Epic Tim Sweeney said steam its the only one which fallout its they losing games from his own platform.They want steam to give 88% of game price to developer which its not 70% in some cases 80%.In that case they wont buy any more exclusives for epic store and they might even bring fortnite to steam platform..


There its petition one nice guy made if u want guy sign in and vote if not its fine as well :)

5 years ago*

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Steam will go for it?

View Results
Hope so?

The link is from Dec 4, 2018

5 years ago

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Got one but its Croatian site not like it could help :/

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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Yeah true mate but would be good if steam would own games now which epic has and bringinf fortnite to steam means more users probably...

5 years ago

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please don't bring fortnite to steam... just keep it away from me.

5 years ago

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yeah im not also fan of fortnite but some are and would be maybe much better for them from steam to have all on at place as that guy said if steam would do this long time ago maybe we would not have today this many platforms

5 years ago

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Metin 2 made it to steam so at this point anything is possible.

5 years ago

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Yeah... because having a game you don't want available on steam would affect you...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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There is no way Epic would ever bring Fortnite to steam. They have no reason to. They went outside of their way to let people install it on their phones via APK rather than through the app store to avoid paying the distributor cut. They will not gain much more players if they go to steam and instead lose 12% of their microtransactions if they do. As you can see Sweeney said they "might" bring it to steam. They just made the statement because they know Steam wont do it, and even if they do, they won't follow through with it.

5 years ago

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I think you've commented in the wrong thread cause nothing in this post states whichever of involved stores is good or bad. OP saw interesting subject and decided to see what other might think of it, period.
If you so desperately need to express your frustration with ongoing "Epic vs Steam bullshit" please choose to do so in a post with more adequate subject.

5 years ago

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I actually thought the petition was saying the opposite: Epic good to developers, Steam bad, let's get Steam to be good like Epic.

5 years ago

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who cares, steam has a huge platform with chat, forum, workshop, all of this has his costs, epic has a terrible launcher with nothing....

5 years ago

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Yeah i agree with that just epic in last time has great games on it, and by the case unreal engine or frost bite are not from steam so in case epic fails they will easy come back with UE4 while valve if do something bad with cs go and dota what could go wrong for tournaments it would be much less money :/

5 years ago

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Epic is planning to do all of it, according to it:

If you see, steam didn't had all these functions at the start, it's something that needs time to create, and money too.
So, i'm sure that, at 2020, epic and steam will be close stores, in terms of funtionality.

5 years ago

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then i want to see if epic still can maintain the % to devs... xD

5 years ago

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Well, i think it's better to give them a chance.
Right now, people are raging on them without any reason.
I mean, if they get to that point, and rise their pricing, it will be a great reason to rage, but they are starting, and all that is happening is common to starting companies and they are handling it pretty well.

5 years ago

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Its a lie, he is banking on valve greed, not to actually force him to stay true to his word

5 years ago

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I dont know about that mate but i think if promise its promise then its fine.If steam already do what they want why would he fuck them up?

5 years ago

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Why would Epic give Steam 12% of Fornite? Fornite will never, ever, not matter what happens with the Epic Store, go to Steam. Apple pay (30%), or google play (also 30%).

He is just lying.

5 years ago

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who knows

5 years ago

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Even Sony has 30%, and Fortnite is on consoles, and Sony won't care to come to better agreement for Epic.

5 years ago

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ye tim sweeney only tells lies

5 years ago

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Remember when Epic said they would stop doing those exclusives that were already listed on Steam.. then decided they would anyway.. His word is worth isn't worth much.

5 years ago

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Epic can give 88% to the devs because it has a sh*tty store... they don't spend any money in servers to store savegames, forums , etc... every single online store takes 30%, mobile stores, psn or xbox it's a standard for some reason, and they do that to cover costs of the plataforms, epic doesn´t have a plataform they have a webpage with a couple images, and they don't care about it just check their roadmap we are almost in may and they have done nothing they have in there for april. Also devs can take keys from steam and sell them for 100% profit. Steam has problems but that is not one of them Epic is trying everything to make Steam the bad guy of the story but people should know better

5 years ago

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I won't be surprised if when more features will be introduced they will increase their own share against developers. There's no such thing as "Valve greed". They offer services that have costs, simple as that.

5 years ago

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Yeah, it's been disproved already that steam actually gets 30%, because end number is much lower mostly due to the free keys but also other reasons (and epic themselves admitted 12% doesn't even cover fee for payment transactions, so they are undercutting themselves on purpose to weaken the competition).

5 years ago

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IIRC for payment fees above 6%, the customer is being charged on EGS

5 years ago

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gets up to 17.5% here in algeria , so getting any new AAA game on the epic bs store will cost me 10.5 more dollars for the standard version of the game , not to talk about the extra ultimate mega premium bs dlc season crap all the recent AAA greedy Publishers are pushing and that even include cut content that should have been in the base game in the first place . yeah sweeny good luck convincing me that 12% cut is good for consumers while you raised the standard AAA games price to 70 dollars instead of the original 60 so now we see clearely where are you heading with this , consumers will end up paying more for the devs and Publishers to make more profit

5 years ago*

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Yeah, it's been disproved already that steam actually gets 30%, because end number is much lower mostly due to the free keys

The same is already true for Epic. If you buy an Epic game key on Humble, Epic gets nothing at all.

and epic themselves admitted 12% doesn't even cover fee for payment transactions, so they are undercutting themselves on purpose to weaken the competition

He was talking about certain countries. Not transaction fees in general.

5 years ago

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There's a bit of what steam does with their huge % they "steal" from us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrvr02SiHY4

5 years ago

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I am supposed to watch a 45 minute video now to see if there might perhaps be something in it that has anything to do with the corrections I posted? Sorry, no. If you think anything I wrote is incorrect, please say so.

Fact is, Epic keys bought on HB do not generate any revenue for Epic. It's not exactly what Steam is doing. Steam key generation is free for everyone and doesn't restrict where you sell them. That's obviously way better. But Epic has already made a first step in the same direction by allowing HB to sell those games for free. And I hope this is just the start and they will eventually offer the same service as Steam.

Also, why did you put "steal" in quotes? I didn't say anything about stealing.

5 years ago

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I am supposed to watch a 45 minute video now to see if there might perhaps be something in it that has anything to do with the corrections I posted? Sorry, no.

Then don't. And I could end here and not care if you stay uninformed for the rest of your life. But hey, I have a minute so...

The reason I posted that exact video, and exactly to you, is because you misquoted me, selecting two passages to prove your point, but just happened to remove the "but also other reasons" and ignoring that part completely, focusing on the keys.I get it, that supports your narrative. Maybe you should become a politician ;)

The video is "the other reasons" why it's not 30% and what they do with the money that is in the share they get. If you're interested to inform yourself, for yourself, watch the video.

And next to "steal" I said us, and I meant developers who work with steam. My point was that most people in this deal don't think Valve is doing anything bad for them and the % they get, while might look high, is used for making a batter market for users and developers in the end.

Sure, there are blue-haired youngsters who would have you believe they are starving and they don't get anything from steam for that "very high industry standard 30%" but they forget to mention how much money they earned from Russia, China, Brasil and other countries outside of USA/CA/EU triangle, exactly because of the things mentioned in that video, mostly the "foreign markets had different buying habits and we took steam to them, instead of trying to change their minds" part.

I dunno, you really want some random guy on the internet to tell you what to think, or you wanna watch the SOURCE and decide for yourself if it was worth it?

5 years ago

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The reason I posted that exact video, and exactly to you, is because you misquoted me, selecting two passages to prove your point, but just happened to remove the "but also other reasons" and ignoring that part completely, focusing on the keys.I get it, that supports your narrative. Maybe you should become a politician ;)

I didn't misquote you, I merely quoted the parts I had something to say about. You argued that Steam doesn't really get 30%, and one part of that is that they allow selling Steam keys elsewhere for free. I knew something of value to add to your point, so I did. It had nothing to do with the rest of your sentence, so I didn't quote that. Also, what I posted wasn't even meant to disprove what you said. It was just an addition. So I don't feel like misquoting you would even have had any effect.

Also, I don't want to "push my narrative" here, I simply want an honest discussion about the whole thing. And that means we need to include all the facts. Not only the ones that let Steam look good and Epic bad. So if Epic started allowing others to sell keys without any fee, I think that is worth mentioning, wouldn't you agree?

I guess you could have mentioned what that video contains. The way you did it it wasn't clear for which of my points it was an answer to. As it turns out, it was an answer to the point I didn't even make. I hope my confusion is understandable. ;)

And next to "steal" I said us, and I meant developers who work with steam. My point was that most people in this deal don't think Valve is doing anything bad for them and the % they get, while might look high, is used for making a batter market for users and developers in the end.

Sure, there are blue-haired youngsters who would have you believe they are starving and they don't get anything from steam for that "very high industry standard 30%" but they forget to mention how much money they earned from Russia, China, Brasil and other countries outside of USA/CA/EU triangle, exactly because of the things mentioned in that video, mostly the "foreign markets had different buying habits and we took steam to them, instead of trying to change their minds" part.

Well, it's not only a few individuals that are not satisfied with Steam anymore. I am sure you read articles about failing indie games, just like me. Games that have 95% positive reviews, yet fail to generate enough revenue on Steam. There is a visibility problem on Steam. And it's not only due to the amount of good games, but also the amount of bad games that flood the store. Yet Valve doesn't seem to want to do anything about it.

There was a survey among developers a few months back, and I think it shows a clear trend here. It's not only a few people that think Valve doesn't earn its share, it's quite a big number. And that number grew by a lot over the last years.


5 years ago

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I was participating in that survey.

As of this writing, 194 people took the survey across 22 different gamedev communities from all around the world -- whether or not they identify as "indie." The only requirement was that they be registered Steam developers.

See, not really reliable :)

At that time, many people were confused (some even angry with the 25% hit games while everyone else has 30% fee) and Valve was silent. Things changed since, for better or worse, because it was shown that Epic's fee is not really enough to run a store, and also what Valve was doing and how and why, which is in that video.

5 years ago

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Yes, so much cost. So much cost that in fact Gabe Newell himself stated that Valve is more profitable per employee than Alphabet or Apple, but I am sure they cannot afford to lower their cut. After all, what would happen if they get less overpriced than Apple?
Plus they must keep the ridiculous profit margin for the investors. Oh, wait, they are a private company with no investors to pressure them for profit margins. They just do it for themselves.

5 years ago

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Steam has 250 people, Alphabet 100.000. Apple 132.000. Just saying.

5 years ago

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That's not saying much considering that most Apple employees are underpaid with no privileges, often working extra hours for free.

5 years ago

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Apple is in the top 20 companies of net profit/employee on the planet…

5 years ago

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but employees are not seeing a bit of that huge net profit , are they ? huh ?

5 years ago

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They seem to pay around or a little above industry/Silicon Valley average: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Apple/salaries
So, in a sense, no, they do not see that much of it. AFAIK, they do not have an employee shareholding program (at least not any more).

5 years ago

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Yeah because companies with investors in the gaming industry are the best example of consumer and employees happiness just look at Activision, EA or Take Two right? At least we know GabeN is a gamer like us and doesn't have to listen to greedy corporate man every time he makes a decision

5 years ago

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Gabe Newell hasn't been a gamer for decades. He is a businessman who wants to make as much money as possible, and Valve is just a company aiming to get as much profit as they can. Like any company and any CEO in the United States.
There is nothing altruistic about them. Microsoft is more altruistic than them and contrary what some people delude themselves with, MS made more efforts to push forward Linux gaming by being the largest contributor to the Linux systems than Valve will ever do with their cute little SteamOS.

5 years ago

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I see you know GabenN better than any of us lol, we never said Steam doesn't have enough profit, of course every company needs and wants profit but I still don't see how that makes Valve worse than Epic... so in your eyes because epic has investors to pressure them to make profit their means of getting profit are more justifiable than Valve? So they don't "do it for themselves"?

5 years ago*

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No, they do it for their investors. And if I had to choose between "we are fleecing you because we are mandated by our own owners to do so" and "we are fleecing you because we felt like it", plus if I had to choose between a publicly traded company with a transparent structure and finances or a private company where we just have to take their word on literally anything from structure to what they actually do and the amount of money they earn, I would rather go for the devil I can know since it is telling me everything rather than the one that pretends to be the good guy. In terms of trustworthiness, I would put Valve somewhere between Robert Kotick and Randy Pitchford. Heck, lower; Kotick at least has to speak the truth once in a while, on the shareholder reports. Newell and the rest of Valve do not have the obligation to speak the truth to anyone beyond authorities. And in Australia, they even battled that.

5 years ago

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Well, let's talk about your examples about trust.

Randy Pitchford, not talking about aliens colonial marines, once claimed that he won a the name of his company after a poker victory over Newell (https://kotaku.com/poker-game-kept-gabe-newell-from-naming-valve-gearbox-5339159) which was actually a total lie. Also, he once left a USB drive at a Texas Medieval Times restaurant in 2014 containing sensitive Gearbox corporate materials and a personal collection of underage pornography... (https://variety.com/2019/gaming/news/randy-pitchford-gearbox-lawsuit-1203106006/)

Kotick boasted about record revenue for the company then announced at the same time a 8% staff cut, also he had a 30million $ salary. (https://variety.com/2019/gaming/news/game-workers-unite-fire-bobby-kotick-1203139767/) and went on record to say "We have a real culture of thrift. The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games." and also he has tried to "instill into the company culture skepticism, pessimism, and fear of the global economic downturn, adding, "We are very good at keeping people focused on the deep depression." (https://www.gamespot.com/articles/activision-games-to-bypass-consoles/1100-6226758/)

I mean, I'm not Valve's fanboy, but you could at least give some examples of over to top evilness or lies from Valve, to make the comparison.

5 years ago

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They popularised lootbox gambling. This is where all the shit people give to EA and Activision come from, but Valve was never mentioned in that context, even though they are the one who started it and keep doing it to the highest extremes possible—not even the Diablo 3 auction house let people ask 5000+ USD for a small texture file like Valve does to fuel the underground gambling economy tied to their system.
So far nothing EA, Activision and Take Two did combined comes even remotely close to the cesspool of legalised law-breaking that is the CS:GO skin trading system.

Also, Pitchford is a lying scumbag and the last one standing from the unholy trinity of truth-allergic fuckwads next to Peter Molyneux and Sean Murray who still didn't have the courtesy of just disappearing from this industry altogether and hopefully never coming back.
Also, you forgot the tidbit where we couldn't prove it legally, but everyone knew Gearbox embezzled Sega's money to fuel their own project (which itself was blatant thievery of Fallout 3 before they hired a writer who could only put random pop culture references together instead of a plot).

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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loot boxes in pc gaming make valve worse than satan.

5 years ago

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At least we know GabeN is a gamer like us and doesn't have to listen to greedy corporate man every time he makes a decision

Have you been out for the last ten years?

5 years ago

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Just because he is not making them doesn't mean he doesn't play them.... and even if he doesn't still better than greedy corporate man that was my point

5 years ago

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If he wasn't a gamer or at least positive towards it he would have flipped the company long time ago. They could probably IPO for a multiple billions any day they want.

Game making isn't simple or easy process, so I can understand why they have moved away from it. And instead choose to support the industry...

5 years ago

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Yes, poor BILLION $ companies barely able to cover their costs :( Oh no wait they make ridiculous amount of money from that, it's called an Oligopoly and nearly every big business does this to maximize profit.

5 years ago

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It's important to remember that Valve give Devs the ability to generate keys to be sold anywhere without steam getting a single cent as a cut. Devs can sell on Fanatical, humble, any damn site they wish and then it's on Valve's dime to provide the download and support for the game after the customer activates the key.
You won't often find me saying positive things about the Valve corporation, but in all fairness I think people should bare this in mind during discussions regarding EGS.

Sometimes the 88% is actually 0%....

Edit: um, yeah. What 4KSeixas said.

5 years ago

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It's important to remember that Valve give Devs the ability to generate keys to be sold anywhere without steam getting a single cent as a cut.

Because it costs them basically fuckall and helps reinforce their dominant position. It doesn't justify any notable chunk of that 30%.

5 years ago

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No, they actually lose money on those keys. Despite valve getting $0 for those keys, they still have to pay all the server and maintenance costs revolving around downloading the game/patches, cloud saves, etc.
With millions of copies of games they have to support without making a cent, you think it costs them 'fuckall'?

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago*

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Relatively, yes. If it was a notable expense it wouldn't be offered, it's in no way a virtuous move. Some smart person did the maths and worked out that offering this service for nothing was worth it in return for maintaining their position as the dominant platform. Pretending that somehow they're going to lose out on this is... just wierd.

5 years ago

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That seems coherent, but you're stating something that you believe to be true without providing your evidence. It is fact that steam offers free keys at an accounting loss. If you could enlighten us to your source we could better understand your point, I would actually like to know the cost of maintaining different parts of steam's infrastructure.

5 years ago

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Not necessarily. There are a lot of extra products that they sell on top of those free keys, like DLC, market items and other games.

5 years ago

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called marketing ................. oh you use our free key and you will then see our store every time you load up your game.

5 years ago

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yep at the moment epic is buying some aaa exclusives... but is getting a lot of hate for that... at this moment i dont know what will happen but epic needs to improve a lot if they will to be a good platform... and of course stopping fuck gamers with those exclusive games :P

5 years ago

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Well haters gonna hate allways will be like that i hate it as well but if keep doing it we all gonna start buying from them cause as u see steam has nothing new to offer whats good form new games..

5 years ago

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at this moment epic does not offer anything to gamers more than steam, some exclusive offers this is all....i prefer a better platform where i can see some reviews...workshop...chat..and many things more....
i think epic is better for developers but who cares im a gamer not a developer so at the moment steam is far better ... i wish they could be a good platform some day but without stealind exclusives...

5 years ago

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well see the problem with 3rd party exclusivity compared to first party exclusivity is this : for 1st party products it's just that product or that brand's products so if you go for it there would be no harm for the general industry cause it will Always be that product from that set brand , but when it gets to 3rd party products then the service provided with it slowly becomes the standard when more and more people start going for it like in this exemple games exclusive on the egs people said well it's just division 2 no harm in that and egs will improve after that and we will be done with it ; then after that it became just another game metro exodus , then world war z then contrôle then ….. and this will keep going on forever at this rate while the consumers are not getting any of the features they hoped epg would have by now and on top of that they are forced to pay extra money for the transaction fee on top of that 60 dollars price tag and by the time everyone started finally realising that epic actually have no intention in improving the user experience and this will become the standard in the pc gaming as well for years to come

5 years ago*

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well at least they Added a search bar in 4 months and that's no easy task you know :v . no sarcasm intended :3

5 years ago

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xDDD yea it was a lot of work !!!!

5 years ago

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He said many stupid things. He also said that he want games you buy on steam to be activable on any platform you choose so he want people to buy on steam but use the key to active game on Epic or Uplay or Origin or GOG.

He also said that Microsoft will on purpose make steam not work on Windows 10. Microsoft answered gently showing that he is stupid and does not know anything about computer systems.

This guy is a developer not a gamer so he have no clue what he is talking about from the client/gamer perspective. He also loves to lie all the time just to be seen and promote his shity shop and luncher.

Also Epic is shit because there are some games that are 25$ more expensive on Epic then they are on Steam for my country (don't know if they are also more expensive for other countries) plus on Epic some countries have to pay 5-10% more when you want to buy a game to cover currency change rates, charges and fees.

Epic is giving developers more because it takes more from customers that buy games there and Epic is just bare bones store/luncher with nothing usefull in it. Sooner or later exclusive games on their store will end as they will run out of money from Fortnite and they will have to give developers less or increase prices even more.

Also I have Steam and GOG and because all my friends are on Steam and I have so many games on Steam I will never buy a game on Uplay or Origin or Windows Store or Epic. I have not played my GOG games for about 1,5 year so far so now I'm mostly playing games on Steam and I keep only GOG for some old games.

5 years ago*

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He also said that Microsoft will on purpose make steam not work on Windows 10
Through Valve were worried about it. So they went and added Proton, to make it easier to get Windows games running on Linux. Just in case.

Then there is the issue of near permanent crunch at Epic:
Do you want to risk being on the same roads as those workers when they are driving home fatigued ?

5 years ago

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Gamers should stop to worry about the cut everybody get, we still are paying the same, no matter how small or big is the cut of the pie for devs or publishers, the base prices for basic editions still will be $59.90 min (EU customers sometimes pay even more).
We should worry for the features offered by every plataform to customers, what benefict i get if i buy it "there" or "here", local prices, local currencies, payments methods, support, refund, etc, etc. and Epic is (in terms of what they offer to customers) the worst plataform at least for now (imo they dont care for customers as Tim S as made public several times).

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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The thing is that usually consumers don't care about behind-the-scenes cuts that are shared around and I personally think that they shouldn't care too much anyways. At least they should put themselves first. This is what Epic doesn't get. They think that we're all of a sudden happy because Deep Silver got a bigger paycheck. We're not. In fact, many of us despise this notion since publishers are usually hated by most consumers due to anti-consumer practices, negative dealings with developers and other issues that have popped up on a case-by-case basis.

Epic's service is objectively worse. They also have broken EU laws. Their PR consists of saying that consumers are unimportant, Valve sucks dick and that they care for the developers. They have a huge controversy or a multiple smaller issues that gain attention on a literal weekly basis since they opened their doors.

If publishers want better cuts, then they can easily fight for it and in the end it's their option on who they work with and what they demand when. But fuck this idea that you should be so supportive of developers/publishers that you might even suffer from it. That it's some standard you should hold. Fact is that this is a business and it's literally their job. I'm down to be supportive (which is exactly what I do), but a business is a business. I'm not their fanboy and I'm not their family member, who has to figure out how they can become successful.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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I wonder how many devs/publishers really care about the cut. I can't help but notice that it's not enough to get Epic even a day of exclusivity. Either Epic pays for exclusivity for a game or it's a simultaneous launch on all the stores it launches on.

5 years ago

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Yeah, they say that Steam's "losing its library", yet most games are still solely on Steam (new releases) and the only exclusives are corporate bribes not actual merit-based and/or protest-based decisions.

5 years ago

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There might be an argument for a short period of Epic exclusivity without being paid for it. I'm talking days at most. Metro Exodus shows that Epic exclusivity doesn't seem to hurt launch sales if the game is well promoted. But, after the launch window, you'd want as many people seeing your game as possible. Which means releasing it onto any storefront that will take it.

It's going to be interesting to see what happens with Cyberpunk. Will it be a temporary GOG exclusive ?

5 years ago

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Yeah, I can see developers doing that. Though they'd have backlash for leeching off of Steam. Just like Metro did with its great publicity. The hype was stirred up on Steam, it was advertised as a game on Steam and then they pulled out. Consequently they also left the Epic users on Steam to ask their tech questions since the game had technical issues on launch and Epic doesn't even have basic forums.

It's going to be interesting to see what happens with Cyberpunk. Will it be a temporary GOG exclusive ?

Would be weird if it wasn't, considering Thronebreaker.

5 years ago

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I wonder how many devs/publishers really care about the cut.

I imagine they care a great deal. Or it would've translated to lower prices for customers which it hasn't. Outside of Metro Exodus in the US only for the publisher to apparently charge more for it in other reasons because, of course, no publisher will actually eat the cost of VAT and are more than willing to have customers pay it instead.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thanks for talking about this because it's bothering me a lot.
First of all, Tim is a lying #$$^, even if steam gives 100% to devs they will still keep going to please his Chinese overlords.

Now that is out of the way lets talk real here, Sony, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Nintendo, GMG, Twitch, Amazon, etc....
all take a 30% cut, every publisher/platform owner take that cut. Why it's now a bad thing and why steam is the only one who has to change it.
Tim and epic fanboys use this excuse to just bait the devs to the epic store, even Tim himself said the 12% is not enough to run a store, Imagine store trying to compete with steam.

And excuse me when the fuck anybody cared about the devs ??!! any indie dev out there that have a decent game and tried to add 1$ extra to their game they get bashed on review with "Its a good game but don't deserve its xx price tag". Discord gives 90% to devs and Itch.io give 100% to the devs and didn't hear a single epic fanboy mention them what so ever.

5 years ago

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epic will at some point run out of money and they cant keep this up for too long. lets just wait until another game comes out that will overshadow fortnite.

5 years ago

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they own unreal engine so for them its easy to come back dont worry about them worry about steam if run out what then rip .

5 years ago

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85 is good allready, wish they do it

5 years ago

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Roblox gives 28% to the developers and no one even mentions it. Complain about it first

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5 years ago

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I mean, it sucks, but... who the shit sells their stuff with them anyways if the cut's so small? I mean, if they're fine with the cut, then of course. But it's not the happy ones that complain. You're also responsible for your own financial decisions. At some point you have to kind of ask the complainer "You saw it was 28%, yet you willingly agreed to work with them and then decided to complain?".

The 28% is pathetic, of course.

5 years ago

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This whole 88% issue is just a red herring. Epic is simply trying to deflect some of the hate that they're receiving over their exclusivity deals by making Valve look like the bad guys.

5 years ago

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I like [this tweet]. They're on the knife's edge with 12% that even a small alteration fucks it all up and they have to charge users more (not give devs smaller cuts or take the hit themselves, but instead gouge money from poor countries)

5 years ago

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personally i think that steam should go for it, since steam is already dead for AAA games, almost all pc AAA games are gone from steam.

5 years ago

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resident evil 2? Sekiro? Imperator Rome? Rage 2 and other Bethesda games? I have no clue what you talking about. There are a lot of new AAA and great games getting released on steam. Instead of checking ALL Upcoming releases where the games piled under the daily 500 hentai puzzle crap I suggest you check the Popular Incoming games instead.

5 years ago

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bethesda and capcom, are AAA, paraadox is AA,

5 years ago

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well, paradox games and DLCs only thing I buy on full price, for me those are AAAA:-) best value games:-)

5 years ago

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I do not want Valve to follow. Epic is trying to start a race to the bottom. A cycle of cutting costs so that the devs/publishers can make more profit.

Consumers always lose in a race to the bottom.

5 years ago

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If valve keep waiting to epic kill it self then lady and gentlemans we are fuc*ed.

5 years ago

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Sweeney seems to desperately want Valve to reduce their cut. My guess is that Epic's plan was to goad Valve into a race to the bottom. Stores like GOG would run out of money, until it's just Epic vs Valve. Epic sets a cut where Valve can't sustain itself. Valve runs out of money, while Tencent keeps Epic afloat. Then Epic walks out of this as the only remaining PC digital distribution client.

Except Valve did what they usually do: Almost nothing.

Remember, Epic is beholden to investors. Valve is privately owned. That means that Valve is able to say "sure, we are making less money than last year, but it's still plenty". Valve can decide to let Epic have the launch sales, while they pick up the long tail. So we might not see anything from Valve until they know how Epic has affect the long tail.

Meanwhile those investors will cause Sweeney trouble if the Epic store doesn't hit performance targets. Those investors are probably why Borderlands 3 only has a 6 month exclusivity period, while other games got 1 year deals. The nightmare scenario for Sweeney is probably those investors telling him to close the Epic store if it's not making enough of a profit.

5 years ago

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So Epics masterplan was Tencents money and Fortnite bucks... Against Valve's existing library, CS:GO, DOTA2 and TF2; and their probable war chests... As I can't imagine anything they have burned all of their billions on...

5 years ago

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Thing is, it might have worked. Had Valve reacted like a shareholder owned company and rushed to preserve short term profit. Instead of acting like Valve.

5 years ago

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Consumers always lose in a race to the bottom.

The single most apt thing said in this entire thread.

At the end of the day, I couldn't give two shits about this bleeding-heart "support the devs" bullshit (no more than I care about the guy behind the counter at the service station or the waitress who served my dinner). All I give a flying fuck about is how this affects me as a consumer, and so far, I don't see EGS offering me anything more than the next platform in line. In fact, they're offering less than nearly all of them, and at a higher cost to me.

Let me clue everyone in (supporters, haters, and everyone in between) - EGS, along with those developers and publishers, don't give a flying fuck about you, either (and certainly no more than Valve does). If you think Epic just wants a "nice and pleasant place in the market", you're lying to yourselves. Epic wants to dominate the market entirely, as any company in its position wants, and until they're giving me exactly what I want, they'll get zero support from me, the consumer.

5 years ago

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This. Sure, hate on Valve if you want but jumping on the Epic bandwagon like they're some sort of savior to rescue devs from the evil that is Valve and GabeN is idiotic and hypocrisy. You're just swapping the devil you know to another unknown.

"Until they're giving me exactly what I want, they'll get zero support from me, the consumer." - Yep, and no, holding a game hostage in their shitty platform without any incentive is not giving me what I want.

5 years ago

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"along with those developers and publishers, don't give a flying fuck about you, either (and certainly no more than Valve does). If you think Epic just wants a "nice and pleasant place in the market", you're lying to yourselves."

Nah. I've met devs who are good people and care about the games they make and their audience at least as far as having people enjoy them.
No need to go to that extreme and villainize the people working for these companies.

5 years ago

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They don't care about your livelihood or whether or not you eat tomorrow, and I've grown weary of hearing people tell me I should care about theirs and the food on their table.. They didn't go to EGS to improve your quality of life. They went for the paycheck, same as you or I would. I don't blame them for it, but I'm not naive enough to believe they're doing it "for the greater good", either, and I'm certainly not naive enough to feel obligated to purchase from EGS simply to support them.

That's not villainizing anyone. It's reality.

5 years ago

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no day without epic thread? please stop already.

70/30 isn't true for games which actually selling well, so for any of the game went epic exclusive it would have been the 80/20 on steam too.

Even Jim Schweiny said before the 88/12 won't be doable for them longterm.

This isn't an epic vs valve war actually, this is also an epic vs steam+gog+"any other stores might exist and I don't know about"+one million retailer site like fanatical, Indiegala, etc war

On other hands, I'll never buy any game, no matter how good it is (neither pirate it, I am not a criminal) which was exclusive to a platform, bribed the devs to not release somewhere else and not a game developed by that platform. Why? Because I hate monopoly and I don't want to support any game which decides for monopoly. But this is a good thing for me. Easier to decide what to play as never enough time to play all the good games:-)

5 years ago*

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so why do u buy on steam. They have 1000s of games you can only play if you open steam launcher ?

5 years ago

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You mean 1000s of trash games that can't get sold anywhere else? Yeah, I don't buy them, either.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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If I were Gabe, I would spend millions, regardless of whether I recovered it or not, in buying back the exclusivity of BL3, so that Randy had to kiss my ass daily on twitter.

5 years ago

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Tim's morning routine:
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest [gaming platform] of them all?"

5 years ago

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What people seemingly fail to understand is due to sheer foothold Valve has on digital market they don't have to do anything but wait. Epic's developer shopping spreed cannot continue forever if they don't get the returns they're hoping for.

5 years ago

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I doubt that steam will be getting that kind of a percentage, they might change it towards a better deal for the developers, but most definitely will not be that much.

5 years ago

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old new, but... i couldn't care if epic lowers their fee to 0.01%, because tim sweeney is the most anticonsumer thing in the world (he's also a liar and insane), and also because consumers will still have to pay $60 for a new game even if devs get 100%.

but maybe we should also force apple, google, and microsoft to pay devs 88% instead of 70-80%?
what about gog and their 30%? or do they have some kind of diplomatic immunity? I WaNt My GaMeS DrM FrEe!

5 years ago

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terrible security https://segmentnext.com/2019/04/03/epic-store-account-gets-hacked-loses-thousands-of-euros/ lol
prices are the same except for some regions (support the devs!) lol
limited selection of games lol
no user reviews lol
no cloud saves lol
no forums for their own games lol
no achievements lol
no social features (ah wait, i can import my steam friends aftert the app copied all the info from another directory without my permission, amazing!) lol
no linux support lol
no shopping cart lol

easy on the fanboyism. epic isn't gonna give a cent to any of you, guys.

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5 years ago

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confirmation bias confirmed lol

Epic has given me many good free games ......just saying.

37% of all steam games are never played ... cos that is how much shit is on there.

Forums -> see reddit forums.

linux is shit for 99% of users

Shopping cart is not needed due to low amount of games

Gaming was ok without achievements for 15-20 years of my life

Cloud saves can fuck up real local saves

User reviews are very subjective and can be abused -> see youtube fav reviewer videos or metacritic.

Friends list only exists to get you to buy more games - discord now have a store wonder why ?

5 years ago*

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Steam also has given me many good games for free in my life so... just saying

I don't know about that 37% but I know everyone have a backlog because of number of great games you can buy on Steam. Are there some shity ones? Yeah. Do you buy them? I hope not.

Forums - well Steam have forums so we can speak about a game or ask for help or contact the developer - are you proposing to use reddit forums just because Epic does not know how to make a forum about each game like Steam did? Weak point.

Linux is great for some and bad for others. I know people who use both Windows and Linux so that 99% is pulles from thin air.

Shopping cart is not needed due to low amount of games. True. Epic does not have many games so they don't need shopping cart as no one will buy anything there and all the Metro 2033 and exclusives that they write about were preordered as physical copies that people bought before Epic.

But since shopping cart is not needed it shows 3 problems with Epic:

  1. They don't know how to program a shopping cart because that would mean they have to pay someone and that would mean 12% would no longer be true.
  2. They don't have enough games for people to even think about buying 2 games at the same time so they don't need shopping cart because they are like an empty store.
  3. No shopping cart means also no -% discounts on games like there are on Steam or GOG that make people buy many games at the same time.

I'm old so --> Gaming was ok without achievements for 15-20 years of my life. True. It was also ok without 3D graphic. It was also ok without any graphic and with only text. It was also ok with no games genres. But games evolve and the way we play them and consume them evolve. Also some achievements are cool if you know you had to do something special to get them or your playstyle gives you some and your friend playstyle gives him other ones like in RPGs.

Cloud saves can fuck up real local saves ---> Cloud saves are here because as an old gamer you should remember the times when you just lose your save due to old Windows problems and had to format whole hard drive or save got some bugs and made you replay whole game again or save hit a bad sector on your HDD and it was gone. Cloud saves help you by keeping all your saves so you can go back to a game at any time you want and it will still be there. Cloud save and local save are both real btw. Also never seen cloud save fucking up local save but I also make a copy of local save before using a cloud save because that is a common sense to copy a file before changing it with some other file.

User reviews are very subjective and can be abused. Yes. That is why Steam have too kcare of that and is checking reviews. But also user reviews can tell you if you want a game. Epic gives developer option to delete any user reviews that they don't like so even if your game is shit you can abuse reviews in Epic much more than on any other platform and just pay for good ones and delete are the bad ones.

Friends list only exists to get you to buy more games. ----> If this is the only reason why you think you have a friends list I'm really sorry for you. I have it to have my real life friends there and to speak with them and play with them plus to have online friends there to ask about some games they have and what they think about them before I think about buying it or watch them play a game to see how it looks. Does it makes me buy more games? I don't think so. It makes me buy less games because I can ask if a game that looked good is shit or not and if it is I can add it to ignore list. I still have my wishlist based on what I want and it is not affected by my friends list but by youtube gameplays and what I like.

Steam also lets you to do screenshots and post them for others to see. Epic does not.
Steam also lets you write guides for games for other peoples to help them. Epic does not.
There are many things Steam gives you that Epic does not. Right now Epic is shit and maybe in the future it will get to Uplay or Origin level. I think it will never get to GOG or Steam level if they won't get more money from Fortnite to put it in Epic luncher and store but still leave 12%. But I don't think they created store and luncher to lose money so that 12% will change into 25%-30% in the future. But still why would a customer care about 12% or 30% if they pay the same price still or even if they pay more on Epic then they pay in other stores? Epic is also worse for me because of the prices as most games that they have and are on Steam cost 5-15$ more on Epic for me because Epic is putting all the fees, VAT, and currency exchange rates on you as a customer while Steam does not. So Epic is bad for customers and as many times their PR showed they don't care about customers, they care about developers.

EDIT: and about links you posted:

Australia - good thet they got a fine. Just it would be better to post an article not a forum with 5 people that in 2016 acted like... well... let say 3/5 are banned from forum now.

EU region blocking - I understand EU but I also know why RUS and CIS prices are lover but if EU says so than it means Valve will soon rise the price in countries that games were cheaper.

loot box ban in parts of europe - so Valve/Steam is doing something good and they ban things that are against the law of a country and you have problem with that because? You don't like the law of other countries and that Valve/Steam obeys these laws?

10 years before steam did anything about EU law on refunds - "As a result, even if your statutory right of withdrawal ends, you may still request a refund of your purchase pursuant to our own refund policy." So what steam says that even if your country law does not let you get a refund or your refund time ended they will still give you a refund... so they care about a customer... and that is bad because???

These were your links to support you or was it just some fast copy/paste from the internet forum without reading the links?

5 years ago*

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Because Valve is still combatting the Australia ruling, despite every authority on the planet ruling against them. They are dragging their feet for over two years now for a fine that costs them lower than one day worth of CS:GO gambling money.

Steam is stopping loot boxes is good in the sense when you say that a serial rapists swears to not rape any more. They still started it. Many video game companies deliberatey invent a problem and come back as the good guys when they stop doing it. See EA and their tweet about the next SW game not having any lootboxes or microtransactions. They expect to be praised when the logical reaction is "about fucking time you bunch of greedy fucks."
Same with Valve: "We nearly invented and popularised lootboxes that are ruining the entire Western game industry, but we pinky swear to stop it in one country (because law mandates us), so we are the good guys now, totes!" The Steam groupies (see this entire goddamn thread) respond: "Oh, Valve-chan, you are so great and good to us! OwO", whereas the reasonable reaction would be "What about apologising for starting the entire thing in the first place and also stopping it globally, you greedy fucks?"

By the way, the 37% is a half-decade old number. The actual number is in the high forties or fifties now. Even this site's user base is at 58% of their library that was never even touched, and touching includes card farming without playing the game for a microsecond. And don't tell me a one-million-user data pack is not representative.

5 years ago

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Why people say Valve started things like loot boxes and gambling while it was game developers long before CS:GO?

Magic: The Gathering is a real life card game based on gambling to get a good card in a pack.
ZT Online had loot boxes and gambling since it lunch in 2006.
UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 - loot boxes and gambling to get the best cards with the best players and coach.

I think these ones existed before CS:GO was made.

"See EA and their tweet about the next SW game not having any lootboxes or microtransactions. They expect to be praised when the logical reaction is "about fucking time you bunch of greedy fucks.""
True. EA dig up a hole that they don't know how to get out of.

Same with Valve: "We nearly invented and popularised loot boxes..." They did not invent loot boxes. They maybe popularised it but I think since there were already many online games that used loot boxes and developers saw that there are people who are willing to pay for something from game that other people have to work hard for the industry started to make loot boxes for games that are just created with making money all the time by lootboxes in it design. That is also why I don't play games that have lootboxes in it as these are mostly weak online games. As long as people want to pay for loot boxes or to pay for mystery bundles and get games they don't want with hope of that 0,01% chance to get what they want is as long the loot boxes and mystery bundles will be here.

"What about apologising for starting the entire thing in the first place and also stopping it globally, you greedy fucks?"

As I said they didn't start it and they were not the first with lootboxes. Also they can't just stop it globally because as long as there are people who will pay for loot boxes and mystery bundles they will exist. If something pays off, it sells. If something does not sell then it disappears. You don't expect Valve to tell every developer on theplanet to never create a game with loot boxes do you? Or maybe Epic should say that they won't accept any game with loot boxes in their store? Oh wait... they created Fortnite and Fortnite loot boxes is what is keeping the Epic store alive...

"By the way, the 37% is a half-decade old number. The actual number is in the high forties or fifties now. Even this site's user base is at 58% of their library that was never even touched, and touching includes card farming without playing the game for a microsecond. And don't tell me a one-million-user data pack is not representative."

Again: I know everyone have a backlog because of number of great games you can buy on Steam.

I don't know how it is a steam/valve fault that people buy more games than they play?
I think the same % is on GOG too as many people buy many games that they don't play in the end.
So Epic by having only a few games is good because the less games there are in store the more chance that % of played games will be higher and that is better than to sell more games?

5 years ago*

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This is why I say nearly invented. I usually just use the word 'popularised', since it s like Apple and smartphones: they only stole an existing idea and repackaged it as their own, but they were the ones making a shitload of money off of it, before someone else came and made it even better (but not to the point where they still don't make a shitton of money).
And no, I do not expect any company of stopping doing it, but I can still condemn them, including Valve (including Gabe Newell) for starting it. At least TGC packs give you something of gameplay value, but don't tell me there is gameplay value in a texture file or in a reticule. Or even a slightly recoloured skin, to go into Overwatch territory.
(Although sticker and card packs were also always too predatory for kids, they just packed the whole shenanigan into digital format. Instead of selling some tangible stuff for kids to gamble with, they sell non-existent stuff to gamble with, yay progress.)

58% is not a backlog. Not touching over half of the library is beyond backlog, it is hoarding. 58% indicates that the user base most likely has more games they could play in their entire life and they still keep hoarding without playing. Although this more or less describes this entire site in a nutshell.

5 years ago

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"don't tell me there is gameplay value in a texture file or in a reticule."

For me skins are worth nothing. But for some people skins will be a gameplay value because they want to look better, they want their char to look in a certain way.

I don't give a fuck about skins but for some people that texture file is important. The same is with people who play a game as a women because they want to look at a women ass while playing instead of male ass and that is also just a texture file that is a gameplay value for some people.

Just because for me and you something is not a gameplay value does not mean it is not gameplay value for others.

About backlog I don't know. I know I have a big backlog that I play now because I was buying many games when I had an old PC, games that I wanted to play when I get the new PC and since I have the new PC I'm playing my backlog but maybe I'm a bit of hoarder also as I have big wishlist and also if I see a bundle for 1-5$ with same games I want I will buy it but before I just activated all the keys for all the games from bundles now after finding this site I can GA all the keys from the bundles that I know I don't want.

5 years ago

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I want steam to be alot better. Being romantically involved with steam and not using dating apps does not encourage better performance and forward thinking.

5 years ago

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"Being romantically involved with steam and not using dating apps does not encourage better performance and forward thinking."


5 years ago

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I got a feeling this guy isn't the real Caligula

5 years ago

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Holly shit you of all users calling another user bias :V!

5 years ago

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i have 1700 games on steam ... do you think i want steam to be lazy and pigeon step progressive ? I have bought no games on Epic store yet i feel a real competitor is needed.

5 years ago

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I have ~1500 games on steam in 4 years and many more keys.

But I don't take epic's side for some utopical reasons like yours.

Want competition support competitors like GOG, have 180 games there.

You want to support devs, support them on other services like twitch store, humble bundle or other sites that Steam takes 0%!

5 years ago*

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And EPIC isn't a competitor.
They are buying exclusives, turning themselves into a monopoly for those who want to play the games they got.
GOG is a competitor.

5 years ago

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Epic has given me many good free games ......just saying.

I've received at least as many on Steam, and half a dozen other places as well. All your statement said is that you're easily bought and paid for.

37% of all steam games are never played ... cos that is how much shit is on there.

How many games ones owns/plays has no correlation with the quality of those games. Non-argument. I could buy 1000 highly rated games on Steam (and likely have) and never play them due to time constraints. There are far too many other reasons to make such a simple statement as you have.

Forums -> see reddit forums.

Sure, make another account elsewhere (or in multiple places in cases where the game doesn't host a reddit forum and instead host on their own site). That seems far easier than forums for all my games in one place. (That was sarcasm, in case it slipped by you).

linux is shit for 99% of users

So, the guy who hates Steam's "monopoly" wants a Windows monopoly on PC gaming. Lulz. This is a clear case of "I don't use it, so it's not needed", which is another non-argument (and one I'm sure a Linux user could debate at length)

Shopping cart is not needed due to low amount of games

Yet another "I don't use it so not needed" non-argument. Some of us buy more than one game at a time, to save email spam, multiple withdrawals from our bank cards/accounts, etc. and yes, simply because we can. Simply put, a shopping card should have been one of the first things implemented, even prior to launch. Its oversight is laughable, since it's considered one of the most very basic functions of most online retailers/distributors.

Gaming was ok without achievements for 15-20 years of my life

You really like this "I don't use it/like it/want it" non-argument, don't you? Please allow me to point out that most major platforms (or games) do have achievements these days, evidence that enough people want them or enjoy them to make them a viable feature to include. Are they needed? No, definitely not. Are they wanted? Apparently yes, by enough people that they've been implemented in multiple places.

Cloud saves can fuck up real local saves

Cloud saves can also be easily disabled if you don't like using them. However, since you pointed out the problem they can cause, I'll point out the problems they fix, like allowing you to easily play on different PCs/laptops from any location and pick up where you left off, or if your hard drive suddenly decides to take a shit on you. I can tell you, if my hard drive suddenly decided to take a dump and I didn't have cloud saving enabled, I'd lose 100's of hours of progress in multiple games.

User reviews are very subjective and can be abused -> see youtube fav reviewer videos or metacritic.

Anything can be abused. Using an infrequent occurrence as a reason to not include a feature is another non-argument (and let's not forget that Steam is already addressing review bombing). Reviews are more often than not useful, not only in checking out a game, but also for locating compatibility issues or fixes for broken games, since people often include those in reviews. Certainly I could google and get my reviews (or fixes) elsewhere, but it's nice having numerous reviews to start me off right there on the store page. That's a quality of life thing.

Friends list only exists to get you to buy more games - discord now have a store wonder why ?

That's a ridiculous thing to say. Familiar with multi-player or co-op? Yeah, I'm sure they didn't include a friend list so people could play games together. That would be silly. There is absolutely nothing in the friend list itself that gets anyone to buy more games. Perhaps you mean the Steam activity feed, which you can adjust to your liking, or ignore altogether.

When looking for a platform on which to hang my hat, I don't ask myself "what do I need?" I ask "what do I want?" And right now, EGS doesn't have enough of what I want to make it worth bothering with.

5 years ago

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the reality is steam have 8000+ games that are just card farming fodder so i was being kind with 37% not played which was a published stat. The steam ratings are about as accurate as me declaring the temperature by sticking my tongue out.

Everyone on the internet should be on reddit c'mon.

Linux is so good see steam OS.

Cart one is very low on priority of a sucessful store unless you sell 1000s of different flavoured condoms or sweets.

They use achievements to make people do 100% completion when in reality the enjoyment for the masses would be to complete a game and then stop playing. They are meaningless dopamine enhancers for addicts - i am a recovering addict.

Why did console games cram in co-op and multiplayer into games ... oh your friend needs to buy a copy. Friends list multiplies this effect.

5 years ago

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the reality is steam have 8000+ games that are just card farming fodder so i was being kind with 37% not played which was a published stat. The steam ratings are about as accurate as me declaring the temperature by sticking my tongue out.

37% not played has nothing to do with anything. It's a statistic contributed to by a great number of factors, not simply the quality of the games. I hope I'm not going to be repeating myself throughout this discussion, but I feel that's the direction this is going.

Everyone on the internet should be on reddit c'mon.

That's a ridiculous thing to say, like saying everyone should be on Facebook. Sweeney should slap himself twice for even suggesting it.

Linux is so good see steam OS.

Perhaps it's because of people like you, who apparently support a Windows stranglehold on the PC gaming market (a stranglehold Valve was actively discouraging with SteamOS, by the way) while condemning Steam's own position in the marketplace.

Cart one is very low on priority of a sucessful store unless you sell 1000s of different flavoured condoms or sweets

Again, it's a very basic (one of the most basic, in fact) functions of any successful online store, pretty much as common as the storefront itself.

They use achievements to make people do 100% completion when in reality the enjoyment for the masses would be to complete a game and then stop playing.

That's utter bullshit. They don't make anyone do anything. That's a choice. Please stop with the tinfoil hat conspiracies.

Why did console games cram in co-op and multiplayer into games ... oh your friend needs to buy a copy. Friends list multiplies this effect.

Right, it couldn't possibly be so friends could play games together. /facepalm Edit: Oh, and by the way, couch co-op has been in video games since the very first console, and it wasn't to sell more copies (since couch co-op only requires one copy). It was for exactly the reason I've given.

5 years ago

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You're just feeding a troll. He should sell his Steam account and go to epic to play Fortnite.

5 years ago

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But his excuses are amusing, and the achievements and friend list conspiracies actually made me LOL.

5 years ago

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Yes, they are, i didn't took the time to respond to him since the first reply he made he stated "friend list is just for buying more games" and i didn't want to bother with him. But you and someone else pointed good arguments so good job xD.

5 years ago

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steam was ground breaking once but has not moved forward in 5 years [regressed]. Billions of dollars does that to you .... look at apple phones compared to huawei and samsung when it comes to features. I will stay under the bridge until people start to at least accept steam is potentially dying like we all are - so act accordingly.

5 years ago

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Steam is dying and will need a transplant ... if gabe does nothing it will be a nice little store front full of nostalgia. Valve moves forward like a dinosaur; i cease to buy AAA games on steam now. Do as you will.

5 years ago

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Steam is dying

And if I click my heels together three times I can get to Kansas without a layover in St. Louis.

5 years ago

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Of course it sells, IT'S THE ONLY PLACE TO BUY IT! If it wasn't exclusive it would have sold double that amount thanks to Steam, stop being a sheep.
Here is a quote of someone from the comments there, to make it a bit clear for you:
"The exclusivity means that the store itself can not be the reason for sales numbers and without other available stores to make a comparison with on launch day, saying that the store is the reason for sales numbers is incredibly disingenuous.

Really dissapointed in this website for parroting the spin. You should be informing your readers, not going along with a marketing department playing pretend."
Now good day to you and your trolling.

5 years ago*

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LOL. You quote PCGamer, a gaming magazine where they actually know little about gaming?

Only a quarter of the total sales is from Epic store. Imagine if it were not exclusive, then I reckon at least 50% of the total sales will come from Steam. "Thanks to" my ass.

5 years ago

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Loot boxes make kids gamble .... who is scum ?

5 years ago

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I remember when ps1 games had split screen for couch co-op or even master system games / nes. Then they made the D-link on ps1 so people had to buy two consoles to play co-op doom etc .... the trend has continued to the point they cant be fucked to make split screen games on pc and they sell two copies.

5 years ago

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I remember all that as well. However, these days I also enjoy playing games (or even just talking about games) with people from all over the world, without them (or me) footing a $3000 travel bill to play a hardcore session of Goldeneye and eat some pizza rolls while we argue over who is the Mario Kart champ..

Hence, the friend list and modern multi-player gaming.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Your "points" get weaker and weaker with each answer. You know that right?

5 years ago

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Everyone on the internet should be on reddit c'mon.

Yeah, did you even check epicgames and fortnight subreddits?

5 years ago

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GOG is pressured to take a lower cut, this is partly why they are stopping their compensation program, to still keep at least some profit.

5 years ago

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True. That is also why they fired some people to spend less money to keep GOG store alive as now their main oponent on the market is Epic and GOG does not have a online game with loot boxes that can give them as much money as Epic game do. While Epic is 12% and using loot box money to cover the rest GOG have to lover the fee to stay on the market.

The good thing is that Epic put VAT, fees and currency exchange rates on the customers making their games cost more than on GOG or Steam so GOG have some chance to survive.

I hope that even if they close GOG my games will still be downloadable.

5 years ago*

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And some are still supporting Epic :(.

When competition means the downfall of the only complementary store to steam :(!

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by eMpY.