Steam will go for it?
well this is a very low move from epic , they know they can't level up the consumer experience to steam's level with their 12% cut so they now are trying to lore steam to go down their path and then force it to ditch many Customer experience features and limit the 3rd party keys market which will only hurt indie devs in the end and then epic won't be forced to improve on any aspect cause by then steam will be just garbage inferior store rather than it being the close to perfect platforme that it is now . now with that said , i think the best case scenario we could hope to see is for steam to reduce the cut to 20% which will keep them profitable enough to sustain their buisiness in the long run and in the meantime to put more pressure on the hypocrite sweeny to level up their garbage store to Something close to a platforme first and see if they can keep up their buisiness running for a year or two with their 12% cut that does not help them do the bare minimum like fair regional pricine and pay for their consumer's transaction fee which is a shame for a company to force their customers to pay extra transaction fee for said payment methode with that being the only payment methode available in that region rather than eating the cost within their cut like valve does for the likes of me and many others in 3rd world countries
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And that they take all the server and maintenance costs.
I was fine with Epic when it seemed they were just going to be a healthy competition because a quasi monopoly situation is never good for consumers but that's just extortion and blackmail, not competition,
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I always bought with Paysafecard my games, if i do that on 3rd party sites, i have to pay extra cause of the VAT, while Steam doesn't do that. So thanks for mentioning something that most of the people forget what a part of that 30% is used for. I don't see Epic helping the consumer in any way, all their arguments are about "helping the devs", well guess what? I don't care about this kind of devs, publishers etc. that will milk the hell out of their game with all kinds of DLCs, example being BL3 which i bet it will have a dozen of them.
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No they are not
They are IN MOST CASES more expensive on Epic because,you as the customer,pay the fucking fees
At least with steam when a game is 59.99 it's truly 59.99 not more because they(Steam)covers the fees in that price.
I mean,I'm all for healthy competition,but this shit what Epic is doing is not competition-bribing companies to release games on they store & nowhere else.
Just remembered
What this shit?!?
As far as I know,those stores dont have a 88/12 split-so what gives?!?
FUCK EPIC-I hope the company burns in hell & their fucking CEO also-go eat a dick,tim swine
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i pay 17.5% transaction fee here in algeria when buying from the epic bs store while steam eat that fee within their store cut. unless epic do something about this or they will prive many 3rd world countries from buying games at all. their store is driving new games prices insanly high without giving us any other alternative greedy bastards , they provide Publishers and devs less cut and taking the cost for that directly from the customer's Pocket i wish someone with a lot of money can sue them for that
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I can live with taxes and other thnigs but Borderlands is example that wherever You look key for epic costs the same or even more on other 3rd party stores with epic keys and so it will on steam. If epic is such a great hope for digital purchases than they screw us not only bying embargo on games for other digital distribution platforms butwith prices itself - if you are only store distribuing key then you can demand price as you want. Don't care about launchers but whole war is getting out of hand and becoming just feed for media .
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Epic gives 88%? I call BS on that. Lets some real devs responses.
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Add free (!) keys for 3rd parties via Steam, and you gonna end up losing money on Epic even with similar sales - on the probably most retarded store there is atm.
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no one knows at the moment , epic have not oppened up on that yet and even devs and Publishers on the epic game store have said Nothing about the keys generation and that points out to a silencing agreement which only tells that they are not free or very limited on the egs . and the fact that epic is the one making deals with 3rd party key sellers confirms my suspicions
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yes we know...
Like Valve, Epic will take no cut of the revenues from EGS games sold through the Humble Store
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only through the humble store which is epic themselves who made the deal with so they might not be taking their share directly from the devs/Publishers and taking it from humblebundle and greenmangamihng instead which is practicly the same thing since both take 30% of the key retail price on their stores anyway that if the keys generation is completely free and unlimited on the egs like it's on steam . and it's still limted to the said store which will be very harmful to indie devs in the first place
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The only entity getting any profit from you buying stuff on Epic are the game companies. You're not going to see a single cent of discount or lower prices compared to other stores, even if Epic would take 0% cut and make the service free of charge.
And at the same time you're losing everything that Steam offers, where no sane person would say that nothing of that matters for him.
For devs/publishers, Epic is the way to go, make more money from releasing a game, as long as timed exclusive is enough to drag those stupid sheep onto the store, and make more money.
For consumers, Epic is the single worst service you could ask for, where you gain nothing and lose a lot, with not a single reason to consider it. If you want to support the devs, then buy the damn game for your best friend or other games from the same studio, instead of moving monopoly from one place onto another and calling it "good movement".
There is a good thing in all of that though. Valve will finally do something productive and improve Steam in order to defend against the competition, which already resulted in less tax for the game studios, while not cutting anything from us. Competition is always good for the consumer, but that consumer needs to make educated choices in order to benefit from it, and not just jump onto another ship because devs decided to experiment with exclusive in order to grab more money. If everybody suddenly decided to ditch Steam, then in long-run we'd only cause further harm to ourselves. The opposite is also true, if everybody ditched Epic, then things would be as they are now, if not worse. The proper thing to do is let those sheep make good things happen for us, while not getting lured into the slaughter ourselves.
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I'd love to see Valve providing an option for 12% cut for devs who want it, just to fuck up Epic store. They can call it the "Epic Cut" where the features available for devs who opts in to these cuts matches the features for Epic's store. So Borderlands 3 can be sold at Steam for 88% cut revenue, but you can't add another game or DLC when buying the base game at the same time because EGS doesn't have a fucking shopping cart. :P
Edit - Oh, and no forums too!
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I'm all for Steam to reconsider its fee and/or lower the threshold for better division (yes, I know there's ways for developers to gain money, but those are not the main ones expected), but they should be the ones who set them. An attempted strongarming by a company which is experiencing a major boom at the moment and has shareholders with ridiculous amounts of money to invest is not going to lead to this, and does not allow Steam to consider what would be a reasonable new split for covering their own expenses in regards to the platform.
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And does anybody believes what that lying sack of shit is telling?
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I would like to get a clear answer from most developers for one simple question:
What is the price of their game?
Why this is not clear: If they say the price for the game is 70 USD, than in the steam service with the current model it will cost 100 USD for the consumer at start. But if this is the case, the same should cost only 80 USD in epic, since 70 USD + 12% service fee would be a little under 80 USD. Since the price in epic still 100 in this case, it is clear, that the price of the game is 70 for steam and 88 for epic, but that is not acceptable.
Both epic and steam is the equivalent of the retailer in this case, but the producer (developer) usually gives the same product for the same price for all retailer and they add their own cost and profit to that to get the final price. And with this system we, the consumer could choose between the basic but cheap epic and the fancy but expensive steam. Instead, we have to choose between the basic epic and the fancy steam for the same price, guess what we choose.
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Like every service out there, Epic will eventually raise the commission they take from sales. It's all about baiting and hooking. Phone companies do it... Everyone friggen does it. You wait. Epic will eventually no longer give 88% of sales to devs. I don't think it's sustainable, especially if they start adding features.
The whole Steam vs Epic argument is so dumb. Who cares. If you really want a game and want to play it now, get if from wherever it is an exclusive... otherwise just wait and clear some of your backlog. lol.
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Anyone who believes such a statement from Sweeney should sit and think really hard on their gullibility issues.
It's like a bear standing on the shore and yelling that, if a shark doesn't meet him in a forest clearing at midnight, it's afraid. But if the shark comes, he'll surrender for sure.
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Do naive boys and girls really believe that Epic will stop fake exclusives practices and capitulate to Valve?
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Sure Epic Games seems better to sell on to a business prespective (12% cut over 30% on Steam). But it is completely anti-consumer in many ways, it lacks nearly every feature that you'd expect on a platform such as a Offline Play, Reviews, Gifting, Cloud Saves, hell even account sharing or something as simple as a Cart on the store and Wishlist. GOG has many of these features. Even Origin and Uplay have some of these features. Epic Games is way behind as a platform, and the fact there are constant security issues with it as well just makes it completely anti-consumer at the moment.
I understand competition is great for us as it helps strive companies to get off their asses and do stuff (tbh 30% is really high for a cut compared to other platforms, so seeing that lowered would be nice), but what Epic is doing in many ways is just building a monopoly for themselves, buying exclusivity deals left and right.
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How about quality service, cloud saves, how much cost servers? I better wait when Fortnite lost they popularity and Epics extremely go down.
User must understand how it work and how much it cost, before creating petitions.
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The one reason why Sweeney tweeted it is because he knows Valve won't be able to do it, at least not in a timely manner.
Steam provides services for people who redeem third-party keys, like greenmangaming, which means that these customers are enjoying steam's features for that particular game "for free". Not to mention it is a one-time thing only, you still get support and can enjoy many features for free as long you have the game in your library.
Another point: yeah, the 88% is the best for indie developers, but for big companies (the AAA ones) the developers will never see the money for this bigger cut. It is going to the executives' pockets
So basically Sweeney is trying to sound like he is fighting the good fight and get some good press, trying to revert this "bad guy" image that Epic and himself got
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Don't know if this was posted before, but poor guys that chose exclusivity:
at least they keep their spirit up...for now:
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Epic Tim Sweeney said steam its the only one which fallout its they losing games from his own platform.They want steam to give 88% of game price to developer which its not 70% in some cases 80%.In that case they wont buy any more exclusives for epic store and they might even bring fortnite to steam platform..
There its petition one nice guy made if u want guy sign in and vote if not its fine as well :)
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