Seems nice, but in reality... I don't have enough time... be careful, MMORPGs are XXI century's real timesuckers!
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It's yea, not yay. Yay is an exclamation of joy, yea is an alternate form of yes. Your question, taken literally, could be rewritten with synonyms as "Hooray!/No?" Just to illustrate that it doesn't make sense when written improperly...
However, as to what I assume you mean: Wildstar is most likely a no. I played the beta, and it was quite lackluster. The combat system is somewhat entertaining and novel, but the novelty wears off quickly and it's not as good an action combat system as TERA, or even in some ways Neverwinter, both of which are F2P. The game seemed to garner very little interest since beta, and I've heard nothing good about it. The population has declined drastically from what I've read, and even before that very few people seemed to actually bother with getting past the early leveling point in which player housing options were unlocked. Evidently the end game is also exceedingly punishing, rather than challenging, and even the "hardcore" or "elite" players that it was supposedly dedicated towards find it generally unpleasant. It's largely impossible to progress, since there are too few people even getting to end game, let alone going through the over-complicated and horrible process of attuning to actually get into the actual endgame content.
Also, I, and many other people, simply cannot stand the art style. It's annoyingly cartoony, and in rather childish ways in a lot of it. There are many enemies that look like they belong in a children's cartoon, as opposed to being a threatening monster.
Mechanically the game also doesn't hold up to other games I've played, and can be quite bothersome considering the amount of precision required in some ways. I would say that it's probably smoother, mechanically, than say FFXIV: ARR, but that is about the only sub based game I can think of that might have any more mechanical clunky feelings and delay issues, etc.
All in all there's really nothing particularly good I can say about my experiences with the game, and I haven't read anything any better about it. The game was so lackluster I don't think I even bothered to get past level 15 before I just dropped it and decided not to bother buying it. That was very shortly before launch, and everything I've read suggests that nothing of significance changed between then and launch. I've read that some changes to attunement for the end game progression either just happened or is planned to happen soon, to try to bring some people in to end game progression, but it's largely viewed as being too little, too late, since way too many people have quit already, and most of what I hear suggests Wildstar is an even bigger flop than SWTOR, though clearly a much less expensive game.
I'd say it might be worth checking out if you just feel deeply driven to try a new MMO, but I wouldn't even begin to suggest it's worth it's price. Personally I wouldn't touch anything more than a free trial.
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if you played pretty much any themepark mmo before, its a clear nay imo. its more of the same, been there done that kind of stuff. tried beta and couldnt stomach it past lvl 15 or so.
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I'm playing it from the launch day, its good fun from 1-18 lvl (maybe the most fun experience i had after wow tbc) but something stop me like a wall at 20-25 lvl area and create an alt to try other classes and the story continues... this happens about 50 days now. Maybe i have problem or the game has problems to keep me interested after that. Somehow after lvl 20 i thing the game is grindy and my character fills underpowered and take ages to kill things.
The community is the most friendly and helpful i've seen.
The money i payed was worth for the time i played and the community itself but after my sub ends im gone. My biggest regret was ESO, i payed 60 euro but got nothing in return, was painful for me.
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Level 20 is about the time that you really have to make use of... I forget what it's called, but stunning your enemies when they're readying a skill. When you stun them as they're about to use as kill they take extra damage during the duration of that stun. Once I learned that it became much easier to kill everything.
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Thanks for the tip, i will try and study it the next time i log.
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