I engage in debate on controversial topics - because I am an advocate for the freedom of speech and discussion and challenging of ideas. I get many BL's due to disagreements, but I do not blacklist anyone in return.
Most recently, I agreed with Trump about the Transgender Military ban - but not for the reasons you might think. But that didn't stop people from pretending that I was a bigot and slapping me with over 150 BL's in a single day. Maybe you were one? ;)
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Don't think so, while I do think the army shouldn't pay for their transition medicine which is their choice not a health issue, I don't agree with the ban either. No point, they're "saving" pennies in the big picture and losing able personnel out of stupidity. The army spends more on boner pills. Seriously.
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My contention is quite simple - as a former war fighter I have trained with soldiers who eventually go on to be disqualified for deployment. When you deploy to combat short on personnel, it increases risk of life. Trans soldiers (who are transitioning) are unable to deploy due to current regulations on gender segregated housing and the current inability to house trans soldiers in a combat theater.
In the current capacity of the military, I think they should either 1) ban all recruits who cannot deploy to war for whatever reason, and bar the current ones from re-enlistment or 2) change military unit composition so that administrative jobs never need to deploy and then lift the medical restrictions around enlistment for those jobs so even people in wheel chairs can enlist to serve in an administrative capacity if they so choose.
Neither of those two reasons are exclusive to transgender people. Still didn't stop people from calling me a bigot.
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I agree, it should be done that way... can open the availability to many people who want to serve but are otherwise barred for medical reasons... can actually increase the entire administrative side of the armed forces... potentially saves the military a bunch of money since they don't need to pack up the S Shops (admin folks) to go to a field exercise on base, at JRTC, NTC, costs to move them to forward locations, their equipment, etc, etc, etc. A good chunk of the US Military budget is spent on unnecessary logistics.
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Actually the Nintendo Switch is on the table.
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Hey, it's not me. Talk to the development team. The original name for the game was Card Farming Simulator.
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You would be surprised. Germans are completely nuts for Job Simulators; Farming Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator in particular.
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No. I understand it. I've been pretending to work my whole life.
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Do you mind to elobarate that a little bit more?
The most peaople i know including me are more like "Why the hell should i Play a Job Simulator, i have enough woirk in my Job allready"
Even if it may sound like this, i am not offended, just curious.
Of course i know some people who like to play Euro Truck Simulator because of "I can cruise through the world without even owning a Driver license" or a realistic Farming Simulation cause there Hobby was Farming years ago. I do not know why they stopped doing this Hobby for real though.
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Well I'm austrian and I my only experiences with Job Simulators so far were Cook, Serve Delicious and Papers, Please (which I would rather classify as more of a Stress Management game) but I think I can make an educated guess about the appeal of those games.
Once you've learned the mechanics I would assume those kind of games are not particularly stressful, more like a pleasant kind of grinding, good to turn your head off and just relax and you always have the next "carrot" dangling in front of head like buying a better tractor that yieds better rewards in return or building a barn so you can start raising cattle on the side or stuff like that.
Also and please keep in mind that what I'm saying is mostly based on hear-say but a surprising amount of real-life farmers (and Truck drivers) like to play those games probably because unlike in RL they can mess around without consequences:
Get cut off by a Prius ? Well, let's see whose car got more power... Your matchbox car or my eighteen-wheel truck :D
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I i get why they Appeal to some people.
I was more interested in how you came to this conclusion.
"You would be surprised. Germans are completely nuts for Job Simulators."
You know, it is allways interesteing for a German to know why others think we are as they think. (Even if Austria is not realy far away and easy to speak with)
At least i for myself and the close circle of People i like to interact with are so totally not into Job Simulators.
That is the reason i am so curious how you come to your thinking. ;)
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Well it's an assumption based on hear-say and things I've read on Gamestar and other gaming websites and magazines and talking to other gamers. I'm obviously talking comparisons so if let's say 3% of gamers worldwide are open to trying a job simulator and 9% of german gamers (again number drawn from thin air) that makes them notably more popular in Germany than in the rest of the world. Of course that doesn't mean every german goes nuts when they see a virtual tractor but it still is (from what I can tell) the home turf of Job Simulators. Maybe I oversold it a bit with my initial Germans are completely nuts for Job Simulators. statement.
It's similar to how Point & Click Adventure games are as far as I know much more popular in Europe than in the rest of the world.
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Well brevity is the soul of wit but sometimes I overdraw the picture a bit in favor of rhetoric ;)
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Are you a native Austrian? I ask, because your command of written English is virtually indistinguishable from a native English speaker's.
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Thanks a lot :) Born and raised. I think what helped me improve my english a lot was that about 8 years ago I got fed up with poor translations and german voice actors so I switched to streaming instead of regular TV. Now I can procrastinate and work on my language skills at the same time :D
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Yeah... when you put a Liberal government in place, there are no real jobs - so everyone has to simulate one lol
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I have learned that I'm having a better time here when I'm ignoring the political side of this site so why are you guys insisting on trying to drag me back in :P
I have my opinions and I'm going to keep them to myself :D
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this was meant to be humorous, no hate intended - just happens merkel is liberal ;)
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Actually my reply was too as the :P was ment to imply ;)
The thing about me having a better time here since I ignore polics is thrue though.
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It's marvelous! Thanks a lot :D
I just hope somebody stopped those adorable two little furballs before they reached the upper layer because like I know dogs they would keep eating until you can roll them home :D
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The Nintendo switch version is on the table in the front.
She's actually playing the PS4 version.
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Not just in Europe, the guy's hated all over the world.
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There is a game called Mr. President, where you are a secret service agent... and you can let Trump get shot. Maybe that is what you are looking for?
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I mean, it's Gamescom. It's pride of Germany to some extent. She's done this before, so why would this be any different?
People just read way too much into it. Humans like different experiences and fun. Obama did karaoke, our prime minister in Estonia visited young kids and took selfies with them for fun. Politicians are still people, no matter how much we and they themselves sometimes do to prove otherwise.
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Politicians are still people
Last time i checked everyone is still people, but not everyone's in charge ... for all i care they can be reptiliods.
Beside the point, that anything they do or don't do publicly, especially on that occasion is PR.
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Well, if you say that she loathed playing video games.
Otherwise, she's still a person just playing German video games in a German video game convention.
I get that a lot of these things are just PR, but this isn't really a public event for her. I doubt that she publically advertised that she'd be there at a certain time, playing Farming Sim. On the other hand, that's exactly what is done with most other public appearances.
Again, I don't know whether she was forced to play it or she actually wanted to try it. Previous years just have shown that she's done this before.
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At the last pride of Germany event there were like 16 rapes committed by the new migrants - how many rapes this year at gamescom?
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What's your point? I'm saying that politicians are still humans and that people tend to just spew shit about politics even though it doesn't really have a place there and you come out of the woodwork, yelling that people get raped...
What has this got to do with Merkel playing Farming Simulator?
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You seem rather testy - it was a joke... I don't think there will be any rapes at a video game convention.
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I have never heard of Poe's Law until just now... I suppose it holds some merits... although it is hard to believe that some things said in jest can be taken seriously especially at an obvious exaggeration. Take for instance something I posted a few comments up:
"Yeah... when you put a Liberal government in place, there are no real jobs - so everyone has to simulate one lol"
I find it hard to believe that anyone would actually believe that statement would be made in all seriousness.
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Oh, you'd be wrong there :D
I said that because Fallout: New Vegas had an "RU" tag placed on it, even if you weren't in Russia, that Russia shouldn't exist. People got mad at that too.
If you go anywhere else really and find political comments, you'll actually find crazy, insane theories from people that aren't usually that crazy.
Politics make people say shit that is insane as long as they can support their viewpoint.
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Scratch off 'on the internet' to your second meme and that sums it right up perfectly.
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maybe initially, but then the german work effic kicked in.
Look at the concentration on her face, she is making sure the farm is running in the most efficient way possible!
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It says Nintendo Switch Edition and she "switched" it with the PS4 edition :).
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Hey, Nintendo made a great console and we can now finnaly play games from 2011 Goddam it!
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If I was her, I'd be playing that M&B Bannerlord press demo! But I guess farm simulator is more her speed.
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With all the internal and external problems Germany is facing, it most be very reassuring for the Germans to see her playing video games. :O
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Yay, our great chancellor which is semi-responsible for all the terror attacks as she didn't do anything against the unrestricted invasion of r***fugees. Europe is supposed to be a great continent, not the world's trash bin.
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Ah, yes.
Blame it all on the refugees.
Was wondering when a comment like this would pop up.
Edit: Now I remember. You wrote that LGBT people had mental issues so just ignore my comment. No point in having a discussion.
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some of my brothers and sisters are called refugees since big people created some borders on this nice planet... :(
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Huh, I don't remember her looking like that, I wonder why the image of her in my mind is so different.
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I think I associated the looks of Ancilla Tilia with her for some reason.
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From comments I deducted she is not liked by public, am I correct?
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Oh you bet.
Needless to say migration isn't a right, refuge has rules and both must be controlled.
That is about a rough re-cap ... which more or less will manifest itself into voters dissent or worse.
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