Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame - Act I & Act II is already in your Steam library
I've won the first act in a giveaway here, the second act wasn't released at the time. Maybe the key comes with both acts now since that's how it shows up on steam. In fact, looking at my past win it does say I've won both Act I and II, so I guess every key got upgraded to include both of 'em.
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Hmm....You know, I never thought to check that, primarily because I don't have it installed.....I don't think
EDIT No, I don't. I'm going to have to install it and use up one of my keys on a game that I'm never going to install, aren't I?
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I've made the GA, I'll try to find out in the meantime, the GA ends at midnight UK time, (75 minutes from now), so I guess, if I don't find the information I need, that I'll just have to bite the bullet and hope all is well. I would really prefer not to get a -Rep on my profile, I've worked hard on it, (well, as hard as anybody can do clicking buttons and taking pride in a sense of self-importance), so to have it ruined now would be a waste of a year's work
EDIT I took your lead and went to the Steam page and it says;
"All versions of Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame include:
(available now)
Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame - Act I
Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame - Act II
Karmaflow: The Original Soundtrack"
So it looks as though you are, indeed, correct
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Even so, it's a negative mark on my account, I can't be doing with that, it would eat away at me and I would end up stalking the night in alleyways looking for my next torture victim so I could slowly introduce them to the red hot pins I would hammer under their fingernails........But hopefully it won't come to that
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From the Steam page:
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are very pleased to announce that Act II is now online and available as update on Steam! Players who have bought Act I will automatically receive Act II and the soundtrack in the newest Steam update."
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OK, my next question, if you know., How in the MammaJammin' Blue Hell do I turn off the notifications that keep popping up every single time an entrant comments on the GA?
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private GA with a threat of being blacklisted and hit with a cactus if they comment :P
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I have seen others doing that but I couldn't Blacklist somebody for showing gratitude to me for giving away a game. Maybe they would prefer an animated gif of Johnny Rotten walking towards their monitor screen and when he gets there, he just sticks his fingers up at you and yells, "You see these? These are created especially for you.........and when I come back in an hour, I'll let you sniff the scent of your mom!!"......................Or, you could just play CoD and have a random 12 year old say that to you instead
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you don't have to blacklist them. all you gotta do is make them believe it.
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I don't know if I could do, to be honest, that would just be against who I'm trying to be now. 14 years ago? Would have done it before you even asked....but then my daughter was born and all of a sudden, I'm a softarse.
Can't stand to see the NSPCC adverts, (Charity for abused kids in the UK, for those that don't know), where they show a toddler having to root through the house bins just for something to eat and being left in dirty underwear and vest, and that's it......and the one where the little girl is at hospital for obvious signs of abuse with her dad being overbearing with the doctors because he knows they know what's going on and he wants to leave sharpish so the police don't arrest him, well, not there, anyway......Stuff like that, I can't handle anymore. I used to frequently view Gorezone and Ogrish, FFS!! Now an advert is making me upset?? And little girl's crying, I can't take that anymore, I either try to chill them out, which probably looks very dodgy given my appearance, or I gotta get outta there and rush away as fast as I can.
(If you don't know what the websites are, please DO NOT search for them and click to go on the site!!!)
Yeah, so a guy like the "Dad" in the advert is the kind of father that me and my older brothers used to target back in the day, Big and hard when they're 3 times the size of the kid, but when you get a late-teenager, a mid-20s and a mid-30s all together at the same time? They back down quickly, which doesn't help them in any way, they still got a kicking. Can't do that kind of thing anymore, not only because of my kids, I'm also disabled,m so not much for physical exertion anymore.
My God, I waffled on talking shit for ages, didn't I? Sorry about that
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dang it ocd. i clicked mark as read right away. now i have to keep this tab open in order to remember reading this. see ya in the morning.
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i bookmark everything for later, then forget them all. that's why i bookmark only the things i've truely given up.
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I've got folders that help sort out the pages into groups and categories........Well, in theory, anyway
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yeah, a temporary solution and it makes it easier to delete the stuff that i have no use for anymore. maybe i should name a folder "to read later" or something.
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Mine looks like this right now, although there are many that don't really belong in any of the folders.
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You don't. :p The only way to avoid that is to say in the description of the GA that you will blacklist anyone who makes comments.
It's not that hard to clear the comments, though, it only takes one click ;) You can click on the 'Discussions' tab on the left side of the screen and read what you have there, then click on the 'Mark as Read' button to clear everything :)
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True, it's just my OCD is going nuts, I'll click Mark All as Read so the notification is gone and the display is as it should be, then the next page I go to, I have more to Mark as Read. I feel like I'm playing a really lonely game of digital Hungry, Hungry Hippos
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Oh, wow, I had no idea. Thank you for going to the page and copying the info for me, I should have thought to look on there myself, (my brain feels like it's the consistency, and usefulness, of tapioca pudding right now due to lack of sleep), so thank you, I do appreciate it. You were well within Internet Law Statutes to massage my nether regions roughly......with a cactus.......but instead of flaming and making impolite comments, you replied to me. Thank you, really.
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Nah, no worries. I got curious myself once I saw the question. As for turning off the notifications, hmm, I don't know! Maybe someone else can answer that.
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So I'm attempting to make a Giveaway for the game "Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame Act 1", (Key word: ATTEMPTING), but when I type Karmaflow into the game title box, it shows up as Act 1 AND Act 2......Did I miss a post or announcement, in my seemingly infinite ignorance, where the Powers-That-Be deemed that Karmaflow Act 1 on it's own isn't suitable to be used in a GA anymore?
EDIT I took this screenie so you'd know what I mean, it's possible I didn't get my question across properly, lack of sleep and all that, (I don't know how to do the image tags on these boards)
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