlock. When I first played it, I didn't fully understand what was happening so I just walked into a random light. SO MUCH REGRET! I FRIGGIN CRIED! The citadel dlc was the most amazing thing ever, I'd buy the game for that dlc, lol. I will say this, ME really made me love the characters, really and truly, with a few exceptions. I never played a game where one or several of the main characters could die because of a choice I made until ME. It hurt and it mattered. When I replayed the series for the first time, starting from the first one and carried my choices over, it amazed me how one decision could impact three different games.

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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They already released trilogy... without DLCs.

I hope that if they'd decide to release remastered trilogy it would be with DLCs included and pre-installed. And maybe with ability to turn them off it you dislike something.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Think DLCs used to be with games

Each DLC was separate package, that had to be bought separately with BW points.

Not too familiar with Origin, but doubt they have that feature of adding/disabling DLCs like Steam does.

They are listed as separate positions on "downloadable content" tab. And you can chose if you want to download certain one. I was not downloading DLCs for ME3 multiplayer for example, to rise my chance of unlocking ultrarare weapons - unlocks are tied to installed DLC, so if you don't install certain multiplayer expansion you will not be able to unlock weapons that were added in it.

Would I buy remaster with all DLCs if they'd just upgrade textures and get rid of some annoying mechanics (like looking for junk on planets, upgrade controls)? Yes. If it would be like 50 - 60$ for 3 games with all DLCs. Otherwise I can play them with texture packs.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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That makes sense, they are some great mods out there. I'm excited for a remaster, not only because I'm hoping for some improvements on an already excellent game, but because I love the game series and I'm really concerned that after the financials on the last game that they would completely abandon the series. They disbanded a lot of the ME teams and it still worries me that, if true, they'll mess up a remaster, and that will be it. I'm hoping that they produce an amazing remaster with a bunch of interesting and useful aspects, that people show interest, and it will help revitalize the series so the powers that be will make it a priority again. I don't like the direction EA has been going in the past years but I hope that EA and Bioware are learning that it isn't working and that they'll return to what does.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Amen to that! I'm actually hoping that a remaster will, in part, assist Bioware in returning to its roots. Like, look at the good you're capable of Bioware, let's go back to that time/attitude/work style/etc.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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i hope there would be one, if they cant make it better (remake), just make it SHINIER!!! (remaster)
at least with ALL DLC combined since with origin dlc cost too much

4 years ago

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the dlc costs are really stupid

4 years ago

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They started to discount them on Origin year or so ago. Whole package for one game -60% that adds up to discount from EA access.

But yeah, DLC for 13 y/o game should not go higher than -75%....

4 years ago

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I played the games some years ago and only remember that you had to buy those points to be able to get them. And they still had the same price as ever

4 years ago

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Now you buy package with all DLCs for real cash. No need to buy BW points, to buy DLC packages later. So it's cheaper and more convenient.

DLC for ME2 is now 8 pounds, down from 20.
DLC for ME3 is now 10 pounds, down from 25.

4 years ago

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I got them both for around 5€ each so paying more for the DLCs is still too much

4 years ago

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I bought the mass effect complete collection only to realize it came with only half the DLC...

4 years ago

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Does it actually include DLC? I was not aware

4 years ago

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Absolutely, the DLC costs were crazy, especially with the Bioware points they had at one point.
I'm not sure the original Mass Effect's fem shepherd's forehead needs to be shinier though, that may blind some people, lol!

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4 years ago

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That would be cool, but I doubt they will give it for free to all owners of the original trilogy, and I'm not gonna pay twice for the same game.

4 years ago

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They may want to release trilogy on next gen consoles, it would be easy way to grab more cash.

Still trilogy needs bit more than texture upgrade. Surely controls from ME1 needs to be changed and be more ME2 / ME3 like. They could keep old controls in options as legacy option or smth. Exploration should be more advanced than locations on planets generated from 3 pre-made pieces. They don't need to be huge, but add some variety to it. Whole planet riding could be optional, and they could add option to send probes like in ME2.

But I wouldn't want them to strip this game bare, and make it like ME:A. Arcadey and with only 2 powers to use. Various powers you can use (with addition of combos from ME2) is the way to go for me :D

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Do those really need a remaster, though? They are not even that old. Even the first one still looks alright today.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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+1 I'd prefer a new game, this doesn't need to be remastered

4 years ago

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Yep, I'd rather they did something new (though their recent track record is not exactly stellar). But I guess it's less risk for the publisher to just remaster successful games every ten years or so.

4 years ago

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If it comes with all the DLC included yeah. Otherwise no point, they really don't look bad even by today's standards.

4 years ago

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Why not. What made Mass Effect a success was the fact its story/player choice mechanics were both innovative and miles above anything similar available at the time. Literally everything else is average at best and doesn't hold up very well today (talking about the first game mainly). This is one franchise were a proper remaster actually makes sense, with refined gameplay as well as graphics. These games could really do with an engine change.

4 years ago

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Nah, go for a remake. The Mass Effect games are great, but have some mechanics (planet prospecting, for example) that could be streamlined or removed, and the game would be better for it.

4 years ago

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I don't know if they need a remaster... Also, what can we get out of it?

The games run well on modern systems since the games themselves are still modern. Literally just last gen. But also even if it was a remake, what's there to really add? Mass Effect 3 still looks beautiful. Mass Effect 2 looks very good. Mass Effect 1 is a bit clunky visually, but it's the clunkiness of any early age new gen title.

I dunno, seems like a cash-in.

4 years ago

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2 and 3 still holding up pretty well graphically, only slight need of remaster is for Mass Effect 1. I wonder if it will be like Burnout Paradise remaster - utterly pointless cashgrab.

4 years ago

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It might be a bit worse. At least Burnout Paradise Remastered added Big Surf Island. And as for ME: add slightly upgraded textures, remove EAX support, disable online features in the originals, make original owners pay for the upgrade - voila.

4 years ago

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enchantment? ENCHANTMENT!!
ups, wrong saga...

and I don't think ME trilogy need to be remastered,

4 years ago

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Speaking of amazing series, Dragon Age is another all-time fav! I can't wait for the next one :D

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4 years ago

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remaster no
remake yes

4 years ago

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Good point, mods can cover a lot of issues, a remake may add new content and fix cough some really sucky endings cough some more complex issues.

4 years ago

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they should instead make a proper ME game unlike the dumpster fire that andromeda is.

4 years ago

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Yeah, admittedly, they launched a 50 million hot mess. Like yikes. I couldn't even launch it for a couple years and of course, I had so much 'playtime' I couldn't get a refund. But eventually, they patched it into a playable game and it's not that bad, I actually enjoyed it once I got into it. The lore and characters are interesting and promising. They just really screwed it up in a technical and business way. On the bright side, the memes and glitchy gameplay are hilarious.

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Yaaasss, I read that article and I'm REALLY hoping it's all legit. I've had my heart played with too many times!

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4 years ago

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Ooh, that is exciting! I loved ME2 best (possibly because my initially weak Sentinel became hilariously OP in the second game) and the citadel DLC of course, but I even have nostalgic fondness for those ridiculous elevator rides from ME1. Although there are so many good Bioware titles that deserve some modern polish. DA:O? KOTOR? They could actually go back and finish KOTOR2 instead of leaving it to the fan made restoration mod. Ah, so many awesome memories =)

Although, tbf, only the first game really could benefit from a remaster. The graphics from the other two have held up pretty well all things considered. But the first game's code was held together with some chewing gum and the power of positive thinking. Not to mention the ridiculous PC controls for the Mako. Mostly, I hope this means that they will continue to develop the IP. There was some concern after Andromeda's lackluster release that Bioware (via EA obvs) would be leaving the ME IP behind to focus on other things. Maybe this bodes well for future projects? Although they also really need to get on making DA4 so....

4 years ago

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KOTOR 1 is BioWare. KOTOR 2 is Obsidian.

And I didn't realize there are combos throught like half of first ME2 plaything. Later it was only "teammates prime, I blast" run :D

4 years ago

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lol, I imagine that gameplay got a lot easier once you realized you could combo, especially if you played as anything but a pure soldier. Although in ME2 my previously purely support class character became absurd with the...tactical cloak? I think that was what they called it. It used to be all carefully timed combos and careful sniping; ME2 it was kamikaze style running straight at the enemy while screaming my head off, setting off combos right and left because that cloak was ridiculously OP as a defensive measure. My teammates were also there ;-)

Also, oops. Clearly, I haven't played KOTOR 2 recently enough to remember that. Guess I'll have to do another KOTOR run!

4 years ago

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Oh my gosh yes, I love those elevator rides XD
Yeah, looking at other responses, a remake maybe better since they could add new content while improving graphics and the amazing fan base had made some nice texture mods to help the graphics somewhat. I'm really just hoping that Bioware shows more interest in the series. We've lost too much to the reapers/money grubbers to lose the Mass Effect Franchise. But I'm all for the next DA game too, that and a remaster may hold me over until Bioware decides to come back to ME for real.

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4 years ago

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Q: What is DA? 'Cause I'm thinking Dark Alliance, like the old PS2 games, but there was never a third, let alone a theoretical fourth (unless someone has some expectantly good news and Snowblind never really went under)...

...Assuming you don't mind my asking of course.

4 years ago

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No problem, by DA I mean Dragon Age, it's another Bioware game series that's set in a medieval/magic-based world. The detail and attention to lore and characters is really similar, as is the choices matter aspect. If you haven't played it, I highly recommend the entire series, the first one and all of it's DLC is available on steam here:https://store.steampowered.com/app/47810/Dragon_Age_Origins__Ultimate_Edition/
I know it's a Mass Effect series discussion but I love Dragon Age too, it's an excellent series with cascading decisions across the different games in the series, social/class/racial issues and depth, fascinating lore/religion/races/background, and lots more. Truly an excellent series!

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4 years ago*

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Ohhh, I've heard of Dragon Age (Face palm), it does look good, think I'll throw it on the wish list for when I've narrowed down my current play list. Thanks for the info!

Now, on a more relevant/ME related note, is Mass Effect worth playing without DLC, or should I acquire a copy on... Origin, I believe?

4 years ago

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Haha, no problem! The original Mass Effect came with 2 DLCs, however, it's available on Steam with both DLCs already implemented (it was just some map packs I believe?) https://store.steampowered.com/app/17460/Mass_Effect/ So for the first one's DLCs don't make much difference but I would highly recommend it, even now it is an excellent game and it's likely to go on sale in the next big Steam sale. FYI: the Steam version of Dragon Age also has all the DLC (and those DLCs do add significant storyline expansion).
For the second and third Mass Effects, it gets a little tricky. https://store.steampowered.com/app/901242/Mass_Effect_2_Digital_Deluxe_Edition/ is the Mass Effect 2 Deluxe Edition on steam, BUT it does NOT have all of the DLC. Steam just doesn't have it, so to fully experience the rest of the series, you will have to use EA's Origin launcher ew so you're right about that. I don't personally enjoy having multiple launchers, but between Mass Effect and Dragon Age, it's worth it because the DLC does matter in the latter parts of the series. Most of the DLC adds new storyline content and even entire characters that can transfer to the next game. These characters add unique interactions and choices that are not available otherwise. So for the second and third Mass Effect, it would be best to use Origin. For instance, my favorite DLC, Citadel for Mass Effect 3, adds significant storyline plots and there is a really awesome party and lots of interactions with all the squadmates from every game.
For the Mass Effect series, it's best to go in order since you play as the same character in sequential order and choices carry over. My current recommendation would be this, buy the first game during the next Steam sale (if it's any good) and see if you like it. If you do, and I think you will, switch to Origin for the next two games, wait for the DLC packs to go on sale and buy them (they go on sale semi-frequently, currently -75% off on origin). The games are good enough without the DLC packs but they add a lot of value in my opinion. You could also wait to see if the remaster pans out and what it offers (maybe it includes all the DLC? we don't know since there's strong rumors but not 'real' official announcement).
The entire Mass Effect series, even Mass Effect Andromeda, and Dragon age series are included in Origin's subscription service Origin Acess (https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/origin-access). They won't have a lot of the DLCs included but for $4.99/month or $29.99/year (cancel anytime) you can try any of the games before making a permanent purchase if you want to go that way.
I really hope you'll give both the Mass Effect series and the Dragon Age series a try at some point, they're the games closest to my heart and it would delight me if you enjoyed them too!

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4 years ago

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Ah, splendid, I actually have the first ME game on Steam, but was concerned that it didn't have the DLC's and everything, and thus had pushed it pretty low in my playlist (seeing it as something I'd have to get again on Origin). As far as the continuation aspect goes, do the games on Origin still detect progress through the first, or would I need the trilogy through EA's platform?

I definitely intend to play the first ME at some point, and have heard about Dragon Age from a few friends (mostly in support, excluding the zealot announcing it inferior in favor of Monster Hunter or some such), so the game series are definitely something that I had rolling around on the consideration list. Thanks for the pointers, i'll definitely have to give them a try now.

4 years ago

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You know one controversial thing they could do? GIVE massefect 3 a better ending...

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Praise be the mods! Both moderators and modifications ;D
I don't play ME3 without that mod. Nope. Can't do it. Been there, done that, bawled my life outta my eyes.

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I have to admit...I was secretly hoping for Star Wars; Knights of the Old Republic...But I'll take Mass Effect....

4 years ago

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Oh, that'd be a good one too though! That's a legit suggestion. Love that game too. Really almost anything Bioware touched was gold for a while. I wonder if there would be any legal problems with remastering/remaking Knights of the Old Republic? Other than that, why not?

4 years ago

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I own the first two games on CD/DVD (not sure which), but I never ended up playing them. I would like to get them on Steam, but they don't have the DLCs (which means, for me, the games are incomplete), and Mass Effect 3 is not even there (I wish that EA would add it to Steam now that they have patched up their differences with Valve).

If they released a remaster (even if they go game by game rather than the entire trilogy) on Steam with the DLCs present this time, I would purchase it. I want to see what the hub-bub is all about!

4 years ago

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It depends, if the game series sticks to the originals, than I don't see a theoretical expansion to my playlist. If they are different... Well... [Reserves a few time slots].

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Blueaquapearl50.