How many games have you marked 'Not interested'
Literally 19. That doesn't seem like alot in comparison to yours.
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Blacklisted. oh, well. Nevermind.
How can you have 16.000?? I have 375 and I feel I have been forever marking "not interested" in steam. How long did it take you?
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I have none as not interested, just cuz I'm an open guy and even though I don't like certain genres, I'm willing to try most things.Bump! Also, what's the name of that second anime looking game in that pic listed as not interested?
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Those aren't marked not interested, it's just the next queue. In fact the first two are games I'm interested in! no idea what the 3rd is
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I'm not with my machine currently so I found some pics on the internet (I do own Chrono Trigger though ;) ). They made 1,2,4 and 6 slot machines.
Mine is the 4 slot like the picture though, except mine doesn't have the memory card slot :/.
The cartridges are thick as a VHS tape (if anyone remembers those :P )
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Geez that's more expensive than an XBOX One X! LUL But yeah, I never had a Neo Geo, but I have a NES and played a bunch of SNES games when I was younger, but I mostly grew up with the Gamecube/PSP/GB/DS. I do remember VHS tapes though. I still have a few lyin' around. Sucks they don't make players for em anymore. I don't know if I have one anymore. I miss VHS'.
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The cartridges were the exact same ones as the arcade carts, but they made the connectors slightly different so you couldn't play them on the home system. Since the arcade carts cost something like half or less than the home ones, adapters were super popular!
I never had a Neogeo, but I have a lot of consoles from Intellivision all the way up to ps3. Glad I didn't sell any of them <3
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Ohh gotcha, that makes sense. Makes people need to buy other copies so they work for their systems cuz more money for them etc. Also, Nice, homie!
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Don't even know how to view the # of games i've marked not interested. lol
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Looks like 127 for me... lol not quite as many as you...
on the other hand, i have hidden thousands of games on this site :)
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I've had 69 marked not interested for a while. Maybe I should increase that?
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Does that even do anything other then change the front page and discovery queue results?
EDIT: It doesn't even hide games on the front page...
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I have just a bit over 900 games marked as not interested, mostly Call of Duty games and their truckloads of DLCs, achievements spam games, and games with broken DRMs like GFWL and Securom.
And wow, did the Steam store really hit 16k games (and 16k DLCs)? I knew that Steam was becoming a junkyard lately, but I didn't expect things to be this bad.
I'm not even sure Steam Direct will help mitigate the issue, seeing that a few of the first approved games are... Sleengster 3 and Torch Cave 3 (ಠ_ಠ)
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The removal of greenlight was just a PR stunt. Valve could have cleaned up the store anytime they wanted.
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I only ever look at that discovery garbage when I have to for some promo like the sale. I don't need Steam pigeonholing me. I'd like to get the raw feed so I can decide for myself whether I'm interested or not. If I mark too many (for example) MMOs as "not interested", chances are it'll decide I don't want to see any.
I've used adblock to nuke the whole curators and recommended sections out of the store page. Ahhhhh.
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That's the number of games (and dlc, etc...) I've marked 'not interested' on the steam store! :D @_@
There's so much garbage on Steam now (and a lot of probably decent stuff that I'm just not interested in that it's hard to find anything without hiding it. When I joined Steam I think there were something like 2,000 games on Steam, and it was fairly well curated. With 16,000 hidden, I'm scared to see how many are actually on Steam now.
Whenever I hide a giveaway on SG, I click the store link and mark it 'not interested'. Due to the 'explore your queue' tasks during the summer sale I noticed that i was close.
How many games have you guys marked 'not interested' on the Steam store?
And of course I've made some giveaways to celebrate!
Hitman: Codename 47
Hitman: Absolution
The Haunted: Hells Reach 6 copies 😱
Prey 2017
EDIT: lext has made a handy userscript that makes going through the discovery queue and marking things and wishlisting them a lot easier/faster
Discovery Queue userscript:
Thanks to my OCD, I had to even up the other numbers on the page too xD
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