Not yet, maybe in the future :), although during development I've only ever seen +/- 5 green bars, which is small enough to just manually go through. If you check this page:, it will be sorted based on the discount percentage.
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If your goal on SG is just to raise your CV asap, than you're doing it wrong...
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Fair enough. But it would be naïve to think that this doesn't happen. Better to facilitate these people with interesting games, than with all those bundle-games only used for card farming imho.
[edit] Besides, as this thread states elaborately, CV isn't all great either:
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No, I had a lot of excess keys and wanted to get rid of those...
My remarks were not pointed directly to OP, I was speaking in general.
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True. You have to get rid of a VP copy every other month!
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Actually, I have many steam accounts for small home-lan parties. Not everyone in my group has the ability to buy the games I want to play, and I only play legally bought games. So I buy them many times. I've recently bought 6 bundles because of a racing game that was in it (12 times), but the other games in the bundle are not suitable for those accounts (no multiplayer). That leaves me with 5 copies of the bundle minus the racing game.
Does that answer your question? :)
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Keys were a part of a promo that my buddies and me were organizing for readers of certain gaming blog. These were left unclaimed long after the promo ended.
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yes, and it's good for the site. i started giving away many games, because i caught the "CV fever". and that was a good thing for SG. lots of giveaways created, and many of those non-bundled. actually i believe that's how it started for many members here. and i can't see anything wrong with it.
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Till then, have you also included Russian Bundle effect? The extension can check Steam Store price history for lowest discount, adding Russian price discount to check if it passed 95% ratio so it will be considered bundled eventually regardless of its current status.
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Good to see people trying to make this system more transparent and easy to use. This is a bit simplistic for my purposes, but the effort is appreciated! :)
I will point out though that buying heavily-discounted non-bundled games in an effort to boost CV faster than buying good bundles is a risky endeavor. I only buy bundles to GA that net more than 8 CV per $ spent, which equates to an 88.5% discount on a non-bundled game to get the same CV for the same money spent. Once you get up to that high of a discount in the US, where I am, there's a significant risk that there was some 95%+ sale somewhere (usually, but not always Russia), or some obscure bundle that doesn't show up on, that you miss even if you do the research, and you'll spend your money and still end up only getting 15% of the CV, perhaps with a delayed CV adjustment, which really hurts. In my opinion, the risk of a slightly better deal turning into a truly awful deal isn't worth it. I stick with high-value bundles for those purposes.
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Now that all of the work is done to figure out how to make my choices, it doesn't feel like that much effort to evaluate each new bundle, but I understand. That's why I started by saying I thought this was a great idea. :)
Red to highlight the riskier ones is a great idea - people are still going to want to push that limit for more CV, but at least you're telling them that they're rolling the dice.
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Maybe you can open the limit to an option so we could set it ourselves.
I would probably set it more like 83%. Many titles are 60% cheaper in RU but several are as high as 70% and coupled with an 83.3+ sale go over 95% off. I think 89% is too risky; it would catch everything that 54.55% off or more in a foreign region.
Edit: As an example, right now the script shows the Microids 30th Anniversary Bundle as green. It is 85% off but in Russia it has a 73.27% discount, leading to a price equivalent to US$2.41, less than 5% of the original $59.99. (Price information taken from
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It will go to the bundlelist! There are no official statements from support on that topic (as a own thread, but enough comments that explain that course of action)
I've written quite a lot about that here:
or here: (example of a 75% sale on steam that went to the bundlelist)
I can't find any comment from support right now though...
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I agree JB. My "non-bundled" gifts over the past couple of years have been games that a huge number of my friends wanted. And when a bundle comes out that has games I really want, I'll usually buy two - one for me and one to gift because I like to gift games that I enjoy :-)
But mostly, I am just here to gift away extra bundle keys in an environment that tries to prevent leeching and rule-breaking and automates the gifting process for me. It's less about CV and more about getting games to people that might eventually play them since I never will. However, I am also not immune to the charms of increased CV (though I hardly ever enter GA's anymore -I do enter for my wishlist once or twice a week just to maintain some semblance of participation :-p)
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Blockstorm is not giftable but listed on your recommendation.
I know there is no page listing non-giftable games.
But it's kinda inconvenient. But thank you for the effort.
Great work!
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Very cool plugin, thank you so much!
By the way, I had the same "experience" with Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile -- not giftable, but green in the plugin... But of course the plugin does not check for ungiftable games...
....well, yet? ;) ;) ;)
Again, thank you for the cool plugin!
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The red color is everything over 90%. This means that there is a good chance some other region gets 95%+, meaning that it will be added to the bundled-list later on. So: red means most savings, yet not the most safe bet. Do some more research before gifting this if your sole intention is to boost your CV.
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I have a very limited income. (I make about half of what is considered "the poverty level" in my country.) I still manage to give away some good stuff, though. I recommend you keep one eye on and set aside a small amount on a regular basis.
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Sounds good. Is this compatible with Enhanced Steam? I doubt it somehow.
Edit: Nevermind. Just saw that this is only for Steamgifts and not for Steam itself. Thank you, I will try this!
Edit 2: Works good, the only thing that is a bit annoying is, that i have several pages now, instead of one page. Do you think it would be possible to list all deals on one page?
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I thought about that, but figured that everything after the first page is not interesting enough to justify the extra loading time. If you want to sort by savings, just click on the appropriate link on the left. This will give you the most cost efficient options. Same goes for "latest" and "recommended". I can't really think of a scenario where the second page would add something significant
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Ok, fair point. I do however am a bit wary of adding more pages, as it is quite a load on steamgifts. For each game there are 2 separate calls to a new page (which is a full html page). So, 100 games = 200 extra page-loads for steamgifts. I'm not too fond of increasing this even further.
I will keep your suggestion in mind, and if I see that the second page is used frequently enough (by myself or maybe other feedback), then I will add it.
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Ok, I've seen the insane amount of deals now. I've added "live pagination" as an option. It is still disabled by default, but should be easy enough. Selecting that option removes the page navigation on the bottom of the page, but as soon as you scroll to the bottom it loads a new page, and appends it. It should be available in about an hour or so (again, publishing via store takes time). It should be in version 0.0.7!
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This sounds great.
I tried it out but it took 2minutes and 15 seconds on quite a good system without load to load the first page of sale offers with only the live pagination option activated and no further pages scrolled.
Without it was 4 seconds.
This is strange, since it does not do anything with the pages that will be shown after i scrolled down a few times. They are not calculated and processed, as it seems. Still it takes ginificantly longer to load the page with live pagination activated despite there are no changes visible.
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Hmm I can't reproduce what you're saying here. Both live pagination and the standard way load fine (even after loading a few pages it is still quite fast ). Maybe the server had a few hickups? Try again in an hour please :). I did notice some bugs with the neverending page and trying to click on the button again, will address those as fast as possible (somewhere monday probably). Please let me know if the problem persists!
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Yeah there were a few issues with the live pagination. I've changed it a bit, because I wasn;t happy with it. Now once you've pressed the button it should remember that, and upon loading new pages they should be processed automatically. I've deployed version v0.1.0, should be live within the hour. Thanks for the feedback!
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I only use Chrome as a backup browser but just gave it a quick look out of curiosity, not bad.
If I were to use this I think I'd like to strike a balance between the discount and the quality of the games, or at least have the option. Obviously things are subjective and one man's trash is another man's treasure, but would it be possible to somehow incorporate Steam user ratings, or some other measure of quality? Steam DB do ratings too, or how about including the number of S.Gifts member's wishlists each game is on as an indicator of how desirable the game is.
Not even sure if the above is even possible. If it is, then having the ability to sort by one of those quality measures would be good. That way it could become a tool for different kinds of users. You'd have those who want the biggest boost of CV who don't mind what the game is, those who are in a giving mood and only want to give away a high quality game that's on sale and everyone in between.
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The new version is deploying as we speak. Should be there within the hour. It has wishlist count as an option. Note that it takes a significant amount of loading time :(. But this should most definitely help in picking the more interesting choices, good suggestion!
[edit] Version 0.0.3 is live now!
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I have thought about this (multiple requests before you), and actually... I don't plan to in the near future. It started out as something handy for myself, which I figured would be nice to share. But I don't really like having to maintain 2 branches of a small plug-in, especially since I wouldn't be using the firefox version...
So sorry, but for now, chrome only :)
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[edit] I've removed the plugin from the chrome developer dashboard, as the sales page is removed. Thanks for all your support! [/edit]
Not everyone has as much to spend as some of you guys. I feel like this forms kind of a barrier for people to start gifting. Another thing which is quite demotivational is that if you spend a couple of euro's in the hopes of boosting your CV, only to see the game added to the bundle-list.
In order to accomodate people with smaller budgets, I've made this small plug-in for Chrome:
This will scan the Sales section, and hide all bundled-games, and color-code all remaining games for how good of a deal it is. I hope you like it, let me know!
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